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Phantasy Star Online Episode III


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I just heard that this game was announced. It is supposed to be a card game, from what you can see here:




what I'm wondering is, will it still be the same game, where you fight in real time but you also have the card battle option, or will it be only card battles?

Looks interesting whatever the direction they are aiming for
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From what I read... they basically took PSO Card Battle (which was shown last E3) and jammed the III in it. Rather weird way to go about things, I would have thought they would have just kept it as a sort of spin off.

What I read made it sound turn based too... but I'm not exactly sure how it works. It didn't seem like there was a normal PSO style component. I guess we'll find out.
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Lost Kingdoms is totally real time based though... Like you run around and use the cards as direct attacks. Lost Kingdoms 2 is even doing away with random battles.

This is turn based, and as such I have to think it will play out more like a Magic game or something. It sounds like it could be quite good, and judging from some of the screens I've seen it looks damn good too (especially some of the lighting).

I'm honestly far more interested in this than PSO. I hope it's either free, or they just charge a flat rate so you can play both this and PSO Episode II.
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I like turn based much more than real time when it comes to cards. That was one of LK's biggest problems in my opinion. This game seems pretty interesting, but we need to know a few key facts. Do we have to pay to play online? Can we use our characters from PSO I and II? What would be the purpose of creating characters anyways since it's cards? How would you initiate battles? Also, will it have a strong single player? I love card video games, and a strong single player might be worth picking up even if you can't go online (which I can't, having AOL and all.)
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