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*Meteo then looks around and sees ropes appearing on the other trolls arms, legs, then the neck. The trolls die because of the ropes appeared.*
Meteo:"Can you see that?"
Meteo:"The ropes..."
Amber:"What ropes?"
Meteo:"The ropes on the arms, legs, and necks of the trolls that just died."
Amber:"I don't follow you..."
Meteo:"I don't get this..."
Amber:"Nor do I."
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All around the trolls started to disappear. The ropes started to disappear as well. Fire called for the children. Shadow/Light walked with Fire.

[COLOR=red]Fire: Kids, from now on, you have to obey these rules.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=skyblue]Jacob: What rules? Hikage and Amber are only going to break them. It's no use.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=silver]Hikage: Hey, Amber is not a rule breaker... I am. Rules are made to be broken.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=red]Fire: You cannot break these rules. 1) You are to be escroted by a teacher or T.A. 2) Curfew is midnight. 3) No magic unless it is necessary. 4) Stay out of trouble, and that means you Hikage.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=dark blue]Nate: So, you're saying we have to follow 3 rules and 4 for Hikage?[/color]
[COLOR=indigo]Shadow/Light: Exactly. We want you to follow these rules. Got it?[/COLOR]

Everyone answered except Hikage. Shadow/Light glared at her. Hikage did not like rules and certainly did not like to sleep at 12:00. All she said was No. She said that she wouldn't go to sleep at 12:00, or stay out of trouble, because she couldn't say that she won't get in trouble. She won't use magic unless necessary and she will have NO escort unless it was a T.A. that she felt comfortable with.
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Erm... I know I'm a bit late... but does anyone mind if I join as a late-comer? O_o;; I couldn't find the recruitment post...

Name: Mei Tamiko
Element: Water


[i]Mei Tamiko: always late for everything. Her long blue hair with sporadic braids flew through the wind as she gripped her bag and ran. She flew across the grounds with her long legs. Being late for practically everything, she had developed a talent for running.[/i]

Mei: I'm SO sorry Fire-sensei! I just lost track of the... (sees all the monster corpses) tiiiime!! I missed another battle!!?

Max: 'Fraid so.

Fire: Mei! This is the eleventh time this week that you've been late! Have you any explination?!

Mei: Well... uh... That is I...

Fire: (sighs) Look, I've just clued everyone in on what the new rules are going to be from now on.

[i]He explained them to her.[/i]

Mei: Well... I suppose that's okay. I really don't like running into monsters unprepared.

Fire: Mei, as your punishment for being late, you will have to train twice as long and hard tomorrow, when I can supervise you.

[i]The group headed back to the main building.[/i]

Meteo: You know Mei, you'll never amount to a respectable Element X if you can't show up in time to save someone.

Mei: I know, I know. It just seems like I can never concentrate on anything. That's why my magic sucks too.

Max: Nothing could ever be achieved without hard work. (yawns and stretches)

Mei: Alright! I get it! I'm a ditz because I'm late! So what?!! (storms off) I'll show them. I'll be the best Element X this world has ever seen, even if I'm late to everything except meals!

[i]Mei stopped, gazing at a gentle stream trickling down a hill. She sighed. The sound of flowing water always had calmed her nerves.[/i]

Mei: I'll show Fire-sensei. I'll practice really hard right now, and then I'll be able to surprise everyone! Maybe I'll even get my weapon this time! It seemed like everyone had already gotten theirs... (stands firm and resolute) I'll just, start small...

[i]Mei began spinning teardrop sized orbs on all her fingers. She couldn't create a void yet, but she could control her element easily in small portions.[/i]

Mei: I wonder... how everyone else is doing...

[i]Suddenly, there was a giant crunch that came from the undergrowth.[/i]

(I'll delete this if it's too late to join... Gomen!)

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Amber walked over to Hikage.
[b][color=teal]Amber:[/b]You're not alone.We'll stick together.Ok?[/color]
Hikage smiled and nodded.Amber smiled back and they walked off and talked together.

Then they heard Fire shout out there was another monster coming.Amber and Hikage looked at each other.
The two weapons appeared in their owners hands.They ran over and prepared for the monster that was about to break the surface.
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[i]Mei jumped a foot. She panicked.[/i]

Mei: I don't have a weapon! I won't be able to defend myself! I'm toast!!

[i]A tall, dark boy of around 16 pushes a branch aside. He has dark green hair and deep brown eyes. He smiled at her.[/i]

??: Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you. I just saw you practicing and I couldn't resist.

Mei: What's to resist? (miserably) I suck at magic. I can't even control large portions of my element.

??: I wasn't talking about your element. (He approaches her) You're very beautiful when you concentrate like that.

[i]Mei blushed and turned away hastily.[/i]

??: My name's Tobais. And yours?

Mei: Mei. Tamiko Mei...

Tobias: That's a very pretty name. (pause) I can control water too.

Mei: You can?!

Tobias: Mmm hmm. Watch.

[i]Tobias raises his hands above his head. Muddy water spirals around him in an elegant pattern.[/i]

Mei: (applauding) Wow! That's great!

Tobias: I got all my power from this. (He holds up a blue sapphire pendant) Would you like to have it?

Mei: Oh, I wouldn't want to take it from you...

Tobias: Just think of it as a gift. (He ties the pendant around her neck.) Can we meet here everyday?

Mei: Alright! I'll show you everyday how good I am with magic! (she smiles.)

Tobias: Good. Until tomorrow. (He re-enters the undergrowth)

[i]To himself:[/i] Or not...
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Hikage noticed something was amidst. Mei had taken a Gem of Evil. Hikage could hear the one that gave it to her speaking to the others that have the other Gems of Evil.

Tobias: Look, I've got that Mei chick melting into my hands. That sapphire will control her before long.
???: *female 1* Let's hope the Ruby(fire), Obsidian(shadow), Crystal(light), Topaz(ice), Turquoise(snow), Amber(thunder), Opal(psy), Emerald(forest), and Peridot(earth) will work.
Tobias: Yeah, let's hope.

Amber noticed that Hikage was not paying attention and had to save her a couple of times from being seen spacing out.

[COLOR=green]Amber: What's wrong Hikage?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=silver]Hikage: Someone's trying to get a target... and we're it. I can feel it in my bones.[/COLOR]
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OOC: Hey Dj Prof. do you think you could post at least more than three sentences? Like one line? Errg.:flaming:

[i]Max is walking when he meets up with Mei still practicing, admiring her pendant eeryonce in a while[/I]

Max: Oh! Hey Mei!

Mei: Ugh...hey Max.

Max: What's wrong?

Mei: You. Always following me! Go away!

Max: Huh? I..I..I'm just tryi...



[I]Max notices the pendant glowing strongly as Mei is fuming with anger[/I]

Max: Huh? Where'd you get that pendant?

Mei: It's none of your buisness but if you MUST now from another water element. Actually he was Swamp.


Mei: WHY DON'T YOU MAKE ME!!!??!?!?

Max: Don't make me hurt you...

[I]All of the sudden Mei's eyes glow a blood red and the turn black.[/i]

Mei: I pity you for even caring! Hah! [I]she fires a big beam of water at him[/I]

Max: Ahhh!!! I just HAD to be fire didn't I? You need help Mei! Give me the Pendant. [I]He jumps at her and grabs the necklace then rips it off her neck.[/i]

Mei: Ahh! *as she falls to the ground, fainting*

Max: There we go. *he smashes the pendant*

[i]Mei gets up confused.[/I]

Mei: Huh? Where, what? Wait a minute Max?? What's up?

Max: Ehh...not to much I guess...*staring at the pendant*

Mei: Hey what's that? Oh cool...aw it's broken! Oh well...

Max mutters to himself: You don't remember a thing? Hmm

Mei: Well, I better get back to practicing! C'ya!

Max: Wait there was something I needed to tell you!

Mei: Yeah?

Max: Uhh, ehh...the..uhh....o ya! Heh, heh.. Darn it! It slipped my mind...couldn't have been to important then..Well, C'ya later!
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OOC: eeks... the pendant got destroyed!! Oh well... so much for my idea of trying to drown everyone. ^_^


[i]Mei walked toward the main building again. She was so confused. Tobias seemed to really like her, but he gave her a necklace that had nearly killed Max. After she had started training, she couldn't remember much. All she had known was that she was getting stronger and she was gaining more power and that she would show everyone.[/i]

Mei: Maybe... it was a mistake. Maybe Tobias didn't know what he was giving me. Maybe it just...

[i]There were so many maybes. So many variables that what was what seemed to be distorted.[/i]

Mei: I can't even concentrate. There are so many things flying around in my head that I can't keep them straight... (She paused) I have to find out the truth! Tomorrow, I'll talk to Tobias! I'll just... tell him what happened, and he'll explain it to me.

[i]Mei watched Max practicing in the distance.[/i]

Mei: I hope his answer is acceptable...

[i]Mei sat by the river she had trained at, staring at her reflection. Suddenly, Tobias' reflection stared back at her.[/i]

Mei: T-Tobias! I thought we were only going to meet once a day?

Tobias: I was in the neighborhood. (He smiled, then noticed her bare neck) Where's the pendant?

Mei: I... wanted to talk to you about that. (He raised an eyebrow at her) I... attacked Max under its influence. I didn't mean to! I didn't even know what was happening! I just... zoned out! (He sighed impatiently) Please Tobias!! Tell me that you didn't know about this! (He turned his gaze) Tobias...?!

Tobias: I knew that this act wouldn't last long. You stupid girl, you were supposed to serve your purpose by drowning everyone in the school!!

[i]Mei stared at him in horror.[/i]

Tobias: But your little friend just had to come and interfere! Feh, I actually thought you were pretty, but now... you're just an incompetant witch!

Mei: You... YOU USED ME!!

Tobias: Get a clue, Blue-nette!!

[i]Tobias formed a void in his hands and hurled it straight at Mei.[/i]

Mei: *I only have one attack. It just might...*

[i]She lowered her arm and formed a drop of water on her finger. She fired it at the void. The droplet shot straight through, not changing the void's course. It hit Mei full force. She tumbled backward covered in mud.[/i]

Tobias: Now you look even uglier!! (He laughed harshly as Mei tried to wipe the burning mud off her) You're nothing. You go to this school, yet you can't even control your own element! I have no choice but to put you out of your misery!

Mei: I... am not... PATHETIC!! (Tears streamed down Mei's face, wiping away some of the mud) You're the one who's pathetic! You used me to kill everyone including myself instead of facing them like a man! You USED a GIRL to get what you wanted! It makes me SICK to LOOK AT YOU!! I don't care if I can't control my element! My spirit will endure and believe you me, I will defeat you even if it takes me seven lifetimes!! I AM THE POWERFUL ONE, AND YOU ARE NOTHING!!!

[i]Suddenly, the sky opened up and with a giant earsplitting roar, a blue chinese-style dragon appeared out of the sky. Mei was surrounded by a blue aura which dissolved all the mud away. When the aura cleared, Mei had two wrist glaives.[/i]

Tobias: That! That's impossible!! You have your weapon!!

Mei: And a beast. I can feel words coming to me... in short (she smirked) YOU'RE toast. FANGS OF THE DRAGON!!!

[i]Two sharp waves of water sped towards Tobias, blasting him into the forest. Mei came after him, but he had escaped.[/i]

Mei: Wow... (she looked at the glaives, slowly she brought her hands together trying to form a void. No luck.) Argh... I can't form the void!! Guess I'll have to rely on brute strength...

OOC: Heh, just a question. Where should I post a pic of Mei? ^_^ Thanks!
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*A guy walks up to Meteo.*
Meteo:"Who are you???"
Guy:"Names Maximillian. Maximill for short. I heard you where the new thunder guy... I also control thunder."
Meteo:"Yeah I'm the new thunder guy..."
Maximill:"I'll have to fight you someday... Just my style..."
Meteo:"I'll look forward to that..."
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OOC: mangagod your not in. You sould've asked. You didnt even follow the rules. You have to of taken an Element I posted. You can't just jump in. You should've Private Messaged me. Sorry. Oh and Seren you can post your pic here. Just make it an Attatchment.
[I]Max was just walking through the woods when he heard a stick crack. Then another. He turned and saw a girl.[/I]

Max: You are?

???: Me? Oh I'm sorry I was just so attracted by you I forgot to introduce myself. The name's Jennis. Who are you?

Max: Ehh..I'm Max..what are you doing here anyway?

Jennis: I also have elemental powers.

Max: :eek: H...ho....how!?!? That's impossible!! There is only The Element X and the older ones.

Jennis: Your wrong. Watch! [I]The girl summons a large ball of Magma in her hands and throws it at a tree making it instantly burn into ashes.[/I]

Max: Wow!

Jennis: If you would like to meet me again, come here tomorrow. But in the mean time wear this to remember me by.

Max: Huh, no! YOur nice an all, but I like someone else!

Jennis (muttering to herself): Damnit! This'll be harder than expected.

Jennis: Well Maxy. Just wear it! For me? Please!

Max: Ehh.....alright...

Jennis: Yay! [I]She runs over to Max and puts a wristband on his right hand.[/I]

Max: What's that Ruby?

Jennis: Oh nothing important. Just decoration. Bye Maxy!

Max: Bye! Hmm...That was weird...oh well! I gue..[I]Max's eyes glow a bright red then turn pure black[/i]HAH..let's see who should I kill first?
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Thanks Scorpio!! ^_^ [url]http://www.angelfire.com/anime4/sblackwings/Mei.jpg[/url]

The beast really isn't correct. I drew the pic when I thought I'd have a choice as to what my beast was, so I picked a "catfish" ^_^;; I really do have a water dragon!! ^_^


Mei ran through the forest, using her glaives to slice away foliage in her way.

[i]*I've got to show this to Max! He'll be so proud of me!![/i] She burst out of the forest and smacked right into someone.

Mei: Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't see you--

[i]Jennis stares down at her.[/i]

Mei: There...

Jennis: Some Element X you are. You got knocked down even when you ran into me!

Mei: Sorry...

Jennis: How about a duel?! (smirks) I'll undoubtedly win!

Mei: What element are you?

Jennis: I'm Jennis of the Magma!

Mei: Nice to meet you, I'M MEI OF THE WATER!!

Jennis: Oh (censored).

Mei: Anruino Ryuujin!! Tears of the Dragon Slash!!

[i]Jennis goes flying backward and disappears into the undergrowth.[/i]

Mei: Just like Tobias did... Wait!! Tobias gave me that freaky necklace!! She must have preyed on someone else!! Let's see... she said that she was of Magma... so she must've gotten... MAX!!

[i]Mei tore across the grounds. Suddenly, she saw smoke in the distance.[/i]

Mei: Max... oh God, I hope I'm not too late!!

[i]Mei followed the smoke, running at her top speed. She found Max burning up several small trees in one flare. She covered her face from the blinding heat.[/i]


[i]Max turned slowly, then grinned. His red eyes flashed and he turned his void on her. Before he fired his void, Mei caught sight of the ruby bracelet.[/i]

Mei: MAX! You've been taken over by a gem! I don't know how to break the spell, you've got to help me!

[i]Max fired his void at her. It hit her sleeve, setting it on fire. She beat it out with her hand.[/i]

Mei: Okay, so no response from the "inner-you".

[i]*I can't hit him with my technique, it'll hurt him! I have to find a way to get to the bracelet!*[/i]

Mei: Okay Max! If you don't stop this, I'll hit you with one of my voids! You can do the math! It'll knock you clear to next week!

Max: Liar. You can't form a void.

Mei: Well... I have my weapons, and my beast! You haven't seen me form a void, so how do you know I can't?!

[i]Mei concentrated as hard as she could. *I have to save Max, I HAVE to!* Slowly, a void formed in her hands. It was around the size of a small fruit, but a void was a void.[/i]

Max: Pathetic. (He fires a soccer-ball sized void.)

[i]Mei fires her void which meets the Fire void in midair. The two warriors fight to gain the high ground. Max holds his first void with his other hand, then fires another which catches Mei off guard and hits her in the stomach. The first void hits her after she falls to the ground.[/i]

Mei: Max... (she cries as Max stands over her, getting ready to kill her.) I WON'T LOSE YOU!! Anruino Ryuujin!! TSUNAMI!!

[i]Max is blasted backwards and rolls over the ground. Mei's tidal wave puts out the fire in the forest and the fire on her clothes. She staggers over to Max, takes off the bracelet and collapses.[/i]

Mei: I may not be able to form a good void, but I get kicking mood-swings...
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Amber leaned against a tree.She was tired.
She saw something at the corner of her eye.She spun around with her glaive poised.It was a teenage guy around her age.
[color=teal]Amber:Who are you?What do you want?[/color]
????:I'm Michael.I'm here to see Amber.
[color=teal]Amber:I'm Amber.What do you want?[/color]
Michael:I want to have a talk.But I have lost track of time.Please meet me here tomorrow.
[color=teal]Amber:Wait.Do you have powers?[/color]
Michael:Of course.Mine's the power of grass.
He made a lighter green void then hers and threw it at a tree.Grass grew all over it.
Michael:Wait.Take this present from me.
Amber accepted the gift.It was a ring.
She was about to say something but then she noticed he had gone.
Amber slipped the ring on.Her eyes flashed red.
She grabbed her glaive and went back to camp to find her first victim.
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Hikage walked to a secluded area. It was the old baseball field where things were iced and melted and flown away by. She sat on the dugout bench and noticed a shadow behind her. She looked up and saw a 16 year old teenage boy right behind her. Hikage jumped up. She wasn't happy to see him. She clenched her hand into a fist. He held his hands in surrender.

[COLOR=orange]???: Wait! Before you do anything... I have something to tell you.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=silver]Hikage: You got 1 minute.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange]???: OK, first off... my name's Kokuun. You can call me Kuun.(as in Cooper, but without the P-E-R and add an N). But anyways, there's a group of rivals of the X's... the Black X. I used to be one of them. They are using these gems to get to the X's so that they can be the Element X.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=silver]Hikage: Ok, you seem nice enough. Sit down. Let's talk.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange]Kokuun: You read through my mind didn't you?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=silver]Hikage: Yeah, and you know what? I can see through lies. And through those lies. So don't lie to me. But anyways, what elements do these people have?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange]Kokuun: I believe three have been seen and others have not. Continuing on, i'll put good vs bad. The Element X versus Black X. Light-Sun, Shadow-Moon, Forest-Grass, Fire-Magma, Water-Swamp, Steel-Iron, Cloud-Mist, Wind-Fog, Psy-Chaos, Thunder/Lightning-Electricity, Light/Shadow-Sun/Moon, Ice-Snow, and Earth-Mineral. Swamp, Magma, Electricity, and Grass have already been seen. Now it's Sun... and I am that. Are you scared or mad?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=silver]Hikage: From what I've read from your heart and soul and mind... you're telling the truth. You hate the Black X's don't you?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange]Kokuun: Yes... but when I saw you in the glass mirror... I knew that I couldn't hurt you... so.... this crystal is from the most pure spring I could find.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=silver]Hikage: Wow, it's shaped into an orb... a small orb... that floats.... and can turn into a necklace. Wow. You're right... this isn't like the others.... I'm not angry.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange]Kokuun: With this, you can help the others. Listen, I've gotta go. The others think I'm giving you an evil gem and creating you to become evil... I told them that it takes the Light at least a week to adjust until going on a rage. So you have a week to figure something out. Goodbye.[/COLOR]

Hikage sat on the bench alone... thinking. She got up and went towards the school. When she got there, she noticed that Nate was standing outside. She waved to him. He walked over to her and noticed the orb.

[COLOR=darkblue]Nate: Crystal orb?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=silver]Hikage: Yeah, but it's good trust me. If it wasn't I would've been on a rampage. Umm, where's Fire?[/COLOR]

Nate pointed inside. Hikage patted him on the back and she went in. He was in his office. She knocked and went in. The first thing Fire noticed was the orb.

[COLOR=red]Fire: Alright, Hikage... I know we're not on the best of terms but if you kill me, there will be hell to pay.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=silver]Hikage: Fire... have you been inhaling the fumes of your powers again? Don't worry. Hold on.*whispers* Sankeashisu.*outloud* It's for safety measures. I met a rival X. His names Kokuun. He's good though. He hates the Black X, the rivals of Element X. He gave me this crystal orb so that I don't get affected by the evil gems and everything. But someday, they'll grab someone powerful and vulnerable and make them kill all of us.[/COLOR]
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OOC: Actually I had posted one to rescue you but then right after Kiarra did. So I deleted mine. but now she's deleted hers! :P

Max: Ehh...thanks Mei! But theres on problem...

Mei: Ya?

Max: It's happened to us, whos next?

[I]All of the sudden vines sprout from the ground and start ravelling themselves around Mei and Max.[/I]

Mei choking: Does this answer your question.

[I]Max summoned a viod and threw it at Mei hitting the vines making them catch on fire.[/I]

Mei: Thanks! I'll take care of....[i]BAM! She was punched in the gut by Amber.[/I]

Max: Mei! Errgh...[I]His void was getting larger..larger...larger...it was now the size of 1 of those big bouncy balls.[/I]

Max: Amber!! Listen it's us! Your friends!

Amber: Friends? I have none...heh....I killed them all.

Mei: Look at her hand, the ring!

Max: Wait a minute...Amber's connected with nature right?

Mei: Ya! [I]Still fist fighting[/I]

[I]Max throws his void at a tree behind him, it caught on fire. In a instant Amber fell to the ground screaming.[/I]

Max: There! Get the ring!

[i]Mei did just that. She slipped the ring off her hands and smashed it. The vines around Max unravelled themselves and the tree was no longer burnt. It was all good.[/I]

Amber: Uhh...wha...wha? Mei? Max? You...thanks...

Max: Heh, no problem! Now we need to get you back to Amy for some medical treatment!

Mei: Hmm...we make a good team!

Max: *carrying Amber* Ya! We do.. Aww no! Amber you better not puke on me!
[I]Everyone laughs[/I]
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Starr sat in Fire's office as they tried to work something out. After a few minutes, Fire told Starr to hide the crystal so that no one become suspicious. Starr did that and left the room. Outside, Nate was waiting.

[COLOR=darkblue]Nate: What's happening?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=silver]Hikage: Summin big, bad, and stupid. Listen, Nate... if you meet anyone unfamiliar of someone you've never seen that just popped out of nowhere don't talk to them. Use your power to contact me, but don't make it seem obvious, OK?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]Nate: Yeah, sure. You probably can't tell me what's going on or what's going to happen on account that I might have some valuable information, right?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=silver]Hikage: Exactly. And...[/COLOR]

Hikage fell on her knees holding her head. Nate knelt beside her. Hikage knew that this was what happened last time. She had to go to Shadow/Light and talk to him about this. Fire couldn't help. He wasn't any part of light.
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Mei: This is crazy. All of a sudden, all these people start attacking us with these weird gems.

Max: Yeah... you think we should tell someone? Before someone else is a target?

Mei: I don't know... I haven't sensed any power fluctuations in a long time. Plus I don't want to cause major panic among everyone.

Max: I think that we should head to the infirmary. You know, to put Amber down?

Mei: Oh! Yeah, sure!

Max: (sees her glaives) So you got your weapon?

Mei: Yeah! I had come face to face with Tobias and I was so hurt by what he said, that I started to cry. Suddenly, a thing with a tail and fin-like ears flew over me, healed my wounds, and gave me these glaives! I think it was a dragon...

Max: A... dragon?

Mei: Yeah, what's wrong with that?

Max: Well... even though (laughs a little) a water dragon would be REALLY awesome to have, the beast of water is a bit less... (laugh) impressive.

Mei: Then what was it, huh?!

Max: The animal chosen by Water a long time ago, was a panther! So it adapted water-like tendancies. Gills, fins, etc...

Mei: So you're saying... that I have a-?!!

Max: Catfish? (snort) Yeah!!

[i]He bursts out laughing. Mei blushes, embarassed.[/i]

Mei: It was a mistake anyone could make!! I'm sure that my panther is just as cool as all your beasts!!

[i]They finally arrived at the infirmary. Max handed Amber to the mage in charge of healing everyone after they botched their voids and such.[/i]

Max: She'll be okay right? I burned up a tree that was connected to her...

Mage: Oh, I'm sure she'll be okay. If anything, she'll be a bit dazed for a few minutes, so if you want to wait here, that will be fine.

[i]Mei and Max sat down in the waiting room chairs. Suddenly, a man with light blue hair cut short flung the door wide open, turning his icy glare on Mei.[/i]


Mei: Eh heh... Water-sensei... how nice to see you...?

Water: I would have never believed it if Fire hadn't told me himself! You, late to class again, then you went off beating up your fellow classmates!

Mei: I was attacked by a Swamp element! Oh, did you see my glaives...?

Water: Don't try to change the subject! I'm happy that you got your weapons and such, but still... fighting on campus!

Mei: Max would have killed me!

[i]Max laughed nervously and looked at the floor.[/i]

Mei: And Amber was out of control! If I hadn't come in Max would've been toast!

[i]A vein throbbed in Max's head.[/i]

Water: Oh, I'm sure. A FIRE element would have killed a WATER element when the two are still students. You should have gotten a teacher to help you! Or better, YOU SHOULD HAVE FOLLOWED THE RULES AND NOT GONE OFF BY YOURSELF!!

Mei: But what about this... Tobias character?

Water: Tobias can wait for now. Right after you get out of the infirmary, you should report to my office for some immidiate guidance! Is that clear?!

Mei: Yes Water-sensei...
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[I]Nate heard the sound of soft footsteps coming from behind him. He stood up and faced the person walking towards him. He couldn't believe his eyes.[/I]
"Alex? That's impossible...you're dead..."
[I]His blond-haired friend smiled.[/I]
"It is possible, Nate. I'm standing in front of you, aren't I? I survived the attack just like you did."
[I]Nate had a hard time speaking. This was just so unreal.[/I]
"Did...did anyone else survive?"
[I]Alex's smile faded.[/I]
"No. I'm sorry nate, I was the only one."
[I]Alex handed Nate a black mask with a white tear running down the face.[/I]
"I know how you're feeling, Nate, so I wanted to give you this. It will hide your emotions from everyone. That way, they'll leave you alone and you can finally be happy."
[I]Nate put on the mask. It sealed to his face but he didn't notice.[/I]
"Before you thank me, take this dagger also. If someone did happen to remove the mask and see your emotions, it would be better for you to die, right?"
[I]Nate nodded and Alex walked away.[/I]
"Wait! where are you going, Alex?" [I]Nate cried.[/I]
"Don't worry, I won't be gone long. I lied to you, Nate. There was one more person that survived..."
[I]Nate looked down at the dagger.[/I]
"...I think you'll be happy to see her..."
[I]Nate's dead heart almost started beating as he felt what he once knew as joy, at Alex's words.[/I]
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Hikage walked around and saw the Older Element of Light. She walked over to her. Light noticed her and brought her inside.

[COLOR=orange]Light: You're here for a reason... the reason that you hear the pain in your mind.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=silver]Hikage: Yeah. How'd you know?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange]Light: I'm the Element of Light. I am your Guide. Tell me, what's happening?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=silver]Hikage: Twice its happened. I heard screaming and pain in my head. And it hurt. I heard the loud cries.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange]Light: *chuckles* It's part of you.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=silver]Hikage: Does it go away?[/COLOR]
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[i]Mei suddenly drew in her breath rapidly. Something didn't feel right.[/i]

Max: Something wrong?

Mei: No.

[i]*YES!! Yes there IS something wrong!!*

Mei felt her words get caught in her throat. Her head filled with screaming, fire, and mostly death. Suddenly, a mask covered it all. She couldn't see anything that was burning or dying, or alie for that matter. She looked down at her hands. She would have screamed, but she couldn't speak. They seemed to be ebbing away, like she was made of sand and was melting to the floor.[/i]

Max: Mei? Mei! MEI?!

[i]Max stared at her. She was gaping at her trembling hands and sweating bullets. She wasn't responding to anything, she was only making a horrible gasping noise, like she was choaking. Max shook her by the shoulders, but she didn't do anything. [/i]

Max: I can't stand this anymore! Time for drastic measures! (he slapped her across the face) SNAP OUT OF IT!!

[i]Mei fell to the floor, blinking furiously. She looked up at Max and touched her face.[/i]

Max: I-! I-! Uh... I was afraid you were choaking or something, and you didn't talk to me or anything and I-!

Mei: Something is wrong with one of the Element Xs!

[i]Max was kind of taken aback by this comment.[/i]

Mei: Something about death, destruction, and a mask! The mask began... killing me...

Max: (skeptically) A mask?

Mei: I am so serious! I was... discintegrating! I couldn't form a void, my weapons melted into nothing and my panther didn't come to help me...

Max: Okay, once we get Amber, we'll check out the situation, okay?

[i]Mei nodded weakly.[/i]
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[I]Nate put the dagger in his belt and watched as Alex returned with someone following along behind him.[/I]
"Nate! Nate Edwards, you're alive! It's good to see you."
[I]The girl hugged Nate tight.[/I]
"I'm glad to see you too, Katherine. How did you survive?"
[I]Katherine released Nate.[/I]
"Well, it was all thanks to Alex. I was beaten up pretty badly and he found me and nursed me back to health. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him."
[I]Nate hugged Katherine again and looked over at Alex.[/I]
"Thanks Alex...I can't tell you how much this means to me."
[I]Alex scratched the back of his head.[/I]
"You don't have to. I understand how you feel. Besides...that's what true friends are for, right? Now, why don't we go to the camp and you guys can catch up?"
[I]Nate followed Katherine and Alex to their camp in the forest.[/I]

"I wasn't sure if I should tell you this or not, Nate. But I thought you deserve to know..."
[I]Katherine didn't continue. She just sat their and looked up at the sky.[/I]
"If you're not up to it, Katherine, I could tell him for you." [I]Alex
Katherine shook her head.[/I]
"No. That's okay, Alex. I can tell him."
[I]She then turned to Nate and took his hands in hers.[/I]
"Nate, you trust me don't you?" [I]She asked.[/I]
"Of course!"
[I]katherine smiled at his reply.[/I]
"Good. Because what I'm going to tell you might seem a little hard for you to believe....You see...I don't know how to say this, but the people you're training with are responsible for the attack on our village."
[I]Nate looked away from her.[/I]
"I should have known. But how could they have done it? They're so young and inexperienced." [I]Nate asked.[/I]
"I know. They didn't actually cause all of that destruction, your instructors did. And now they're training you and your friends to cause even more chaos, and to possibly kill Alex and I as well."
[I]Nate stood up and clenched his fists in rage.[/I]
"Those filthy murderers! They don't deserve to breathe for another second! I'm going to make them experience our pain and worse!"
[I]Katherine stood up and handed Nate a pair of black, spiky gauntlets.[/I]
"Thank you, Nate. I knew you would understand. This should aid you on your mission."
[I]Nate put on the gauntlets and the spikes started moving as if they were alive.[/I]
"What is this?"
"It's part of a special suit of armor that not only provides protection from harm, but attacks its enemies as well. This was the only piece, Katherine and I could find of it. With that and your powers, you will be able to get your revenge easily. We will watch you from afar."
[I]Alex turned from the camp and walked back to find the others.[/I]
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Hikage was in Light's office and she suddenly fell to the floor once again. Holding her pained head. Light got up from her chair and went to Hikage. Hikage suddenly saw an image. She was in pain as well. She then was bleeding. In her image, she was cut.

[COLOR=orange]Light: Oh my god. Hikage, what's wrong?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=silver]Hikage: The pain. My head! IT HURTS![/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange]Light: Hikage, what happened?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=silver]Hikage: An image... Nate... a mask... two so called friends.... he cut me, but didn't stab me. Help... Nate... he needs.... his friends. *groans* [/COLOR]

Hikage held her head even tighter and screamed at the top of her lungs. She screamed and then fell to the ground unconcious. A pool of blood encircled her. Light called for someone and Shadow/Light came. He picked her up and brought her to the infirmary. Amber, Max, and Mei were there. Mei and Max looked over and they saw Hikage. Mei turned away from the sight. Max walked over to Shadow/Light and Light.

[COLOR=red]Max: What happened to her?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange]Light: She must've had an intense premonition.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=indigo]Shadow/Light: Premonition? Isn't that what you had before you could control them?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=orange]Light: Yeah. Except, we never met the Black X's. Somebody got to one of the X's. I need to find out who.[/COLOR]
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[i]Mei turned away from Kiara's image. She felt like she was going to be sick.[/i]

Mei: I can't stand this! (she ran away from everyone)

Max: Hey! Mei! Where are you going!?

Mei: I don't know! But away from here!!

[i]She ran at a moderate pace, trying to get the image of the blood, the fire, the death, and mostly, the mask out of her mind. She practically flew down the stairs and out the front door. She still had the image of a figure in the mask trying to kill her. She ran faster and faster, finally resorting to screaming at the top of her lungs.[/i]


[i]Mei ran into the forest, trying to distract herself from remembering things, but the deeper into the forest she ran, the stronger the images became. She screamed again, tearing at the locks of hair that hung in front of her face. She closed her eyes and ran blindly, which wasn't too smart, because she smacked into something. It was too soft to be a tree.[/i]

Mei: (wiping tears from her eyes and looking up) N- Nate...?

[i]He stared back down at her, no trace of any emotion in his face.[/i]

Mei: Nate! You have to help me! I keep getting these images of-!

[i]There it was, right in front of her. It was the mask, she could see it, but only for an instant. She backed away, totally helpless. She had left her weapons in her bag at the infirmary.[/i]
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