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Unless you want this to end up closed, you need to say something that is relevant. Anyway, have fun at prom. It was the great when I went and it was also the last formal that I've been to. Enjoy it! Here, I'll ask a question.

Who else is getting ready for prom and what are your plans? And for all of you who have already been, how was it and what did you do?

Maybe that'll keep it open.....
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Guest Crimson Spider
You know, My school recently... today... had a prom outfit fashion show. The guys all wore pratically the same thing. And the main difference in the girls outfits is just the color. I guess A-Tech doesn't have too much fashion sense... or the fact that everyone tells me that since I'm a guy, I can't tell fashion if it hit me in the butt with a golf club.
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Guest Imsirion
I don't go to proms, dances, or any other social event that involves being around my peers. Why? Because I love self-pity of course! Or truthfully, a mix of being kind of shy and not really caring. I hate it when my friends try to get me dates for these things. My favourite reply is "What! And miss a perfectly good night of videogaming!?!"


Oh! And long time-no-see Outlaw!
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[FONT=arial]I just went to my first prom last Friday. the actual prom part was....meh, but the before and after of it was good. Anna's date and my date came over to the house to have dinner before we went out, took pictures, yadda yadda. then we went to the auditorium where the prom was at. didn't do that much dancing other than some of the slow stuff, considering the 'dancing' most of the people were doing wasn't really dancing, so to speak. then we went back to my house and hung out there until the wee hours of the morning.

I loved my dress ^_^. it was this pretty shiny light green color, and had an empire waist with gold threading. I got some gold shoes and a beaded purse to go along with it. lol, no one probably cares, but I had to talk about it. can't talk about prom without talking about what you wore to it ^_^.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i]
[B]I usually don't go to such things, but when [url=http://kyokochan.net/albums/album07/junon00_beststar_1.sized.jpg]she[/url] asked me to go with her I just couldn't say no. [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]*stares for a long time*


Most of my friends are going...then again, most of my friends are seniors, heh. [/SIZE]
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[b][size=1]We don't really have anything along the lines of a prom over in England. Even if we did, I wouldn't be able to get a date. Even if I did get a date, I would make an idiot of myself.

Realise why I'm glad there aren't proms over here?[/b][/size]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Imsirion [/i]
[B]I don't go to proms, dances, or any other social event that involves being around my peers. Why? Because I love self-pity of course! Or truthfully, a mix of being kind of shy and not really caring. I hate it when my friends try to get me dates for these things. My favourite reply is "What! And miss a perfectly good night of videogaming!?!"
[/B][/QUOTE] Same here.
I feel like such a loser for not asking this one girl out to our 8th grade dance. Oh well, one more day of mental anguish shouldn't kill me.... yet.... Heh, I suck at dancing.
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Prom sucks... whyw ould anyone spend that much money to dance when I can do that right here. I coudl throws a party for FREE and have more fun.

As you might have come to conclusion, I didn't go to my prom. By choise mind you. Not because I just didn't have a date lol. I wasn't out though so it wouldn't have matters anyway
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i]
[B]Prom sucks... whyw ould anyone spend that much money to dance when I can do that right here. I could throws a party for FREE and have more fun.[/B][/QUOTE]

[color=red][b]Indeed. For our prom, it's 50 bucks a ticket. So I would have to spend 100 bucks just for tickets, then theirs a tux and a limo if i want one. Way too much money for a dance. And lucky, my g/f thinks so too. :) We will just be spending the night at my house.[/b][/color]
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[color=hotpink][size=1]WHOOOOOOOO! Me and Ryan went to our prom last Friday and it was GREAT! I borrowed everything and the only things I had to pay for was my hair style, my tickets and pictures (but me and Ryan split the cost of that). Everyone kept telling me I looked like Cinderella because I had on this big huge dress and it was pale blue. I have never looked so beautiful in my life. I can't wait to post pictures! *sighs* It was SO much better than last year...[/color][/size]
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well...i've never been to prom, and i really dont want to. i mean...its a waste of my time, but then again i dont do anything as it is.
and getting a date is really hard. all the guys think i hate them! (and most of them its true). if i had to go, would it be stupid to take my laptop and just sit in a corner, watching other people make complete fools of themselves?! 'cause thats what i would probly do...
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June 19, I am going to my second prom. My first one was horrible and I was so shy. To top it all off , it was on a boat. I really hate boats. I didn`t dance or anything. I just sat in my grey dress and watched my friends make fools of themselves.

I am going to this one since tickets are $1 and I want to see my friends make fools of themselves again. Oh man I have to wear a pretty dress again. I think I`ll wear black this time. I look good in black.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i]
[B]Prom sucks... why would anyone spend that much money to dance when I can do that right here. I could throw a party for FREE and have more fun.

My thoughts exactly. Alas as previosly mentioned, I did go to prom. I never really wanted to go. In my mind it would have been no loss whatsoever if I hadn't gone. But I did so oh well. Peer pressure got me to do it, dang peer pressure. Seriously! Tori and Tabby and Autumn, practically anyone who asked and who I said I wasn't going to all said, "WHYYYYYYYYY??!! You HAVE to go! It's your senior year!!!" I couldn't care less; it actually wouldn't be such a bother to me if it wasn't so [i]expensive[/i]! I think that's the main thing I dislike about prom: all that money, wasted. For the amount of time that prom lasts and the amount of money you end up spending on it, the end result just isn't worth it--to me. I know some people don't mind all that, but I do. I don't look down or anything like that, not at all. I've been to four proms, but only one was enjoyable. It wasn't even my prom, but it's still one of the funnest nights of my life. One out of four. But whatever, things like this are different from place to place, so who knows.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i]
[B]anyone who asked and who I said I wasn't going to all said, "WHYYYYYYYYY??!! You HAVE to go! It's your senior year!!!" I couldn't care less[/B][/QUOTE]


I didn't go to prom my senior year, and I'm really happy that I skipped it. I attended it my junior year but it sucked; only about two of my close friends went and I was annoyed with the entire ordeal.

My senior year, the friends who hadn't gone the previous year were all going, and they were all trying to convince me to go. That weekend I took two friends to our condo in Northern Michigan instead, and it was MUCH more fun than silly old prom :p[/color]
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My school closed down Junior year. There was no prom due to lack of interest. My school senior year, I didn't feel like going at all.

The first school, Weber, would have had a great prom. I know it would have been something cheap and just a lot of fun. The second school, St. Pats, was mostly pretentious jerks. There was no reason to go.

A girl I was dating at the time wanted me to take her to mine, but I didn't... I was attempting to dump her at the time anyway heh.

Too much money I'd rather waste on other things either way.
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[color=purple][size=1]Being a freshie, prom is kind of out of my reach, unless I get asked by a junior or a senior. Which would greatly arrigvate my sophmore boyfriend.

Then again, even if I [i]did[/i] get asked to go to either, I would decline.

I think it's rather arrogant of someone from the freshman or sophmore class to show up at either junior or senior prom, whether they have a date or not.

It would not be my place to be there, and I understand the schoolwide love for all freshmen, so I knew that if it was my junior or senior prom, I wouldn't want a bunch of egotistical, arrogant, snobby, stuck up, freshmen at the prom that I'd been anticipating for three years.

Whether or not I am going to actually go to prom when I am a junior or senior, I do not yet know. I must keep in mind, that my school is not the richest, and my prom would probably be held in the gym. o_O;

Ugh, I allowed myself to be talked into going to homecoming. I blew $135 dollars on my dress, not realizing that I would wear it only once. (However I will admit, it was a really pretty dress :p) As if it wasn't bad enough that my dress was so expensive, I then blew another $115 dollar on my hair, which ended up falling apart by the end of homecoming. The only positive part, was that my hair matched my dress, (midnight blue ;))

My closest cousin, who I consider a sister, is going to her senior prom soon. Unfortunately, I won't be able to see her go. My mother and her mother are not speaking, and I am forbidden to set foot into their house. This also means that I won't be able to see Carrie graduate. :([/color][/size]
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[color=#9933ff]Person who created this thread read my mind. I was just going to make a thread about it. o.O

Mmm. I'm not going to a prom, persay, but it's an eighth grade dance. It's basically a prom, but not so so SO dressy.

I agree that they're pretty stupid and it can cost a lot of money. It takes forever to find the dress you want (I finally found this creme coloured cocktail dress), and then you've got to get shoes for it, and make an appointment to get your hair and possibly nails (I'm doing my own). It does cost a lot of money. Anywhere from $200 - $500 usually.

The thing is, I enjoy getting all dressed up for it. ^_^; My family isn't made of money at all, so it's not like I'm a shop-o-holic, but I like shopping around in the mall for a dress, trying on all different ones, and admiring others. I like picking out matching shoes, and flipping through the book at the hair salon for the perfect 'do. I like putting on just enough make-up to make your best features stand out. And of course, the best part is, if you're old enough, you can do all of this with friends, and consult each other every step of the way. I don't wear really trendy clothes, and I hardly put on make up (moisturizer is about it for daily wear), so it's nice for me to indulge myself once in a blue moon. I guess you could say I'm a girly girl in this sense, but it's fun for me to dress up, even if it's just for one night only. ^_^[/color]
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[color=darkblue]I didn't go to my school's prom, because, as some of you know, my school sucked horribly. I went to a few that were other people's, though. Everyone there was like, "Who's that beautiful stranger with Sam (or whoever)?" Heheh, just kidding.

It was really boring, all of them. I wore the same dress every time. I just kind of went as favors to my friends. Plus, every guy I went with couldn't dance at all. Whatever. The parties afterwards were cool, but not anything I didn't do every weekend anyway. I don't really see the big deal of prom.[/color]

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pressure [/i]
[B][color=purple][size=1]The only positive part, was that my hair matched my dress, (midnight blue ;))[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE]

[COLOR=darkblue]Oh, hey! I did the exact same thing! I had a midnight blue dress and on the first prom I put midnight blue streaks all in my hair. My hair was short & punkish back then, though. The dress also showed off the tattoo on my back (it's rather large) so I looked pretty punked out that year.

One thing I despise about dressing like that: The BRAS![/COLOR]
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We have "dances".You have to be five feet from the person your dancing with.It's sooooooooo stupid!!!!!!!!Well I could've asked a girl to dance five feet away from me.All they played was R&B and Rap.The girls danced like...well if I said what they dance like I'll get banned.Well I guss if I don't lose wieght,I'll never go to a dance....I'm still sad:bawl:
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[COLOR=deeppink]Hmph. At my school, I have to pay for prom or I don't graduate, whether I go or not. So basically I'm paying for something I'm not even going to attend.

Techinacally, though, I'm paying for prom [i]and[/i] graduation, but half of the money should still be in my pocket. Well, my mom's pocket actually. ^_^'''

I'm not sure if this is the way in other schools, but mine has every person pay "class dues", and that money goes to paying for prom and graduation. We need $9,000, and we have $4,000. If we individually do not pay, they won't give us our diploma until we do. *rolls eyes*

Personally, I think that prom and graduation should be handle seperately, because I have no intentions of going to prom.[/COLOR]
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