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OOC: Light=orange and Kokuun, the element of the Sun=burly wood

The Mage of Healing came by and looked Hikage over. Light looked at Shadow/Light sadly. Hikage layed there limp and not moving. The Mage of Healing brought a berry and mashed it so that it was juicy. She rubbed it over Hikage's wound and said a spell of healing. The berry juice evaporated, but the wound was still there. But, Hikage was breathing. Her eyes were closed. Light and Shadow/Light walked over to the Mage of Healing. They conversed that Hikage will not wake up unless the one who saves her in her premonition comes back to her. Light said that she could search through Hikage's mind for her hero. The Mage of Healing said that Hikage might block her, but Light was powerful enough to do that. They looked over to Max. He knelt beside Hikage looked her over. Then he went back to Amber. She was awake. She got up and looked over to the bed in front of her. It was Hikage. Amber sprang from her bed and ran over to Hikage. She looked her over too. She started to weep. Light walked over to Amber and pulled her away. Shadow/Light picked Hikage up and brought her to a secure room. "No children allowed inside" said the sign. The Mage of Healing told Max and Amber that it was alright for them to leave. Light went to the room. She sat on a chair beside Hikage and held her hand. Shadow/Light left. Light searched her mind.

[COLOR=orange]Light: Hikage, are you here?[/COLOR] Light heard a laughter and saw Hikage. She looked better. [COLOR=orange]Light: Hello, Hikage.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=silver]Hikage: Hi, Light! Hey, you wanna see something? It's my awesome premoniton. I didn't know I could feel that kind of power![/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange]Light: Neither did I. Show me your premonition.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=silver]Hikage: Alright, come walk with me.[/COLOR]

Light held Hikage's hand and they walked together. They were now in a clearing. They saw Hikage and Nate. Hikage was backing away from Nate. He was wearing a mask of darkness. Hikage knew and didn't want to hurt him. But when he lunged, she didn't move quick enough and so, he cut her deep. Blood gushed out of her and she fell to the ground. But before she did, she turned to Nate and ripped his mask off. He screamed and became awake. Two apparition like people stood about 3 yards away from the two Elements. Another was running towards Hikage. The two apparitons ran from the scene. Nate ran from Hikage scared. He ran to the Dormitories. The boy that ran up to Hikage wasn't an Element X. Light became worried. She looked to Hikage and tried to pry her hand out from hers. Hikage held on tighter.

[COLOR=silver]Hikage: Don't. He is the only person who can save me in the real world. He is the only one who can get me information about the Black X's. He is the only one that I trust. He is the One I love.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange]Light: Hikage??? He's the Element of the Sun. You don't know what he's capable of.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=silver]Hikage: Yes... I do.... I searched and read his mind as well. As I am doing to you right now. You see, in my spiritual mind I know more power than I show. But in my physical mind, I don't know.[/COLOR]

Light just stared at Hikage, then looked back at the premonition. The boy was trying to heal Hikage. He looked at her neck and saw that the orb was still around her. He opened the top and pour some crystal liquid on top of the wound. It wasn't enough. He picked her up and held her. He started to scream "WHY? Why her?" Suddenly the crystal liquid that was on Hikage got on the boy and when he touched her, her wound was gone and she was awake. Light knew now that she needed to find this boy. She turned away, but Hikage stayed.

[COLOR=silver]Hikage: Go to the old Baseball field. I told him to meet me there. I also secretly sent him a message. I told him that I was about to die, and I needed his help. But what the important thing I told him was that you were going to see him.[/COLOR]

Light nodded and left Hikage's mind. Light got up from the seat and stepped out of the room. Shadow/Light was standing by the door. He looked at her with concern. She just kept walking. She left the infirmary and walked over to the far end of the buildings and took a left. She walked through many gardens and then came upon a baseball field. Over by the dugout bench, she saw a boy playing with a piece of the sunlight. He heard a twig snap and looked over. He stayed put. Light walked over to him and sat by him.

[COLOR=burlywood]Kokuun: You need me don't you? Hikage's dying and I need to betray my friends for her.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange]Light: Yes. Hikage needs you right now. If you do not help her, she may die within 24 hours. And, your friends caused pain and chaos to those around you. Do you think of them as your friend?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=burlywood]Kokuun: No. You're right. But, I need to do something first.[/COLOR] Kokuun reached inside his shirt and brought out a black and gold pendant. He unhooked his necklace and took of the pendant and smashed it. The darkness was gone, the communication was done. Light stood up with Kokuun and Light teleported them to the infirmary.
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[i]Mei stared up in horror at Nate. She could feel his anger burrowing into her. She couldn't speak, she could only gape and hope that Nate had made some kind of mistake.[/i]

Nate: I have one question for you, b*tch.

[i]Mei was shocked. Nate never used profanity. He was too smart for that.[/i]

Nate: Are you going to allow me to ask you before I kill you?

[i]Mei gulped and nodded slowly.[/i]

Nate: You always seemed incompetant to me because you were always late. How could one so useless destroy an entire village? How COULD YOU?! One so inexperianced, one who can't even form a void, let alone have a beast or a weapon yet!

[i]Mei found her voice.[/i]

Mei: Destroy... a village?

Nate: Don't even insult my intelligence. My loved ones told me that YOU and the rest of the Element X DESTROYED my village, TORTURED people, and BURNED everything to the ground!

[i]Mei was too scared to speak. She merely shook her head slowly.[/i]

Mei: (whispering) It can't be true. I've never killed anyone in my life, nor do I wish to...

Nate: LIAR!!

[i]His voice echoed through the trees. Mei clutched her hands to her head and trembled.[/i]

Nate: Hiding from justice now, after you killed so many. Fearing for your own life. How does it feel to be on the other side?

[i]He kicked her back forcefully. Mei went sprawling into the dirt, coughing and wincing.[/i]

Nate: Get up.

[i]Mei stood up, her legs wobbled. She crossed her arms in front of her heart to protect her vitals. Nate laughed.[/i]

Nate: Useless. You've left yourself wide open to ATTACK!

[i]Nate charged at her with his spiked gauntlets. Mei braced herself. She expected to be hit in the chest or the face, but neither attack came. Nate went for her stomach.[/i]


[i]The spikes sunk into Mei's stomach, her eyes wide with suprise. She pushed him away so that he couldn't turn her insides into soup. Eight tiny holes blossomed with blood onto her black tank top. She coughed and a tiny red stream went down a corner of her mouth.[/i]

Nate: Now you'll know what it's like to be tortured to death.

[i]Mei did the only thing she could think of and do. She started to run away, screaming for help.[/i]


Nate: Where are YOU going? I'm not done with you! THIS one is for everyone you killed!!

[i]Nate easily fired a shadow void at her, sending her careening into a nearby tree. She slid down the trunk and then fell onto the soil, coughing up even more blood.[/i]

Nate: I doubt that anyone can hear you anyway. This area is so remote, that not even someone on the edge of the forest could hear you.

Mei: I dunno... (cough) My lungs are pretty good...

Nate: Get up.

[i]Mei didn't move.[/i]


[i]Mei staggered to her feet.[/i]

Nate: That's better.

[i]He began an onslaught of punches to Mei's face and arms. She was being cut up pretty badly, but nothing that she couldn't handle. Nate swiftly kicked her in the gut, expelling more blood. Mei fell to the ground, writhing in pain.[/i]
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Amber swung in with her glaive and hit him with the but of the glaive.
Amber quickly helped Mei up and told her to run to the others and warn them.Mei nodded and ran as fast as she could.
Amber looked at Nate he put his spiked gauntlets up ready for a fight.
Amber:I don't want to hurt you Nate!!
Nate:Funny.'Cause I do!!
And he lunged trying to sink his spikes into any part of her.Amber did a manuvere where you spin,jump,flip and you're behind the enemy and then you hit them.amber hit him with the but again.Nate stumbled and turned around angrily.Amber had a void ready for him.She threw it and vines erupted and grew around him.He couldn't move his body and only his head showed.Amber ran up to him and took the mask off and destroyed it with the but.She talked to Nate and found out he was normal so let him free of the vines.
Nate:What happened?!
Amber:You were being controlled by that mask.
She said pointing.
Amber:And...During it you bashed up Mei badly.She should be in the infirmary.

Nate's eyes widened and ran for the infirmary with Amber following.He ran in and saw the damage he had done.He knelt by Mei's bed and watched hoping she'd wake up so he could apologize.

Nate:Why...Why would I do such a thing.
Amber:Nate...Don't blame yourself.It was that mask that was controlling you.
Nate:But still.Look at the damage!

Amber saw Nate was in pain so she left quietly and climbed her favourite tree to think.
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[I]Max walked in the room, seeing Mei on the bed he instantly charged forward and asked Nate what happened[/I]


Nate: I..I did this...

Max: WHAT!? HOW DARE YOU!! [I]Max was fuming with anger, he felt as though he was about to burst.[/I]

Nate: I didn't mean to. I'm sorry if it bugs you so much!

Max: Argh.. Aw i'm sorry man... I just can't bare seeing her like this. Sorry again.

Nate: Ehh..:therock: Of course...

Max: Heh.

Mei: Wha, Nate? AHH! NATE!

Max: No no it's ok. He's ok! It's all good!

Mei: Who helped me? Max? THANK YOU!

Max: No, I wish it was me...but it wasn't. It was Amber.

Mei: Oh...OH YA!

Nate: Mei! I'm so sorry! How can I ever repay you!?

Mei: It's ok. You don't have to repay me. Just, don't do it again. Please?

Nate: Anything.

Max: I'm glad that's sorted out. Hey look it's Amber!

[I]Amber had just walked in the room and saw Mei sitting up on the bed.[/I]

Amber: Ah! Get back to sleep. You still need rest!

Mei: Thank you Amber! [I]coughs and falls asleep[/I]
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[i]Max and Nate sat around talking to each other about what had happened. They kept an eye on Mei's condition, just to make sure that she would recover fully from her wounds. All was peaceful on the outside, but on the inside, a battle was raging.[/i]

{In Mei's Dream}

Mei: Huh...? Where am I?

[i]She recognized the room she was in as a classroom. It was totally empty and she herself was short of breath, like she had been running for a long period of time. It was hard for her to move, as it always was in her dreams.

Suddenly, the doorknob rattled. Mei's instinct told her to block the door, but Max's voice came from behind it.[/i]

Max: Mei, Mei! Open the door quick!

[i]She complied. Max stood panting in the doorframe.[/i]

Max: The- the Black X's are storming the school! They're armed with... I don't know what, but they've got the teachers! We've got to get out of here!

Mei: The Black X's?! How'd they get in?!

Max: I don't know, someone must have tipped them off or something. Nate, Amber and everyone else, they're all okay, but I had to come after you!

Mei: Okay. Let's-

[i]Suddenly, the room started filling with water. Mei was up to her ankles before she knew it. Tobias suddenly appeared behind Max. Before he could react, Tobias had landed a hit square where Max's neck met his shoulder. Max crumpled to the ground.[/i]

Mei: MAX!!

Tobias: Heh, two birds with one stone.

[i]Tobias closed his eyes and the room began to fill with water. Mei was up to her waist and Max had disappeared.[/i]


Tobias: That's the aim. You, I'm not going to kill, only kidnap.

Mei: No way that's going to happen! [i]The water rose to her neck.[/i]

Tobias: Or maybe, I'll just spare you the wait and kill you now.

Mei: You'll kill yourself too!

Tobias: I can't be killed by my own element. You should have figured that out, bluenette. [i]He blew her a kiss.[/i] Ciao.

[i]The water rose above her head. She couldn't see or breathe. She swam around trying to find Max, but she couldn't. She found Tobias and began to hit him. He turned all the water into mud and she was trapped.[/i]

Mei: *Oh God, what have I done...?!*

{End Dream}


[i]Both Nate and Max jumped a foot. Mei lay there breathing heavily.[/i]

Nate: What is it?!

Mei: *I shouldn't say anything, it could have just been a bad dream. Yeah...* Oh. Sorry. I just had a nightmare.

Max: About what?

Mei: I... *Lie! Lie!* It was about, the sapphire. I dreamed that I was taken over by it again.

Max: Oh, don't worry about that. I destroyed it.

Mei: Yeah... and it's never coming back again...
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Light noticed that Mei was there while she was gone. She looked over and saw that Max was sleeping there to. She hustled Kokuun over to the room. She opened the door and Hikage was lying there. Kokuun walked over to her. He noticed that she was wearing the crystal. He sat in the chair and held her hand. He started to think about what might've happened if she woke up, he thought about he might tell her. Suddenly the crystal started to glow. Kokuun looked at it. He put down Hikage's hand and the crystal stopped glowing. He looked over to Light.

[COLOR=orange]Light: The Crystal Tear??? Where... how?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=burlywood]Kokuun: I found it in a black case in the forest. It had powers that helped me see past what the Black X's were doing.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange]Light: Oh... the Crystal Tear only glows either when the owner is in need of help and asks for her inner powers or when the wearer is held by the one he/she loves.[/COLOR] Light looked at Kokuun intensly then smiled. [COLOR=orange]Light: You're the one that Hikage loves. The first time you met, she knew that you were both meant to be together.[/COLOR]

Kokuun looked at Light then looked back at Hikage. He held her hand again, except this time, he held it tightly. But suddenly, he felt himself drifting into Hikage's mind. He found himself in a bedroom. A girl was staring out the window at the dark blue sky, looking at the shooting stars. Kokuun walked over to the girl. She turned and it was Hikage.

[COLOR=silver]Hikage: Hello, Kokuun.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=burlywood]Kokuun: Hikage? How am---?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=silver]Hikage: I brought you here... well actually the crystal brought you here.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=burlywood]Kokuun: Am I really the one you love? I mean, you don't even know me. I could be trying to plot to kill you while you're here.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=silver]Hikage: If you were planning to kill me, you wouldn't have met Light... and you wouldn't have come to rescue me. Kokuun.... the only way for me to wake up is.... shoot, i can't tell you. You have to find out for yourself.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=burlywood]Kokuun: I can't save you from harm. I can't do anything for you. All I can do is pray that you will wake up and fall into my arms. All I can do is say now I know who my true love is. I guess it's true about what they say. Love at first sight is true when you want it to be.[/COLOR]

Kokuun disappeared from Hikage's mind and found himself inside the room again. He looked at the Tear and his hand. He saw that Hikage's grip tightened. He looked at her eyes and he leaned over and whispered, I LOVE YOU into her ears. She moved her fingers on her free hand and woke up to a dark room. She looked around noticed that Kokuun was by her bed and Light was standing by the door.

[COLOR=silver]Hikage: Kokuun? Hmm, I knew you would show up. You did it. You saved me![/COLOR]
[COLOR=burlywood]Kokuun: No problem. Ummm, hold on. Light? Do you think it's possible if i joined the Element X's?[/COLOR]

Light looked at Kokuun with eyes of I knew it. She nodded and Hikage got up and walked with Kokuun to the door.
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[i]All was right again at the Element X base. However, in a dark, dingy corner of nowhere, an evil plot was moving along rather nicely.[/i]

Tobias: Listen, all we have to do is invade the base. It's that simple. I'll con Mei again, the airhead, and it'll be homefree. The likes of them can't exist in this world.

Jennis: That's right. That Mei made a damned fool out of me, and she'll live to regret it. I'll destroy everything dear to her with my own two hands!

Michael: Be careful Jennis, your target should be Max. Mei is nothing compared to him. We need to all focus on our own targets, or better, assign new targets so that we will have an advantage over them.

Tobias: What, like me going after Max?

Jennis: Exactly. You're not such a fool after all.

Tobias: Watch your mouth Jennis, I too pack water power.

Maximill: Then it's settled, we'll attack when we all have reconveined and taken down our targets.

Tobias: That's right. Wait, Mei has no weakness.

Jennis: What are you talking about? Lightning...?

Tobias: But Kokuun has abandoned us and wants to become one of THEM.

Michael: Can't you just drown her or something?

Tobias: Not in water...

Jennis: I'm not going up against her!

Tobias: What a coward. I will take care of Mei and Max. You just focus on Amber. Before the end of the week, the Element X will be dead.
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*Meteo has a dream of the other element X's in battle fighting a losing battle Maximil is on the side fighting the Element X's with a few other warriors. Meteo wakes up in a hurry with his heart pounding.*
Meteo:"Whoah... I gotta warn everyone..."
*Meteo gets into his main battle outfit and uses a void to make enough sound to wake everyone up if they were sleeping at the Elemental X's base and they run into Meteo's room.*
Light:"What were you doing?"
Meteo:"I had a dream... We were in battle against a group of foes who were picking us off we must prevent this from happening..."
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Mei: I had a dream like that too... except...

[i]Mei hadn't told anyone about her premonition. She was afraid that she'd cause a general panic.[/i]

Amber: What is it Mei?

Nate: You can tell us.

[i]She bit her lower lip.[/i]

Mei: In my dream... Tobias showed up...

Max: The guy who gave her the sapphire that controlled her.

[i]The rest nodded at Max's explination.[/i]

Mei: He... and I fought. And... I lost.

Max: Wait, you lost, or something else?

Mei: I... died.


Max: What do you mean you died?!

Mei: Max, I died. I was drowned in mud.

Max: And no one helped you or anything?!

[i]Mei blinked away tears of pain.[/i]

Mei: You came to help me.

Max: But if you died... what happened to me?

Mei: I guess you could call it a trade off, (she tried to laugh) I died trying to save you, and you died trying to save me.
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Hikage looked around at the others as she walked up. They all turned and was in silence once Kokuun was seen. Max was the first to walk up to them. He seemed to be in a delicate mood that day.

[COLOR=red]Max: Who are you and What do you want?[/COLOR]

Kokuun was about to answer, but Hikage answered for him.

[COLOR=silver]Hikage: Kokuun did nothing wrong. He was the one who saved me. He was the one who told me of the Black X's. He was the ONE![/COLOR]

The others stared at her. Kokuun looked at her in suprise.

[COLOR=royalblue]Mei: It's alright. Kokuun, you're alright by me. Whoever saves a friend is a friend of mine.[/COLOR]

Kokuun thanked Mei. All the others talked to him too. Fire asked for order. They all looked at him. He then saw Kokuun. He became concerned but then Light told him that he was the one who saved Hikage. He understood and talked to the X's.

[COLOR=firebrick]Fire: Children! The Black X's will NOT stop at ANYTHING to get rid of us! We MUST fight back. They will use our weaknesses. They will try to destroy us. We cannot let that happen.[/COLOR]
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[i]Mei nodded. If there was one thing she didn't want to happen, it was Max being killed by Tobias.[/i]

Mei: Kokuun, your element is light, correct?

Kokuun: Well... yeah...

Mei: That means I don't have a Black X who can defeat me. I'll keep a look out for anyone who comes prowling around the grounds. I'll take care of them. Emotions will run high. (She laughed)

Max: I'll help you.

Mei: No, you shouldn't. If Tobias sneak attacks you, there'll be a hole in our defenses. I'll keep a look out. Besides, if I'm outdoors, I can't be drowned in mud...
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Hikage nodded at what Meteo said. Kokuun looked at the ground knowing that he knew what was to happen and that he would probably let everyone down and be kicked out of the school. Shadow/Light stared at him. He knew what Kokuun felt. He walked over and tapped him on the shoulder. Kokuun followed.

[B][COLOR=indigo]Shadow/Light:[/B] Kokuun, I'm telling you right here right now, if you mess up you will meet the consequences. But on the relaity side, if you break Hikage's heart, the school will know and you will be in great trouble. Understood? Oh, and if you need someone to talk to, come to me. I can probably relate to whatever you are experiencing.[/COLOR]

Kokuun just stared at Shadow/Light as he left. Then Hikage walked over and they went for a walk.
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Mei: Okay... Well, no time like the present, eh?

[i]Mei ran back to her dorm and grabbed her jacket and shoes. She hopped along the halls as she tied the laces. After tying her shoes, she zipped up her jacket to her neck and waltzed out into the frigid air.[/i]

Mei: Brrr... it's a bit nippy out here.

???: That's right. You should have brought another sweater.

[i]Mei whirled around. A bright light flashed in her face and she fell over.[/i]

Max: Oh God! I didn't mean to startle you!!

Mei: Oh, Max. You scared the heck out of me. I thought I told you to stay in the school?

Max: Yeah... well. I kind of followed you.

Mei: (sigh) Max, get back to the school. You could be ambushed by Tobias!

[i]Max flinched and stared strangely at her. Then he smiled.[/i]

Max: Yeah, that's right. I forgot my key in my room. Could you go get it for me?

Mei: Er... can't you just use mine?

[i]Max walked out of the shadows, laughing.[/i]

Max: Then how would you get back in? Stepped up security and all.

Mei: Yeah... Good point. I'm a ditz. I'll be right back.

[i]Mei ran along at a good pace, taking large strides to warm herself up. She unlocked the main door and ran to Max's dorm where she retrieved his key. She paused. Max's bed was made, but they had all run out of bed to hear about Meteo's dream. Weird...[/i]

Mei: He must have thought he'd stay up all night guarding with me. What a fool...

[i]She sniffed and wiped a tear away as she remembered the look on Max's face as he was hit by Tobias. She shook her head to get the image out of her mind's eye and ran to give Max his key.[/i]

Mei: There you are. (she smiled) One key.

Max: Thank you Mei. (he hugged her)

Mei: Uh... (she blushed a little) sure thing. Any time.

Max: No really... (he brushed Mei's hair away from her ear. She could feel his breath on her skin.) Thank you...

[i]Max smiled again. Suddenly, there was a rustle in the brush and a burst of flame sailed through the brush.[/i]

Mei: Oh my God!!

Max: It's Jennis again!!

Mei: Jennis?! But I defeated her!

Max: No, you didn't. Quick! Run back to the school and get help!

Mei: Let me handle her! She's weaker than I am!

Max: No! I won't let you risk your life for me!

Mei: Max...?!


[i]Mei ran at top speed. She fumbled with her key again and opened the door. She ran into the main hall. It would take too long to go from room to room. She filled her lungs with air.[/i]


[i]Amber, Nate, Meteo, Kokuun, Hikage, Water, Fire, Light, Amy, and Shadow/Light all came running down the stairs as quickly as they could.[/i]

Amber: Mei!! What's going on?!

Mei: Water-sensei, Amber! We all have to go and help Max! He took on a Black X by himself!!

Water: WHAT?! Mei, are you positive?!

Mei: (nods frantically) I'm sure! A giant stream of fire flew out of the forest!! Max told me to go get help!

Fire: Alright! Water, Shadow/Light, let's go check this out. All of you just stay here!

[i]Mei tried to protest, but Water shot her a glare. She fell silent. A few minutes later, the original Elements came back.[/i]

Water: Mei, what did you just pull?!!

Mei: Excuse me...?!

Fire: We didn't see anything out there.

Mei: WHAT?!! But- but if you didn't see anything... then!! Then Max has been captured!!

[i]Right on cue, Max came down the stairs, rubbing the back of his head.[/i]

Max: What's all the commotion about...?

Mei: Oh God, Max!! You're alright!!

Max: Yeah... I've just got a huge bump on the back of my head.

Mei: But- you're in your pajamas! What happened to your jacket and shoes?!

Max: Uh... what are you talking about?

Mei: You left your key in your room...? I brought it to you...? Then you were attacked by Jennis!

Max: You were attacked by Jennis?!! I bet you really kicked her butt this time!

Mei: You told me to go get help!

Max: (pause) No... I didn't...

Mei: What?!!

Water: Mei, this is a serious business here. You can't go calling us all out there just because you're scared.

Mei: I WASN'T SCARED!! Max! You have to remember what happened!

Max: Look, all I know is I was walking back to my room and then I woke up with a major headache in a closet.

Amber: A closet?

Max: Must have been dinner, or maybe that midnight snack... anyway, I didn't talk to you at all! You told me not to go out there with you, so I didn't. (Max felt around in his pockets) By the way, has anyone seen my key?

Mei: I just gave it to you, and you've lost it already?!

Max: Uh... you never gave me my key.

Mei: Yes I... Oh no... Max! We have to find your key! If you came back here, then it has to be here!

[i]The search for Max's key was on. The entire school spent the night turning the school upside down and Max's key was nowhere to be found.[/i]

Max: I don't understand it! I had it with me!

Fire: Mei, you said that you were positive that you gave Max his key?

Mei: I handed it to him and then he thanked me... rather repetitively, I think.

Fire: Max, you're sure that you did not see Mei after she went to guard duty?

Max: Positive.

[i]Fire sat down and rubbed his temples.[/i]

Fire: Then we have good news and bad news.

Mei: And...?

Fire: The good news is that you told the truth.

Mei: Well I knew that...

Fire: The bad news is the Black Xs now possess Max's master key to the school.

EDIT: Sorry about forgetting some of the mentors...
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OOC: Serenity, you for got Light- my mentor and older Element.

Fire told the kids to get to their dorms while the element dogs were out on the watch. Element dogs are dogs that are like mythical creatures and have certain elements. The Shadow Dog resembles Cerberus, Light resembles a white wolfox wolf tail, wolf feet, fox ears, and wolf body, Fire resembles a german shepherd with firey fur, Water resembles a ocean blue dog with a fin for a tail and webbed feet, Earth resembled a coyote that had green rings around its body and a grassy mane, Thunder was just a large thunderbolted dog, Ice was just a small dog with a big "grin", big ears, and a big tail, Shadow/Light is Shadow and Light mixed, Psy is irish wolfhound, Steel is a metal dog, Cloud a fluffy dog, Wind is red eyed, white furred, medium sized dog, and Forest is a large brown dog.
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[I]As everyone was preparing for an attack, Nate remembered what Alex had said.
"Before you thank me, take this dagger also. If someone did happen to remove the mask and see your emotions, it would be better for you to die, right?"
Nate still had the dagger in his belt. He pulled it out and was about to thrust it in his stomach when he thought he heard Katherine call out to him.
"Nate, wait!"
Nate stopped. He didn't see her around anywhere.
"Nate, I know how we can get or revenge, but first you need to trust me."
Her voice seemed to be coming from his mind.
"Of course I trust you, Katherine. I always have." He thought.
"Good. Now do exactly as I say...take the dagger, and cut your right arm."
Nate lifted the black blade to his arm and did as he was told. Before he began to bleed, a black liquid leaped from the blade and went into the open wound. He shivered a little and then stopped. His eyes were completely black.
"Thank you, Nate. There is nothing they can do to seperate us now. You know what to do next."
Nate smiled and nodded. He then walked into the room where Light was talking with Fire about the Black X's. Light turned around suddenly.[/I]
[I]Nate charged at her with the dagger but Light dodged the attack just in time.[/I]
"I will put an end to all of your killling!"
[I]Nate held out his right arm. The black liquid that was running through his veins shot out and hit Light on her chest.[/I]

[B]OOC: Oops...[/B]
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OOC: Light is a female X.

Along the way, they heard a scream and ran to that scream. They tried to find out where it was coming from, then they heard a blast. Kokuun ran to where it came from and saw that Light was on the ground and blood trailed down. He saw Nate throwing Voids to Fire. Fire was throwing them back. Fire saw Kokuun and motioned him to disappear before Nate saw him.

After Nate stabbed Light in the chest, he pulled the dagger out and watched Light fall to the ground. Fire fell beside her. He looked to Nate.
[COLOR=red]"Nate, why? Why did you do this? Grr. Nate. Wake up!"[/COLOR]Fire tried to talk to him. Nate wouldn't listen.
Nate replied. [COLOR=blue]"There is nothing that I can do to stop what I can do. All I can do is KILL! YOU HAVE DESTROYED MY FAMILY AND VILLAGE NOW I MUST DESTROY YOU!"[/COLOR] Nate tried to stab Fire, but Fire struggled to get the dagger out of Nate's hand. He did just in time. But then Nate threw a void towards him and was forced to hide behind the desk.

Hikage looked to FIre, Light, Nate, and Kokuun, Hikage and Light were the only two that could see Kokuun when he "disappeared."
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Water: By the Elements...! Nate's lost his mind!!

[i]Nate turned his sights on Water-sensei. Water formed a giant water sheild around himself.[/i]

Water: This will work until I contact Mei.

*Mei... MEI... MEI!!!!*

[i]Mei sat up from her sleep. She was sleeping on the stairs, guarding the dormitories from the Black X. Max was keeled over at the top landing of the stairs. She smiled, he had been watching her.[/i]

Water: *Mei this is no time to daydream!!*

Mei: (looking around) Water-sensei...?

Water: *Mei, the school is under attack!*

Mei: Black X?!!

Water: No... it's Nate... again...

[i]Mei's eyes glazed over in terror. Her hand went to her bandaged stomach where Nate had punched her the time before.[/i]

Mei: Water... I can't...

Water: *I know you can snap him out of it Mei! If anyone can reach him, you can!*

Mei: But why me?!!

Water: *Even though you're a bit of a ditz, your heart can still reach out to them! I know you won't be afraid.*

[i]Water's voice vanished. Mei stood up in her pajamas and grabbed her glaives which were right next to her. These might help her, but she wouldn't use them on Nate. Mei looked up at Max. She wasn't going to involve him... not yet. She would bring Nate to his senses. What Max didn't know couldn't hurt him. She turned and ran down the stairs and into the entrance hall. The bodies of Fire and Light lay sprawled on the floor.[/i]

Mei: NAAAAAAAATE!!! What are you doing?!!

Nate: I've had it! I've held back my true feelings long enough! I'm going to kill everyone in this school!!

Mei: No you can't!

Nate: If you stand in my way, I'll get rid of you, just like your Sensei.

[i]Water lay sprawled on the ground, a puddle around him. Mei's eyes grew wide with fear.[/i]

Mei: You can't get rid of me... you promised Max never to hurt me again!!

Nate: If you think nostalgia is going to turn me to your evil side, you're wrong!!

Mei: Look Nate... (she revealed her bandage) Look... this is what you did last time, remember? It was lucky that you didn't damage my stomach. I could have died Nate, you could have killed me.

Nate: Just like you killed everyone in the village!

Mei: No! No one did that!!

Nate: Just SHUT UP!!!

[i]He charged at Mei with a void. With two swipes of her glaives, the void exploded on the ground, harmlessly. Nate aimed for her again, and Mei flipped out of the void's way. She landed, wincing. Her blood was leaking through her pajama top.[/i]

Nate: It looks like you've reopened that wound. This time it will be easier to kill you!!

[i]Nate charged at her with the dagger. Mei blocked a series of blows from Nate, sending sparks to the floor. Mei backflipped and sent a void at Nate. He batted it away. Mei was wide open for an attack. Nate's aim was true. He hit her exactly where he had last time. Mei didn't cry out, but her pupils shrunk in suprise. She felt a black liquid enter her and thoughts began trying to force their way into her conscious.[/i]

*Mei... it's all Water's fault...*

*If he had just left you alone... you wouldn't be dying now...*

*And what about the rest of the Element X...? They wanted to see you die... You're just in their way...*

*They don't care about you... only the power that lies within you...*


*Kill them...*



[i]The black liquid gushed out of Mei's open wound. Nate stood back in suprise.[/i]

Nate: This never happened before! This isn't supposed to happen!!

Mei: (sob) Nate... you... (cough) promised...

[i]The black liquid ceased to flow. Instead, it was replaced by Mei's blood. She was steadily losing consciousness.[/i]

Nate: Well... it gets the job done. She'll be dead within a matter of minutes.

Mei: (cough cough) I'm sorry... Max... Amber... (cough cough hack) Water-sensei...
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OOC: If you are becoming a Hybrid. One thing. They don't talk. Only thoughts. But no thought speech. Also the first time someone becomes a Hybrid they cannot control it! No excuses for both of these!
[I]Elsewhere.....Max awoke with a shrill pain in his whole entire body..He stormed outside. There lay Mei...everyone! This couldn't be happening. He felt so much anger in him. He couldn't form a void! The flam in his head. Just kept growing and growing and growing! [/i]

[b]Max:[COLOR=red] HYBRID FORM![/COLOR][/b]

[i]Thats when the flame burst and in an instant so did Max. With flames though. He was covered with them. It seemed alltough he was...made of them. Then 2 Pheonix wings burst out of his back. He yelled in the pain of them. The 3 flowingly long sparkling orange tails came out of the bottom of his back. He looked as though a warrior sent from the Pheonix race. He looked up at Nate. Nate's eyes were black. Max's eyes....were red...WITH FURY! Max charged with his flaming fist. Nate dodged it but had a burn...for it had skinned him. Nate fell to the ground. Max charged again but just before he was about to hit Nate. He heard a silent almost mouse-like shrill coming from behind him...It was Mei. She fell into her lumber again. Max couldn't kill Nate. But the fury inside him. All that anger! HE HAD TO CONTROL IT! BUT NOOO! Max's eyes were beaming white energy out. It was light energy. The most good-wlled power of all. It's usually the one who triumphs over evil. Instantly Max's flames broke off and so did his wings and tail which actually grew right back in. Max fell to the ground. He had done his job. Maybe now, Nate would stop.[/i]

[b]Max:[/b][color=red] Nate..if you do anything. I will be back for you...[/color]

[i]And in an instant, Max was nothing but millions of red sparkles which came and flew around Mei as though..a kiss...then they flew into the air and vanished.[/i]
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Hikage looked at the bloodshed, Hikage wondered what that was that Max had turned to. She had never seen or heard anything like that of what he had become. Hikage looked around for Kokuun. He as nowhere near. Then she saw him walking towards Nate. He grabbed Nate from behind and Hikage leapt in front of Nate. She held her hand over Nate's head and put a slumber spell on him. He became woozy and then unconcious, then fell to sleep. Kokuun came out of his invisibility. Hikage held Nate's hand and closed her eyes. She tried to reach the center of his mind, but something was forcing her back. Suddenly a picture of two people came upon her. A girl from Nate's past, a mask, a dagger, and black blood... the blood of the Black X's. She passed through them and found that she was in front of a girl... the same girl in the picture. The girl started to speak.

"Leave him alone! You are the ones who killed off his village and ours. Let HIM BE!!!!"
Hikage stared in surprise. [COLOR=silver]"Uuh, girl, what chu been smokin? What do you mean WE killed off his village?"[/COLOR]
She spoke again. "Nate doesn't need the likes of you. He doesn't need anyone except me. Except the void that I must fill."
Hikage rolled her eyes. [COLOR=silver]"Great, another delusional act. NATE! I know you're here! WAKE UP! .... I'm sorry what's your name?"[/COLOR]
"Katherine. My name is Katherine. And I am Nate's only true friend. Stay away from him. I warn you." replied the girl.
Hikage went on. [COLOR=silver]"Yeah, sure. Katherine. Uh, but... you're not a true friend unless you are there to protect him from harm. You're not a true friend unless you can help him through the hard times. You are NOT a true friend unless you are there. I have been there for Nate, so many times. I have helped him through so many things. I actually helped him get out of his depression. I helped him remember what a friend is. I helped him. I did. So, Katherine, let me tell you this. Why don't [I]you[/I] stay away? And why don't [I]I[/I] warn you?"[/COLOR]

Katherine glared at Hikage and started to fade from Hikage's way. A path was shown. Hikage ran through it. Suddenly she came upon two roads. One said "The Road I need" and "The Road Everyone Else Took". Hikage looked through the scenes on "The Road Everyone Else Took". Mei, Fire, Light, Max, and others were there trying to help Nate, but failed. There was something missing from each scene. Something more. She then turned to look at the scenes from "The Road I Need" and none were there. She decided that she was going to take "The Road I Need". She entered and as she walked past, memories of Nate's childhood came upon. His mother and father, him playing with the other village children, riding a horse for the first time. Playing games, then she stopped. She looked in front of her and saw a burning village. She looked through it and it was through Nate's eyes. He turned to see the forest. Three shadowy figures were there. One stepped out and threw a fire ball. It was magma-y. Then Hikage knew who destroyed the village. Hikage looked forward and ran. She ran for about 15 minutes, but then stopped again. The path became narrow and was atop a bottomless pit. She looked down and saw that it was the Void in Nate's heart. She looked ahead and thought of Nate and trying to help him. She kept walking and then felt another spirit with her. It was Kokuun, and then another. It seemed as though the spirits of Fire, Light, Mei, Max, Amber, Meteo, Water, Amy, Shadow-Light, and others that were trying to help Nate was with her. Hikage knew that she wasn't alone in helping Nate for freedom. She walked the path. When she got to the end, there was a large door. She opened it and walked through it. Inside the door was Nate. He was sitting near a pond in a beautiful forestry. She walked toward him and sat down. Nate spoke to her.

[COLOR=blue]"You know what the hardest part about this is?"[/COLOR] Hikage stared down at the pond. Only half his face reflected. Nate went on. [COLOR=blue]"It's that I know people want to help me, but I won't let them. I can see them lying there, but there's this emptiness that tells me that it's not what I think, it's what they tell me."[/COLOR] Now Hikage was interested.
[COLOR=silver]"Nate... who tells you what? Please remember I'm only here to help."[/COLOR]
Nate replied. [COLOR=blue]"I know. It's what Alex and Katherine told me. Katherine is the girl you met on the way to see me. They told me that the Element X killed my village. They burned it down and watched them suffer. I thought it was too, because of the pain I felt, but since you're here, I don't know what to think."[/COLOR]
Hikage looked up. [COLOR=silver]"It's ok that you don't know what to think. It's ok. You've been in hurt and pain, you've been scared. It's ok to be scared. I'm scared half the time I'm here. But I always remember that my friends and guides are there to help me through the time of fear. I always remember that no matter where I am, I am with the people I love most."[/COLOR]
Nate looked up at Hikage. Tears were in his eyes. Hikage knew he needed a friend at this moment. She held him. Nate was like a brother to Hikage. She didn't want to lose him. He cried. As he did, the pain started to leave. He sat up and looked at Hikage and laughed. She started to laugh to. Then, they held hands and walked out away from the pond. But in that scene, the image showed the outside Hikage the pond reflection. It was on the right side it was Nate and on the left was Hikage. And right behind and beside them were the other Element X's. Nate was free. Hikage opened her eyes and looked at Nate. She then looked up to Kokuun.
[COLOR=silver]"He's free."[/COLOR] Hikage told Kokuun in a cracking, watery voice. She started to cry. Kokuun grabbed her hand and with the help of Meteo, they carried Nate to the infirmary.
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Meteo:"Stay here and rest... you will feel better by mourning... I must train... To aid everyone our crew..."
*Meteo exits the infirmary and enters a quiet room where no one else is.*
Meteo:"I guess this is better than nothing. I better liven things up by training."
*Meteo then tries to form a void but it is no use thunder/lightning starts to engulf him it starts growing and growing.*
*The thunder and lightning erupt and so did Meteo. Meteo is covered by thunder/lightning as if he was made of it, two Thunderbird wings appear on Meteo's back. Meteo screams in pain from that. then four sparkling blue tail feathers appear... He now looks like a warrior that was sent by thunderbirds...*
Meteo(thinking):[i]New but I like it.[/i]
*Meteo starts attacking around even though he doesn't know what he is actually doing.*
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