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Prowlers Arise!

Shikaku Kitoku

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[I][B][COLOR=indigo]It's been 75 years since the Dwyers and their friends hunted my kind. Jack, Courtney, Molly, they are all dead. Old age does that to humans. I have waited this long, knowing that others have waited as well. If you are reading this, you are a Prowler, a special human whom I am going to decapitate, or a ghost, which means your already dead. The time of hiding is over. Owen Tanzer failed in uniting all the packs. Jack Dwyer and his group killed him, and some of our best predators. Mating has passed. The young are now matured. New Prowlers are of age. It is time to reclaim what is rightfully ours. THE PROWLERS WILL RULE AGAIN![/COLOR][/I][/B]
Here's what I need for your character...


[B]Race:[/B] (Prowler, Human, or Ghost. I need @least 2 humans who can talk to ghosts and @ least 2 ghosts)





I will post my character later. And as you can see, this is based off of the series by Christopher Golden. You do not have to have read the series to be in this RPG. I am just letting you all know that if I don't like your sign-up, or something of that nature, I won't let you in. After all the posts are done I will post who made it in the Adventure forum.
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[COLOR=blue]Do you know of any sites that have a good summary of the series you're talking about? I want to improve my profile a little bit, thanks.

[B]Name:[/B] Nate J. Michaels

[B]Race:[/B] Ghost

[B]Age:[/B] 17

[B]Description:[/B] Nate has long, blond hair that usually covers his washed out bue eyes. He always wears a green plaid shirt that he leaves unbuttoned, a white t-shirt, and blue jeans. He also wears a necklace that his late mother gave him.

[B]Biography:[/B] After his mother died, Nate's father took to drinking. He would always beat his son and yell at him. Sometimes, he would even steal money from Nate to buy his drinks. One day, Nate got fed up with him and decided to skip town. Before he got very far from his home, however, he was struck and killed by a drunk driver. Looking back on his death, he think's it's pretty ironic that he was trying to escape from one drunk just to be killed by another.
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I don't know any off of the top of my head, but go to google.com and type Prowlers by Christopher Golden and you'll get a lot of sites. Also, because you chose a ghost, you live in the ghostlands. If you find a site explaining things, you'll know what I mean. I'm going to look up info for you now though.
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Okay, thanks. And I have a question. If I'm in the ghostlands, will I ever be able to get out to interact with the other characters, or will they just talk to me? How is that going to work out?
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Name: Zeddrick Kieler (Zed for short)
Age: 17
Descritption: Dark spikey Hair that almost seems I could cut your hand, Deep brown eyes giving off intimidating stares to any who dare look into them. Wearing always a dark cloak and often puts on a deep cowl to hide his malice and terrifying grin.
Bio: He and his family once had great pride for their kind and their clan. Now the pride is gone, replaced by anger and fear. Zeddrick alone holds the pride and corage for his family now. Rumors have been spreading of a new prowler leader, one who will unite the clans under one banner. Zeddrick seeks this man now wishing to do something better with his life
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You will be able to interact with the other characters. No need to worry about that. Just one of the humans will have to be able to go into the ghostlands so you can "talk" talk to them. With the othe characters you can in dreams. Ok? If it's not just PM me and we can work something out. ^_^
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