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New Avatar


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Heres an avatar I just made. Its not much of a biggy. I was going to add a lense flare but I decided to not make it too complicated and stuck with 3 layers.

I grabbed the pic from a random website, cropped it to 80x80 pixels. Added a cloudy/baby blue sky backround. And a white Eric Light font. I really like the font because it goes well with the green tunic. Hope you guys like it, it was fun to make.

Compliments and suggestions are welcome.

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I tried moving it to the right but the font goes into the backround and it doesnt look better.

So it was either crappy font with good picture or a fair enough picture with good font.

The size of the font on Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0 only goes to 6, and thats what it is on.
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I like it--simple and clean. *thwaps anyone that starts singing that song*

Is there a cloud behind him in the pic, or did you cut the pic out and stick it on a light blue background? Because that will determine if I have a nitpick or not, which is this: I see some white edging around his face. It's a good effect, but it's not around the entire face, so it breaks up the--what it is that it is breaking up. Oo;
(Disregard nitpick if it was a cloud.)

CONGRATULATIONS! I can read the text clearly, I can see the text clearly, you have no idea how happy you made me. ^________^ Maybe a tiny drop shadow to make it stand out just a bit more, but it's fine the way it is.

KUDOSx2! You used a pic I haven't seen [i]ad naseum![/i] I am quite pleased, heh.

9/1o. Be proud and make more avatars. ;)
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Hey, thanks alot.

Yes, there are indeed clouds in the backround. Guess I should have placed them a little better.

Hmmm....I had the layers locked and didnt have time to make the drop shadow. So I will try that tomorrow.(As of now my Mom is bickering at me to go to bed. Hah. Well I'm out and Ill keep making avatars.

Thanks for the tips.
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Here, I just finished another one. I took out the clouds in the backround. I added a smaller font. But it looks sketchy. Tell me how it looks.


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