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im a new artist here plz rate my pic

The Majin

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This is a pic i did this morning he is my character i named him Ste-evo lol dumb name im still thinking of one if anyone could give suggestions and rateme pic on scale of 1/10 or just say it's good or bad watever you feel like :cool: :excited:
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Yeah his arm i meant it to be like that but thanks bout feet thing i was trying a side on stance thing:P but his hand in his pocket i think i let myself down there

[color=teal]EDIT:[/color] i have done another pic of a girl here [url]http://www.boomspeed.com/mega_mecha/georga.JPG[/url] but still i like out of proportion stuff:P lil legs :P

[color=teal]Welcome to the boards. :whoops: As you may or may not have noticed, there is a thread at the top of this forum outlining a few rules, one of which states that double posting is not allowed. If you think of something you'd like to add, just edit your last post to say it. -Syk3[/color]
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Ummm... are people that short allowed to have guns o.0 ???
J/K Anyway the eyes in the first one seem a little... wierd, the smaller one is to small or the bigger one is to big, Anyway Its great!

The Second one is GREAT! But again with the eyes, eyes can be very confuzzling... But again I must say I don't agree that people that short shoul have guns o.0...
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*grins* I see an up and coming, if not an already here artist, mwe hee hee. I can tell you're fiddling with PhotoShop and making it work with you--good job!

My only complaint is on the first guy--his feet are pointing abnormally down. Oo;

Other than that, keep the chibis coming! Very interesting technique.

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hehe its cute, my only suggestion is resizing either the left or right eye, and other than that the porportions really ain't too bad for a stylized character, but most chibi characters (believe it or not) actually have some porportion to them, like the head is one unit, and the body is 1.5..
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