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Favorite Angel in Evangelion?


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Whoa... I didn't think n e one would like Lilith :) I'm still kinda disappointed that no one likes Israfel :p His combat scene was absolutely fantastic. And I second your hatred for Armisael Drake -_-
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Well, I like Rei, so I like Lillith. Without Lillith, there is no Rei. :P Rei = favorite character. :)

I'd be most surprised if someone likes Adam. Adam seems to just be a big loser calling on his children to rescue him. :P Lillith at least seems to have that "motherly" feeling for humanity, as Lillith wants to end human suffering via third impact. Adam just wants to blow humanity up in its version of third impact.
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Kaoru can't control just any evangelion... his soul needs to be stronger than the soul within the Eva. Therefore, he can't take over Unit 01. He was able to take over Unit 02 cuz Asuka was a nervous wreck and the soul in the Eva was weakened.
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No one likes Israfel :bawl: Zeruel and Tabris are really popular tho... and Adam did not call upon his children to help him :p His children are all brats and just want to blow up the world.
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Definately Leliel. First, it looks really cool, and makes a cool sound.

Second, it's virtually invincible. If you shoot the sphere it just dissapears, and if you shoot the body on the ground, it just absorbs it.

They never really say exactly how Shinji managed to get out... he just "did".
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Unit 01 probably projected an AT field powerful enough to destabilize the Angel's AT field which was maintaining the 'Sea of Dirac', and thus tore apart the Angel from the inside. (Though I have no idea why 01 came out of the shadow instead of the real angel)
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I would assume Shinji was weakened over the long period of time spent in the angel, but I guess the mother's paternal instincts residing in Eva 01 because of Yui's soul projected a powerful enough AT field to defeat the angel from within.
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Hmm...Well, Kaworu is my overall favorite angel. He was so loving, so caring, and so serene. I loved him so much...and he gave it all up because he didn't feel that he had the right to decide what happened to humanity. That alone makes him the best Angel, and in my opinion, one of the best characters.
Next probably comes Bardiel. The fight between it and the dummy plug was really, really great.
Leliel was also a great one, although at first glance, I almost literally face-faulted at it's appearance.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Metatron [/i]
[B]I really don't think Bardiel vs. Dummy Plug was something called a 'fight'... more like a one-sided beat down... [/B][/QUOTE]
;) Yeah, you have a point there..I still love all of the Bardiel/Unit 01 fight.
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Like I said, that whole Bardiel fight was a one-sided beat down either way. First half is Bardiel beating down on Shinji, second half is dummy plug beating down on Bardiel. Was kinda boring if u ask me :p Too bad they really didn't show Asuka get beaten...
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Yeah... the latter half was gruesome but cool... first half was annoying... [b]entertaining[/b] won't be the word though... its gruesome... Bardiel got his head smashed to pieces... thats gruesome...
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