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The Future of OB - Info & Survey


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[b]If you could choose only one new BIG feature for OtakuBoards, what would it be?[/b]

Hmmm, a name changer or a spell checker

[b]If you could only add one new forum to OtakuBoards, what would it be?[/b]

I agree with alot of the other members and say..."Otaku History"
*wonders about what ever happened to MyOtaku*

[b]Would you like to see a closer link between OtakuBoards and sister site, theOtaku.com? [/b]

Yes, that would be cool.

[b]Would you like to see OtakuBoards open an affiliation program with other message boards?[/b]

Yeah, i think it would be a good idea like with the joint events and so on, but i'm not sure on this one.

[b]Do you feel that theOtaku.com's chat system should be linked to OtakuBoards? [/b]

Yes, although when i did go to the chat i couldn't stay in it longer than 5 minutes, sorry Juu but i just didn't really like it that much.

[b]Are you satisfied with the level of spam control on OtakuBoards?[/b]

Yup, a little bit tough, but i have grew to love it ;).

[b]If you could access OtakuBoards on a handlheld device (PDA, Generation 3 Mobile Phone, etc), would you access it regularly in this way?[/b]

Yeah, but mostly only to check if people have replied to a certain thread, becuase it is VERY expensive on my mobile to go on the net >_<;;

[b]Is it more important to have a large variety of skins, or smaller (and higher quality) range of skins?[/b]

Smaller and high quality, i don't see the point in having a huge range that are pretty poopie quality :p.

[b]Would you prefer to have anime/gaming-themed skins or completely original works? [/b]

Hmm, i am not actually sure on this one o_O.

[b]Do you actively engage Moderators and Category Moderators if you are having problems on OB?[/b]

Yuppers all the time.

[b]Are you satisfied with OtakuBoards' child protection policies? [/b]

It's OK i geuss. I think it is a little tough becuase it is up to the parents to watch what their kids are on but..Meh.

I alo think the banner thing sounds pretty kewl. :wigout:
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[font=gothic][color=darkgreen][b]If you could choose only one new BIG feature for OtakuBoards, what would it be?[/b]
Permanant VB codes. If I have to type in "[font=gothic][color=darkgreen]" one more time, I'm going to vomit.

[b]If you could only add one new forum to OtakuBoards, what would it be?[/b]
Mmm, philosophy for Harlequin's sake, apart from that... not too sure.

[b]Would you like to see a closer link between OtakuBoards and sister site, theOtaku.com?[/b]
I don't have anything to do with theOtaku. Not my game at all. I can, however, ignore any links to it if there were more installed.

[b]Would you like to see OtakuBoards open an affiliation program with other message boards?[/b]
To me that suggests more users with less interest in the board, and all the spamming, wrong spelling, abusive trouble they bring. Troublemakers, you here?!

[b]Are you satisfied with the level of spam control on OtakuBoards?[/b]
I don't spam This is why I have only 600something posts to show for my considerable time here. Quality, not quantity... ban spammers all you like, my lord. That will definately win my War (see signature)
Actually, now that I think of it, this month is my anniversary!

[b]Is it more important to have a large variety of skins, or smaller (and higher quality) range of skins?[/b]
Quality is more important than asthetics, I believe. As long as all the buttons work.

[b]Would you prefer to have anime/gaming-themed skins or completely original works?[/b]
If I had a choice, I would go original, but I really don't care. I am not an anime fan, but I don't mind it at all.

[b]Do you actively engage Moderators and Category Moderators if you are having problems on OB?[/b]
No, I haven't had any problems that weren't purely mental, and if I have then I would have spoken up, yes.

[b]Are you satisfied with OtakuBoards' child protection policies?[/b]
What? The censorship? Yeah, fine... and the warning about mature content in the titles of threads is a good idea too. [/font][/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ravenstorture [/i]
[B][font=gothic][color=darkgreen]If you could choose only one new BIG feature for OtakuBoards, what would it be?[/b]
Permanant VB codes. If I have to type in "[font=gothic][color=darkgreen]" one more time, I'm going to vomit.[/font][/color] [/QUOTE][size=1]Well, you could type in [FONT=times new roman] all the time...if it would make you feel better.[/size]
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If you could choose only one new BIG feature for OtakuBoards, what would it be?

More avatars, we have like 1 million Zelda ones, lol

If you could only add one new forum to OtakuBoards, what would it be?


Would you like to see a closer link between OtakuBoards and sister site, theOtaku.com? (ie: closer fan art links, contests, etc)

No, things are fine between them at the moment

Would you like to see OtakuBoards open an affiliation program with other message boards?


Do you feel that theOtaku.com's chat system should be linked to OtakuBoards? (ie: shared moderators, scheduled chat events etc)


Are you satisfied with the level of spam control on OtakuBoards? (ie: do you feel that we need more spam control or less? Or are we just right?)

Spam control is fine at the moment

If you could access OtakuBoards on a handlheld device (PDA, Generation 3 Mobile Phone, etc), would you access it regularly in this way?

No, lol

Is it more important to have a large variety of skins, or smaller (and higher quality) range of skins?

Smaller higher quality range

Would you prefer to have anime/gaming-themed skins or completely original works? (if you had to choose only one option)

Anime/gaming based

Do you actively engage Moderators and Category Moderators if you are having problems on OB? (in other words, do you seek out Mods/Category Mods to help you when you are unsure of a rule or something like that)

No, I am never unsure, lol

Are you satisfied with OtakuBoards' child protection policies? (such as language restrictions, conflict resolution between members, strict blocking of sexual imagery, etc... - this question is aimed primarily at parents and members over 15 years

Yes, extremely satisfied ^_^
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i]
[B][size=1]Well, you could type in [FONT=times new roman] all the time...if it would make you feel better.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=black][size=1][font=rockwell] What about [font=rockwell]? That's also going to make [i]me[/i] feel better. And making me feel better is like a King Midas's touch.[/color][/size][/font][/font]
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If you could choose only one new BIG feature for OtakuBoards, what would it be? Personally I like the idea of spell check and permanate VB codes.

If you could only add one new forum to OtakuBoards, what would it be? A Sub topic for people who want to write for "adult" type writings

Would you like to see a closer link between OtakuBoards and sister site, theOtaku.com? I don't see theotaku and OB gaining or losing from it but in general No.

Would you like to see OtakuBoards open an affiliation program with other message boards? Nope, then we will get all the spammers and people who can't type or spell

Do you feel that theOtaku.com's chat system should be linked to OtakuBoards? I believe it should because then I think we might get more intrest in it.

Are you satisfied with the level of spam control on OtakuBoards? It's fine.

If you could access OtakuBoards on a handlheld device (PDA, Generation 3 Mobile Phone, etc), would you access it regularly in this way? Yes I would.

Is it more important to have a large variety of skins, or smaller (and higher quality) range of skins? smaller and high quality, I feel that the less you have the better quality

Would you prefer to have anime/gaming-themed skins or completely original works? anime/gamming skins

Do you actively engage Moderators and Category Moderators if you are having problems on OB? No I don't I usually ask Blanko or figure it out on my own.
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[b]If you could choose only one new BIG feature for OtakuBoards, what would it be?[/b]

An instant messaging service, kinda like AIM. That'd be cool.

[b]If you could only add one new forum to OtakuBoards, what would it be?[/b]

Oh goodness! I'd add a strange happenings and phenomenom forum. UFO's, Aliens, ghost, Nessie...Ahh, that would be good.
Or a forum dedicated to jokes, pranks, and other shennanigans.

[b]Would you like to see a closer link between OtakuBoards and sister site, theOtaku.com? [/b](ie: closer fan art links, contests, etc)[/b]

I don't really visit theOtaku.com, so I don't really care.

[b]Would you like to see OtakuBoards open an affiliation program with other message boards?[/b]

No, not really.

[b]Do you feel that theOtaku.com's chat system should be linked to OtakuBoards? [/b](ie: shared moderators, scheduled chat events etc)

Sure. A chat system would really liven things up. It'd also help the RPG section greatly. Think about it: Live role playing over the internet. Wow.

[b]Are you satisfied with the level of spam control on OtakuBoards?[/b] (ie: do you feel that we need more spam control or less? Or are we just right?)

I think it's just right.

[b]If you could access OtakuBoards on a handlheld device (PDA, Generation 3 Mobile Phone, etc), would you access it regularly in this way?[/b]

Even though I don't have a PDA, sure go for it.

[b]Is it more important to have a large variety of skins, or smaller (and higher quality) range of skins?[/b]

A higher variety would be nice.

[b]Would you prefer to have anime/gaming-themed skins or completely original works? [/b](if you had to choose only one option)[/b]


[b]Do you actively engage Moderators and Category Moderators if you are having problems on OB?[/b] (in other words, do you seek out Mods/Category Mods to help you when you are unsure of a rule or something like that)


[b]Are you satisfied with OtakuBoards' child protection policies? [/b](such as language restrictions, conflict resolution between members, strict blocking of sexual imagery, etc... - this question is aimed primarily at parents and members over 15 years)[/b]

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About the avatars - The amount and variety of avatars we have right now were up to the members, mods and all. They were asked to help out, and from what I saw a few people just sent in lots of Zelda (I think Desbreko actually). So I don't know what there is to do about that, without James having to take even more time to get them into place (it's not a fast process to add or remove the things).
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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]Hmm... I sent in about four SNK avis and five DBZ ones. o.o;

Permenant tags would be nice, but it's not really that difficult. I just copy/paste my tag. o.o;[/color] [/size]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i]
[B]About the avatars - The amount and variety of avatars we have right now were up to the members, mods and all. They were asked to help out, and from what I saw a few people just sent in lots of Zelda (I think Desbreko actually). So I don't know what there is to do about that, without James having to take even more time to get them into place (it's not a fast process to add or remove the things). [/B][/QUOTE]

[size=1][color=firebrick] I could do some good anime avatars if they were going to be used. Because not only is there a million Zelda avatars, about a mnillion bajillion of those Zelda avatars are [b]link[/b] avatars.

o_O; talk about being overpopular lol.

oh, and about the vb permanent tag thing. That would be good if you had al lot of coding in your text. me personally, I don't find it too hard to type [size=*1][color=f*rebrick] every post. [/size][/color]
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[color=black][size=1][font=rockwell] You fiend! You stole Weh's banana! Just wait until he hears this..

Yes, way too many of those avatars are Zelda, Link in particular. I think 'sko went a little overboard...yar ye mateys.[/color][/size][/font]
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[color=indigo]Yeah, back when James was accepting avatar submissions during the switch to 60x60, I made around 100 Zelda avatars. Then when we switched to 80x80, I resized some and made some more, and sent them in again. Apparently, not many other people sent in avatars that time, so we ended up with a high ratio of Zelda avatars. So, my point being...it's everyone else's fault, not mine! :toothy:

Maybe you should bug Charles about putting up more avatars. James is pretty busy, so I doubt he'd have time.

Oh, and Mitch; that's my banana, not Weh's. I originally found it. He just usually gets credit for it since I let him use it and he ended up using it as his avatar.[/color]
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[size=1]A bit off topic Mitch >.>

I personally hate typing in the tags, but i do anyway.... whatever. Is there a hack or something you can put in James that gives us permanate codes?[/size]
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[b]If you could choose only one new BIG feature for OtakuBoards, what would it be?[/b]

[color=silver]Nothing, really...[/color]

[b]If you could only add one new forum to OtakuBoards, what would it be?[/b]

Mecha anime section.

[b]Would you like to see a closer link between OtakuBoards and sister site, theOtaku.com? (ie: closer fan art links, contests, etc)[/b]


[b]Would you like to see OtakuBoards open an affiliation program with other message boards?[/b]


[b]Do you feel that theOtaku.com's chat system should be linked to OtakuBoards? (ie: shared moderators, scheduled chat events etc)[/b]

[color=silver]Sure, Why not[/color]

[b]Are you satisfied with the level of spam control on OtakuBoards? (ie: do you feel that we need more spam control or less? Or are we just right?)[/b]

[color=silver]Just right.[/color]

[b]If you could access OtakuBoards on a handlheld device (PDA, Generation 3 Mobile Phone, etc), would you access it regularly in this way?[/b]


[b]Is it more important to have a large variety of skins, or smaller (and higher quality) range of skins?[/b]

[color=silver]Large variety of skins[/color]

[b]Would you prefer to have anime/gaming-themed skins or completely original works? (if you had to choose only one option)[/b]


[b]Do you actively engage Moderators and Category Moderators if you are having problems on OB? (in other words, do you seek out Mods/Category Mods to help you when you are unsure of a rule or something like that)[/b]


[b]Are you satisfied with OtakuBoards' child protection policies? (such as language restrictions, conflict resolution between members, strict blocking of sexual imagery, etc... - this question is aimed primarily at parents and members over 15 years)[b]

[color=silver]Fine with it.[/color]
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