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Blue Gender

Queen Asuka

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[color=silver][font=times new roman][b]Well the reason that so many characters die frequently is because its realistic...In real war people die easily and fast and you dont even know if there is a tommorrow (One of the reasons for the sexual content...Live for today and have pleasure while you can)

I was really amazed that CN only cut 2 scenes out of episode 2...(One of the more explicit human deaths and a brief sexual scene)

Hopefully CN will keep the editing to a minimum... :p [/color][/font][/b]
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I caught this last night on adult swim. It was a nice suprise.

I didnt know funi and cn were going to be working on this title, but Im glad they are.

I love the mech designs and the monsters weren't half bad either.

In all, Im looking forward to a season (or a few eps atleast) of "bg" and its gonna be a great little ride based on my pre adult swim bg experience.

I give this show a big thumbs up...
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I didn't catch the first episode, but i've seen the rest since. I don't really understand all of it yet. It's ok. It's also very serious.

Unlike Trigun witch is serious one moment and silly the next. I know it would be kinda stupid if any of them would act silly (like Vash) in a time of war.
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[color=hotpink][size=1]I have the first volume of this series and I've had it for a while and I must say that I really just don't like it. It's not my type of anime and it was just disgusting. I'm pretty sure the AS version is edited because it's a pretty mature anime...[/color][/size]
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Guest Forbidden One
[color=blue]Bleh, Blue Gender is sort of a let down, out of all the shows to follow FLCL they had to pick this one. The action is sort of lame at times, and the story seems to much like a merge of StarShip Troopers meets...um...28 days...[/color]
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Blue Gender it pretty cool if ya ask me, but right when i saw the first episode i thought it was kinda messed up and i was thinking what the heck. I just think its a little pathetic that whats his name or Yuji or somethin or other always trys to find or save people like him and they always end up dying, but as soon as i started watching the other episodes i actually think its pretty good now. It was hilarious when that one girl(the one wit the blonde short hair) slapped Joey and nocked some sence into him. Well, at least i think she did. hehe! I was also little bit surprised when Joey said that he wanted to do something instead of doin nothing and watchin ppl and his own kind bein killed. l8ta. thats pretty much it.
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Well I've already seen it but I'm watching it on AS just to see how they screw it up. I like it for the most part, but it does feel a little to much like Starship Troopers. I think what I like most about it is it's human like quality , I mean it's a war with the blue and when your at war people die, there's no sugar coating it. Also the way Yuji acts when he first awakes he acts and reacts like any other human being would but after a few days he sorta comes to terms that everyone he knew and loved and everything around him was gone and for the most part destroted ( as far as he knew) really sucked cause it that happened to the normal human it would take way longer for that to happen. Another thing is the characters, they actually ( except for hair and eyes ) have humanistic proportions. Yuji and others males have a musclular builds that proportion to human, Marleene has human proprtions, I mean she doesn't have legs to long or breast to big or to round and doesn't have the usual extreme curves, also they're not to tall . The mech's even move and look like an actual mech probably would. I like it, it's not the best anime but still it's good. That's my 2 cent's.
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Blue Gender's all right. The animation's great. As for the monsters mouth... maybe I just have a nasty mind. It's not the best anime out there but it's cool. Joey was so sexy and then he dies. Not cool. I don't think it matches up to Trigun but I do like how serious it is. I'm sick of all the goofy animes.
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i have something else to say.i think its starting to get stupid now cause since i have been watching Blue Gender lately Yugi just might as well make out with every god damn girl he comes across you know. it's starting to get really pathetic if you ask me. it just bugs the crap out of me and i am sorry that i sounded like was mad there for a minute that doesn't happen rarely.lol. and isn't Yugi kinda with Marleene or however you spell her name. or as a couple i should say?whatever. i'm not going to say anything else cause you ppl might not like it.hehe! jk. but you never know i might.
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Its it just me or was [spoiler]Yung's(sp?), the girl Yuji befriended, death scene not one of the coolest/dramatic death's in anime? I mean Yuji couldn't do anything but watch as the little girl was taken away in a blink of an eye.[/spoiler]

I just thought how they did it was cool, but that's just my opinion.:D
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For a second, I thought you ppl meant Yugi and Joey from Yu-Gi-Oh.. :sweat:

Anywayz, as for Blue Gender, I rarely watch it now. I missed the premier so I had almost no clue what was happening until my cousin filled me in. The characters are okay, but they seem.. I dunno. They just seem WAY to whimpy to me. I can't stand Yugi's girlfriend, the village girl. She's just so lame. That's my opinion of the romance/nonviolent scenes.

Now, ONTO THE VIOLENCE!!! I like fight scenes with people in giant robot suites, and not only because I like the Gundam series. To think that Yugi's the main char. and he's such a pathetic fighter in the beginning. Does he get better? I haven't been paying a lot of attention to it. Well, the others are good, but still wimpy. I miss Gundam!!! :bawl: :bawl:

~I want chicken, I want liver, meow mix, meow mix, please deliver!!~
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I know Yuji is a pathetic loser, but he ended up being the main charcter. Anyway, Blue Gender is making me want to buy a Dreamcast and Blue Stinger, the game Blue Gender is based on. I must admit that I also think that the naked Marlene thing in the ending credits is very weird. It's on ok show, it doesn't really credit up to the other anime shows I watch, but it's still good.
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As of yet I only have one major problem with the series. Yuji is the most annoying character ever. His constant whining makes me wish that I could reach into the screen, grab his thoat, and throttle (choke) him. At the very least, Marlene should smack him upside the head with the hand of her Armored Shreik. :devil:
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hey I just joined this board today but I only joined it for one reason I was wondering if any of you knew where I could find the full english version of the ending song for blue gender I found the full *** on kazaa but I cant find the english yet and while I'm here I might as well give my view

I think the show is ok I only caught on in the 6 episode which sucks but I'm now recording it every night I like it since its different its very serious and makes you think oh and to ansure a question I heard kkc the reason they probly wont nuke the blue is they are bugs and arnt roaches resistant to radation so I'm sure that explains a bit of that well if any one has any info on where I could find the song email me at [email]blindmelon@the-spa.com[/email] ps my dad picked the email
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sinka [/i]
[B]what I can make a short version of the word japanese and just say
jay ae pee Lol they beeped that out Lol [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=hotpink][size=1]I have no idea what in the world you were trying to say there, but I hope that in future posts your quality is better. If not, I will start deleting them because that post was spam.

Thank you. *QA*[/color][/size]
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well excuse me for taking the last two letters off Japan to make a shorter word thatI can type quicker I didnt know that was against the rules and look I dont under stand how what I'm saying is spam I will still talk about other stuff on this page I just wanted to see if any one knew anything about it so in the future could you try and be a bit more understand I have to here this song its so peacefull and romantic my minds at rest struggling with me it kinda represents how the mind and heart struggle I didnt mean anything bad but please be kinder in the future please
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blue genders cool the bugs are kinda stupid but im not complanin. why do theyhave to make that sleeper guy always mad. lastnight he got killed i thought cool the main carecter died but watever i thought that the whole "whats gonna happen to me on second earth" thing was gettin old.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by hellfire78 [/i]
[B]why do theyhave to make that sleeper guy always mad. lastnight he got killed i thought cool the main carecter died but watever i thought that the whole "whats gonna happen to me on second earth" thing was gettin old. [/B][/QUOTE]

[COLOR=red]yuji didn't die. He got injured. Said so in the next episode preview.

And I'm starting to like Blue Gender. I didn't like it at first, but I'm glad I started watching it. :)[/COLOR]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sinka [/i]
[B]well excuse me for taking the last two letters off Japan to make a shorter word thatI can type quicker I didnt know that was against the rules and look I dont under stand how what I'm saying is spam I will still talk about other stuff on this page I just wanted to see if any one knew anything about it so in the future could you try and be a bit more understand I have to here this song its so peacefull and romantic my minds at rest struggling with me it kinda represents how the mind and heart struggle I didnt mean anything bad but please be kinder in the future please [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=hotpink][size=1]I was being understanding. I didn't delete your post, did I?[/color][/size]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sinka [/i]
[B]what I can make a short version of the word japanese and just say
jay ae pee Lol they beeped that out Lol [/B][/QUOTE]

First of all, you're not allowed to double post. Secondly, your idea to make a shorter word for Japanese seems really dumb, that doesn't even look shorter than Japanese. Don't ask me to be understanding, because that is understanding.
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