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[color=darkblue]I am so obsessed with this show. My obsession runs deep as the Marinara Trench. It comes on after Saturday Night Live here, at 1 AM, and I still never miss it (I've even left clubs & parties because I couldn't watch it & forgot to set the VCR). I always force my parents to listen to the latest plot.

My favorite episode so far has been the one where Martha & Lionel were held hostage at Luther Corp. I was so excited when it came on again in re-run a few weeks ago. Not only did it reveal stunning aspects of the overall storyline, but it really illustrated how Lex is becoming this not-so-nice guy without really meaning to. The ending scene, where Clark is walking away with his parents and Lex is watching them leave, stricken with guilt, is very dramatic. And when Clark leapt from Daily Planet to Luther Corp., it was utterly, phenomenally badass.

My poor Lex! I would save you from yourself if only you were real![/color]
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lol... oy! you left a club or party for that?!? thank goodness my friends are insane too and if I miss one, I go down the list to see who has recorded it!

I liked that episode a lot too, but when I saw the previews for it here.. I assumed Lex was going to be "badder" than what he was. I was expecting him to do something totally outrageous and evil. Ya know, totally revert to the dark side. *instead he went to the dim side* lol....

my fave episode would have to be the one with Christopher Reeves, purely because of sentiment. that music they started to play when Clark met him... *the original superman theme music* I got all choked up...:wow:
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I'm pretty much a fan of Smallville myself, it's probably the only show I watch these days besides The Simpsons. I love the relationship between Clark and Lana (sp?), its amazing how he's always there to save her.

As for my favorite episode, I like the one where it had the little teenager that could read people's mind, it made Clark look like a true hero. :)
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by IcyBunny [/i]
[B]lol... oy! you left a club or party for that?!? [/B][/QUOTE]

[COLOR=darkblue]Yes, I am that much of a loser. :p Usually, though, I'm the one having the party so I just get everybody to shut up so I can watch. After awhile everyone started to like it, too. (I got all these guys into "Gilmore Girls" the same way, but they refuse to admit it to anyone but me).

Zanarkand Abes, I wish I could help you, but Wb shows are always behind where I live. And come on at weird times, like I mentioned. I hate it! Bastards! [/COLOR]
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I'm not a big fan of this show. I've tried to watch it several times (my brother is really into it), but I guess I'm just tired of the Superman franchise. After watching 4 movies, 2 animated series, and 3 TV series (yes, I watch Nick at Nite), I just can't sit through [i]another[/i] adaptation of The Man of Steel.

I can see why people like it, though. It's a good show. I'm just a little supermaned-out. Maybe if they make a Supergirl or Superboy series...
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[color=blue][size=1] I use to watch the show every week but I became frustrated with Clark and his not realising he could be with Launa or Cloe if he chose to be (I myself liked Cloe more I think she is prettier then Launa and more of Clark's type) and slowly after a while I just stopped watching and stopped caring. My favorite episode out of the ones I have seen is the episode where Clark uses his lazor vision whenever a pretty female is around I thought that episode was hillarious.[/size][/color]
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Guest dr.septagon
Smallville started off great, but now has turned into a teenage version of Sunset Beach or The Bold and the Beautiful with Clark liking Lana and people getting suspicous about him...its just gonna slowly morph into a teenage soap.
What do they do for fun in Smallville?
Its supposed to be set in the past and they still have computers and Gamecubes, Lex has a new porsche WTF?
Lana isnt that good looking!

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[color=skyblue]Hehe I really like this show and got very mad when they kept showing re-runs for like a month.
The first time I saw it I didn't really like it because of the spider/bug man...I hated that episode! But now I watch it all the time! I really hate the new Sheiff too![/color]
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ok, I admit, no one catching on.. ESP. Lana is LAME LAME LAME! but I cant help it, I love watching, perhaps its my guilty little pleasure.. perhaps Im 15 at heart... who knows... My fave DC charcter has NEVER been the Supes.. but I'll take it. my face character? Kyle Rayner.. easy. ONE of your friendly neighborhood GL. plus, hes cute. ^_^
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My favorite episode is the one with the kid who can read people's mind and Clark throwing the bowling ball like a baseball and nailing the bad guy in the head. The only strange thing I find about Smallville is that when Clark fights, all he does is throw people around and the bad guys die after just being thrown into the wall. I mean he barely even fights people who are supposed to be as strong as him. He just picks them up and throws them
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dr.septagon [/i]
[B]Smallville started off great, but now has turned into a teenage version of Sunset Beach or The Bold and the Beautiful with Clark liking Lana and people getting suspicous about him...its just gonna slowly morph into a teenage soap.
What do they do for fun in Smallville?
Its supposed to be set in the past and they still have computers and Gamecubes, Lex has a new porsche WTF?
Lana isnt that good looking!

:mrt: [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=royalblue]Actually, at first people were complaining about the fact that Clark was always going up against people with powers gained the meteor rocks, and even dubbed them "The Freak of the Week," and ratings plummeted. So, for the second season, they decided to focus more on the relationships going on between the characters, as per request from frazzled fans.

I personally love this show. It fits into my WB week, as I dub it. Running with all the other major WB shows (i.e. Everwood, Charmed, Angel, Gilmore Girls, etc.) I like the fact they've focused more on the relationship parts, rather than fighting meteor mutants every week. I like the episode when Lex's brother showed up. It was pretty good. And I liked the ep LM was talking about. That was pretty cool when he made that jump, and the ending was powerful, in a way. All in all, I think it's a pretty good show.[/color]
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Im really gald they took a break from "freak of the week." when the show started they promised it would not be like that, but a mix of clark fighting villains and clark and his relationships with family, friends, lana and so on. I think if they had stuck to that promise, the show would be more successful today.

This passed week: Clark helped Lana out with some bad guys down at the Tallon, He threw one into the "new sherrif's" car, and got sued, Lana saw the whole thing... so she started taking self defence lessons thanks in no small part to Lex. Coure the guy was faking injuries. He went back to the Tallon all beat up "supposedly beat up" tried to harass Lana again, got beat by a girl, and dropped the charges.

Side story: Lex's Dr. woman meets an old BF from the past, hes a nutso stalker, he tries to convince her Lex is nuts, is successfull for a while, Lex course throws his name and money around to find out the guy is crazy, but not in time. The dude beats up his woman enough. Lex almost kills him, but does not. And she ends up ok. *man I wish Lex would just make the leap to Vilain.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Hikaru Ichijyo
I use to be a big fan of smallville however as the show progressed onward it turned way too much into a teen drama like Dawson Creek. Now I watch it once in awhile but the last seasons wasn't very intriguing.
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