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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]It sounds so scary. ><
I'm terrible with scary movies, and this one reminds me of Final Destination. xx; (Which is still scaring me right now).

I'm definately not going to see this, because I'm still totally terrified of a movie I saw three months ago. [/color] [/size]
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I kind of want to see this movie, but I know I won't be until it comes on HBO or something. I seriously doubt anyone in my family would want be able to sit through a scary movie, and I'm not exactly personal friends with people over 17, so it's not like I can go with a friend or something. It's a shame...I havn't been able to see that many scary movies, and lately they wern't scary at all. o_O
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i]
[B]Final Destination was [i]hilarious[/i]. You are a strange one... :p [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=ff00cc] [size=1]*shudders* Final Destination scared me so much. ><
The deaths were so gross, too. I'm not even touching that second one.

The only thing I quite understand about Identity is that these people get stuck at a motel, people die, all the people stuck in the motel have their birthdays on the same day, and this girl keeps saying "Tell me what you saw". o.o;;[/color] [/size]
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[i]Identity[/i] wasn't very scary or graphic. So, I recommend that those of you straying away from it for those reasons consider giving the film a chance. Most of the time, you don't actually [i]see[/i] people die, so there's nothing very explicit. [i]Idenity[/i] doesn't try to score with audiences by exploiting a huge gross-out factor. Rather, it keeps you interested with a [i]great[/i] plot and compelling characters.

I'd classify this movie as a thriller, as opposed to a horror film. Overall, it's executed [i]very[/i] well. It will constantly play with your perception and leave you in suspense. It's not very predictible or cliche' at all.

Plus, the cast is great. I'll sit through almost anything with Ray Liotta in it.

After seeing it, you won't have nightmares or anything. The feeling you'll get when walking away from it is in tune with the impression created by something like [i]The Matrix[/i]. It'll make you think.
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I've wanted to see this movie ever since I saw the trailer, and I hope to see it soon. It seems to have a great cast (Ray Liota Rules!!) and it looks like it may make you use your brain.

I'm sorry but I can't stand dumb slasher flicks that rely on shock value and gore to sale tickets.
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