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A Question...

Vash's Angel

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[COLOR=skyblue]Okay, I just wondered...if you could pick any pilot from Gundam Wing to have as a partner, who would it be, and why?[/COLOR]

[COLOR=royalblue]Personally, I would have to say Duo. I'd pick Duo because we are very much alike. I act silly a lot, but I know when to act serious...and I know that Heero would probably die if I were his partner![/COLOR]
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I would like to say Duo but the truth, it would be between Heero and Quatre. In many ways I am like them both. Like I can be kind, sweet, and gentle like Quatre but that still doesn`t mean I can`t kick butt like Heero.

It would be hard for me to decide but, I definatly know it would not be Trowa.
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[font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]Your signature is huge.

Anyway, I'd pick either Duo or Trowa. I guess with Trowa I'd have the same 'friendship' he had with Heero, where they just 'got' each other. As for Duo, it'd be very easy to get along with him.

I could never stand Wu Fei, as he's as immature and childish as they come. He needs a reality check. I'd hang out with Quatre for the money, but I'd ask him to keep his homosexual advances to himself.

As for Heero... well... he's odd. He's no fun, unless we're both stranded in an enemy base or something.

In fact, I'd hang out with Lady Une alone, when she's not being a demented assassin.[/color][/font]
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Guest Hikaru Ichijyo
First off could you change your sig, its really annoying to have to scroll through all that to get to the other members post. As for the question I would most likely pick Heero mainly for the fact I'm not much of a social person myself, and would most likely just like to get down to business and defeat my enemies. In certain aspects I guess I can identify more so with Heero then any of the other characters.

Though if Heero wasn't avaiable I would most certainly team up with the sometimes demented yet intelligent Lady Une! :p
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I would have to say, Duo, because he and I are so much alike. I'm even growing my hair out to look like him. We are both outgoing and hate war, but will stand up and fight for what we believe in. If not Duo then it would be between Treize and Milliardo. They both have about the same ideals as I.
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i would pick Quatre or Trowa. i've always liked Trowa because i never understoon him until the last few episodes. and Quatre was always the sensitive one that kept his head unless under the Zero System. Duo annoying the crap out of me! i always thought of him as arrogent. Tres would also be a good ^^;; he was cute.
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Guest froeth
My friends would just absolutely die to hear me say this, but it's gotta be Wufei or Heero. No contest!
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  • 2 weeks later...
I would pick either Duo or Heero. Duo because be is funny and a great guy to be around. Heero Yuy because he is smart, an excellent hacker, and vey serious about his work, though he is actually very serious 100% of the time. I have a serious, no talking personallity and a a goofy funny persoallity as well. That is the reson why I chose both of them.
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[color=crimson]hmmm...I'm stuck between Trowa and Duo. Both have qualities that I have, smarts, stealth, and flexibility. Also, they both know what to do and how to improvise. Heero would drive me crazy because he is too into it, and Quatre is not very good at stealth. Wufei would work, but he is more of a loner.

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