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A Question...

Vash's Angel

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In all honesty, I don't know if I could stand any of them, really. Heero's too antisocial (even for a self-proclaimed demoness!) and I know I'd end up just throwing something at him just to see what he would do. (Resulting in a new hole in my head, most likely.) Duo's a lot of fun and we'd get along in that we like seeing things blow up and we like making jokes, but sometimes he's too overprotective and he gets hurt too easily; too much stress for me. Trowa . . . well, Trowa would drive me insane in his utter lack of social skills, and I'd probably turn on him mid-battle. Quatre's a nice guy--too nice, certainly not appreciative of the joys of kicking serious posterior. Wufei's a royal pain in ***** with his anti-female schtick, and I'd have fun pushing his buttons and proving my worth, but as an ongoing partner? I'm not that mashochistic.
Most likely I'd pair up with Zechs. He's ruthless, always doomsday philosphical (making for great conversation) very loyal to his partners (long as they don't get in his way), and really, REALLY fun to stare at when you're sure he isn't looking. (Fine don't know fine till you get Zechs in the spotlight--yowza!) He also has just enough of a morbid sense of humor to make for good mid-battle banter. ^_^
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I'd go with Duo becuz we would get along the best. I know he is considered to be the joker (which, really he is),but when he goes to battle he gets serious. It's not becuz he's my fav. pilot either. I simply think that I would be able to work with him. Quatre irritates
me and I dispise Wufei. Trowa is to quiet I don't know what's going on in his head. Heero would also be good but I think we might have problems personality-wise.
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