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A Mage O.o

Rhys Mayiessen

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[color=skyblue]This is a picture I drew not too long ago...actually it was yesterday. This is one of the many characters from one of my many stories I have to finish.

This is Elëgaith your typical evil drow mage. I plan to colour him some day...with a computer but I have to learn first. So for now you get to see the rough copy...I hope you like it!^^[/color]
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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]That's really neat! ^_^
I especially like the facial expression, and the little pattern on his clothes. His robe looks a little droopy though. You're really good at drawing. Post some more pictures! ^^

9/10.[/color] [/size]
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[size=1]Oh, hey. Another style I've not seen. Rhys, have you posted art before?

I'd make his robe hang a little more [i]down[/i]. See at the wrist, where it goes out to the side? It's got weight, and should pull down, not out like that. [I stil have problems with that, heh.]

And if you're going to try coloring it on the computer, try tracing over it with a fine black pen or marker. Makes the lines much clearer, and that's a world of difference for coloring....even more so on the computer.

I like the character, though. [Heh, aren't hands evil?][/size]
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[color=skyblue]Hehe wow I never knew so many people would like it! ^^;;I have to work on swords....and positions and everything else. I'm surprised that you actually remember it was from my story Mitch.

I love this character too...I don't know why I've never been into evil things...I like mostly good people but I really like Elëgaith...^^[/color]
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