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Blue Gender

Queen Asuka

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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i]
[B][color=hotpink][size=1]*Shudders* I hate this show. I hated it when I got the first volume, and I hated the animation, and I started a thread about it, no one responded, and now all of sudden it comes on CN and everyone loves it. It makes me hate it even more.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE]

Preach it; BG bites. >:P God, it got so repetative: meet characters, get to like characters, kill characters off in horrible ways.

That whole thing with Alicia was just sick...

And, of course, then end...made no sense....at all...

It was just a crappy show.
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Okay, I have a question that was presented to me..What does the gender stand for in the title of the anime. I know gender means like the sexuality of a being. Is it like Blue, the monsters, Gender, sex? Could someone please explain that to me?
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I understand it; it simply contradicts itself.

[spoiler] For example: If the only purpose of the Blue was to wipe out excess humans straining the Earth, then why create that uber-Blue at the end?

Why attack Earth-2 when they had resigned themselves to space?

Also...why create the Blue *at all*? A simple plague would have been simpler, more effective, and quicker.

Also, no explanation was given for the suicides of those on Earth-2.

What was sick about Alicia? Toni drove her insane (for no logical reason; he had everything under control anyway.) What's not sick about that?

The political strife was just boring; been there, done that. It was Gundam Wing, but less developed. Yawn.

Regarding the frequent deaths of characters: I don't expect every character to survive, but, really: *every single character but Yuji and Marleen died!*

Really, then, why did Marleen survive? Yuji was part of the Eath's "plan", but she sure wasn't. To kill off everyone except the hero and his girlfriend is just sloppy writing. [/spoiler]
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hahahaha, I know what you mean about only those two surviving. I really hate movies that have only two ppl survive. I mean, what's the point? If there are only two then how are they going to start over? They would go insane before they could repopulate, right?
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[spoiler] So...the Earth decided to kill everyone who didn't think the way it thought?

Really...if that's the way the Earth "thinks", I say stop recycling. In the show's scenario, the Earth could simply have given everyone B-cells, thus opening their eyes like Yuji, and stopping the problem.

Where did they say that none of the other characters cared about the Earth? This was never brought up in the show. In fact, some of the military soldiers were downright noble; the idea that they would become a huge threat to the eArth doesn't make sense.

Also, it seems highly unlikely that the Earth-conciousness would care about other planets, or space, with the attitude it presented.

The uber-Blue only killed a single military squad...kind of a waste.

Really, the whole "Earth-conciousness" thing was flawed to begin with, especially because who introduces it is Toni, when he's gone completely insane.

I found the whole series inconsistant, and often stupid, but the one thing about it that *really* bugged me was the scene in the last episode, where the Earth shows the image of new plant life sprouting from the deformed carcasses of people the Blue killed.

Isn't that a peachy, uplifting message? The Earth is reborn; it just had to kill billions of people in horible, nightmarish ways to do so. Aww...

Blue Gender is the worst kind of series, IMO: one that had a lot of potential, but wasted it all. [/spoiler]
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[color=green]So, DeathBug, I'm a little unclear, you REALLY liked this one, huh?lol Kidding... anyway, I really like the first 2 or 3 episodes, they caught my attention, and I really liked the last one, the ones in between, I can really come or go on, I missed a lot of them, but wheneveer I came back and watched, I didn't really feel like I had missed anything... The more we discuss it, the more I am starting to agree with DB, it's somewhat of a hit and miss for me, this one goes foul...[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by animangademon [/i]
[B]Geez, what's the point of me asking something whn all I get to see is blocked posts..Oh well, anyways. Are they going to restart the episodes on monday or are they going to discontinue and start something else? [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=hotpink][size=1]They are called Spoiler Tags and to read what is under them, you simply high-light them. It's so simple and so effective.[/color][/size]
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  • 3 weeks later...
For any Blue Gender fans here, I learned yesterday from [url]www.tvtome.com[/url] that there are more episodes to Blue Gender than the 26 adultswim.com has listed in its episode guide and were released on DVD. I hope these are included in the box set.

Edit: I just checked TVtome and learned the reason these episodes are not listed at adult swim is because they haven't aired yet. They start airing Nov. 3.
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Yay... I love Blue Gender except for Yugi's side burns. What more can they add to the show, though. I thought 26 eps were plenty. Hmmm... I wonder if Tony is coming back? *dramatci movie noise in the back ground* just my hypothesist though. Oh, more love scenes...
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Yeah, you kinda missed out on the action. I think that ep was building on Yugi and Maureen's character. The battle scenes with the blue made me kinda queesy(sp?). The series itelf isn't something to be sad about missing it, though. I mean, everyone has there own opinion, but I think it would porably appeal to the guys more than the girls. The later eps were wierd. It took awhile to catch on to what they were doing.
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Guest The Penguin God
And even then, you didn't want to know. Why? Blue Gender was a soap opera. With giant bugs. No offense to a fan, but if you want unoriginal plots and twists that have already happenned you can watch All My Children, and not get blood. I mean, seriously. These writers can't be that creative if after changing Marle, all they can think of is having Yugi change to what she is. So hwat do the cast have that distances this from even a bad soap opera? Bugs. Big bugs, that move horribly, and nothing like a bug really moves. they're big, blocky, and slow. So why are they a threat? Because the people are stupid. Just fuckin' nuke them! Seriously, if they didn't care about the people down there like everybody says they don't, why not? It will eventually go back to its natural space. Eventually.
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Actaully, theres alot more to Blue Gender than what you say PG. The show is like if you took Saving Private Ryan and Starship Troopers and animated it. There are several deaths threw out the show, mainly of characters you would think would stay threw out the episode, [spoiler](I.E. Keith and the Blue haired dude who's name excapes me.)[/spoiler] And threw otu the series several characters die.

The reason they do not nuke the Blue is tha fact that the Blue nest in the worlds major cities, meaning, if they nuke them, NO MORE SOCIETY! Aswell as the fact they do not want to kill the reaming human and also ravage Earth. [spoiler]That infact is the reason the Blue were created in the first place.[/spoiler]
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Guest The Penguin God
The death of Joey, you mean. Yeah, that was unexpected. Though not really. Joey and the commander were secondary characters, and therefore expendable. Especially the commander. But Marle couldn't die because she was the woman, and we all needed the romance. But didn't I hear just about everybody say that the people on Earth were suposed to be thought of as already dead? By the way, death does not make an anime original, it makes it death. Only certain deaths make it original.

Actually, it was an orignial idea. Just not done in an original way. Doesn't anybody wonder why the Blue didn't evolve for almost twenty years, then suddenly started changing drastically the second Yugi was awakened? Shouldn't they have been changing in the first place?
Also, what else can Blue Gender actually do for its twists? The only thing left i to destroy the Blue. Nothing else. Tony and the girl are dead, the Blue aren't as much a problem because of the huge suicidal thing, and Yugi could defeat the 'Blue without a core."
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  • 2 weeks later...
Is anyone keeping up with this anime on Adult Swim? It's getting really good now, and if you haven't started watching this is the right time. I'm already downloading the Subbed version on Kazaa. The animation is good, and the story is fairly decent (as of now). What are your thoughts?
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Guest SetoKaiba
Personally Blue Gender isn't one of my favorite Animes it's just way too slow paced for my taste. I don't really like the way how most of the episodes are executed. Also lastly the ending wasn't very impressionable and personally felt half baked.
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If you're talking about Episode 26, that's not the end. 12 new episodes begin airing on Nov. 3.

As for my opinion on the series, I enjoy it. I saw most of it during its first run and am now watching it again. The early episodes really impressed me, except for episode 7, which IMO, was a bit of a letdown. I know Dice was out there to destroy that Blue to avenge his loved one he couldn't protect, but they didn't really go into it. Who was it?, etc...
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I used to watch this show when it aired in the summer before school started. Now, i find myself not being able to stay up to watch it. I thought it was interesting, and i know i really didn't get very far into it, but what i saw the story was good. The blue kinda looked weird, but hey, its original. I liked the story, which keept you wondering what was going to happen next. which makes me wonder...what did happen after they made it to space?
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