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As many know, Playboy is doing a tour across the country to find the next playmates for their magazine. It is going to be in Texas, my home state, so I thought I would get ya'lls oppinion on the subject. How do you feel about this and other pornagraphic magazines, and does it offend you ladies? To start us off, I disapprove of all porn including Playboy and feel it is an obtrusion on the female body, voluntarily or not. The Bible condemns these mags and so do I. How 'bout ya'll?
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lol, yeah the bible says thou shalt not look at playboy. I'm sure thats not what you meant though, so i'd like to know the exact verse if you have it.

It all depends how you look at it. Men are men, men are horny, straight men need to look at naked women to be "happy."... same thing goes for women. Thats why there's a playgirl, although never as popular, still the same idea is in place.

Nudity is art, and thus in a way Pornography is art. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying they both are the same, for they aren't. Nudity and pornography are two totally different things but they are realted.

If I had a picture book of paintings of nude females, would you be against that?

Pornography is fantasy, and fantasy is what our minds are all about. If you can go live your life without the express want to see at least a BIT of pornography, then kudos, but alot of people can't including even the highest orders in religion.
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[quote][i]originally posted by TN[/i]

[b]I'm sure thats not what you meant though, so i'd like to know the exact verse if you have it.[/b][/quote]

"You have heard it was said "Do not commit adultery". But now I tell you: anyone who looks at a woman and wants to possess her is guilty of committing adultery with her in his heart" (Matt 5:27-28)


I'd love to see a guy who buys playboy magazines (specifically) with the intention of not looking at them lustfully

Now, that doesn't mean that all Christians don't do it.. what it means is that the Bible is against it
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[color=red][b]I don't mind nudity or porno. I'm a Christian, and find no problem with it. It's just a fantasy, it's not committing adultery, no matter what you want to think.

And Deus, I just get them for the articles.[/b][/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Matt [/i]
[B][color=red][b]It's just a fantasy, it's not committing adultery, no matter what you want to think.[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

If that's what you think then that's fair enough, but I'm more inclined to believe that the thought processes in your mind don't differ very much between porn (or any other fantasy) and actual adultery. I also am inclined to believe that it's your intentions, not just the actions that you bring about, which constitute what's right and wrong, rather than purely the consequences of what you do.

But there are many different ways of looking at it.. that's just mine
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus Ex Machina [/i]
[B]"You have heard it was said "Do not commit adultery". But now I tell you: anyone who looks at a woman and wants to possess her is guilty of committing adultery with her in his heart" (Matt 5:27-28)


[color=black][size=1][font=rockwell] If just looking at a women as sexual is wrong, then almost any man has commited adultery in their lives. This is why I don't like the bible; it's too much common sense, and it tells you what's right and wrong. To me that's like society just talking right there, eh. That's why if I do believe in God, it certainly won't be the one in the bible.

I swear, the bible's against anything that's seen as wrong. Homosexuality, all of it.[/color][/size][/font]
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I would have to agree with TN on this one here. There is a difference between nudity, and porn. Some of Playboy's stuff is just nudity, not all of it is harcore porn. Now hustler, thats different............

I have no problem with it, but thats just because it's the woman's decision,not mine. I wouldn't want my girlfriend doing it, for other guys, but hey, it happens. Thats why i'm not planning on trying to date anyone in the porn buisness.
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Guest Crimson Spider
The bible itself says that nudity itself is not bad. It is in the person's who sees it eyes. An example.

Two guys are talking when a beautiful women walks by. One man notices her beauty then goes on about something else. The other man lusts for her beauty and usually fantisizes about her. One man sins, another man doesn't.

And that if you lust for a woman, especially when you are married, the bible says that you might as well have commited adultry.

I never thought much about nudity. Pornography itself is for people who "don't get any" and for people who "really like themselves." Lets face it: Nudity is everywhere! It is the thought that makes it bad.
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I don't have a problem with porn, though I don't look at it.. I'm fine with people who do look at porn.

Don't take the bible so literally. It's your interpretation of the bible and how you act upon it that makes you a good person, not doing EVERYTHING IT SAYS WORD FOR WORD... Much of the bible is exaggerated to make the point clear to simple minded people , so don't tak it so literally, since I know you guys aren't simple-minded since I've seen you all have intelligent conversation. Crazy orthodox christians :rolleyes:.

anyway, aldutery, to me, is preferring that woman over your wife and acting upon it. Aldultery is going beyond the natural urges to have the pleasure of sex or masturbation.

Of course, actually having sex with the woman isn't right.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitch [/i]
[B][color=black][size=1][font=rockwell] If just looking at a women as sexual is wrong, then almost any man has commited adultery in their lives. This is why I don't like the bible; it's too much common sense, and it tells you what's right and wrong. To me that's like society just talking right there, eh. That's why if I do believe in God, it certainly won't be the one in the bible.

I swear, the bible's against anything that's seen as wrong. Homosexuality, all of it.[/color][/size][/font] [/B][/QUOTE]

[size=1][color=darkblue] The whole point of chritianity is missed my so many people. I details
a) we're all sinners, fallen short of the glory of God.
b) We all need the sacrifice of Jesus for the cleansing of sins.

As much as most Christians like to think they're "holier than thou" Everyones on equal turf.

as for the topic content. Pornograsphy is condemned by me. Even if it wasn't in the Bible. I find just perving at guys/birls as sexual objects defeats the purpose of true love.

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[color=crimson]The odd thing being that Playboy is the preferred Bible for many men throughout the world, hm. Maybe God has business interest and is trying to avoid losing sales of his melodramatic attempt at confoming humanity into a moral, anti-creativity state of mind called "faith", aka the point where being a human and acheiving a Godlike status yourself falls, and instead you are following the advice of old Jewish men from ages before, who had no knowledge of the current state of life, nor how to live in our world.

Pronography isnt wrong, really. The women choose to do it, you choose to buy it, its not forced on either party, therefore nothing wrong is going on. The ladies end up pretty lucky actually. Feminists should shut up forever most of the time anyway, haha.

*monkey noises*

*jumps in a pool of kool-aid*[/color]
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The biggest porn addict I know is also the most devout christian I know. (barring my family members, who are all so much more religious than me)

To be honest, playboy, hustler and that kind of thing just don't do it for me. The stuff you get in playboy is the same sort of stuff that is plastered over everything in the world we appear to be living in now. Adverts in shop windows, papers, tv... I guess I'm desensitized to it.

And as for Hustler, well, the peopl that appear in that kind of thing are a few steps from bottom. They're broke, they'll do virtually anything for money, they're often quite plain. Is that supposed to be arousing?

I'm not saying I don't look at porn, just not that kind. ;)
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[color=indigo]Playboy isn't porn, it is a magazine. It is the [b]only [/b] magazine (in my opinion...and as we know, my opinion isn't worth much) of its type that I wouldn't consider pornographic. I think the mag is too tasteful in its entirety to be degraded by such a word.

Sure, there are photos of naked women, but the photos are very tasteful (although, I have a dirty mind :p). And, if you actually get around to reading the articles, you can find some of the most well written short stories and news articles enveloping the incredible centerfold of Tori Wilson...did I say Tori Wilson...er, uhm, I saw that she was in Playboy on WWE one night (that?s the ticket, don't tell them about your lifetime subscription...) [/color]
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[color=hotpink][size=1]I think I have the potential to be the next Playmate. ;) IF I got breast implants. Heh....

Anywho, it's not too terribly bad because it does have good literature in it. Otherwise the government would ban it. I mean, even good ol' Georgia boy Jimmy Carter was in a Playboy magazine interview. Ah, the things you actually DO learn in school...

But of course, I don't read it and I definately don't condone it. So yeah...[/color][/size]
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[color=darkgreen]As for me being a female, I sort of don't like to think of the idea that other women are sort of just raising their hands and wanting to pose naked for some horny pricks to stare at them in photos. I'm very umm....well....picky when it comes to morals. That's just how I was raised. Sure enough, if you want to go pose naked, go right ahead. I'm not stopping you.
I just don't like the idea of thinking of my boyfriend looking at a playboy mag...I just don't like porn or anything of the sort.

And then we come to nudity and art....
I do believe that porn and sort of 'nude art' like naked paintings of women or men are totally different. I have nothing against that sort of art.

The funny thing about that is in my class, we were watching a historical video about Italy and they showed 'David' the statue of that man in Rome, I think it is. (I'm pretty sure that Leonardo de Vinci sculpted that one) and the whole class started making noises and faces like some children...and we're all 14 and 15. So immature...and then the boys turn around and have a porn mag in class.
Eh, but they're men. They really just can't seem to control themselves sometimes....[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yu Yu Hakusho! [/i]

The funny thing about that is in my class, we were watching a historical video about Italy and they showed 'David' the statue of that man in Rome, I think it is. (I'm pretty sure that Leonardo de Vinci sculpted that one) and the whole class started making noises and faces like some children...and we're all 14 and 15. So immature...and then the boys turn around and have a porn mag in class.
Eh, but they're men. They really just can't seem to control themselves sometimes....[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=indigo]I don't know what is worse, being a man and not being able to control yourself, or being a female and not knowing that "David" was sculpted by Michelangelo after watching a movie on it...seems that your attention span is no better then those boys commenting on Davids "ahem" equipment....:p[/color]
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Guest cloricus
Quote | DeathKnight -
Odd that women have that problem just as frequently, hm?
So true, in fact statically true as well.

As for the bible, it doesn't apply to this. Its context is a guy that's just payed for a girl to come into his house and take her close off, and we can see where that leads. So you can see the reasoning for it in the bible.
Personally I think the bible angle is the same rot that religious people try to apply to hackers; computers did not exist 2009 years ago. Why the hell could it then be against the laws of god if it didn't exist? So personally I don't buy that angle.

Though I don't have any of these mags (just never wanted any) I would think that nearly ever other guy in my grade at school has some, and I wouldn't even want to count how many my best friend has.........................

All I have to say to the people who are against it is, accept it. You?re not the one that has to have anything to do with it. It's not you doing it.

Eps ? Bleh?
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i]
[B][color=indigo]I don't know what is worse, being a man and not being able to control yourself, or being a female and not knowing that "David" was sculpted by Michelangelo after watching a movie on it...seems that your attention span is no better then those boys commenting on Davids "ahem" equipment....:p[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

lol I was about to say the same thing. Guys like porn, girls can't stop yappin long enough to pay attention the a video they are supposed ot be watching. Leonardo de Vinci didn't even do sculpture as far as I know. Painting, inventing, and anatomy were his things. ::sigh:: DOnatello did the other famous statue of David during the Renaissance, and Bernini the other during the Baroque, but I'm sure eeryone knew that :p

Anyway, we had this discussion in my AP Art History calss when I was in HS. What makes nudity art and not Pornography.... It's simple, pornography has a sole purpose, and that is of sexual stimulation, nothing more, nothing less. Nudity is not. Nudity is art, it's meaning is not to sexually stimulate the viewer. Its purpose is artistic. Whatever that artistic purpose is is up to the artist.

In Italy,a nd much of Europe (Japan too, except genitalia must be censored, whether it be pornography or not, it all has to be censored), nudity is seen everywhere. In magazines it's quite common. In Italian class, my teacher had several Italian magazines and almost everyone of them had artistic pictures of nude females or males either being used for commercial use in advertisement or just part of the magazine's stories. Although one magazine had lego men and women in rather sexual posisions... that was quite odd.... lol
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i]
As for the bible, it doesn't apply to this. Its context is a guy that's just payed for a girl to come into his house and take her close off, and we can see where that leads. So you can see the reasoning for it in the bible.
Personally I think the bible angle is the same rot that religious people try to apply to hackers; computers did not exist 2009 years ago. Why the hell could it then be against the laws of god if it didn't exist? So personally I don't buy that angle.[/B][/QUOTE]

Firstly, the verse I put up was from the sermon on the mount. It wasn't said to some guy who just payed for a woman to take her clothes offf for him.

Secondly, the bible never mentions computers, so I don't see how there can be a true "bible angle" on that.

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitch [/i]
If just looking at a women as sexual is wrong, then almost any man has commited adultery in their lives. This is why I don't like the bible; it's too much common sense, and it tells you what's right and wrong. To me that's like society just talking right there, eh. That's why if I do believe in God, it certainly won't be the one in the bible.

I swear, the bible's against anything that's seen as wrong. Homosexuality, all of it.[/B][/QUOTE]

That's true.. if just looking at women in that way is wrong then pretty much everyone has done that wrong in their lifetime.. the thing is, as sabretooth said.. the idea isn't to condemn people because of that, but just to acknowledge that we're far from perfect.

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by genkai [/i]
[B]Don't take the bible so literally. It's your interpretation of the bible and how you act upon it that makes you a good person, not doing EVERYTHING IT SAYS WORD FOR WORD... Much of the bible is exaggerated to make the point clear to simple minded people , so don't tak it so literally, since I know you guys aren't simple-minded since I've seen you all have intelligent conversation. Crazy orthodox christians

I fail to see how the verse I pout up earlier can be interpreted any other way than "don't so much as look at anyone you're not married to in a lustful way". I mean, yes, we're all going to do it at some point or another, but the point is it's not necessarily right.

And it's not your interpretation of the bible that makes you a good person. The reason being that it's not possible to be "good" in the eyes of God because we get so many things wrong, all the time. What makes us "good" is the acceptance of forgiveness, not the good things we do.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i]
[B]Pornography is fantasy, and fantasy is what our minds are all about. If you can go live your life without the express want to see at least a BIT of pornography, then kudos, but alot of people can't including even the highest orders in religion. [/B][/QUOTE]

Well you've won me over.

Excuse me, I'm going to download all the pornography I can get because the 'majority' of male otaku's thinks its cool.

: prepare yourself :

: raising eyebrow... :

: now :

*raises eyebrow*

Look, I find pornography disgusting, and believe all of it should really, burn.

But hey, if you guys want to ogle, be my guest, just keep it the hell away from me.


EDIT: [size=1]Am I the only one that [i]doesn't[/i] chop and change his morals? Actually, don't answer that, I do [b]not[/b] want to know.[/size]
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[font=gothic][color=crimson]Do yourself a favour Liam. Become a Nihilist. Not admitting that the world is a sick sad place is easier when things like morality are out of the picture. We do it anyway, but if we didn't want to, we'd have justification.

Oh, by the way Cloricus, what makes you think that just because it isn't in the Bible, it can't be "immoral". You've got to take things for the spirit intended, rather than the letter. Remember what Fr. McCormack (or however he spells his name) was on about? (I'm not trying to argue with Deus's point about taking it literally, so could anyone inclinded to start a debate about that please leave me alone. For once?)

....Someone tell me why I just argued in favour of a religious concept.

Anyway, on the topic of pornography, I'd like to point out that another surprisingly common useage of pornography is by couples, for whatever reason they choose. So it's not just adolescent males who know they really have no chance to ever actually get with a girl in their lives. No further comment in case this conversation gets a little....I'll leave it there.[/font][/color]
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Guest cloricus
I never thought that Harlequin. Personally I think the bible is so out of date that it's nothing but a nice door stop that has some good pointers on how you should live your life. Which I think you'll find that's just what our favourite cult leader wanted it to be! (Btw, I'm talking about Jesus. Wasn't he the one who said you can get into heaven if you don't be a ***** to every one and be loyal to the big guy upstairs?) (Yes that is a rhetorical question.)

Deus I know it sounds weird, but yes I've had several Christians put up good reasons why certain areas of computing is against god's word therefore law. Now at the time I was so shocked at their reasoning I didn't get a chance to laugh, but it has happened.
Not only to me but a lot of people...

As for the debate part over the difference between artistic and straight out porn I don't really have an opinion. People are allowed to like what ever they like. Or dis-like in cases like Liams, which occurs a lot, not only to religious people. (Eg they just don't like porn.)

Also I'd like to know TN's logic for putting it in this forum?

Eps - Ceh!
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i]

Also I'd like to know TN's logic for putting it in this forum?


[color=black][size=1][font=rockwell] Same thing here. Although it is about the magazine publication [i]Playboy[/i], still, we are jumping all over different things; and somewhat, this topic is about porn, and things of that nature in general. But oh well.[/color][/size][/font]

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus Ex Machina [/i]

That's true.. if just looking at women in that way is wrong then pretty much everyone has done that wrong in their lifetime.. the thing is, as sabretooth said.. the idea isn't to condemn people because of that, but just to acknowledge that we're far from perfect.


[color=black][size=1][font=rockwell] So you're saying that the ten commandments were written to show us we're "far from perfect"?

So tell me this, isn't that just contradictory? It still condemns you. And people are prejudiced against one another for what the bible says. Heck, just for someone who doesn't believe in God, they get a lot of negativity about it. I know it's like that the other way around, too. But seriously, everyone knows they're far from perfect, unless they're some stuck-up little moron.

I don't think what you said actually really means anything. If that's the point of the entire bible, the entire commandments, other than god, then what's the point of it? I don't know. Religion is just so pointless to me, especially of late.

Sorry if I offended you or anything, but this stuff has to be said.[/color][/size][/font]
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Quote- "I swear, the bible's against anything that's seen as wrong."- Mitch

i do believe that this is one of the funniest things i've ever read.

you know, if it wasnt against things that are "wrong", it wouldnt be so popular. secondly, most idea's of what is "wrong" or not stem from an idea that was taken from the Bible, so i suppose it has the right to be against things that are wrong, doesnt it?
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