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Lain & Boogiepop


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I recently finished off two series of anime that I found at my library. As the subject says these series are [i]Serial Experiments Lain[/i] and [i]Boogiepop Phantom[/i]. I just wanted to write my opinions and see what others think.

First off [i]Boogiepop Phantom[/i]. This was a rather confusing anime. The episodes are not really in a straight line and constantly link to other episodes earlier in the series. The artwork was really good. I especially liked the "suit" worn by Boogiepop (also called "The Angel Of Death"). I would definately recogmend this series to people, but warn you to pay close attention to each episode (total of twelve).

Next, [i]Serial Experiments Lain[/i]. Another short series, with only 13 episodes. I did not like this one as much as Boogiepop Phantom, and it seemed to have a .Hack//SIGN quality (only from the real world side). In truth I thought that the ending was kinda cheesy and also confusing in some parts.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Hikaru Ichijyo
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wiccansamurai [/i]
[B]duh it was confusing! if u dont get it, dont try! its a lot deeper then most anime, and its my fav!!! so dont u dare insult it!!! ^.^ its really confusing. it wasnt cheesy!!! it was all symbolic! u wouldnt understand. [/B][/QUOTE]

Ok...umm being a bit harsh there don't you think? As for Boogie Phantom pretty average series very well written though it didn't live up to most of the hype. As for the Serial Experiments Lain it's a great series and will mostly appeal to fans of the X-files, and scifi stories. Overall I'd say Lain is much better then Boogie Phantom and as for not understanding the series well rewatch it a couple of times, it's like the end of evangelion you have to watch it at least 20 times to finally grasp the whole concept of the ending.
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Boogie pop phantom looks interesting, i have only seen the first episode. But i have read a lot about it and will probably enjoy it. It has that dark quality i like. Only problem is i couldn't watch any other anime that day that was upbeat. It made me think....whew....life bites.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wiccansamurai [/i]
[B]duh it was confusing! if u dont get it, dont try! its a lot deeper then most anime, and its my fav!!! so dont u dare insult it!!! ^.^ its really confusing. it wasnt cheesy!!! it was all symbolic! u wouldnt understand. [/B][/QUOTE]

From the sounds of it I am begining to think you are the one that does not get it. I understood Lain quite well. I said it was confusing [i]"in some parts"[/i]. Things like how she could erase memories where never explained. They simply said that "God" gave her the power, a cheap cop-out at best.

Ohh, and a tip for next time. [i]Never[/i] try and judge my competence. You do not know me and have no right to make judgements that easily.

BTW, learn to type before you decide to try to make someone looks stupid.
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[font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]For those with Anime Network:[/color][/font]



HOUSTON, May 1, 2003?Anime Network? today announced that the hit anime thriller ?Boogiepop Phantom,? produced for U.S. distribution by The Right Stuf International, has been licensed for broadcast on Anime Network? (currently available as a video-on-demand feature on digital cable in select markets).

?Anime Network??s position as the only 24/7 television outlet dedicated to anime makes us a leading broadcast venue for fine anime content,? said John Ledford, President and CEO of A.D. Vision, Inc., parent company of the Anime Network? and ADV Films. ?The Right Stuf is only the first domestic production company to enter into a broadcast distribution deal with Anime Network?; we?re currently in negotiations with the other major anime providers about adding their content to the Anime Network? lineup.?

About Anime Network?:
Anime Network?, a subsidiary of A.D. Vision, Inc. (parent company to ADV Films and Newtype USA), is the first cable channel in North America dedicated to anime (Japanese animation). Anime Network? launched in North America in late 2002, and plans extensive availability, initially through digital cable video-on-demand technology. The network is broadening its initial roster of multi-system operator (MSO) agreements to include providers from coast-to-coast. [/quote]

[color=hotpink][size=1]PLEASE do not link to other websites in your posts. It would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you. *QA*[/color][/size]
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[size=1][font=rockwell] Lain has to be my favorite Anime series out of what I've managed to see. It's so deep, and I love that. The artwork's nice in it, too. Simple yet very nice.[/size][/font]
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Hah. NO one oculd be a bigger Lain fan than I am, sorry but I'm obsessed. First off Serial expirments lain is quite simple, i own all 12 eps, andthat correction Lain has 12 ova and theres one lil add on they try to call an epsiode, but its more like a shorter skit cuz if u notice all lain eps are 20 min long, this "final" one was 15 min long, and not as intresting as the rest.

Boogie pop is confusing, and quite frankly its ment to be. You have to have a broader mind and deeper understanding of her feelings and more in drpth to understand it really. But besides a few confusing twists it easy for osmeoen lik me to understand, but, I live more in the wired than I do in the real world anyway, SoI would get it eaisly, now wouldn't I? heh hope I didnt offend anyone, and if I did I apologize , cuz I did not intend to.
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  • 2 weeks later...
sry, i can be harsh when defending lain.... havent seen boogie. BTW, i MEAN to type like this. it takes to long to type out things like "you" and "favorite" for us slow typers. i do this cuz its easier, and its not like this is homework... so learn to deal with it! ill type how i want! and i do understand lain, i dont just watch sumthing once thru and think i completely understand it. i watched the whole seris about five or six times. it was nice not to get the whole brainless dragonball Z, brawn over everything anime.
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i just recently saw all of Lain and i really liked it, i think the ending was very appropriate too. i can't explain why, beacuse the whole thing is still sort of seeping in and finding a place in my mind, but i think her end was the best thing for her.

as for Boogiepop, i saw the first episode yesterday and i found it interesting because it somehow reminded me of Lain. i would like to see the rest of the series though, to draw out a real oppinion.
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