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This the second version of this banner, i've had some problems with this one, I made this nice background but it looked empty, nothing I put in looked right, this is probably the best out of the ones i've made. Im still not entirely happy but im getting bored of seeing the same image every time I open photoshop.
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ok, made a quick icon thing, made it darker and lighter as you put it over aim o.0;

I think this does actually look nicer, even though I dont think the colors are exactly what you meant.
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I like this version alot better, but...

maybe make the symbol a tad smaller, and theres an awkward brightness on the left side of the image =\ if that could be changed/toned down a bit that would make the image look better. I know my "make it lighter and darker" comment on AIM must have been confusing but it's hard to explain what I'm trying to say :rolleyes:.
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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]The second one's much better. It reminds me alot of scuba diving. o.o;

Though, I'm not sure if I really like that shade of blue in that second one. It's too... murky. oo;

7.7/10.[/color] [/size]
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