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OB Battle Tournament - Come One, Come All


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Hey I've got an idea.

So that people dont have to sit around and wait while 2 people are battleing it out, you should make a seperate thread called "The OB Tournament Waiting Room" where people can chat and role play with eachother.

I think this is good for various reasons.....

1) It gives players somthing to do while the others are fighting.

2) It leaves room and time for storyline development.

Thats just an idea, you and Shinobi decide from there. :)
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Well Tasis, i know where your coming from but...i dunno, hmm. I think i will put a post limit for matches to like 2 for each player, so in total there should be 4 posts per fight, sound good? I haven't talked this over with Ajeh, but i think that might work. I also love Krillen's idea, so yeah it will most probably be 4 post limit for every fight and the waiting room idea. I'll clear all this up as soon as Ajeh get on ;).
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OK.. [/b]

We'll have a side-thread going at the same time as the tournament. At the most, two battles will take place at any one time.
So looking at the table, the first two matches to be running while we're all uh.. 'developing' in the waiting thread will be:

[b]Bayushi Yojiro vs Tate[/b]
[b]Xra vs Link[/b]

As soon as one match ends, the next match will begin in its place.
Matches will last (hopefully) a minimum of 3 posts from each fighter. I'm hoping that the average fight however, will be drawn out into about 8-12 posts.

Once either a battle seems to be slowing down; or it is extremely apparent that one RP'er is obviously more than a match for their opponent; or one person quits; or any other reason of that type of nature, the judges will announce who they feel is the clear winner of the match. This will be based on RP-ing creativity in the fight, and post quality.

After the winner has been announced by the judges (Myself and Shinny), the loser can be killed/defeated/humiliated in anyway that the winner so chooses in a final match-post.. sort of like the Mortal Kombat 'fatality' idea.

If anybody at any time feels they would like to drop-out due to whatever personal problems, just PM or IM either Shinny or myself. We'll work around it by turning your character into a dummy, lol.

If anybody cannot come online for whatever reasons for a while, contact me, and I'll alter the match-ups (or the ordering of the matches) so that I can help stall for as long as possible.

Anyway, enjoy!
(And you better had do too, lol. That table took me a lifetime -.-)

[b]We decided to stick with the judges idea, because we decided it would ruin the Waiting Room thread if we kept on discussing between our characters who would win (and so decide the winner). We obviously weren't going to put polls up because of the insane number of times we would have to create new threads for the polls. And PM-ing votes wouldn't work, in that you may think we have cheated/altered the results and lied to you all; and the fact that then this thing would be one giant popularity contest thing.

So yeah. We're sticking with the judges idea, and we swear not to cheat in our matches. ;)[/b]

After your fight, you may return to the waiting room thread. Even if you lose, unless your opponent felt merciless enough to just outright kill you.. which will mean you are immediately gone from the RPG, lol. So your continual in the RPG (waiting room only though) if you lost your battle will depend solely on how your battle ended. (ie: if you're dead, you're dead; and if you've just only been beaten to hell, you can return to the waiting thread.)

Oh, and feel free to talk to your opponents if you feel out-of-luck. If you don't want to die, we can't stop you from striking deals, lol.

Feel free to ask any more questions. [/size]
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^_^ Yup people, that's it people! Let The Tournament...BEGIN! Let me clear one thing up too. If you die in your "fatality" then you cannot post in the waiting room, however, if you were anything else in the "fatality" and still lived, then you are aloud to post in the waiting room. For example, if you were ordered to your knees and kiss the winners shoes, then you would go into the waiting room and descuss how humilating it was and how the fighting was and so on...you get the idea. So remember, if you die...the RPG is over for ya, sorry. Ok now...LET THE BATTLES BEGIN!
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Ok I guess we start now!

I am a little nearvous having to fight the one and only Xra in the first match but I am confident and hope to match his RPG skills.

Just one question.....

Where is the Battle thread? lol.....

You guys are probably making it right now but just thought I'd ask to make sure.;)
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AJeh said I was taking tates place >>; well heres me sign up thing.

Name : Kaisuke
Nickname : None
Age : 24
Bio : Young, skilled, taught by his older brother Ishigami who was killed in another tourney. Uses a massamune passed down through his family.
Desc : based on teh image attached.
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