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New Banner...Woo.


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[color=#808080]Here I am again, with a new banner. ^_^;

This one's nothing special, but I thought I'd put it up here anyway to show off. It's based on Billy Hatcher & The Giant Egg...which you might know about if you're a visitor to the Nintendo forum.

It's a new game by Sonic Team for the GameCube. I like the visual style of it, so I thought I'd make a banner/avatar combo. Besides; it's always good to see a protaganist in a chicken suit. I can support that all the way. :D

EDIT: Unfortunately I saved it incorrectly...so the transparency looks a bit bleh. It sucks. I might make another one like it later on. [/color]
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lol. I didn't know it was supposed to be transparent -.-

It looks real interesting and the colours go well together.
Personally, I'd use a wider font like Arial for the checklist, but then again, I like my Arials a lot ¬.¬

[/b]*runs off to get a GCN*
The logo reminds me of Pokemon, lol.[/size]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i]
It's...colorful. And goofy. Makes me smile.

^_^ <---See?[/size] [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=#808080]Yes! Me too! ---> ^_^;

I don't even know why I made this banner really. I was just looking at a Billy Hatcher image and I felt like making one. It was a totally fast, random occurrance. lol

I think I was inspired by an avatar on the Gaming-Age forums, which made me fall out of my chair with laughter. lol...just thinking about it makes me giggle... o_O

EDIT: Here it is:


The words aren't funny at all in my opinion (I think it's worded badly)...but the image of the character playing the violin...and the closeup. LOL

*continues laughing for days on end*[/color]
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[color=indigo]o_0 ...Alright, that avatar is going in the Evil folder in my Zelda directory. :cross:

As for the banner, I think it's pretty good. Weird and silly, much like what I've seen of the game, heh. The color scheme is pretty good. I also think it would look a bit better if the text was a little wider and filled up more of the empty blue space, though.[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i]
[B][color=#808080]Yes! Me too! ---> ^_^;

EDIT: Here it is:


*continues laughing for days on end*[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=black][size=1][font=rockwell] Well, that made my laugh. [It should be in your sig [i]right now[/i], heh]

As for the banner, it's okay. I don't like it, but I do in some ways.[/color][/size][/font]
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Eggy? New game? Whooooooooo....*grins evilly*

Anyways, time to eval. *blows Makar avie up* Shame, shame.

BANNER, I meant. Gah! Heh, anyways, to be honest, I have nothing to complain about. This looks like something you could see in one of those gaming magazines. But um...why is the fourth item the only one with "Check" after it (besides lack of room, I mean). It's making me think that that is the only item he has, and looking at the image, I know that's not true.

Sorry. My Multimedia teachers were real sticklers for the message one gets across with one's art, so it sorta spilled over. ^^

9.8/1o. Pro looking. Be proud. :D
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