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Waiting for School to End

Yu Yu Hakusho!

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[color=green]I can't wait until we get out of school. I'm really fed up with my math teacher. She insists on giving us homework every day....like huge packets and book work.
Anyway, we get out on the 30th of May. I think it's so stupid the way things are at our school.
Ok, so we have Monday off, which is Memorial Day. Then we have to go back to school for 4 days to sit there and do NOTHING!! That's what happened last year. *grumbles*
But a good thing is that we have half days for the last 3 days.
Otherwise, I'm counting down the SECONDS to my freedom from school...(not really seconds, but more like days)[/color]

[color=deeppink]Days of School Left:
6 weeks
30 days
Yay!! I can't wait for summer.[/color]
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[color=darkred]Argh, that sucks. I thought it was bad having an 11 week term. I'm on holidays now [Squee!] but I go back on the 29th or so [I forget the actual date]. Until then, I'm planning on enjoying my freedom.

Don't worry about going to school and doing nothing. I had to work right until the end bell on the last day, so really, doing nothing is easy.[/color]
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[color=green]Haha, I can't wait for school to end either. We get out May 23rd I do believe. We have about 3 snowdays, so what they did was add 8 mins onto the end of the day. Plus a few to some of the classes. Sucks eh? Oh well.^^() We start August 15th usually, and get out May 23rd. That's how it goes. Can't wait for it to be over, and have a nice relaxing summer.^~[/color]
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[FONT=arial]we also get out of school May 23, I think. I'll be so relieved when the year's over, but a little sad too, what with people graduating and not getting to see a lot of people over the summer. but yeah, it'll be a relief to have a good two months to do nothing for a change ^_^.[/FONT]
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Bah, you guys are probably the luckiest on the planet. I'm counting down the days until school is done with my sub profile -- 1 month, 29 days. That's right, we don't get out until June 19th. Why? Oh god...my county has had many snow days, and they insist on not letting us off on a single one. We have to pay for each and every snow day, so they just tack it off on the end of the year, in spring break, and other random days. Rediculous.

The coming weeks will be the hardest, too. They are still overloading us with work to make up for the old snow days, and the tests are coming every week. And then there are the finals at the end of the year. Ai, this year sucks. Plus, while usually I can get out on the last day, due to the fact that I have two Math classes, I can't. You see, when they tell me to take my Math final, I'll only be able to take one, so the other one would be made up on the last day. That's how it goes...
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by eve [/i]
Yu Yu Hakusho
I live in TX to ' but I'm around Dallas.
I made A&B so I don't have to go *yah!*
I have been in summer school
and it bite big time! [/B][/QUOTE]
How was summer school? Sounds like it sucked.

That sux. I can't believe you have that many days of school left! I bet you don't like those snow days anymore....*pats of back*
You probably don't hate school as much as I do though.
BTW: When did you start? That might have something to do with it. Or like you said, just all the snow days. You must live far up North.
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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]Well, I think it snowed in Houston six years ago... ^^;

I live in San Francisco, and we pretty much start a few days later than other schools, but end a few days later. Our school started this year around August 26, and it ends at June 6th. I'm actually excited for the last day of school because I get to see my report card.

I actually like school alot. ^_^[/color] [/size]
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Hm, this topic is very similar to the summer vacation one, but as long as it sticks to primarily discussing school, as opposed to summer plans, things will be straight.

Things are a bit hectic for me right now. I have to pull in three hours of psychology experiments or write a five page paper--plus finals are approaching quickly.

I enjoyed this semester more than I thought I would. A couple of the classes were [i]really[/i] large and, thus, boring. But, I've adjusted well and met some cool people. Nonetheless, I can't wait until the semester ends. I've been looking forward to resting up for quite a while. I'm academically burnt out.
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24 days left of school. The problem is this. We have make up days for 2 days of an ice storm. One of those days is may 17th. a Major Concert, and a saturday.

Anyway, we get out may 23rd. and the last 3 days r exams, andw e get out early after those..
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yu Yu Hakusho! [/i]
[B]BTW: When did you start? That might have something to do with it. Or like you said, just all the snow days. You must live far up North. [/B][/QUOTE]
Well, usually our schedual runs [i]exactly[/i] like Juuthena's. We start on the 26th of August and end on the 6th of June. And no, I don't live far north, actually, I live in Southern Maryland, as in Washington DC district. I'd say that's...around in the middle.
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The day school ends is the day I feel I shall die. My good friend, in fact the girl that is the reason for my signature, is moving a million miles away. Her parents are draging her away to Kentucky... and she has family here in Texas that would take her in, but her dad won't let her. I am so upset, she moves after school lets out... This ****ing sucks. I tell myself that I will be ok, that I will see her again, but I'm not ok... I tell myself and her that no matter how far apart we are from each other my love will always be there with her protecting her from all harm, but I fear that it can not... The end of school is the begining of Hell.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i]
[B][size=1]I'm on Spring Break. Life is good. ^_^[/size] [/B][/QUOTE]

You'd think the school system int he US would be able to somewhat coordinate the Spring Breaks. But alas, such is not the case. My Spring break was int he middle of Winter none-the-less. it's rather odd the one thing educating us isn't very educated or logical in that. Oh wait, the population are the ones voting in members of the school board. Ah it all makes sense now.

Note: Correctionon my last post. I have THREE days till the end of school.
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[b][size=1]If you guys are talking about summer holidays, geez, you have it easy.

The only reason I get out on June 16th this year is because my 'final' exams finish then, so there is no point to our year being in school and stressing out the teachers, lol.

Normally, I would get out of school on July 20, and go back on the 6th of September.[/b][/size]
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Not too long. May 23. Next school year starts in August.

We're having our 4th week of testing starting today, can you believe that? CRCT right after we got back from spring break. Then our teachers cram the rest of the year at us and we are left with loads of tests and homework.

I hope the kids at school mature mentally over the summer. It's impossible to talk to anyone, they just spew cuss words.
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