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Name some of your favorites book and why.


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Count of Monte Cristo, Les Miserables(made me cry), Of Mice and Men(also made me cry), War and Peace(confusing cuz of the names), The Moon is Down, Harry Potter(I like it =P), Sherlock Holmes series, and other random stuff.
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Guest Anakin Solo
-Any of the Star Wars books. I just love Star Wars.
-Both of the Halo books. I love the first because it gives some background, and I love the second because it adds to the game. :D
-Goodby Columbus....well...read it and you will find out why. ^_^;;

I have lots more I am sure. I love to read. So....there are too many to list.
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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]Here are a few favorites. ^_^;

[b] [u]Lord of the Rings: Two Towers:[/b] [/u] I absolutely loved this book, especially during the middle chapters. I enjoyed this more than the first one, because it went along faster than the Fellowship of the Ring.

[b] [u]Where the Red Fern Grows:[/b] [/u] This is an easy book to read, but it's such a sad story. I absolutely loved how the feelings shifted throughout the book. It really kinda captured you in the moments. ^_^

[b] [u]The Giver:[/b] [/u] I actually listened to this on the tape, while following along in the novel. I read it back in the fifth grade, I think, and I loved it. Especially when he gave Jonas the vision of snow. I thought that was really beautiful how Lois Lowry described it.

[b] [u]Bridge to Terebithia:[/b] [/u] I don't remember much, since it's been a long time since I've read it. I remember enjoying it so much, though. I remember just getting shocked when Jesse fell.

[b] [u]Holes:[/b] [/u] Keke. This book made me laugh so hard. In fact, I think I laughed harder reading the book, rather than in the movie. Also, I loved how everything connected, and the flashbacks just made you wonder. I love Stanley's name. Very clever. ^^ 'Stanley Yelnats'.

Edit: Oooh... the girl's name was Leslie. ^_^;; (That's exactly how long it's been.)[/color] [/size]
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:eek: :eek: You joking about the bible? Or are you serious?

I mean not even the very religious people I know read the bible and I mean they never missed one day of church. Wow somethings just amaze me. Well is nice to know that someone uses the bible once in a while if is true.
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[size=1][i]Bridge to Terebithia[/i] is a wonderful book. It's by Katherine Paterson, and even if you haven't read her other stuff, it's a very good book to read.

Jesse meets a tomboy named Leslie, and they become good friends. Leslie is an amazing character--she's original, fun, and quirky. She lives with her parents (who she calls by their first names) and doesn't have a television. She runs races with the boys at recess--unheard of--and wins them all.

Jesse isn't sure how to react to her, but he loves her just the same.

They make up a kingdom called Terebithia, where they rule. It's an amazing story, and completely familiar to anyone who's ever had an imagination...and been forced to live, at least sometimes, in the real world.

I cry every time I read this book.[/size]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BlackDragon465 [/i]
[B]:eek: :eek: You joking about the bible? Or are you serious?

I mean not even the very religious people I know read the bible and I mean they never missed one day of church. Wow somethings just amaze me. Well is nice to know that someone uses the bible once in a while if is true. [/B][/QUOTE]

[size=1][color=firebrick] I am serious about reading the bible [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/images/icons/icon15.gif[/img]

When you get into it, it's a thoroughly entertaining piece of written history, as well as an insight into the future, OUR future :D

It also acts as my personal guide for me to get to know God better. And that, is worth more than my mundane everday life heh.

So yes, I'm not joking about the bible lol\

EDIT: I'm sure even atheist people here would enjoy some of the stories too. Heck, Goats talk and fire falls from the sky! More entertaining and insightful than anything else I know. [/size][/color]
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I am not sure what religion I should choose or be so the bible for right now wouldn't be much of a book to read considering I am trying to choose a religion that feels right. I want to learn about buddhist and other religions to see which one is right. However I am catholic or something like that right now. But this topic is turning to religion. Might want to go back on the books and less religion.
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A wizard of earthsea this book is in my opinion, the best fantasy book of all time...... i definatley reccomend it. the imagination put into this book is huge. this books storyline will hold you from the beginning to the end. it'sa kind of hard to explain but i think you should definatley check it out. (beats the hell out of harry potter, not that harry potter isnt good)
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I think some good books that I've read lately are
Interveiw With The Vampire, Lestat The Vampire, and as well Queen of the Damned. I have the whole anne rice series just haven't finished it yet.
As well any Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time books are excellent.
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Nathan's Run by John Gilstrap. You've got to read it. Basically, a 12-year-old on the run because he wound up accidentally killing someone who'd tried to kill him. There are several threads going on and it comes together towards the end. I'd go on all night if I explained enough to make it make sense. But you've got to give it a try.
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These are my fav.....

The liitle prince; When i was 10 i read the book about a pilot who crash in the sarh desert. He meet a prinsce from a star. This is good because it changed my forever...the pilot gave up drawing and it made my skills a lot better.

Lords of the rings the two towers; I like this one because it is as good as the first one. I like it when legolas plays a star part.

The tale of red wall; This is one of my best! I keep it in mint adition. I just love the caractors!
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