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Monkey like Goku?

Guest The Mage Prince

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Guest The Mage Prince
Does anyone remember Monkey Magic? :idea:
Well I have come up with some things that I was thinking about last night while watching DBZ!

Thing no.1 Goku is a sayian a monkey person. Monkey is well.. A monkey :angry2:
Thing no.2 Both have tails! (Goku used to) :faint:
Thing no.3 Both have magic fighting power polls :eek:
Thing no.4 Both ride a flying cloud! :grumble:

So tell me witch come first? The Monkey or The Monkey Boy Goku? :bash:

[color=indigo]Moved this to the DragonBall forum. - Desbreko[/color]
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Actually, both are based off of Buddhist myth:

Son Goku was a monkey demon imprisoned in a rock by the Bodhavisata (SP) for being too violent. he had a magical power pole, and could ride around on a cloud. He was released from his imprisonment by the Bodhavisata so that he could protect this T'ang Buddhist monk. Unfortunately, along the way, the monk was captured by Gyumaoh (SP), a powerful demon lord. Gyumaoh wanted to eat the flesh of the T'ang monk so that he could remain young forever, as apparantly that's what happens if you eat a T'ang monk's flesh. Son Goku, as well as a pig demon and water demon, had to defeat Gyumaoh in order to reclaim the T'ang monk so thqat she could continue to spread the Buddhist scriptures. The water demon was defeated after a pitched battle, as was the pig demon, but Son Goku defeated Gyumaoh with his magical extendo-staff.

It's in Love Hina. if you read past the jokes you can actually learn the legend
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To add on to that, in the myth, a monkey bursted out from a huge rock and he explored beyond a waterfall to see what was in it and found a better land with plentiful food for the monkeys to live in so they crowned him as the Monkey King. Knowing that some day he'll die, he went out in search of a way to be immortal so he went out and found an immortal that taught him to have forever youth and to morph into 76 different animals. He trained with his master for 7 years and then left.

He got the pole from the South Dragon King. When he wrecked havoc upon the heavens he was basically ustoppable. But his downfall was when he dared to challenge the highest Buddha of all. The Buddha told him to prove his worth by jumping from this mountain to the mountain that's so far even the Monkey King's eyes can't see them. So he used his hardest efforts to jump, and when he got there, he saw that he had only jumped from one of Buddha's finger to another. So he tried to attack Buddha and Buddha sealed him away into a sacred mountain called "Five Finger Mountain" and gave a name to the Monkey King called "Son Ookon*" which he would have to stay stuck there for 700 hundred years until someone would free him.

And that's where the real adventure actually starts.

I read the books of the myth so I know a lot about it and how much DB and DBZ has ideas inspired from it. ^_^
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I think at the end of the first part of the DBZ manga, Toriyama actually has a little note asking if anyone recognised the name. It's there in English version (which is translated directly from japanese and not altered, except to flip the pages around so that you read it from left to right)
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