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Favorite Angel in Evangelion?


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Well, the title says alot. Plz post favorite angel from Evangelion and why.

As for me... my favorite goes to... Tabris, the angel of alternatives/free will aka Kaworu Nagisa

Hes cool cuz hes talking calmly while Eva 01 and 02 is duking it out in front of him, knocks out the entire NERV complex monitors with an AT field, and calmly asks Shinji to kill him... how cool is dat...

Second goes to Israfel, the angel of music... the way he/she/it was defeated was awesome and pretty hilarious at the same time...

Third goes to Bardiel, the angel of Hail... It takes out 02 in a matter of seconds, 00 in a matter of seconds, and I loved that long-arm trick it used on 01...
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The floating DNA strand was Armisael. It was probably one of the collest agels in the Director's cut (lotsa stuff was added, making it the coolest angel). My favorite ones were the last 3. Arael, which shot the mind probe beam. Armisael, which infected Unit 0 and Unit 1, and took Rei's shape. Finaly Tabris (aka Kaoru), he was the human face to the enemy.
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Sachiel? I don't think he was green... more like black... but yeah, his lance arm thingy was cool
And did armisael infect unit 01? I think Rei restrained it before it infected 01 and self-destructed.
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At first, I couldn't think of my favorite Angel. They were all bad guys and none of them particularly stood out in my mind. When I went to check on theOtaku, I came out with solid decision.

Angel #14 - Zeruel (Angel of Might)

Zuruel has a vaguely humanoid appearance, except for its arms which resemble pieces of paper floating in the wind. In reality these are extremely deadly weapons, and they have the power to chop even EVAs into small pieces. [spoiler]Zuruel did severe damage to Unit 02, and even heavier damage to Unit 00, which tried to kill it by charging the Angel with an N2 mine and self-destructing. This did not work, and Unit 01 finally destroyed it. [/spoiler] (I think I wrote that too, tehee)


I really like this Angel because of how strong it's attacks were against Eva unit 01, rending it helpless. It was so strong that it awoke the Eva's inner...soul, which took control of the situation by first [spoiler]ripping off one of the Angel's 'arms', placing it over where it's severed arm used to be, and creating sort of a humanoid arm. The Eva became 'aware' and while it was a great fight, it wouldn't have happened if that Angel was so strong, and so awsome, heh.[/spoiler]
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Yeah... the angel of might... he probably could have defeated 01 but it just had to go berserk... I loved that one hit 18 layer penetration part... And hes just standing there while Asuka fires volley after volley, and then, lets his arms go off into the wind, and suddenly, decapitate her arms
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1st:Kaworu, the angel of alternatives, first and foremost he is the first and only angel that actually has any personality... he looks like a human wich gives him another advantage, he actually comes into the deepst section of the NERV headquaters, he is very relaxed and calm meanwhile all of the ther angels are the complete opposite (maybe except the angel of bird). he has a very powerfull at field and he knows much about the AT field (meanings and what it does) and care to explain it just after he destroys so easly an eva and before he sacrificed himself for shinji.

2nd:Arael, the Angel of Bird:
he has immense power, not phisical but mental... the "music" that follows his rays (it doesnt have to be actually a part of the angel but it might be so...) is very calm considering the devestating affct he has, if not for the loginus spear (hoped i spelled it correctly) he is undefitable wich makes him a very strong angel.

3rd: Zeruel- Angel of might:
extrodinary strong! slices an eva like butter, even unit 01 could not handle him( before he went berserk) he has a phisical might, and lots of it...

4th and last: Ireul- Angel of Fear
he cannot affct human life as the other angels, but in a world like today with all the technoladgy around an angel like that can be reall devastating...
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Yeah.. the "Hallelujah Chorus" following Arael's little mind probe was weird. But I guess it works out since he looked most like an angel out of all the others. And true... Ireul will probably take over the world like nothing if it existed. And actually... I think it can take over human beings easily since it can adapt to anything it comes across and evolve.
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Leliel was really cool, it was damn near invulnerable... I mean, really, an Inverted AT field? The shadow of the AT field being the angel itself? Hell, I wouldn't be able to [i]understand[/i] the concept of the angel, let alone defeat it. Heh, Shinji got lucky.

Aside from that, Sachiel and Zeruel were /so/ by far the coolest angels. Sachiel had the whole pile-driver-lazer-arms going on, and the massive expulsions of energy he could produce when he jumped. Zeruel's rapid-fire cross lazers were bad-arse too.
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Yeah I read this article on the theory of Sea of Dirac, saw the series over and over, and still have no clue as to how that inverted AT field thingy works. I liked sachiel's piston arms. I thought they were a really cool and original weapon. Zeruel's little laser beams were awesome too -_-.

So far Zeruel is the most popular

No one likes Israfel :(
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Guest The Mage Prince
Gaghiel is a massive Angel in the form of a fish. It is attracted to Kaji's briefcase, which contains Adam's embryo. It is destroyed partly by Evangelion Unit 02 and partly by a group of battleships that self-destruct in its stomach. This is the coolest episode. Gaghiel is the best!!
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I've not seen very many episodes of Eva, but I know it's one of my favourite series.

In terms of destructive power, I think Bardiel has to be one of the best. It was virtually impenetrable and almost destroyed Tokyo-3. Didn't he actually decapitate Eva 02?

Leliel was the only one which truely scared me, because of the way it destroyed things and was only three nanometers thick. It's frightning if you think of the concept of that happening [SIZE=1](*is a wuss*)[/SIZE], and the music being played when Shinji was dragged in was very dramatic, too.

Another one I liked was Sadalphon (I think. I've no idea what the names of the Angels are- I missed 'The Birth of NERV'!) -the one which almost killed Asuka inside the volcano. Magmadiver ws the very second episode I saw. I'm not too sure why I like it- I just do, heh.

Not too sure about the Angel itself, but the episode with Armisael in was one I liked a lot, in which [spoiler]Rei sacrifices herself to save Shinji[/spoiler] I wish I could see the Director's Cut of that >_<

I guess my all time favourite would have to be Tabris, in the form of Kaworu, for the same reasons that Solid stated. He was the only one with a personality, and that personality was so haunting it's hard not to like him, really. Because he didn't quite understand human emotions he could be so open and calm, and he formed a special relationship with Shinji because of that.
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Umm.. Bardiel isn't the one that destroyed nearly everything.. thats Zeruel. And C the Pattern of Angels becoming more and more similar to humans as they keep coming? =P
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This may sound kind of stupid, but where can I find the director's cut? I'm hoping to study a little more of Eva during the summer time, and it would probably give me a lot of background information.
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Actually, I have the same question too lol, where do u get the director's cut? =P

[color=indigo][size=1]Just some common sense info...if you have the "same question" as the person in the previous post, you don't need to create a post telling everyone...just wait for an awnser[/size][/color]
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i guass the directors cut is in the japanese versions, if not you can find anything lying on the net, there are many websites and programs to download it from (youll prodaby wont find it in an official dvd of all the directors cuts)....
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[color=indigo]From what I understand (I understand very little,so take what I write witha grain of salt) you can get the director's cut, with English subs, from amazon.com. I also believe the perfect series with English Dubs [b]contains[/b] the directors cut...but, as I stated before, I may be mistaken. You can buy the Perfect collection from any anime store, Suncoast, or FYI (although suncoast and FYI are really expensive).[/color]
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Guest Drunk_Cat
Well... My favorite angels are Bardiel, Zeruel and Tabris. The reason for Bardiel and Zeruel was becuase those two defeated all of all of the eva's (expect unit 01 of course)really easily(correct me if I'm wrong). And Tabris is becuase he's the angel of free will. And free will is something I think is the best thing you can have. Plus He's the coolest charcter in Eva. *Hums ode to joy*
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i think my favorite angel would have to be zeruel cuz i think he was one of the hardest to beat and unit 00 and 02 didn't stand a chance,he also made some destruction and his hands could chop anything.
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Hmm. Lillith, since her soul is in Rei, and Rei rules. :P Besides Lillith though, I'm not sure. Perhaps Tabris, since he is the only angel that we really get to know (besides Rei and the 18th angel, which is humanity :P).

Most hated angel for me goes to Armisael, since it forced the second Rei to self-destruct. :(
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