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[size=1]I really like it, especially the red/brown tips on his hair. There's just something about characters with grayish hair that I enjoy. Where did you come up with the name? Does he only have one arm?

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[size=1]^_^ Thankies.

He has two arms, you just can't see it really well. I got lazy with the shading and schtuff.

Tarragon...eh. It's a kind of spice. I don't know why it's his name...it just is.[/size]
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eek *___* i like except forthe tips on the hair =\. Maybe if the robe was a redish color like the tips on the hair It would look better. But whatever ^_^', I like the hilt on the sword, although the sword kind of looks like a cross between a Katana and a medievil knights type sword -_o;. Nice drawing though.
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[size=1]Nyeh heh. I haven't drawn anything like this for a long time. it's [i]fun![/i]

Dun worry about my changing the hair, I quite like it.

It wasn't supposed to be this big...just the head and top of the cloak thingie, but I kept adding stuff..and losing my immediate interest, heh. So the mistake I really notice are about from the waist down.

But hey. I like it.[/size]
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[color=black][size=1][font=rockwell] I love it. It reminds me of a harlequin in some small, precise features; and, also, it reminds me of those japanese ladie things. Like the one Jamesy had for his avatar. I don't know their name, but yeah.

His face looks like it has that white tinge to it. Like he's really gaunt and dilapidated or something. At least that's what I get. He also reminds me of Sephiroth in some fashions, too. Especially his sword; don't forget the hair, either. Overall, I love it. Tarragon looks like him and I'd get along well together.[/color][/size][/font]
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[color=#808080]I like this one a lot. He looks like an anime Harry Potter type character. o_O

I don't know about the red tips. It looks like someone dipped his hair in blood or something. I'm not actually opposed to the red tips as such, but I think that maybe they need to be blended in a little more with the rest of his hair or something.

But other than that, it's very nice. Good shape overall and a good sense of tone on the clothing. Great stuff. ^_^[/color]
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[color=black][size=1][font=rockwell] But Jeh, blood is blue. :p

I for one like the red tips; red's always been a good color to me, and it's always symbolized a lot to me. Anger; love; hate; antipathy; rancor; and, of course, blood. As Ginny said, you can't touch his hair; keep it like it is![/color][/size][/font]
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[color=#808080]Now, now. I said the red tips are fine; but they look like the hair is dripping with blood. lol

So, it's just a matter of blending it in with the rest of the hair. If Sara hadn't included red tips, I may have even suggested them. I think they look good. ~_^[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i]
[B][color=#808080]He looks like an anime Harry Potter type character. o_O

It looks like someone dipped his hair in blood or something. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Uh... Heh. Right on both counts, my friend. o0

Yep, I think he started out as Draco...but [i]anyway.[/i]

*waves to Erik*

I'm pleased that you all like it. Makes me feel all warm and squishy inside.

Anyway, yes. Character is still a work-in-progress, as th title implies...but I'm actually quite pleased with how this turned out. &_&[/SIZE]
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