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Digimon: Shattered World


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The building was dark. Even by the faint light produced by Agunimon, Mia could see little. Bundles of wires lay strewn on the floor and beeping noises seemed to come from every part of the place.

?I don?t like this.? Mia concluded to herself.
Suddenly, the dark silence was broken by a delicate squeak. David froze.
?What was that?? he asked.
?Mice?? offered Amber. ?On second thought, it?s sick.?
A scuffling noise came from among the wires...and the outline of an animal like creature scuttled between.

?Let?s see, then.? Comis plunged his hand into the wiry mess and came out with a small cat.
?A little kitty.? Smiled Mia. ?How cute.?
The cat stopped squirming. ?I am not cute!? it said forcefully.
Comis tightened his hand around the creature.
?You can talk.? Said Amber.
The cat frowned. ?Of course!? she snapped as if it was the most absurd question.
?Well what are you doing in here?? asked David. ?Wait, what are you doing in this [I]world[/I]??

The cat wrenched herself out of Comis? hands.
?BlackGatomon or Sly!? she curtly introduced herself. ?Prime Agent from the Digital Bureau of Investigation.?
?DBI?? said Mia skeptically.
She looked at David, who shrugged.
"If you are wondering why I am here, I?m not telling.? Said Sly. ?Top secret, yes it is.?

?Fine then.? Said Amber. ?We?re investigating this ourselves.?
The Blackgatomon frowned.
The group turned to search further.
?Fine!? huffed Sly. ?If you must know, I am here to investigate this building?s purpose.?
Mia smiled. This was one strange and ridiculous agent.
?....products and machinations of this area have been stealing data from the Digital World, thus breaking it up.? Sly was saying.

?Stealing data?? asked David. ?Is that even possible??
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[color=darkblue][size=1]*Groans* Why do I have to carry on the next post!?
"You're the legendary Tesoromon!?"Aidian asked Kaede who poked at Kylala's belly.

"Mmmhmm"Kaede said she then did a handstand and walked on her hands as her feet dangled avove her head.

Suddenly Kylala awoke alarmed.Her fur spiked...ears perked.

"Kylala what's wrong?"Kaede asked.Kylala growled and suddenly several larger growl were heard.

Kaede fell over as she then stood up and grabbed Kylala.

"Greymon...LOTS of Greymon!!"Aidian said with a smirk as he ran at the bushes changing back into Lupaemon.

"AIDIAN! you don't know if it's a set up! you might get jumped or something!!"Kaede yelled.

"I'll take my chances!"Aidian yelled.

"Spirit Evolution!! Aidian->Lupaemon"Aidian yelled as he ran at the Greymon now as Lupaemon.

"Boys...they never listen!"Kaede yelled.Kylala meowed watching Lupaemon who disappeared behind the bushes.

A large BOOM was heard as Lupaemon now was clinged onto Greymon's horn while Greymon tried to swat him flat like a fly.

"Aurora Blade!"Lupaemon yelled as he struck Greymon in the eye, and jumped to the floor.

"See Kaede I got this!!"Lupaemon said still shooting at Greymon, Suddenly another large growl was heard.

Suddenly another Greymon with a yellow left eye and red right eye burst in as she swat Lupaemon with her massive tail and helped up the male Greymon.

"Nova Blast!"The male Greymon yelled as a large fireball came at Lupaemon.

"I know I should help...but I told him not to go!"Kaede said to Kylala.

Kylala looked at her sternly."WHAT!?"Kaede asked.

Suddenly Kylala bit Kaede on her ear and struggled wildly.

"OW! you're gonna pull my ear off!"Kaede yelled angrily.

"OKAY! OKAY!"Kaede yelled and with that she pulled out her Digivise.

"Spirit Evolution! Kaede->Tesoromon"Kaede yelled she then appeared as a blue white humaniod fox wearing small trinkets and pendents.

"I me?....Me be?....cool! I talk funny!"Tesoromon said vanishing and repearing at Lupaemon's side.

"What took ya?"Lupaemon asked.

"Don't push it doggy!"Tesoromon yelled.

"Hey you're a dog too so you should even speak!"Lupaemon said with a smirk.

"Ready?"Tesoromon asked.

"I was born ready!"Lupaemon replied.

"Let's go"Tesoromon said with a smirk...........
Now it's Solo's turn! or anyone else![/color][/size]
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OOC: Heh, sorry I've been out of it for so long. With school coming to an end you'd almost expect there to be less work -___- No such luck.

Lupaemon gave Tesoromon a wry smile as the two of them leapt from the Greymon's snout, causing the other to crash into it blindly.

"Ha!" Lupaemon laughed, twirling his sword in a boast. Tesoromon sighed and rolled her eyes as another Greymon stormed through the trees behind the black wolf.

"Watch out!" she yelled, leaping forwards. She caught the black wolf just in time- the massive scaly foot slammed down onto the ground where he was standing.

He picked himself off the ground and brushed himself off. "You didn't have to do that..." he said quietly.

"Well, if not me then who else? You were too busy admiring yourself." Tesoromon retorted.

Lupaemon clenched his hand around his sword handle in mild frustration as the three Greymon came back to face them. As he prepared to leap up at them again, a thought crossed his mind- why were they attacking unprovoked?

They didn't have time to think about it now, though. They prepared for action.
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"Possible?" asked Sly. "It shouldn't be, but somehow it is!"
Mia knelt down to Sly's height. "How are your kind handling it?"
"Not many are." Sly said resentfully. "All of those old timers are sitting around for the world to end. Then the Digital Armed Forces are launching this new campgain thing to remove any and all suspicious individuals."
Mia was taken aback. This was exactly like those shows on TV where each 'mystic' developed his own theory on the world's end.
"But you know," Sly said softly. "I think I know their agents."

"The agents the data stealers sent over." said Sly. "There's this bossy old wolf guy and recently a new one has joined him."
"Bossy wolf guy." said Mia. "He sounds fimiliar."
"The army has spotted them now." Sly grinned. "They're some tough Greymon."
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[color=darkblue][size=1]'Bout time!
Tersoromon and Lupaemon stood on the floor watching for any movement from the Greymon.

Suddenly a large noise was heard and it automatically grabbed Lupeamon and Tesoromon's attention.

"What was that?"Tesoromon asked."HOW DO I KNOW!?"Lupaemon asked angrily.

Suddenly a large red serpent like tail came at the two hybrids slapping them through the floor. Tesoromon and Lupaemon soon stood and looked to the skies to see a large red dragon serpent like digimon.

"WHAT IS THAT!?Tesoromon said hiding behind Lupaemon who looked at her pathetically.

"That is Megidramon....a very cruel digimon who doesn't believe in reasoning"Lupaemon said stepping forward.

Megidramon looked to him and growled yet he told his Greymon to stand down."What do you want?"Megidramon's voice thundered through the air like god.

"Why do you attack us we never provoked you!"Lupaemon argued.

"What do you mean! you two of the dog hybrids are one of three fox like dog hybrids who only days ago stole our forest's data destroying our land! we lost many lives to you! and now we want our REVENGE!"Megidramon yelled as he took his tail and slammed it against the floor.

A large hole ripped through the ground it automatically making Tesoromon fall into it.Tesoromon paniced and she automatically grabbed Lupaemon around the neck as she dragged Lupaemon down with her.Both of them yelled as they fell down to the bottom of the pit and hit.

Tesoromon looked around only to see darkness."Lupaemon...where'd you go? I can't see!"Tesoromon said as she looked around.Suddenly the sound of Lupaemon clearing his throat was heard.

Tesoromon looked up to see Lupaemon looking down at her pathetically.Tesoromon looked to see she hadher hands wrapped around his neck while her feet still trembled.

"O_o;....AHH! Lupaemon keep your hands to yourself!"Tesoromon yelled as she pushed Lupaemon to the floor.

"WHAT DID I DO!?"Lupaemon yelled shaking his fist at her.Suddenly a light came on as Lupaemon and Tesoromon looked towards it.

"Is that..."Lupaemon began.

"Your Beast spirit Lupaemon!"Tesoromon finished as Lupaemon walked forward.............[/color][/size]
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"You sent them to attack any strangers?" grumbled Mia.
"The Army!" retorted Sly.
"And you know who runs this place." said Amber.
Sly half nodded. "I know a hybrid resides here." she said. "I don't know if anyone knows about it."
"Well then," Comis said. "We have to find out."
Sly nodded. She ran straight into the darkness that prevaded over the work area.

"More machines." grumbled Sly.
The human group looked over the place. It was cluttered more than the other one. But what actually caught their keen attention was a shining blaze on the wall. It swirled milk white and hynotical.
"A digital transportation portal." croaked Sly in an unusual voice. "B but what would a human want with it? How did they manage to find it? They couldn't."

"Unless that human was a hybrid."
An hush hung in the air. "Oh dear..."
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David: That would make sense. This is where I detected the hybrid signature.
Mia: Can you tell when it was opened?
David: No. That would involve anylizing the energy frequency of the portal for changes, and I don't know what it looks like at first. I can tell which world it was opened from, though. (He takes out his laptop and loads a scanning program) The reading is fluctuating inwards. The portal was opened from this world. I say we go through it. Don't worry, it's safe. We need to find that hybrid that was here, and it went through the portal. I'm following it. You can come with me, but you don't have to. Your choice.
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Lupaemon walked over to the Spirit slowly. It was a gray wolf in armour. A metal mask shone in the dim light, blades on its shoulders silhouetted in the darkness. Small sleek cannons protruded from its back.

"Very stylish..." Lupaemon whispered. He held out a hand to touch its back. Suddenly, the wolf's eyes shone brightly and it sped off into the darkness.

"What did you do?" Tesoromon hissed, watching it leave.

"I didn't-" Lupaemon started. No, argueing wasn't going to get them anywhere now. "I think we should follow it." He said quietly.

Tesoromon shrugged. "Well, we haven't exactly got another choice. Let's go."

* * *

Some while later, hey reached a junction underground.

"Which way now?" Tesormon asked.

Lupaemon didn't know. "Uh..."

"Don't tell me we're lost!" she blurted. It wasn't comfortable in the dark caves underground.



"Just... shh!"

Lupaemon couldn't see the Beast Spirit anywhere. It had just disappeared. Maybe this was where he was supposed to make his decision that would lead him to it. His 'test', as it were.


"You said that already."


"I won't 'shh'! Which way do we go?" Tesoromon was getting impatient.

"Uh... left." Lupaemon strode into the passageway, Tesoromon clse behind him.

"Are you sure this is the right way?"

Lupaemon sighed. "No. But we have to try something. I think this is the way to the cliffs by the ocean." It was tough having to make important decisions with someone else there. When he was on his own it didn't matter- he didn't have anyone else to worry about. He didn't want Tesoromon to get hurt because of him. Quietly, the two of them continued down the tunnel.
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[color=darkblue][size=1]Tesoromon walked closely behind Lupaemon angrily."Are you sure you know where to go!?"Tesoromon asked."I told you I don't..."Lupaemon said.

Suddenly a fork stood in their way.

"Now what Loopy?"Tesoromon asked crossing her arms."Umm...left...no wait...we should go right..."Lupaemon said unsure.

"We are lost huh?...we're lost huh Lupaemon?..."Tesoromon said.She sat down with her arms around her knees.

"Tesoromon get up"Lupaemon said."Why...we might as well give up...we're lost Lupaemon...there's nothing else to do but sit here and wait to die..."Tesoromon said as she zoned out.

"Tesoromon?..."Lupaemon said....No reply as Tesoromon suddenly glowed in strips of beautiful lights only to repear as Kaede whos head was embedded in her legs and the sound of sobbing was heard.

C'mon Kaede...wake up! if you give up now we'll never find my spirit for sure!"Lupaemon tried to reason with her...Still no Reply..

Kaede looked up her eyes full of tears as she spoke;

"No just go on Lupaemon...leave me here and go finish what you where called for...obviosly you have a purpose here...I've found mine...and it is to die here....."Kaede said as she lowered her head once more.

Lupaemon looked at her puzzled not knowing what to do.[/color][/size]
Solo if that's not okay...let me now and I can fix that! ^_^
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Mia: Why wouldn't we come?
David: Because we're up against someone like us. This hybrid can't be nice if it's stealing data, and evidence supports that theroy.
Comis: You think the hybrid is behind this?
David: Think about it. We leard that there's a hybrid here, and the same day we learn about the data-stealing. It's very suspicious. And why did it leave this world? I can't think of another explination. ANd if I'm right, we'll probably have to fight. And that means destroying the hybrid. I think I can handle eliminating someone. If you don't think you can, don't come. Who's going? Decide now. The portal will close in about ten minutes.
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Lupaemon watched worriedly as Kaede seemed not to move. This wasn't going so well. It all looked so easy when people did it on TV.

"Look, Keade..."

She said nothing. Kylala circled around, looking between the two of them with an expression of concern.

"We have to get out of here. You must have more of a purpose than to die."

"Why?" she whispered.

"But..." Lupaemon started. This was the most difficult conversation he'd ever had, and he'd studied Latin for a week. "It just doesn't make any sense."

"What do you mean?"

"You mean to tell me you were created to be destroyed? You gained your Hybrid just to leave it at the bottom of a naturally formed sewer? That's crazy. Can't we leave the depressives for when we're out of here?" he ranted, turning down the right fork.

He waited for an answer from the darkness, hoping he'd said the right thing.
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Ten minutes. Well, Mia was adamant on going in.
She looked at the other two.
"We'll come too." Amber said. "What's the worse that could happen with our hybrids and all?"
"Well, it's decided." Sly said. She turned and disappeared into the blazing circle.

David shrugged. He too walked right in without hesitation.
Mia follwed behind with Amber and Comis.

A few moments consisted of neverending blazes of yellow light. Everyone felt something in the process like a weight lifted off them.
Mia grinned. Some part of her rejoiced; it was good to be...home?

The surrounding area looked like a drought ridden city. Almost everything was metal or cement, the former being the most used. An orderly, new ghost town.
David naturally was engrossed in his laptop, rapidly clicking about.
Sly was ,for once, not talking in a self absorbed tone.
"Where are we?" Amber raised the question.
"Somewhere down south." guessed Sly. "
Comis looked around. "No sign of water." he said. "My hybrid wouldn't be too useful down here."

"Then let's hope there's no danger." said Mia. "First we need an exact location."
David spoke up. "We're in an abandoned town." he said. "Whose former inhabitants left due to a prolonged drought of fresh data among other things."
"Normal?" Mia looked at Sly who shrugged.
"The Digital World is supplied all the time." she said. "Although there are droughts, no one has ever moved away because of them."

"Any idea who might have lived here?"
"Machine digimon." Sly said. "According to all the neatness and order; they're freaks on that sort of thing."
"Who lives here now is too." said David. He went on to explain. "If the digimon moved a long time ago, atleast some of the metal should be disused or rusted. Some types I find here have to be perfectly kept, but none show signs of corrosion."

"Well I think we should find some of these inhabitants." Mia said. "and better go as digimon to be safe."
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David: I've got a better idea. This city appears to have a large computer network. I'm working to establish a remote connection with it. I think I've just about got it. (Pause) I'm in. It's remarkably well-maintained. Anyways, I now have access to basically the entire city. It's all networked. More evidence of Machine Digimon.
Mia: What are you going to do now that you're in?
David: I've just downloaded the starting readings for portals. I've been able to tell how long they will last, but not when they were first created. Now I can. And the readings of the one we came throught indicate that was up for about five minutes before we went through it. That means the hybrid is nearby. In fact, I've located it. I say we become Digimon and find it. I'll lead. (He puts the laptop away) And just a suggestion: use your stronger forms. We don't want to take any chances. Execute!

Beast Spirit Evolution! David->BurningGreymon

BG: Let's go.
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Mia adopted her beast hybrid Ashtoremon.
"Onward." she said as she rose on her wings. Her robes and armor flashed a silver blue as she caught the light.
Amber's beast, Sirimon prefered to follow on his heavily powerful feet.
Comis only stood on the ground. "I need water." was all he said.
Sirimon looked at his and knelt down. Comis looked on evenly and hesitated.
"Oh come on!" Amber snapped. She rushed at Comis and lifted the boy onto her back with her benevolent jaws.

"Do you see it?" asked Ashtoremon.
BurningGreymon shook his head. "Not now." he said. "But my computer says...."
"Forget the computer!" snapped Sly from Ashtormon's arms. "land and search like normal people."
Ashtoremon raised an eyebrow under her helm. "Normal?"
"Whatever." Sly shrugged. "Just land."
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Lupaemon had waited long enough.

"Come on." he said, grabbing Kaede and hauling her onto his shoulder.

"Hey, put me down!" she said, slarmed by the sudden movement.

"You're coming out of here with me whether you like it or not. Now trust me and let's go!" he said firmly, holding her tightly.

"Well, at least carry me in a more dignified way!" she snarled, hitting his back. She hated looking undugnified, even if there wasn't anyone else to see.
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[color=darkblue][size=1]Kaede struggled and even tried to squeeze her way out of Lupaemon's grip... Nothing.

Kylala meowed at Kaede as she then jumped onto Lupaemon's head.

"Let me go Lupaemon! I'm warning you! I bite!"Kaede yelled.

Lupaemon stopped and removed her from his shoulder and held her infront of him by her waist.Her feet dangled as she looked at him with an angry red face.

"Well?... aren't you going to bite me?... hit me?... attack me?... no? then stop complaining!"Lupaemon said as he once again placed Kaede on his shoulder again as he walked on.

"Lupaemon... you are the most strict person I've ever met!"Kaede said as she looked to Kylala who lay in his head sleeping.

"Your point is?"Lupaemon asked.

"Well no one has ever been this mean to me!"Kaede said as she kicked her feet hitting them against Lupaemon's armour.

"No wonder you're such a brat!"Lupaemon said teasingly.

"WILL YOU LET ME DOWN!?"Kaede yelled.

"Why!? so you can beat yourself up and delay our time even more!?"Lupaemon asked removing Kaede from his shoulder and holding her once again the same way as her feet dangled and she looked at him blankly.

"... No... I just..."Kaede began.

"No what!? what Kaede!? out with it!"Lupaemon said raising his voice.

"Just that... I tend to break down Lupaemon.... it isn't my fault! I can't help it... but after all this that we've been through and us getting lost... I didn't know what else to do but...."Kaede said.

"Cry?... cry Kaede?... cry yourself until you feel worse Kaede?"Lupaemon asked.


"Listen... one thing you need to learn is that not always will there be happiness in life! you need to ignore things like this and keep going... not give up and cry yourself out..."Lupaemon said as he stopped to a bright light he saw behind a large pipe blocking them.

"Isn't that your spirit!?"Kaede asked excitedly.

"I dunno... maybe... only one way to find out!"Lupaemon said placing Kaede on the floor.

Kaede stared at Lupaemon... they stared at each other until Kaede told Lupaemon to come closer.Lupaemon hesistated to but still did then... Kaede took her hand and slapped him strongly on his left cheek as she dusted herself off.

"Don't you EVER grab me like that again!"Kaede said as she transformed into Tesoromon.

"Spirit evolution Kaede=> Tesoromon"Kaede said softly trying not to have the echoes of her voice bring down any tubes or parts of the ceiling.

"Ready Loopy?"Tesoromon asked... no reply...

"Loopy?"Tesoro said again looking at Lupaemon who sat there angry holding his left cheek with the mark of Kaede's hand.

"First off... it's Lupaemon not 'Loopy' and second of all... what was that for?"Lupaemon asked getting up.

"You aren't a very good gentlemen!"Tesoromon said as she placed her hands at her sides.

"Whatever... lets just go"Lupaemon said as he and Tesoromon walked off towards the light.
Okay, I know I haven't posted in like days but I'm back and i'll reply ALOT more okay?
^ ^
-Kaede~san >^.,.^<[/color][/size]
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Lupaemon felt a little sheepish. She didn't [i]have[/i] to slap him... but at least she was moving. He kept that in mind as they walked out. It made him feel better to know she was out of her depressive state.

As they drew closer to the light, Lupaemon looked over the top of the pipe blocking their path. It was his Spirit. He just needed to get to it.

"But..." he started.

"What?" Tesoromon asked, half-way through clambering underneath the pole.

"It could be your spirit." Lupaemon thought out loud. The Spirit moved away slightly.

Tesoromon sighed. "Do you want me to hit you again?" she said playfully. "I'm a fox Hybrid, you're a wolf Hybrid. That is not a fox. Now go and get it."

Lupaemon smiled. "Yes, sir."

He crawled through the small gap and looked at the Beast Spirit in awe.

"What do I do?" he whispered.

"Just... get it! How did you get your other one?"

Lupaemon shrugged. It had been years since that day, and he didn't remember much of it. He was ten, and had been looking at the computer. All of a sudden something came out of the computer and entered his body, and the next thing he knew he was lying in a hospital bed, with people muttering 'monster' all around him. He hoped that wasn't going to happen again. He didn't want to hurt Kaede.

"Here goes..."

He held out his hand to touch the Spirit. A white light illuminated the cave and launched into Lupaemon's arm, then enveloped his body. Slowly it faded, and he stood rather shakily where the Spirit had been.

Tesoromon gave him an apprehensive look. "Did it work?"

Lupaemon nodded, relief flowing through him. He could control it now.

"Come on, let's get out of here." Lupaemon called, making his way up a narrow passageway pointing directly upwards. "This looks to be the most direct way to the surface. Who knows where we'll come out..."
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[color=darkblue][size=1]Tesoromon crawled in after Lupaemon as she lay there face down as she hit her head against the floor.

"Ow"She said as she tried to get through.

Kylala walked right past her and let out a meowing kind of laugh.

"What now?"Lupaemon asked looking at Tesoromon who wouldn't move.

"I thought we went through this!"He said angrily.

"It's not that... I'm stuck..."Tesoromon said sheepishly while blushing.

"You're too fat"Lupaemon said teasingly.

"I'M NOT FAT!"Tesoromon yelled.

Kylala meowed wildly to get Lupaemon's attention.He turned to her only to see a picture that Kylala drew with a stick figuer of Kaede eating a rice ball.

"WAIt TILL I GET OUT OF HERE CAT! YOU'LL BE IN ALOT OF PAIN!"Tesoromon yelled as she squeezed through and attack Kylala by pinching her cheeks and stretching them.

"Uhh hello?... can we stop that and get out of here?"Lupaemon asked blushing slightly at the two who turned and smiled with embarrasment.

"Sorry"Tesoromon said.She let go of Kylala whose eyes where swirls of confusion now.

Kylala: @_@;

"Serves you right you cat!"Tesoromon said as she walked out into the light.

Lupaemon picked up Kylala and walked after Tesoromon who suddenly let out a shreik.

Lupaemon ran out and suddenly fell down not knowing until her found himself hanging on a branch next to Tesoromon who looked at him angrily.

"Do you ever think before you act?"Tesoromon asked.

"Do you?"Lupaemon replied.

"Well you should look before you take charge into a bright light... and now.. WE'RE STUCK!"Tesoromon yelled as she noticed Kylala who sat in the narrow ledge.

"Kylala! OH! pretty kitty! come help Kaede okay?"Tesoromon said smiling.

Kylala smilied evily as she walked past Kaede and went to Lupaemon's ai instead.

"Lousy cat!"tesoromon yelled.

Kylala took the skinny branch and pulled it with all her might as Lupaemon slowly rised to the surface.

Finally he reached the top and soon pulled Tesoromon up who looked at Kylala with an evil glare.

Kylala panicked and ran to Lupaemon and hid.

"Enoguh you two!"Lupaemon said strictly.

"Loopy... where are we?"Tesoromon asked.

"Even I don't know Tesoromon... but it isn't where we once where"Lupaemon said quietly and slowly looking around....[/color][/size]
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OOC: The group Comis is with is currently in a city in the digital world. Comis has been fully aware of what's happened.
(They all land and begin to look for the hybrid. Bg simply starts walking toward a very dark alley, but stops a few feet in front of it)
Comis: What is it?
BG: The hybrid should be in there.
(A voice is heard, and is coming from the alley)
???: I don't know how you figured that out, or even how you tracked me through the portal in the first place. Excelent job.
BG: Just who are you? And while you're at it, what are you doing here?
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Ashtoremon frowned.
"Do answer."

"I think you already know what I am." the creature said. "But for who I am, you may call me Corvusmon."
"You're the freak stealing our data ?" Sly blurted out.
"Yes." the voice said calmly, as Ashtoremon clapped and armored hand over Sly. "But you being humans should also know how beneficial this is."

"You're kidding." BurningGreymon said. "And how is stripping our sister world of it's life suppossed to help us?"
Corvusmon seemed to be getting annoyed. "All technology in our world is connected to the Digital data. By transporting it to our world and using it directly, we could revolutionize our world."
"Ummm..." Ashtoremon was doubtful, none of this made any sort of sense. Obviously, this hybrid was insane or something of the sort.

"And if you hybrids work with me," Corvusmon said. "You shall also take part in the greatest bout of industrialization in the world. We will truly be a superior race."
"That's disgusting!" Amber retorted. "What ever made you think we would want a part of this."
BurningGreymon nodded. "As great as more technology sounds, this isn't gonna work."

A streak of red appeared in the darkness and it seemed to leap out.
"Then you are just a hinderance." Corvusmon screamed. "An annoyance which I intend to remove very soon."
The shriek died out, left behind were a pair of glowing red eyes.
"Care to identify the thing, Sly?" asked Ashtoremon nervously.
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Lupaemon looked around. They appeared to be on top of a hight cliff-face, with little else but rock all around them.

"Great trail, Loopy." Tesoromon sighed, looking down at the ground far down below them. "Now what do we do?"

"We climb." he said flatly, clambering over the rocks to see if he could find a way down. As he did, he felt something on his arm. Kylala smiled at him and pointed down a valley with her tail. At the end of the mountain range was a large Digital city.

"How about down there?" Tesoromon called. "That looks like a place where we could find some intelligence."

"Oh, like I'm not?" Lupaemon called back.

Tesoromon shook her head, smiling playfully. "Not a chance."

Lupaemon rolled his eyes and started sliding down the side of the mountain.
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  • 2 weeks later...
[color=black][size=1]Tesoromon and Kilala made their way down following Lupaemon as they reached the bottom.

"So where from here?" Tesoromon asked.

"Dunno... not that I'm lost or anything" Lupaemon said.

"Sure..."Tesoromon said playfully.

The three ventured on as Kylala took lead and suddenly began to snifff and take on a new route.

"Where are you going furball?" Tesoromon asked.

"And then you wonder why Kylala likes me more" Lupamon said following.

"She does not" Tesoromon retorted.

"Want me to prove that?" Lupaemon asked slyly.

Tesoromon: T_T


"Okay then..." Lupaemon said passing her.

Kylala ran into a small area and voices were heard as Kylala froze with fear and ran up Kaede who too got scared and hid behind Lupaemon.

"This again?... come on" Lupaemon whispered as they moved forward.

A large figuer stood and several other too with a small cat-like creature.

"are those the others?"Tesoromon asked.

"I think but be quiet!" Lupaemon raised his voice slightly and the figuer turned...

"What was that?" It asked as it moved towards the three who scattered...[/color][/size]
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