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[b][color=red]XanMan213:[/b][/color] [color=teal][font=courier][size=1]Hey.[/color][/font][/size]
[b][color=blue]Wes316:[/b][/color] [b][COLOR=firebrick]Hey.[/COLOR][/b]
[b][color=red]XanMan213:[/b][/color] [color=teal][font=courier][size=1]What's up?[/color][/font][/size]
[b][color=blue]Wes316:[/b][/color] [b][COLOR=firebrick]Nothing much. You?[/COLOR][/b]
[b][color=red]XanMan213:[/b][/color] [color=teal][font=courier][size=1]Same. Have U checked the forums today?[/color][/font][/size]
[b][color=blue]Wes316:[/b][/color] [b][COLOR=firebrick]Not yet. I just got online. I had a long day at work.[/COLOR][/b]
[b][color=red]XanMan213:[/b][/color] [color=teal][font=courier][size=1]Oh.. hehe.[/color][/font][/size]
[b][color=red]XanMan213:[/b][/color] [color=teal][font=courier][size=1]:smooch:[/color][/font][/size]
[b][color=blue]Wes316:[/b][/color] [b][COLOR=firebrick]Shut up. I wasn't doing [i]that[/i] kind of work. I was talking to my bosses at Shanghai TV.[/COLOR][/b]
[b][color=red]XanMan213:[/b][/color] [color=teal][font=courier][size=1]about what?[/color][/font][/size]
[b][color=blue]Wes316:[/b][/color] [b][COLOR=firebrick]Nothing. Let's just say that I'm going to have a lot more free time to stay online and chat with you.[/COLOR][/b]
[b][color=blue]Wes316:[/b][/color] [b][COLOR=firebrick]::sigh::[/COLOR][/b]
[b][color=red]XanMan213:[/b][/color][color=teal][font=courier][size=1] I?m sorry. [/color][/font][/size]
[b][color=blue]Wes316:[/b][/color] [b][COLOR=firebrick] It?s ok. Don?t worry about it.[/COLOR][/b]
[b][color=red]XanMan213:[/b][/color][color=teal][font=courier][size=1] Hmm. Do you feel like logging on and playing for a while?[/color][/font][/size]
[b][color=blue]Wes316:[/b][/color] [b][COLOR=firebrick] Sure. I need something to distract me right now anyway. Can we go to that dungeon full of newbies, and try to boss them around?[/COLOR][/b]
[b][color=red]XanMan213:[/b][/color][color=teal][font=courier][size=1] We can?t do that.[/color][/font][/size]
[b][color=blue]Wes316:[/b][/color] [b][COLOR=firebrick]Why not?![/COLOR][/b]
[b][color=red]XanMan213:[/b][/color][color=teal][font=courier][size=1] LOL You didn?t let me tell you; they announced the closing of a few smaller dungeons on the forums. There was some sort of coding problem, and a group of hackers exploited[/color][/font][/size]
[b][color=red]XanMan213:[/b][/color][color=teal][font=courier][size=1] it so the admins locked up the dungeons for a few days, so they can fix whatever damage was dealt.[/color][/font][/size]
[b][color=blue]Wes316:[/b][/color] [b][COLOR=firebrick]Wesll that sucks. How do they expect me to have any fun if they keep closing my favorite dugeons?[/COLOR][/b]
[b][color=red]XanMan213:[/b][/color][color=teal][font=courier][size=1] Maybe they want you to challenge yourself. you aren't exactly a newbie, you know.[/color][/font][/size]
[b][color=blue]Wes316:[/b][/color] [b][COLOR=firebrick]I guess you're right. You can pick where we go.[/COLOR][/b]
[b][color=red]XanMan213:[/b][/color][color=teal][font=courier][size=1] Okay, great. Log on and let's play.[/color][/font][/size]

Wes smiled as he surveyed the landscape around him. It was a beautiful meadow, and all of the flowers were beginning to blossom. "Too bad it isn't real," he thought to himself.

From across the field he could see a tall figure wearing a blue robe over some fatigued leather armor. It was XanMan, and he was ready to begin playing in The World. XanMan slowly walked towards Wes, and thee two shared a glance. Both of them turned towards the east as a gentle breeze started to sweep through the area.

"Why did you come here?" XanMan asked with a hint of suspicion. He was uneffected by the lush scenery around him. Even though XanMan was a Wave Master he always loved battles.

"I don't know," Wes sighed, "I know we had settled upon meeting somewhere else, but.."

"But you never showed up," XanMan interrupted, "It is rude to leave people waiting for you like that, even if it is just a game."

"I wanted to check something. Do you remember that thread on the forums, 'Legendary Locations' ?" Wes inqured.

XanMan paused for a moment, "Yes. That was where people spoke about random places that ended up holding great treasures. They used to call those things 'easter eggs' I think."

"Yeah," Wes smiled, "This was.. [i]is[/i] one of them. Maybe."

XanMan's eyes began to focus at Wes, "Oh? What did the person end up finding?"

"A system error," Wes replied, "A Wave Master walked into this space, and for no reason at all their account was completely deleted."

Both of them stared down at the ground.

"You see XanMan. Nobody had any explanation for what had happened. The Admins had confirmed that it wasn't their fault, or even a hacker's. And the player didn't delete their own account. It was if The World had forced him to leave."

"But that isn?t possible,? XanMan said nervously, ?Is it??

Wes shrugged, and picked up his crossbow, which had been lying on the ground, ?I have no idea. But it is rather strange, don?t you think??

XanMan nodded, and the two of them walked away.
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[color=#808080]A sea of hills lay in front of them, as green and perfectly formed as giant emeralds. But, like much of The World, these hills were deceptive. Shizuko knew all too well.

Shizuko and Jet continued walking for several minutes. Shizuko did not speak at all during this time and because of that, she was unwittingly making Jet feel nervous. But Shizuko herself was nervous; she wasn't used to playing with people outside her school.

The land ahead was no longer as smoothe as the fields that lay behind. Rather, the trees were thickening and a forest was forming around them. Shizuko paused for a moment, which prompted a confused expression from Jet.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Engage your enemy radar. I don't like the forest," said Shizuko softly. Jet nodded and followed Shizuko's suggestion. The pair then continued, with Jet leading the way. Jet felt as though it was appropriate to walk ahead of Shizuko; perhaps in order to protect her. This was an instinctive move on Jet's part, as Shizuko's player model afforded the impression of weakness or fragility. But based on player level alone, it may very well have been appropriate for Shizuko to be walking ahead of Jet.

The forest closed around them, like gaping arms of darkness. And now they were truly enveloped amongst tree branches and foliage, with only the odd ray of light penetrating the canopy from above. Nevertheless, the pair continued. Shizuko carefully avoided anything that might make her player model dirty, which Jet noticed (and which he was rather amused by). It seemed as though Shizuko was more concerned about getting her dress dirty than fighting monsters. Jet kept his eyes and ears open, focusing on the task at hand. But he could not help but wonder about Shizuko; her quiet yet determined nature was something he had not seen for quite some time in The World. Shizuko didn't seem to be the average teenage player, which prompted Jet to consider that she may very well be a lot older than himself. And with that, he also began wondering about Shizuko's real life persona.

The forest's silence was occasionally broken by the sound of foliage under the shoes, or the occasional gust of wind overhead. But Jet felt certain that he could hear something else too. He stopped walking and looked around carefully.

Jet turned to Shizuko, who had also stopped. "Do you hear anything?" he asked.

Shizuko nodded. "Yes, I do. It's coming from the north."

Jet nodded slowly and crept through the foliage with Shizuko in tow. And finally, he saw it; what looked like a large temple made from a deep reddish-brown rock. Its exterior was covered with elaborate engravings. And despite the fact that it was obviously a building, both Jet and Shizuko could not see any obvious entrance.

The front of the building featured an enormous wall, which was oddly devoid of any markings whatsoever (unlike the rest of the structure). Shizuko approached it and ran her hand across it slowly. "That's strange," she muttered to herself.

"What?" asked Jet from behind her.

Shizuko turned around slowly. Her expression was one of absolute confusion. "The wall..."

Jet cocked his head, as if prompting her to continue.

"I can feel it with my hands," whispered Shizuko.

Before Jet could answer, the ground beneath him began to shake violently. Both Jet and Shizuko fell backwards onto the soft grass below. Shizuko's expression remained one of confusion, as she could not feel the grass against her skin; only the temple wall had a definite tangible feeling. Jet stood up quickly and withdrew his sword. He held it up in a fighting stance and scanned the area rapidly.

"Come on! What are you waiting for?" he called out. His voice echoed through the forest, but there was no reply. That, and the ground had stopped shaking.

Shizuko was dusting herself off, as the sound that both had heard earlier became audible once more. But this time, it was louder. It sounded like a voice.

Jet lowered his sword slowly. "What on Earth is that?!"

Shizuko pointed to the wall at the front of the temple. And there, Jet saw the source of the noise. The wall was moving. It was rippling as though made of water. Concentric circles snaked their way over the smoothe surface in rhythum, becoming more pronounced and vibrant with each second. And suddenly, the waves toward the center began to move outward like some sort of fist; reaching for Jet and Shizuko.

Jet and Shizuko backpedalled slightly, but continued to remain focused on the wall. The fist-shaped burst of water began changing its shape. Shizuko could see arms and a nose and a mouth...a female body, joined to the wall at the waist and reaching out toward Jet and Shizuko.

"What the HELL is that?" cried Jet. He needed to make himself heard; the background sounds were increasing in volume. They sounded like a combination of chanting, hissing and violin chords.

Shizuko covered her ears, but now she didn't need to; the noise had stopped. The woman in the wall was no longer reaching for them. Instead, she was looking directly at the pair of them. Her eyes shifted back and forth slowly, as though she were suspicious of them both. She appeared to be wearing some sort of odd gown and her hair didn't look like hair; it looked like dozens of human arms lodged directly into her head. But despite her bizarre physical appearance, the woman's face was quite attractive and pleasant.

"Who are you?" asked Shizuko boldly. Boldly, because she was horrified of the image before her.

The woman fixed her gaze on Shizuko and smiled.[/color][center][i]

"I can see you laying there with your hair soaked in blood and a woman crying."[/center][/i]

[color=#808080]Shizuko looked at Jet, whose eyes were fixed squarely on the bizarre woman.

"What are you talking about?" asked Jet. The woman now fixed her gaze on Jet.[/color][center][i]

"I can see you, falling. Always falling. And finally stopping abruptly, with your head and your body no longer connected."[/center][/i]

[color=#808080]These cryptic messages made Jet angry. He waved his sword in the air as he spoke.

"How dare you! You have no right to say such things! I'm going to fight you if you keep it up!"

The woman smiled and closed her eyes. At almost the same exact time, her mouth opened -- and continued opening, forming a long verticle gap which almost touched the ground. As it opened, Jet and Shizuko could see shapes moving around inside. Shizuko took a step closer and saw it; the shapes were human bodies, writhing around in the enormous mouth. Shizuko held her hand to her mouth, as though she were going to vomit. As she did so, the bodies rose up from their fetal positions and reached out for her, emitting desperate cries for help.

Shizuko backed away slowly, almost paralyzed with fear. Jet did the same.

The enormous mouth returned to its original position and the woman smiled once more. It was a pleasant, comforting smile. And then, as suddenly as she had appeared, she began to receed into the wall from whence she came. It was over.

Shizuko sank to her knees and buried her face in her hands. She sobbed quietly to herself. Jet knelt in front of her and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Shizuko...it's okay," he whispered. "It's over now. Let's go back to the grove and find a third player. Come on...it's just a game..."

[i]"Just a game,"[/i] thought Shizuko.[/color]
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[color=indigo]Charlie had changed. Although it was only two weeks ago when he first logged into ?Azure Sea?, Charlie felt a deeper sense of being in the world. For the first time he felt that he had a purpose.

Charlie?s whole life revolved around his obsession with the World. His performance at work suffered, but he was still the company?s top sales rep, and none of his coworkers would dare mention his lack of effort. His physical appearance was beginning to change as well, his face was a little thinner, and his muscles were not quite as toned as usual. Large circles tattooed his eyes, and his dark hair was even more unruly than usual. He spent so much time logged into ?Azure Sea? that work seemed to be the only time for him to catch up on sleep.

Although his physical characteristics had slightly deteriorated, all of Charlie?s friends and co-workers agreed that they had never seen him so happy. His buddy Mike had asked him if he had a new love interest. Even his mother, who constantly doted on Charlie, commented on how content he sounded on the telephone.

Lucius seemed to be changing and growing along with Charlie. He had become fairly formidable with his huge blade, and his unorthodox fighting method seemed very effective. Six days after Lucius first arrived in ?Azure Sea? he was challenged to a duel by a knight that had a considerable amount more experience then he. At first the knight pummeled Lucius so badly that he was sure this was going to be the shortest fight in history. In a move of desperation, Lucius used a [b]Fairy Feather[/b], and enchanted his huge blade with the [b]float[/b] ability. The giant blade became so light that Lucius was able to swing it with incredible speed. In no time, he brought the Knight to his knees.

After his battle with the Knight, Lucius began engaging more and more monsters in battle. His experience levels had dramatically increased and by the middle of his second week he had earned enough experience to wonder from the outskirts of the town and begin his journey.
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[center][b]Welcome to Azure Sea -- Enjoy your session![/b][/center]

[i]"I will..."[/i] Kelly decided happily.

Kelly was actually an old hand at "The World" - she'd been playing it for almost a year now. But the new expasion pack wasn't trusted by the circle of players she called her friends. She had decided to try it - she liked the sound of it. And besides -- it made Jason jealous...

For the first time, Kelly's character opened his eyes and glanced about. Traumerin could hear the Chaos Gate swinging behind him with a buzz - not unlike that of excitement.
Traumerin held a staff in his hamd. So... such a curious being as he was, he swung it hard. A little too hard and he ended up on his butt in the dirt with a startled yelp.
Looking up with a wince, Traumerin groaned. "And that's what I get for being a Heavy Axe for a year... Great..." He paused before picking himself up. A group of female Wavemasters were sniggering at him amongst themselves, and he felt himself blush. Then realised he was blushing. "Wow..." he murmured, putting a hand to a cheek and feeling his skin was warmer. "This is too real..."
He paused, and then started a casual stroll, ignoring the immature gaggle of Wavemasters. He was only here for sight-seeing at the moment. Sounds and smells and hustle were everywhere. This was a popular location... probably especially for newbies.
"Now," mused Traumerin to himself, "how does a Sky Runner with the offensive abilities of a gnat and no strategic value - period - find himself a party?" He continued his slow stroll, still not quite sure how to answer his own question. "I suppose I have some levelling up to do," he decided with a sigh. "Levelling a new character sucks!" Obviously, even to a complete newbie, there were no monsters in this particular location. Traumerin battled inside himself for a few moments before hitting a decision.
"I'll do that tomorrow, for now I need to explore!"
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Dani quickly pulled the custon out of it's old hiding place and flopped down onto the chair. She was finally going to log onto Azure Sea for the first time in a mounth and she was ready for it. She had managed to convice her aunt and uncle to allow her to do an all day and night session so she could catch up. This meant that every seven hours they would have to get her offline for a little but it was worth it.

She quickly took a drink and loaded up the disc. She had already balanced the headset on her head and was ready to snap it down at a moments notice. She clicked on the various icons and entered her username and password. She took a long drink, set the alarm and leaned back, drawing the headset down over her eyes.


Kiniz slowly opened her eyes and blinked carefully. The colours were a little bright and she felt as though she was waking up. She then remembered that she was at a Summer Grove gate, a one she used frequently enought. She turned and rubbed her eyes, partly to better her vision and partly to get rid of the heavy feeling of sleep.

A golden sun was lazily setting in the sky, causing clouds to turn purple and lined with gold. Kiniz liked to be in Azure Sea at this time, not broad daylight and not total darkness. It gave a pleasent feeling to the surroundings. She quickly checked her e-mail and member ID info. Nothing. It seemed that everyone had given up on the world. Well all of her old friends anyway.

She stood up and surveyed the numbers that were around, mostly newbies but a couple of older players. She sighed and quickly pulled her hood over, noting that a few leaves were stuck in it. Kiniz did not like to go around the world with an obvious character. She preferred to be mysterious and learn as much as she cold about characters before giving out any of her information. She called hersefl 'Hood' and was often known throughout various servers as that member ID. She had no real idea if there was indeed a person by the name of Hood, but she had not heard anyone complain and no one mentioned it on the boards so it was relevantly okay.

She headed down to the street and dogded quickly as a few new sky runners raced eachother. They were idiots, but she remembered only to well her first experience and found herself feeling like an oldie. True she was but she would never admit it. In her terms, 'No one can be a oldie. Cause there is always something new to learn' or a more common one which she dealt out was 'What can't you do in a world of infinate possiblities?'.

She looked around and spotted a wavemaster who was blushing because of a group of female wavemasters. 'Them again!' she thought dryly to herself. She wasn't entirly sure of what to do. She was hoping that her online friends would actually be on and that she could've gone on an adventure with them. But as always they weren't. Her mind wandered over the last time she had been on and then recalled that she had left a baby dragon in the farm. That would cost her a hell of a lot of credits but at least it would be used to humans to a certain degree. She decided to go and get it and do some early training.

She started to head out of the town when she noticed the wavemaster heading off into a particullary tricky part of the server. "Hey, newbie" she called. The wavemaster turned and seemed to glare at her, then changed as if he had just remembered something about his character. "What?" he asked sounding semi-nervous. Hood shook her head, "Don't head over that way until you've got a few levels up. There's some pretty hard mid-level beaties in there and it aint a good idea to go a lose a new character" she said. "Well, where do you surgest I go? It's not like I'm off looking for a fight. I wanna explore this place" he said walking towards her.

"Explore? That's a new idea. usually newbies just go to the grove and pratice and make a party and then go and get 'killed'" she replied in a humorised tone. "You sound as if you know this server quite well. Must be an oldie" he said mockingly. 'No one can be a oldie. Cause there is always something new to learn" she said, realising only to late that she had quoted that line so many times now that it was starting to sound like her motto. "Well then, if you know so much about this place why don't you take me around, hmm?" he said. She glared and then grinned, "Okay, but I warn you now, I wouldn't stay in my company to long. You girlies over there learnt only to quickly that I can cause a hell of a lot of trouble for newbies" she allowed a slightly manic grin to expose itself, "So what's your name?".

"Traumerin" the boy replied, "And yours?"

"You may call me Hood. For it's how I go by around here" replied Hood, waiting on the most common question of them all. "Okay, lead on mistress Hood" said Tramerin. Hood looked at him in surprise, she had a feeling that there was something not quite newbie about this guy, but you could never tell.
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[color=chocolate]"[i]All right, I'm in![/i]"

Newly logged in Delete was admiring the new Azure Sea surroundings. The field he stood in was.. vast to say the least. Something inside him wanted to in explore every which way at once, he was so excited. The attitude he'd logged in with was "new World, more exploring", this is what he expected and what he had received in a breathtaking manner. Already he was relaxed and began to forget about all the things that frustrated and upset him in real life. It was great feeling, as if there were no burdens to carry in The World.

He felt this is the best character base that he had ever designed for The World (and he had designed about five). It was the first time that he had used the recently turned offical class Light Warrior. For this class he had to design some light clothes that would be comfortable whilst he was using his greater speed in battles.

He had designed a black tunic, with white embroidery pattern on the lower half (below the belt) of it. It was belted at the waist with a brown, heavy-duty belt with a silver buckle. Under the lower half of the tunic he wore a pair of dark blue trousers with the same white pattern embroided down the side of the left leg. On the right leg, a strip of red material was sewn on down the side. Over the top of his tunic he wore a crimson trenchcoat made of a light, leather-like material with cut off sleeves just above his elbows to prevent interruption during battle. On his left hand he wore a leather bracer, which stretched up his forearm. Then armour on the bracer was shining silver plates. This was fastened with four buckles on the underside.

Delete quickly patted his sides with his hands and glanced down, on each side of the heavy looking belt he wore were buckled two glistening Butterfly Knives. Itching to try them out, he unbuckled the catch on the belt next to the two knives and slowly eased them from his belt. He grinned. The hilt of each knife was excellently crafted, due to him configuring them to whale bone with suede wrapped around them.

A gentle breeze ruffled his spiky white hair slightly as he span round, practicing all sorts of cuts that he'd learnt in real life. This practice had edged him toward a large, grey rock, embedded in the ground.


He quickly scrambled onto the top of the rock, shaded his eyes from the warm glow of with the sun and looked around for an interesting place to explore. He had an excellent view, it seemed that he was on top of a hill with a gentle gradient, sloping toward a dark green forest with tall looking pine trees, covering an area just as great as the field he was in. To his left, but in the distance, there was a city skyline which jutted out from the beautiful countryside quite suddenly. Behind him was more field and lush, green grass and on his right a lovely looking aqua blue sea glittered in the sunlight.

Delete jumped from the rock (higher than he expected) and buckled the Butterfly Knives to his belt again. He felt something in one of his pockets and he reached in to see what it was. He pulled out a folding leaflet with the title "Azure Sea" on it and a little pile of silver coins.

He unfolded the leaflet and was met with lots of information about places in Azure Sea (he was in a place called Summer Grove apparantly). They all looked really interesting (some restricted to ones below a certain level), but one caught his eye so he read it aloud..

"The Silver Oyster

Azure Sea {TM} isn't just a sea with islands scattered over its surface; it contains a vast array of underwater fields, caverns, cities and towns. The Silver Oyster is perhaps the most noteable area under the ocean; it's the place where everyone goes for a good time. It's even been said that illegal actions take place there (such as the trading of bootlegged anime episodes, distribution of hentai and other materials). Go there to gamble your Player Credits away or simply have fun with your friends and enjoy the ambience."

.. Sounded like a pretty happening place to him. But, it'd be a lot better if he could form a party with two other people first. He thought that he should maybe go to Azure City first and explore there a bit.

Up to now Delete had been oblivious to the other newbies chattering excitedly with their companions. He shrugged that thought off and he noticed them no more and sat on the rock he'd used as a lookout to think of a game plan.
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue] From Jet's and Shizuko's recent encounter with the mystical woman that stated some terrible accounts, the two were petrified into their position. The woman who seemed to be made up of moving body-parts had dissapeared and Jet, thinking he had to play an important role for Shizuko, stood up and sheathed his sword. His gaunletted hands were trembling as the user of Jet was not planning to witness anything that terrible at all. From the re-equipping of his inventory, Jet walked over to Shizuko whom had her beautiful head cradled inbetween her legs.

''Don't worry Shizuko. I don't care whether you're more experienced than me, but I'll do my best to protect you, we're a team, and I feel I have a duty to protect you.'' By this phrase, Jet sat down with his hand gently stroking the graphical hair of Shizuko.

''Thankyou Jet, I just do not understand it at all.'' Shizuko looked at Jet's face with her teary eyes and wiped her tears away. ''Why would anyone want to say that to anyone at all?''

''I, myself, do not understand either Shizuko, but either way, it is just a game. It must be a hack of some sort.'' Jet hesitated in his voice and placed his hand that was comforting Shizuko down upon the soft grass that had broken their fear. ''Come, we should leave this place.''

''You're right, I don't understand why I was terrified anyway. But, I'm glad I had someone to experience it with.'' Shizuko had stopped crying and began to become a little less tense.

From this Jet smiled. He stood up while pushing the dirt of himself, and then came to gently lift up Shizuko from the ground. Shizuko began to smile as Jet was finding it difficult how to interpret where to place the chopstick that had fallen out of her hair.[/COLOR]

[B][CENTER]||Shizuko's hair accessory acquired!||[/CENTER][/B]

[COLOR=darkblue]''Ah! You use this in your hair, sorry, I'm not good at things like this.'' Leo placed the accessory in Shizuko's hair as he watched her swiftly craft her hair into place.

The two had checked their belongings and then set off without looking back at the temple-like structure. Shizuko had now noticeably began to stay near Jet as they hurriedly exited the structure's site. The groves and canopy's of trees provided no comfort for the two, but they ignored this completely as they just wanted to have a sight of an inhabitant, character or monster.

''Haven't you noticed it getting a bit quiet lately Shizuko?'' Jet had a frowned face as he asked, but they carried on moving.

''It must be the sight of that woman that has changed the atmosphere. I want to go back to the [B]Summer Grove[/B].'' Shizuko had looked up at the sunlight that was beginning to drench the lands.

''I couldn't agree with you more. Let us head back to the [B]Summer Grove[/B] in which we may be able to find a less clumsy character to join us. After that though, I feel it may be best to investigate that site again, we'd have more company.''

''I suppose that is wise,'' Shizuko said reluctantly as she keppt looking in a downwards direction.

The two had begun to cross the hills that had a considerably darker glow since their last hint of sunlight. Both of them had stayed quiet for the rest of their journey, but Jet had noticed that Shizuko was beginning to settle down into the environment, still he stared at her constantly, making sure that she was in a stable condition. Upon reaching the summit of the hills, the two saw characters that appeared to be enjoying the sunlight of [B]Summer Grove[/B].

''Thank heavens I met Shizuko,'' Jet thought...[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[color=royalblue]Real world[/color]
[color=green]The World[/color]

[color=royalblue][i]After she had throughly read the manual and situated herself to her liking, Nakeisha finally logged herself onto the World. As it asked for a username, she put down the first thing that came to her mind.[/i]

"Raye Misaro sounds good to me."

[i]She quickly inputed her info, selected her class, and set up her skin. It looked so pretty. How she had always wanted to look herself...[/i][/color]

[b][size=1]| Welcome to the World- Azure Sea {TM}! Enjoy your stay! |[/size][/b]

[color=green][i]The transition from the real world to the game was much smoother for her than she thought it would be. In no time, Raye felt herself lying in some soft grass with the sun beating down on her. She slowly opened her eyes to the clear blue sky above her. Shifting herself into a sitting position, she looked about her new surroundings. A large field spread around her, with many other people around.[/i]

They must be newbies like me. I'll bet this is [b]Summer Grove[/b].

[i]Raye got up and dusted herself off lightly, slightly surprised by how real the clothes felt. Upon looking behind her, she noticed the traveling cloak she'd made a part of her skin lying folded up, apparently acting as a pillow. She quickly picked it up in a swift movement, surprising herself. Raye smiled slightly and donned the cloak. It was made of a light material, so it didn't bother her at all, despite the slight heat. Raye gazed around at all the other people in the field and then down at her jagged dirk stashed in her belt and felt around at her back touching the highly polished yew wood of her bow. She could ask around to see where good monster fighting was. She could do some long-range fighting, or some close-combat if need be. She was prepared to go over to a group chatting a little away, when she saw another person sitting on a rock. He looked as if he was in deep thought. [/i]

I don't see any harm in just asking...

[i]Raye shrugged, and began walking over to the guy, not knowing whether it would end up being a huge mistake or not....[/i][/color]
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[I]Bahman looked around the area angrily.[/I]
"There's no monsters here, just a bunch of players!"
"Why don't we go to that town over there. Maybe we can ask someone where some monsters are." [I]Parizade pointed to a town in the distance.[/I]
[I]Bahman crossed his arms and shook his head.[/I]
"No way! I want to explore this place on my own, we don't need to ask anyone's help!"
"Well can we go to the town anyways? I'm getting hungry..." [I]Perviz asked.[/I]
"If you're hungry, then why don't you log out and get something to eat? I want to fight monsters." [I]Bahman replied.[/I]
"Because, it's not me that's hungry, it's Perviz. So that must mean the designers programmed eating in this game. So let's go to the town, please?"
"I agree with Perviz. I'm getting a little hungry also." [I]Parizade said.[/I]
"Fine, I'll go along with you two. Just don't take too long. I bought this game to fight and explore, not to eat. I can do that in the real world."
[I]Perviz and the group entered the town.[/I]

[I]30 minutes later...[/I]

"I don't know what that was, but it tasted great!" [I]Perviz said as he rubbed his stomach in satisfaction.[/I]
[I]Parizade nodded her head.[/I]
"Yeah, mine was delicious to. I never knew you had those tattoos on your face before, Perviz."
"What tattoos?" [I]Bahman asked.[/I]
[I]Perviz took off the cloth from his face.[/I]
"These tattoos. See?"
[I]Perviz pointed them out and then put his cloth back on.[/I]
"Well, now that you guys have had lunch, let's go fight." [I]Bahman walked a little bit ahead of his two friends.[/I]
"That forest looks like it might be a good place to search." [I]Parizade suggested.[/I]
[I]Perviz made circles in the air with his staff, preparing for any fight that came their way.[/I]
"Do you guys have your spells ready? Mine are."
[I]Parizade and Bahman nodded as all three of them headed towards the forest.[/I][/COLOR]
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"I [i]may[/i] call you Hood, may I?" asked Traumerin, walking along after the hooded figure after a few moments of silence. Obviously this "Hood" character thought Traumerin was totally new to "The World". True, the character was - but the player certainly was not. "You been in "The World" long?" There was no harm in playing along...
"Long enough," was the curt reply.
"Geez, you're a happy camper ain'tcha?"
Hood turned to cast a glare at Traumerin. "Maybe I should just leave you here after all. Go get killed if that's what you want to do."
"I told you!" exclaimed Traumerin, waving his hands in an almost exasperated gesture. "I'm not in this to pick a fight with everything that moves - not like everyone else here. I just wanna see how things work, that's all."
Hood raised an eyebrow, stopping and turning to look at the earnest Skyrunner. "How things work, you say?"
Traumerin nodded.
"Well, maybe I should show you. I trust you read the readme file?"
"Of course I did," the boy snorted, lifting a hand to scratch at his messy red hair in a gesture of confusion. "I know what a computer is, thankyou very much!"
"Well," said Hood quietly, seeming to brace her spear in a battle stance with an amused smirk. She waited for Traumerin to react, but he just stood there, watching her with a curious expression. He suspected what she was going to do... but surely not...
"Umm... What're you doing?"
"What does it look like?"
Traumerin gulped comically. "You... uhh... look like you're about to fight me."
"What better way to introduce someone to "The World" than a good, old-fashioned, friendly, fight?!" With that she lunged forward, making Traumerin lift his staff in a defensive movement, bracing against her blow with a hand at each end of the wood.
"But my offensive stats SUCK!" he cried, pushing the spear off-course with the staff and bringing it round to a defensive position again. "I'm a Skyrunner for crying out loud!"
"That's a problem you have to learn to overcome!"
Traumerin pulled back from another lunge with a yelp. "Ack! Hey!!"
[i]"Well..."[/i] Hood decided, watching Traumerin's movements with an approving eye before moving in again. [i]"Seems like we don't really have a newbie in this one, do we...?"[/i]
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[size=1]His eyes opened. Slowly the light seethed in and everything blurred into a passer-by's view. He blinked slowly as he veered an image of his long-time doctor looking inward at him overhead. Edgar's mind floundered for the doctor's name; his mind nauseated over it, tried to pull it out from his mind and into his mouth. But somewhere along the way, he couldn't. He just couldn't.

All that came out was an inaudible drawl that escaped as suddenly as it came.

Edgar couldn't even comprehend his own name at that moment, his mind was so torn. Every breath felt like a thousand plunges into some deep-welled ocean of trippy waves and extreme pressure. Through all the grogginess, he tried to focus on what the doctor was saying. The doctor's lips were moving up and down, the clefts shimmering and dimmering in the dull and stupefying fluorescent light. All Edgar was getting was mished and mashed phrases. A the here, a something there; his mind stumbled over every syllable of every word. It hurt just for Edgar to think. He closed his eyes again, and soon, he was gone again. The numb pain disappeared in his asphyxiated sleep.

He opened his eyes again, and this time, he found himself to be more alert. The doctor was over his head again. Speaking.

"D ger e u l g t."

Edgar blinked, slower this time. And slowly, he brought up his arm, shaking, and ran it through his jet-black hair. There was a slight tinge of feeling, nothing more. It was a slow tinge, very slow so much that he barely felt it. But he felt it.

He sat there like that for over an hour, just blinking, running his hand through his hair, the doctor still over him, speaking like some slurred drunkard. But slowly, over this period of time, the doctor's slurred drawl ever so slowly began to become more complete and comprehendable to Edgar. Soon thereafter the hour, he could slowly yet painfully extract enough of the doctor's speech to able a gist understanding of what he was saying.

"Ed gur ans wur m. Edgur snip ut f t!"

[i]Edgar answer me. Edgar snap out of it![/i]

He willed himself to speak again, enunciating the words as they flew out of his mouth. This time, he was able to get more than just a drawl out. He managed to get out a cumbersome and faulty "I can hear you, doctor." It came out as "I cn har oo, ductur."

Immediately the doctor's intense gaze turned to that of some elated half-smile. The smile only felt his face for a moment's grace, but Edgar held the moment in his mind far after it had passed.

The doctor then left the room, and henceforth Edgar's reality of understanding there increased as the time incremented onward. Soon the night's and past day's events were flowing through him like small droplets of rain collecting in a large pail.[/size]
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With a heavy bag slung over her back, and a Techknife holstered on her belt, Tabrett Mechanus walked through Summer Grove, on her way to Azure City. She was sticking to the paths and avoiding any confrontations, for she knew that at such a low level, she'd probably get defeated easily.

Tabrett hadn't been in the world very long--a day or two worth of play, at best--but she had already picked up the basic skills of item synergy, and was heading to Azure City to trade some of the goods she'd already made. Needless to say, they were fairly shoddy in terms of quality, but she was prepared to offer them for ridiculously cheap prices.

As she strolled along the earth road, dirt tightly packed down from many travellers, Tabrett looked out across the horizon, to see how far she was from Azure City. Scanning the immediate area, she took notice of a high rock, and decided to climb to the top of it, to use it as a lookout. She put her pack on the ground, and grabbed hold of the rock, climbing up it. As she reached the final ledge, she pulled herself up all at once, coming face to face with another gamer sitting on the top of the pillar. She pulled back initially, but then lent in, smiling at her new acquaintance. "Hi there!," she beamed, extending her hand outwards to the player. "Name's Tabrett. Tabrett Mechanus. What's yours?"
"Delete.", the young man answered, extending his hand. "I'm new here. Are you?"
"Aww, I've only been here a few days or so, I'm a newbie. How long have you been logged in?" she questioned.
"A few minutes at best." Delete answered, half laughing.
"Wow, you're a real newbie, aren't ya?" Tabrett smiled back at him. "Any idea where you're heading?"
"Well, I want to get to the Silver Oyster... Though I'd like to visit Azure City first."
Tabrett grinned at Delete. "Great; I'm heading that way too! Let's form a party!"
Delete smiled. "Alright, agreed. We're a party."
"Albeit a two-person one." Tabrett said. "We'll need to work on that."

After grabbing her backpack, Tabrett and Delete set off, towards Azure City. Tabrett looked at the clear sky and lush green surroundings, and then peered to Azure City in the distance.
"Looks pretty far.. It'll take us a fair while to get there," the blonde-haired girl answered, her cap perched precariously backwards on her head, bangs of fair hair hanging out the front of it. Delete raised an eyebrow, and judged the distance.
"Won't take me as long, I do have a pretty high speed stat."
"You're a Light Warrior, right?," Tabrett asked her newfound companion.
"Yeah, how could you tell?"
"I figured with weapons like those, you must have been one. Not to mention I have superior intelligence." she said to Delete, winking. He laughed in reply, and shot a glance at her large pack.
"I guess you're a... Little Hat, isn't it?"
Tabrett frowned. "...I prefer MechaniCap. Little Hat is almost like an offensive term.." Delete looked somewhat suprised.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know. MechaniCap it is."
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[color=chocolate]Tabrett and Delete began walking in the direction of Azure city, when they heard a call from behind them.

They both turned to see a girl with a travelling cloak running towards them. She stopped in front of them and began to speak.

"Hello, I'm Raye.. uh.. do you know where I can find any monsters to fight?"

"Hi!" Tabrett replied with a smile, "I don't know where to find any monsters, sorry. Delete?"

"Monsters? Let's see.." Delete got out his leaflet of Azure Sea again and read through the locations again, "Um, Orbit Island would be a good place to fight monsters, I don't know exactly where it is though. Are you sure you'll be able to handle yourself with really dangerous monster ambushes there?"

Tabrett nodded and looked at Raye, "Well.. I think I might be able to handle myself against a few monsters."

"There are probably a lot more than a few there though, Raye. Perhaps you should come with us," Delete looked at Tabrett for an agreement, "what do you think?"

"It'd be awful if you were beaten by monsters on your first time on logging in. But with three of us there we could easily hold our ground against some monsters."

Raye looked at the ground, considering their offer. She then looked up, "Sure I'll come with you," She suddenly laughed softly to herself, "I'm sorry, I haven't asked your names yet. What are they?"

Tabrett giggled, "I'm Tabrett, and he's Delete. Raye, you're a Sky Runner right?"

"Aren't you clever?" laughed Raye, "Where are you guys headed anyway?"

Delete scratched his head and took out his leaflet again, "Well, we're going to Azure City first, stock up and look around a bit. That okay with you guys..?"

Raye and Tabrett nodded.

"Cool. Okay, we have a choice. Silver Oyster or Orbit Island?"

"Um.. what is Silver Oyster?" asked Raye.

"It's a massive underwater place, gambling, apparantly illegal things being traded and fun things I guess." Delete said back. Thinking about it now, Delete decided that he'd much rather try his hand at monster slaying.

"Oooh sounds [i]great[/i]. I'd think I'd much prefer Orbit Island." Raye laughed.

"Me too, I wanna go fight some monsters," said Tabrett, "what about you Delete, monsters?"

"Ah yes, now I think about it, I would like to go let off some steam on monsters, we may get new items or something," Delete put his hands in his pockets, feeling the silver coins again.

"Once we get to Azure City, we kinda need to ask around about Orbit Island; we have no idea where it is!" Tabrett turned to Delete, "What direction is it again, Delete?"

Delete furrowed his brow and turned to look at the big rock again. He remebered the direction he'd looked at Azure City from earlier; left from the rock. He looked up at the sun and judged that in The World, it was about midday. "It's north, directly from that rock over there," he looked at the sun again, shading his eyes, "it would take about.. two or three hours to get there maybe?"

"...You are joking." Raye said in a flat tone, looking weakly at Delete.

"Well.. our speed is.. speedy. And Tabrett' is.. not." Delete explained to Raye.

"Hey!" exclaimed Tabrett, "That was mean!"

"Heh, but it [i]is[/i] true. No offence intended!" Raye smiled, "So are we gonna get going or not, slowpokes?"[/color]
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OOC~ I regret to inform you that on with my current collections of jobs and what not, that I am unable to make coherent posts. Therefor I'll not be participating in this RP any longer. Thank you. *rolls eyes* Psh. Not like ya needed me anyways ^.^.. I'll write a short post explaining my "disapearance"


Rayne felt her insides clench, an icy fist wrapped around her stomach. Streamers of that same ice shot down her veins and she fell to her knees. She stammered out a helpless plea, frigetened of the sudden lack of control and unable to figure out where the attack was coming from. Then it dawned on her. This wasen't her charecter, this was [I]her[/I]. Somthing was happening to her body. It was shutting down, like a faulty system.

Quickly, she tore herself from the game, leaving the husk of the charecter Rayne crumpled on the grass. Her chair tipped over and Robin spilled onto the floor, sprawled across the the carpet helplessly. Her heartbeat was unsteady and and irregular and as her vision darkened and blurred she wondered if she'd ever wake again...

Thank you all.
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[color=royalblue][i]It had been a while since Raye, Delete and Tabrett had set out from the tall rock in [b]Summer Grove[/b] towards Azure City. Raye had mainly stayed slightly behind them and quiet during the walk, speaking only when one of her two new friends asked her a question. Delete noticed how quiet she was and dropped back slightly to match her stride, letting Tabrett take the lead. Raye didn't notice that he was beside her until he touched her arm lightly. She was slightly startled and drew quickly away, then calming herself upon realizing it was only him.[/i]

"Did I scare you?" he asked laughing.

"Slightly..." Raye said eyeing him. "I'm just kind of skittish."

"That much I gathered. Why so quiet?"

"Oh, I was just thinking about a few things is all."

"Credit for your thoughts."

"Where's the credit?" Raye said holding out her hand and smiling. She returned her hand back to her side and looked upwards at the sky. "I was just thinking how this place is just like the setting of good fantasy book. Anything can happen here."

"True." Delete replied as he followed her gaze. "I've heard a lot of things about this place. Some of it good, but most of it not. You've just got to be careful."

"Yeah. You never know what'll happen next."

It was then that Raye so happened to run into Tabrett because she'd stopped suddenly. Delete also stopped and looked ahead to see what had caused Tabrett to freeze. All three of them gazed down at a large fight that had erupted at the foot of the hill they were on.

"Case in point." Raye mumbled.[/color]
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[color=indigo]Charlie?s desk was cluttered with magazines and DVD?s that explained aspects of Azure Sea, its items, and its characters. Pictures of his skin, Lucius Cord, littered the cubicle of his office. A bottle of energy boosters sits amongst a river of Red Bull and Jolt cans. At 6am on a Saturday morning, Charlie is slumped at his workstation, logged onto [b]Azure Sea[/b]...

Lucius Cord walked the marbled streets of ?Azure City?. Advertisements for potions and items cluttered the store front. Although still new to the game, his experience was higher then most of the players he passed on the street. He guessed this was a combination of a ton of newbie?s entering the game and his dedication to battle and self-improvement. Lucius stopped into the armor store and bought an armor upgrade with some of his credits. He also stopped into a weapons store to have his sword upgraded. The store owner laughed when Lucius showed him his Blade.

?Although your weapon is very crude looking,? the shop owner said, ?the designer did a fantastic job on its code, actually your entire skin is very well done?it is beyond my craftsmanship to improve your blade.? Lucius sighed, he wanted to grow strong before he explored the rest of [b]Azure Sea[/b].

Noticing the look of disappointment on his customers face the shop owner spoke once more. ?If you truly wish to find a person to create a superb blade for you, visit the Silver Oyster. A man name Marhallus frequents that area, he will be able to point you in the direction of a master weapon coder.?

Lucius thanked the shop keeper and slipped him a few credits on his way out. In the street, the digital blue sky emitted an air of electricity. Lucius would go to the Silver Oyster and find Marhallus. It was his first quest since entering Azure Sea, and his first step to finding a new life?now all he needed was to form a party?[/color]
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[i]Arano walked with a calm, cold stare pressed to the ground. His built physique was clentched tight as he headed for Azure City. He had long-since left Puchiguso Pete's Farm and was on his way to sell items he had found in the field. Drops and the such. He had also beaten the utter snot out of a few newbies who dared to try and loot him.

'Damn looters. I really hope they try and report me. I'll bust them on grounds for stealing rightfully earned items.'

The sounds of struggle pulled his eyes to his right, looking out from the corner. A Knight fighting with a Sky Runner. The Sky Runner was level one, and the Knight was somewhere around level fifteen, Arano judged. Pathetic. A higher-leveled player simply jumping a complete newbie with no seemingly good reason. He had been tracking their convo over the chat agent, and it was all useless dribble.

He sighed, and continued on to town. Next stop, the blacksmith shop.[/i]
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[color=#808080]The day was coming to a close. The sun in Summer Grove was setting and the trees on the hills were casting their tendril-like shadows over the field, as if clutching it in shadowy claws.

Shizuko stopped walking and sat down on the grass delicately. Jet paused and turned to face her. "What's the matter?" he asked, with a confused expression.

"Nothing," murmured Shizuko, "I feel that maybe it's too late to look for other players. If we spend our time looking for people, we may never find somebody."

Jet rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "But if we just go about our business, we might stumble across someone anyways?"

Shizuko nodded. "Some of my favourite partners were found when I was least expecting it," she said with a silvery glint in her eye.

Jet smiled and sat down opposite her. He looked up at the pale blue sky, which was darkening with every passing moment. Stars were beginning to form, like soft raindrops on some kind of enormous glass dome. "Beautiful, isn't it?" said Shizuko, who was also peering up at the limitless sky.

Jet looked at Shizuko and smiled. "Yeah, it is."

Several moments passed before anything else was said. Finally, Shizuko stood up. "I think I'm going to turn in for the night. Tomorrow, I will be at the Summer Grove gate in the morning. You can meet me there if you like," she said.

"I'll add you to my buddy list!" said Jet excitedly. Shizuko smiled and nodded in agreement.

"When I return here, let's explore this world a little more. Maybe tomorrow we will have more luck when it comes to finding a partner."

"Sure," said Jet. "I'll be here."[/color]
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[I]Perviz, Bahman, and Parizade walked through the forest. There was no living thing in sight.[/I]
"No monsters anywhere! What's up with this place? I knew we should have gone to Strange Wandering Whirlwind!" [I]Bahman fumed.[/I]
"But, Bahman...that girl said it was a high level area. We could have gotten killed." [I]Parizade commented.[/I]
"We could have taken them. Besides, it would be a lot less boring than this place."
[I]Bahman stopped and pounded his fist into a tree. A bell sounded throughout the forest.[/I]
"That was strange? Where'd that come from?" [I]Perviz asked.[/I]
[I]Bahman tapped against the tree with his staff.[/I]
"Hey, it's coming from the tree!"
[I]Perviz pounded on the tree closest to him. It made a noise as if it were a large gong.[/I]
"This one is doing it to...that's strange."
[I]Perviz and Bahman continued to strike the trees and Parizade joined them. After they finished their small music session, they looked around the forest in awe.[/I]
"It's just like the Singing Tree..." [I]Bahman said.[/I]
[I]Perviz looked over at his friend.[/I]
"The What?"
"The Singing Tree. It's in the story that our names are from."
[I]Bahman replied.[/I]
"What's the story about?"
"It's called 'The Story of the Talking Bird'. I read it in the Arabian
Nights. I'll give you a summary of it later, Perviz."
[I]Parizade crossed her arms.[/I]
"That reminds me, I was going to ask you about that, Bahman. You took the name of the best character, didn't you?"
[I]Bahman smiled at Parizade.[/I]
"No, I didn't. You have the name of the best character in the story, Parizade."
[I]The female Wave Master blushed and hid her face.[/I]
"Th-Thank you, Bahman."
"Oh brother." [I]Perviz rolled his eyes and Bahman jabbed him in the side.[/I]
"Your welcome, Parizade. I need to go and play my saxaphone with my dad but I'll be back soon. Send me an e-mail or something if you find a good monster area.
"Okay, we will." [I]Parizade waved.[/I]
[I]Bahman disappeared and Perviz and Parizade headed back to town.[/I]
"Now what do we do?" [I]She asked.[/I]
[I]Perviz spotted a board of wood laying on the road.[/I]
"Hold on. I've got an idea."
[I]Perviz picked up the wood and a stone and started writing something.[/I]
"Hey, what are you writing?"
"You'll see..." [I]Perviz said, holding back a laugh.[/I]
[I]Once he had finished writing, he set down the stone and stood up and held out the piece of wood towards the road. Parizade walked in front of him to get a better look at what he had written. The sign read:[/I]

[B][I]Will join your party for Aromatic Grass.[/I][/B]

"Aromatic grass? What's that?" [I]She asked curiously.[/I]
"I don't know." [I]He replied.[/I]
"Then why did you write that on there?
"Because I heard it was something pretty good here. If we don't get any Aromatic Grass, at least we might get a chance to join someone who knows of some good places to fight."
[I]Parizade sat down and waited to see if anyone would actually reply to Perviz's strange idea.[/I]
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OOC: Sorry I took so long. I had finally sat down to type a post yesterday but I ended up losing it because my computer was being stupid.
Evira had downloaded "Azure Sea" over a week ago, but she still hadn't gotten a chance to play it at all because of school, piano lessons, etc. It was late on a Friday night when she finally got the chance to create her character and start playing. She hadn't read the manual because she didn't think "Azure Sea" would be that different from the previous version of "The World". She would soon find out how wrong she was...
After she created her character, she chose a username and password.
[B] Login. [/B]
[B] Username: [/B] Marika Angelus
[B] Password: [/B] ******

With that, Evira fell into what felt like a deep sleep...
Marika saw "The World" for the first time in a while. "And I thought the last version was cool-looking," she said as she stared in amazement at the landscape before her. She wandered around for a while in Azure City, chatting with other players and gathering information on good spots for newer players. She heard that the Summer Grove was a good place to go. After she got there, she decided to master the use of her new weapon and learn the basics of Item Synergy. After fighting a lot of low-level monsters and leveling up a bit, she went back to Azure City.
As Marika was buying and trading items, she had the strange feeling she was being watched by someone familiar to her...

[B] Key: [/B]
[COLOR=purple] Real World [/COLOR]
[COLOR=crimson] The World [/COLOR]
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Sorry that i'm now posting. I had computer trobules.
Anna finaly got a chance to download Azure Sea again. It was time for her to excape again. She pulled her visor down over her eyes. Anna wasen't ready for what was going to happen today. She soon fell into what felt like she was sleeping.
VicuMiru(VM) opened her eyes to her world.
VM: I'm back once more.
She walked around Summer Grove a while. She sat herself on a rock. She just sat there. Not knowing what was going on around her.
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[COLOR=teal]OOC: Okay, this is SUPPOSED to be like, right after Kaiba's Angel's post...my computer refused to post last night. Also, teal is out of character, black is in the World, and crimson is in the real world.[/COLOR]
Kaya, who had been watching Marika for a time, came flashing
from nowhere. She knocked her down, pinning her to the ground with her staff. Marika grabbed the staff and flipped Kaya over, turning the tables. She was about to slam the staff down on Kaya's neck when she realized who it was.

"Kaya! Kaya, you scared the crap outta me! How dare you do such a thing to me!" Marika yelled, getting up and throwing Kaya's staff at her.

Kaya looked up at her, thouh not looking at her in the eyes, and giggled slightly. "Well, you should probably keep your guard up...it's not all that wise to run around the World without keeping your guard up." She stood up,dusting the grass off her pants and picking her staff back up.

Marika smiled. "You're a punk...Kaya, where have you been?"

"Here and there...little bit of everywhere."

"If you don't stop talking in riddles, I'm gonna smack you with your own staff."

"I didn't mean to. I've just been trying to make myself stronger. Wandering around and fighting things in dungeons."

Marika started laughing out loud. "Ooh, for a guy you met in the World?"

Kaya blushed furiously. "NO! Marika stop laughing! That's not it at all!"

"Yeah, sure...and I'm Matilda!"


"Yeah, okay. So, you want something from me, or what?"

"Not really...wanna go kill things in a dungeon?"

Marika giggled. "Yeah, I'm there!"

They ran off, not knowing in what direction, not really caring. Although Kaya could feel that something wasn't right, she disreguarded it for the moment. Whatever it was, it could wait...right?
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Hood grins and brings her staff around in another striking blow. "C'mon, stop trying to defend. Use your brains and beat me!" she called as he blocked another attack. Traumerin tried to think and then remembered that he had a speed advatage over her. Hood went in again for the attack but found that he was not there. She turned and spotted him behind her. She went to lunge again and again missed.She frowned and made to strike one last time, but again he was behind her and this time he tripped her up.

Hood fell flat on her face and glares up at him, "You did say to beat you" said Traumerin. "You haven't beaten me yet" said Hood raising herself up and preparing to attack.
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[SIZE=1]OOC: This is not going to die okay?

[color=darkblue]As Jet stared at Shizuko, he was immediately taken aback as a blinding flash occurred that pehaps lasted for 25 seconds. Finding himself on the grassland, Jet insecurely surveyed the view in front of him.

''Shizuko?'' Jet asked with a nervous tone.

But there was no reply, a message immediately appeared that Jet found amazingly quick to read.[/COLOR]

[B][center]||Shizuko has signed offline||[/center][/b]

[color=darkblue]Taken aback from the mystical disappearance of Shizuko, Jet re-sheathed his sword and ran over to the landing spot in which he first met Shizuko. Searching into his pockets, Jet placed a .//Note onto the ground. Another message had appeared at this point.[/color]

[b][center]|| Welcome to the './/Note' system which is unique to The World. You will immediately be placed into a brief tutorial that shall explain how the noting system works:[/B]

Once you have found a .//Note and acquired it, you will be given the option to leave a reminder for those whom are on your buddy list. Remember to sign it with your Username so that the user can avoid confusion. Thankyou for using the .//Note system.||[/center]

[color=darkblue] Jet found a flourished pad that was in the form of a sticky note. He gently placed it onto the graphical flower that sat there isolated and left a message to pinpoint the meeting place for Jet and Shizuko.

''That should do it,'' Jet thought to himself, ''I guess it's time to log out.''

Jet sat down next to the note and after choosing an option in the Virtual Visor to log out, Jet logged off of The World after being smothered in light rays.[/COLOR][/SIZE]

[COLOR=seagreen] Leo had finally experienced The World in a different country. Feeling as if he had accomplished something, Leo looked around to find a full furnished room. In confusion, Leo ran down the re-carpeted stairs and found his mother watching International television.

''Erm mum, my room its--'' Leo was immediately cut off by his mother who had been waiting patiently for Leo to return to reality.

''All set?'' Leo's mother questioned knowlingly. ''While you were busy on that game of yours, I found it in my heart to at least unpack your things. I hope you will appreciate this.

Leo looked outside at the patio that surrounded his oriental garden. Realising that night had fallen, Leo sat next to his mother lovingly and began to feel secure once again.

''I think its that time Leo,'' Leo's mother said gently while stroking her son's hair.

''Huh? What did you just say?'' Leo questioned still gazing at the moon that was in the form of a crescent.

''It's time for bed. Come on, you've been addicted to that thing all day. I expect you to go out at least once tomorrow.'' Leo's mother firmly suggested.

''Yeah I guess so. Good night mum.'' Leo said regretfully as he stood up to head for the stairs that led to the second level of his newly acquainted house.

After sleepily reaching his room, Leo stared at his computer and immediately collapsed onto his bed with exhasution. ''Good night Shizuko, wherever you are.'' Leo muttered to himself. And with this, he drifted off into slumber.[/COLOR]

[SIZE=1][B][CENTER]||End transmission||[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE]
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[B]Game World[/B] = [COLOR=blue]Blue[/COLOR]
[B]Real World[/B] = [COLOR=red]Red[/COLOR]

"This doesn't seem to be working..." [I]Perviz said, disappointed.[/I]
"I didn't think it would. Either these people don't have Aromatic Grass or they're just too stingy to give it away. Let's go."
[I]Perviz looked at Parizade.[/I]
"Go where?"
[I]Parizade stood up and stretched.[/I]
"I mean let's log out of the game. We don't have anywhere to go right now or anyone to go with, so let's stop playing for a little bit."
[I]Perviz almost looked reluctant to leave. But then he smiled and
"Okay. I think Bahman is still offline, I haven't been contacted by him.
Maybe we could go and ask if he wants to practice that song you wrote, Parizade."
"yeah, let's do that. Wait for me and I'll go to your house since it's on the way. Then, we'll both head over to Bahman's house. See you on the outside."
[I]She waved to him as she logged off. Once she had disappeared, he put the sign in his inventory and logged off as well.[/I]

[I]John pulled off the visor. He was a little disoriented at first but
he soon shook it off. He looked on his belt for his harmonica. It was still there. He grabbed his skateboard and was about to go outside, when his mom stopped him.[/I]
[B][SIZE=4]*[/SIZE][/B][COLOR=red]"Wo gehts du, Johann?" [I]She asked him.[/I]
"Ich gehe für meinen freunden sehen, mutti." [I]He replied.[/I]
[I]She smiled at him.[/I]
"Gut, hast du Spaß."
[I]When John got outside, he saw that Cara was already waiting for him.[/I]
"Ready to go, Johann?"
"Ja. I mean, yes."
[I]They both got on their skateboards and headed to Justin's house. Soon, they were knocking at his front door. His mother answered.[/I]
"Hi, Mrs. Moore. We're here to see Justin. May we come in?" [I]John asked.[/I]
"Of course, John. He's in his room. You can wait in the living room while I go and get him for you."
[I]John and Cara followed Mrs. Moore to the living room and sat down. She then went off to tell her son that his friends were here. After a little while, Justin came into the room and waved to his friends.[/I]
"Hey guys. What's up?" [I]He asked, putting his hands in his pockets.[/I]
"Well, Bahman..."
[I]Cara stopped, noticing her mistake.[/I]
"I-I'm sorry. I meant to say Justin."
[I]Justin laughed.[/I]
"That's okay. I was about to call you guys, Perviz and Parizade. It's strange how you get used to the game, isn't it?"
[I]John and Cara both nodded.[/I]
"Well, anyways I've got some great news! You guys will never guess what it is!" [I]Justin said, excitedly.[/I]
"What is it?"
[I]Justin smiled.[/I]
"My dad got us an opening at a club! We'll be playing tomorrow night!"
[I]There was a short silence as Justin's words sunk in. Cara and John were as excited as their friend was.[/I]
"It's tomorrow night? That doesn't give us much time to get ready..."
[I]Justin patted John on the back.[/I]
"It'll be plenty of time. Besides, we don't really need to prepare for it anyways. By the way, did you guys find any good monster areas?"
[I]Cara shook her head.[/I]
"No, we couldn't find any. We were going to wait until you logged back in to explore the place some more."
"Thanks guys. Well, let's play the game again. I want to level up my character."
[I]John looked at his friend.[/I]
"But we just finished playing. What about the club?"
[I]Justin put a hand on John's shoulder.[/I]
"I told you, Johann. We have plenty of time to practice. I'll see you guys in 'Azure Sea'."
[I]Justin left his friends and walked back to his bedroom. John looked over at Cara for her opinion and she shrugged her shoulders.[/I]
"You know how stubborn he can be. I say we just go ahead and play the game with him. Besides, we can't practice without him." [I]She said.[/I]
[I]John nodded. They both picked up their skateboards and went back to their homes.[/I]

"Where are you going, Johann?"
"I'm going to see my friends, mother."
"Alright, have fun."

[B]Thank you BB for helping me with this. x_^[/B]
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