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Any one seen 'Dog soilders'?


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It's a British movie, never released in the states. So chances are no one's seen it, well at least not here. I'm sure it'll be released next year or something if it's that good. They did it with Bend it Like Beckham, but that wasn't really that popular here either. Looks like a good movie. If it downloads, I'll watch it, but if not I don't even think any store here would carry it.

Also, next time, please put a little more life into your posts rather than "have you seen whatever, I have, it's cool, you suck" or whatever. Thats just dumb, it makes you look stupid, and it makes people not want to respond. Avoid using the multitude of faces too. Reminds me of some kid.
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Actually, it did release in the US (unfortunately), and I have seen the movie. Although the werewolf guys looked cool, the rest of the movie was quite boring. At least the ending had a bit of a twist... Or not. If I had to give this movie a grade, I'd flunk it.

:demon: Saiyan Out :demon:
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I don't think the werewolfs look anything like the ones in legands and books. I have loads of info on wolfs or any other myths. I also know lots about animals. Any ways...back to the werewolfs. Thay had long legs, thats impossible, werewolfs are tall but not that tall! There whole body is full of fur. There hands...a werewolfs hands are like paws, but with thumbs. When the guy made the werewolf look at the silver, the werewolf should have died just by looking at it. It burns there eyes. The werewolfs are more man like when thay stand. But just think, being a werewolf would be cool. Being able to kill and not feel sorry for the pray, full of evil. Just think about it, your free if your a werewolf! You'll have power beond any army!!! I would love to be a werewolf!!!
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Um Vicky...it's a film...and werewolves don'r even exist...sooo they can make them look the way whatever they want. Anyway, yeah i have seen this, in the pictures infact. I loved it, maybe becuase it was a British film and there was Scottish actors and stuff in it and made it feel that you could relate more to it. I also thought it was Hilarious! It was a black comedy, and i find other peoples missfortune (like having their belly slit open) pretty funny ^_^.
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[b][size=1]I actually thought it was quite funny. It didn't scare me as much as I thought it would (I'm terrible with anything that jumps out or is remotely scary in films), which kind of disappointed me.

One of my favourite parts was: [spoiler]when one of the last soldiers is stuck in the kitchen with a werewolf, and he starts throwing everything there at it, lol. Also, he tries boxing it.. which I found hilarious.[/spoiler][/b][/size]
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I get s***** up when some thing jumps out. Once My mate jumped out of this cupboard, is was really...i just fell on the floor. I thought he was a bird! I really hate it when that happens. I look like a spaz!
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Yeah, i've seen it..however i saw it in the US.

Im british, so i didn't really spend much of the movie actually watching it. Most of it was spent explaining to my friends what the heck the british lads were saying *chuckles*

But the movie as a whole..freaked me out! I mean, it was wonderfully done, but the wolves/people/things O_o just scared the heck outta me!! I think i slept clinging to my stuffed lion (dont ask) and a friend all night. X___x!!

Im such a coward lol

Although, at the end..when the guy says

"They think its all over....it is now!"

I started crying..ya see, my real father lives in england..im now in the US. He used to say that alot..he was weird lol.

But still..it brought back memories *smiles slightly*
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I thought this film was really good. It wasn't scary at all, it was hilarious. THe British accents added to it as well because some of the stuff they said wouldn't have been half as funny if it was in an american accent. THe coolest guy was dinfinatley the Cockney sergeant. He was really funny.
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