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[size=1][color=darkblue] I thought that I'd like to see what everyone thought f my eastercamp banner and avatar. The banner I made as a build up to eastercamp, but have now decided to make a complimetanry avatar to honor the life changing experience brought by these wicked camps. Any comments would be greatly appreciated, the animations were done in flash. [/size][/color]
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[size=1]I like the avatar quite a bit. The changing boxes are pretty cool, and sort of a soft background animation--it doesn't drive me nuts every time I see it. ^_~

The banner is pretty jerky, though--going all over the place and whatnot.[/size]
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[size=1][color=darkblue] ah yes. the Animation is a little herky jerky on the banner image, I had made a more quality animated image which had more animation, including the fish turning, unfortunately my host Village Photos.com could not upload it, and it was such a big file, it would have taken forever and a day to view, so yeah ~_^ not very nice to lower speed connections, so I reverted to the more simple, jerkyt one.

As time goes on, I might make another one with a more subtle animation, thsanks for your comments, and please, people, do keep them coming, I love reading them ^_^ [/size][/color]
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