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Hitto vs Kaisuke


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Well, we decided to have a lil graphics battle, more of a contest really, we both made a piece, and we're putting it to your vote as to who should win. So, here are the images, Hitto will post his.

l i f a F L U X

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[color=#808080]Wow, what a tough decision. Both images are very high quality. ^_^

I have a bit of an "if" situation here.

If the comet tails in Hittokiri's image are produced via some kind of filter/automated effect with little editing...then Kenji's would have to win. I find Kenji's to be the more "outwardly beautiful" image, I suppose. It doesn't depict anything specific -- maybe it depicts the intangible.

But if Hittokiri produced those gorgeous asteroid tails by hand...then his art would have to win. I don't really find the rest of it terribly appealing, but the asteroid trails aren't just "trails"...they're very stylized and powerful. I love 'em.[/color]
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Yep yep James, the image was made without the use of any filters, completly with the airbrush. The only tools I used on this piece were as follows:

Airbrush <--- All the trails and "comets" and "planets" were made mainly with this. =D
Color Burn Tool
Color Dodge Tool
Smudge Tool
Type Tool
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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]Both were really neat, and I really liked both of them.

Kenji: I love the icy colors with the misty texture. It looks like it's kinda sucking us in, which is really kewl.

Hittokiri: I love those astroids, and they kinda look celestial. I'd love to have a diary cover like that. ^^

My vote goes to Kenji, though. They were really close. ^^;[/color] [/size]
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[b][size=1]Hitto's work is great, but Neph's is just the one that does it for me. Nice size, brilliant colours and blending, and it looks very polished overall. The font and logo fit very nicely into the image, too.

Sorry Hitto, great work, but I just think Neph's takes the biscuit.[/b][/size]
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Sorreh Kenji.

HZ gets my vote on this one. His just seems different to what I usually see in this forum. I think that's probably the only reason why.
I liked both of them, but yeah. His one was different.[/b]

Hittokiri, was that originally a banner or something? It looks nice, so small..[/size]
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[size=1]For some reason I am unable to view HZ's image. The link isn't working properly, or something. As a result I have to vote for Nephroxide, who did an excellent job on their image. I'll change this if i am ever able to view the second image.

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Hmmm... You probably were unable to view the image because I'm guessing at the same time you were trying to view the image I was busy editing the description of the image -_o;. Either that or DA was glitching again =\. The image should be visible now.

Votes =

HZ - 2
Neph - 2

(Shyguy undecided???).
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Oooooooh a battle, I can't remember he last time I was in a battle anyways I'm going to go for neph on this mainly because the tail on HZ's comets are a bit iffy and neph seems to have done everything right.


What are the votes up too?
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[size=1]Well, i really like the way HZ made his image, it's not all abstract, like Kenji's, it actually has an image in it, if you understand what i'm saying.

Kenji, ya really should make images in the things you make, like what HZ did, it'd look awesome.

I hate brown >.>

+1 for HZ[/size]
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Hmm I go for Neph, although i do agree with Ajeh on the "diffrent thing" and Zeh with the "actual picture thing" but i don;t like the colours used in HZ's and Neph's seems more light and cheerful..>_>.

Great work, both of you.
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*blinks* I...whoa...


(Standstills still suck, standstills still suck, standstills still suck...)

NephEH's looks real celestial and watery. And his is still a tech out of my reach. Oooo...
Hitto's is purdy and all, but...=\ ...somehow, knowing how to do that myself sorta takes away from the art, if that makes sense at all. Personally, I'm a tad more impressed with the border.

However, I cannot choose which should win. O_o;
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