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Transtic Nerve

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lol, yeah Madonna.

As a gay male, I have an obligation to my cause to enjoy Madonna and everything about her. It's in the handbook. Ever met a gay guy who didn't like Madonna? Exactly... anyway. SO I feel the need to mention her new album and song.

Her new album, released TODAY (04.22.03) is the same name as her second single from it, American Life. Die Another Day was the first single from the album, althoughit was more a release for the movie.

I'm listening to the album now. And it's a bit odd. Different from what I'm used to. Alot of Acoustic sounds in this one, yet alot of poppy dance beats as well (American Life, Die Another Day for example) But what catches me off guard is the continual refrence to Christianity in her songs (as her former faith). And all religion for that matter. She has always had a controversial stand in the religious world (Anyone remember the Like a Prayer video?) but i really didn't expect to see it rising back in her music on this album. Maybe I wasn't paying attentionbut I don't remember so many religious connotations mentioned in Ray of Light. Perhaps with the social changes. She is always one to change with every album and single for that matter. I've never seen her as one thing for long periods of time lol.

The album comes with a DVD if you get the special edition. Which probably contins the video for American Life, which you won't be seeing on American TV. I personally liked the video, it was a bit odd, but then again so is the song, so it seemed to go well. Madonna rapping though, a big non-no. She does it in 2 songs on the album, Mother and Father and American Life. I didn't like it. lol.

Anyway, if you come across this albuma nd have $20 or so to spend, I suggest buying it. You'll be entertained, I garuantee.
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I heard American Life all over the radio... Madonna rapping was VERY scary... but I like the song.
I saw that Madonna Speaks thing on VH1, it was pretty interesting.
I totally forgot it came out today... I gotta go get it! Add it to everyother Madonna cd I have
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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]I haven't heard the other songs in her new Album yet, but I like 'American Life' alot. ^_^;

I like it [i[alot[/i] better than her last album. (I think it was 'Music'...).

It was interesting watching those flags in her music video, too. I actually thought it'd be alot like her 'Die Another Day' video, though. ^^;[/color] [/size]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i]
[B]As a gay male, I have an obligation to my cause to enjoy Madonna and everything about her. It's in the handbook.[/B][/QUOTE]
[size=1]We get a handbook? Somehow I missed must have this.

Anyway, I have not had a chance to listen to her latest album, but I have heard mixed reviews about it. I don't own any Madonna albums, so I doubt that I will be adding this one to my collection.

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I don't really like "American Life." The song, that is. I haven't heard the album. I might preview it next time I'm in Borders.

I'm actually pretty interested in what her video looks like (the original version, of course). There's a lot of controversy around it, and since I don't get offended by music videos easily, I really want to see what's so special about it.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i]
[B][size=1]We get a handbook? Somehow I missed must have this.

[/size] [/B][/QUOTE]

Yes we do. It's very long and hard...... to comprhend... hehe. You're recently outed so you still have a few years to obtain this. It's very secretive lol or something like that.

The video for American life. You can watch it online at various place. Like [url=http://launch.yahoo.com/destinations/promotions/madonna/]here[/url] for example. Youc an also sample her albun if you wish. I don't see what's so controversial about transexuals in the army. lol
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[color=black][size=1][font=rockwell] There's so much better music out there than Madonna. My God. To me she's already been dead. Her newer albums have been horrible and far inbetween. Maybe it's because I don't like pop all too well, but [i]there is[/i] better music than this out there.

From what I've heard, her new record isn't too good.[/color][/size][/font]
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Old Madonna = good.
New Madonna = bad.

I don't know. I liked her back a long time ago. Then she disappeared, and since then has tried something new with every single CD she has put out. And these styles aren't even releated. First it was this almost depressive stuff, then we get this garbage on "Music"... Then the Bond song, which in my opinion was awful.

It's very aggrivating. It's obvious she is trying to fit in and cater to the common denominator instead of being how she used to. If any other band did this like she does they'd be labeled as "sell-outs" instantly. When Madonna does it, she is "reinventing herself." That's total BS in my opinion, at least in the last several years.

I had respect for Madonna. I still do, mostly because of her past. At this point, her whole act is just getting tired for me. Especially considering how cocky she is. Adding in all the talk over her and Richies (or whatever it's spelled) marriage and movies (and their movie together SUCKED by the way), it gets even more annoying.

Plus, I have to add that I personally don't find her the least bit attractive. I could drive a truck between her two front teeth. I wouldn't even bring that up, except for the fact that she obviously plays off her sexual qualities.

Anyway, like I said. Old is good. New is bad. However, people can like what they want heh. Obviously, I'm in the minority as it is.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitch [/i]
[B][color=black][size=1][font=rockwell] There's so much better music out there than Madonna. My God. To me she's already been dead. Her newer albums have been horrible and far inbetween. Maybe it's because I don't like pop all too well, but [i]there is[/i] better music than this out there.

From what I've heard, her new record isn't too good.[/color][/size][/font] [/B][/QUOTE]

You sound like me. lol.

I tend to agree, but I tend to disagree. I have to like Madonna. I dunno what it is, every gay guy does. Even if I tried, I couldn't NOT like Madonna. Old or new, Ugly or Pretty, Pregnant or not. She's the the symbols that is us it seems. But yes, like I said, it's not the best album, but its certainly better than some of the crap on the market. Plus she is ever changing. She never is the same for more than 2 months it seems. Always has something different here and there. Whether her appearance or music, something is always changing. With change comes good and bad. Obviously people who like older stuff isn't gonna like newer stuff and so and so on.

She's not the best by far, but you certainly can't count her out as being very good at what she does.
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[color=darkblue]I don't really get into her songs, but I [i]adore[/i] her. She is a goddess. I guess it's her personality. I haven't heard a whole lot of her old stuff, though, because I was only ten or so and it was very taboo in my parents' little society back then.

There is one song I'm obsessed with: "Human Nature", from the Bedtime Stories album. I think I'll go listen to it right now.

But first: she'll be on [i]Will & Grace[/i] this Thursday & I'm watching for that specific reason.[/color]
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hhaahaaah do you know what happens if you try to download her song american life?
Her voice comes on saying "what the %^&$ do you think you're doing?"
Well someone hacked it and put her whole cd for download and i think their link says something like
we know what we are dong or something like that.

hn gay guys and madonna. It sounds like jack and cher.
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[color=red][b]downloading a 3 or 4 meg song on dialup takes like 10 minutes. But I wouldn't be downloading Madonna songs anyway.[/b][/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Endymion [/i]
[B]I remember hearing that Madonna has several decoys of her song online. If you try to download her song, you might get ahold of a fake. I'm sure that must be frustrating for dial-up users who try to download it. [/B][/QUOTE]

Yes those are out there, but I got around them and found actual ones. There's decoys of everythign out there... I dunno why peopel continue to keep these fileson their computer so others can download them. Makes absolutely no sense to me.
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Most likely because they are the same people who somehow manage to use Kazaa but have no idea what an MP3 even is. It's too difficult for them to delete, I guess. People are smart.

Anyway, from the Register.co.uk... since this was mentioned.

[quote]Like a virgin - Madonna hacked for the very first time
Madonna's role as the material girl placed her in a spot of trouble this weekend when the pop star's Web site started doling out free song files from her new album.

A hacker decided to take revenge on Madonna after she flooded P2P networks with fake music files from her "American Life" album. Madonna had apparently laced the fake tracks with loops of her saying, "What the **** do you think you are doing?"

The hacker scored a minor victory against Madonna by breaking into her site over the weekend and posting all of the tracks from "American Life" for download. According to The Smoking Gun, the site went offline after the attack and remained down for close to 15 hours.

The hacker also left a message for Madonna saying, "This is what the **** I think am doing."

Neither Madonna nor her music label cohorts seem to have mastered the art of fan relations just yet.

Swearing at your most loyal and eager audience ranks right up there with filing lawsuits against college students and launching attacks against our armed forces. It's also on par with making new CDs as difficult to open as possible, bound as they are with glue and cellophane.

This is not an industry run by men and women with any love of music. Times must be tough for the one-time pop queen.
She stared as Amber in the film "Swept Away," but few were able to judge her performance as a torrent of damning reviews ensured moviegoers stayed at home.[/quote]
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Wow. I was actually pretty impressed with the decoy-mp3 tactic. I download music all the time, but it was kinda funny to see an artist do something besides complain or slap somebody with a ridiculous lawsuit. I'm sure it must be frustrating for some of her fans, but I have to admit, that was pretty damn clever.
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Guest dr.septagon
I like some of Maddona's songs but her new one 'American life' is absolutely and utterly ****** and ****** + *******! I mean the music, the lyrics, the video, I donr know why people like it and why it is even in the charts! Oh yeah cause its Maddona and not someone else.

Oh, and the rapping :laugh: :nervous: :flaming: :therock: LOL , so crap and annoyingly sh*t! rofl
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