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[i]Water's eyes fluttered open. He was lying in something wet. Half expecting it to be his own blood, he sat up. His hand met with the sheild he had cast. Nate must have broken it. The blue haired sensei surveyed the scene, looking at the injured mentors and watching Hikage, Meteo, and Kokuun carry Nate to the infirmary. For a minute, Water's heart was at ease. Mei had gotten through to him. Water stood up and his gaze fell on the other half of the room that he hadn't seen. Mei lay sprawled in a pool of her own blood.[/i]

Water: Oh Gods!! MEI!! MEI!!!

[i]Water picked her up and shook her. Mei's hair flung small drops of blood across the room. Water clutched her tightly and began to cry.[/i]

Water: Mei... Mei... Don't leave me here Mei... don't leave your brother here alone... onee-chan...

Mei: I won't leave you... (cough) Water-sensei...

[i]Water looked down at her with tears in her eyes. Mei smiled and looked down at her wound.[/i]

Mei: I was a fool... it reopened...

[i]Water closed his eyes and read Mei's memory.[/i]

Water: You were very formidable.

[i]Mei laughed a bit, then coughed up blood onto Water's robes.[/i]

Water: Let's get you to the infirmiry. You've lost too much blood.

[i]Mei merely nodded. She left a trail of blood that dripped from her pajama pants leg. Water cleaned Mei up and smiled as he bandaged her wound.[/i]

???: Normally, that would be a very questionable offense.

Water: I know it's you Fire.

[i]Fire entered the infirmiry.[/i]

Fire: You caught me. But I believe I've caught you.

Water: What do you mean?

Fire: You lied to me. To us.

[i]Water sighed and stood up, rebuttoning Mei's shirt after tending to her wound.[/i]

Water: It did no harm.

Fire: Yes. But it hurts you when she calls you sensei, no?

[i]Water averted his gaze.[/i]

Fire: How did she live this long? We original elements have been around for hundreds of years.

Water: (sigh) I... When our parents died in an attack on our village by the original Blacks, I froze her in a cryogenic state. I figured, if I was to die, she could return and defeat whoever had defeated us.

Fire: Which is why she's the new Water X.

[i]Water nodded.[/i]

Water: You... aren't going to do anything, are you?

Fire: (sigh) No, but I wish you'd tell me these things, old friend.

Water: I'm sorry. I just... she didn't know either. I revived her when Max first showed up. I figured that the time was ripe.

Fire: Do you think she knows now?

Water: I... don't know. Nor do I know whether I'd be happy if she knew.

Fire: I'll keep it to myself.

[i]Mei began to toss and turn in her sleep.[/i]

Mei: Max... Max...! MAX!!!!!

[i]Mei sat up in bed, then yelled from the pain of her wound.[/i]

Water: Mei! Lie back down!

Mei: Where's Max?!! I can't sense his energy!! Nate didn't kill him, did he?!!

Fire: No Mei, Nate did not kill Max.

[i]Fire walked over to Nate and read his memory.[/i]

Fire: So... he was able to...

[i]Fire looked down.[/i]

Fire: Mei, this may not be... you may not be able to handle this...

Mei: What (cough) what is it Fire?! What's happened to Max?!

[i]Fire put his two fingers to Mei's forehead and transfered the memory. Mei gasped as Max became a phoenix hybrid and battled with Nate. Suddenly, Max fell to the ground and said something that Mei didn't hear. He was starting to become millions of red sparkles.[/i]

Mei: What's going on?!!

[i]Max was swirling around Mei, almost like an embrace or a kiss. Mei gasped. What was left of Max disappeared.[/i]

Mei: Wh... what...?

Fire: I'm sorry Mei... Max... is gone.

[i]Mei's pupils shrunk in shock. Max was gone, dead. Trying to protect her, or defeat the one who had tried to kill her. Mei's eyes filled with water.[/i]

Mei: No... that can't be right... SHOW ME WHAT REALLY HAPPENED FIRE!!!

[i]Fire looked down.[/i]


Water: Mei... I'm sorry.

[i]Mei threw herself down onto her bed and began crying and screaming hysterically.[/i]

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Hikage and Kokuun sat far from the others. Fire walked over to Hikage and sat down right beside her. He held her hand.

[COLOR=darkred]"Hikage... how did you do it?"[/COLOR] Fire asked.

Hikage closed her eyes and recalled everything. Fire was insider her mind with her. He looked around. Then saw the scene.

Hikage looked around for Kokuun. He as nowhere near. Then she saw him walking towards Nate. He grabbed Nate from behind and Hikage leapt in front of Nate. She held her hand over Nate's head and put a slumber spell on him. He became woozy and then unconcious, then fell to sleep. Kokuun came out of his invisibility. Hikage held Nate's hand and closed her eyes. She tried to reach the center of his mind, but something was forcing her back. Suddenly a picture of two people came upon her. A girl from Nate's past, a mask, a dagger, and black blood... the blood of the Black X's. She passed through them and found that she was in front of a girl... the same girl in the picture. The girl started to speak.

"Leave him alone! You are the ones who killed off his village and ours. Let HIM BE!!!!"
Hikage stared in surprise. "Uuh, girl, what chu been smokin? What do you mean WE killed off his village?"
She spoke again. "Nate doesn't need the likes of you. He doesn't need anyone except me. Except the void that I must fill."
Hikage rolled her eyes. "Great, another delusional act. NATE! I know you're here! WAKE UP! .... I'm sorry what's your name?"
"Katherine. My name is Katherine. And I am Nate's only true friend. Stay away from him. I warn you." replied the girl.
Hikage went on. "Yeah, sure. Katherine. Uh, but... you're not a true friend unless you are there to protect him from harm. You're not a true friend unless you can help him through the hard times. You are NOT a true friend unless you are there. I have been there for Nate, so many times. I have helped him through so many things. I actually helped him get out of his depression. I helped him remember what a friend is. I helped him. I did. So, Katherine, let me tell you this. Why don't you stay away? And why don't I warn you?"

Katherine glared at Hikage and started to fade from Hikage's way. A path was shown. Hikage ran through it. Suddenly she came upon two roads. One said "The Road I need" and "The Road Everyone Else Took". Hikage looked through the scenes on "The Road Everyone Else Took". Mei, Fire, Light, Max, and others were there trying to help Nate, but failed. There was something missing from each scene. Something more. She then turned to look at the scenes from "The Road I Need" and none were there. She decided that she was going to take "The Road I Need". She entered and as she walked past, memories of Nate's childhood came upon. His mother and father, him playing with the other village children, riding a horse for the first time. Playing games, then she stopped. She looked in front of her and saw a burning village. She looked through it and it was through Nate's eyes. He turned to see the forest. Three shadowy figures were there. One stepped out and threw a fire ball. It was magma-y. Then Hikage knew who destroyed the village. Hikage looked forward and ran. She ran for about 15 minutes, but then stopped again. The path became narrow and was atop a bottomless pit. She looked down and saw that it was the Void in Nate's heart. She looked ahead and thought of Nate and trying to help him. She kept walking and then felt another spirit with her. It was Kokuun, and then another. It seemed as though the spirits of Fire, Light, Mei, Max, Amber, Meteo, Water, Amy, Shadow-Light, and others that were trying to help Nate was with her. Hikage knew that she wasn't alone in helping Nate for freedom. She walked the path. When she got to the end, there was a large door. She opened it and walked through it. Inside the door was Nate. He was sitting near a pond in a beautiful forestry. She walked toward him and sat down. Nate spoke to her.

"You know what the hardest part about this is?" Hikage stared down at the pond. Only half his face reflected. Nate went on. "It's that I know people want to help me, but I won't let them. I can see them lying there, but there's this emptiness that tells me that it's not what I think, it's what they tell me." Now Hikage was interested.
"Nate... who tells you what? Please remember I'm only here to help."
Nate replied. "I know. It's what Alex and Katherine told me. Katherine is the girl you met on the way to see me. They told me that the Element X killed my village. They burned it down and watched them suffer. I thought it was too, because of the pain I felt, but since you're here, I don't know what to think."
Hikage looked up. "It's ok that you don't know what to think. It's ok. You've been in hurt and pain, you've been scared. It's ok to be scared. I'm scared half the time I'm here. But I always remember that my friends and guides are there to help me through the time of fear. I always remember that no matter where I am, I am with the people I love most."
Nate looked up at Hikage. Tears were in his eyes. Hikage knew he needed a friend at this moment. She held him. Nate was like a brother to Hikage. She didn't want to lose him. He cried. As he did, the pain started to leave. He sat up and looked at Hikage and laughed. She started to laugh to. Then, they held hands and walked out away from the pond. But in that scene, the image showed the outside Hikage the pond reflection. It was on the right side it was Nate and on the left was Hikage. And right behind and beside them were the other Element X's. Nate was free. Hikage opened her eyes and looked at Nate. She then looked up to Kokuun.
"He's free." Hikage told Kokuun in a cracking, watery voice. She started to cry. Kokuun grabbed her hand and with the help of Meteo, they carried Nate to the infirmary.

Then Hikage opened her eyes and saw that Fire was surprised. She sat there silently. He let go of her hand and patted her head. She put her head down.
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[I]A few hours later, Nate woke up in a bed at the infirmary. He felt an old emotion and sat up and laughed. He actually laughed! He watched as the door opened and Hikage and some of the other Element X's entered the room.[/I]
"Nate, are you alright?" [I]Hikage asked him.
Nate laughed again.[/I]
"Yes. In fact, I'm better than alright. I don't know what happened, but I actually don't feel as depressed as I used to."
[I]His smile faded a little.[/I]
"The only problem is, along with my depression, my power seems to be going away...at least, that's what it feels like. But I'd give it up any day to feel like this."
[I]Nate noticed that Hikage was frowning.[/I]
"What's wrong Hikage? What's happened? I remember that you and I were talking by the side of a pond. Or was that just a dream I had?"
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Hikage looked at Fire and then back to Nate. She sat on the side of his bed and looked deep into his eyes.

[COLOR=silver]"Nate... when you and I were talking... that was a dream. No, it was more like a journey for me to find out why you were like that. Why you were killing off people. It was my job to find out why you were who you were."[/COLOR] Hikage explained to Nate. Nate looked at her intensely.
[COLOR=blue]"What do you mean, "Killing off people"? What did I do?"[/COLOR] Nate asked.
[COLOR=darkred]"Nate... you were being controlled by a depression. You wanted to see your old friends again. Someone named Katherine and Alex."[/COLOR] Fire explained as well.

Nate looked around in confusion, to him Katherine and Alex were dead, but when he was told that he wanted to know more.
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[i]Mei's eyes fluttered open. She turned her head slightly and saw Nate talking with Hikage. Mei stumbled out of bed, holding the side that Nate had injured.[/i]

Mei: Nate...! Look at me!!

[i]Nate turned around, not expecting what was coming. Mei wound up the arm that was free and hit him across the face.[/i]

Hikage: Mei!!

[i]Mei grabbed Nate by his collar and began shaking him.[/i]


[i]Mei screaming carried all across the school. Water and Fire burst into the infirmary and saw Mei beating up on Nate.[/i]

Water: MEI!! Stop it!!

[i]Water pulled Mei off Nate kicking and screaming. She began beating at Water's chest.[/i]


Water: Mei listen to me! Mei! (he slapped her across the face, she stopped screaming) MEI! It's not Nate's fault that Max is dead! Max walked his own path! (sigh) Maybe... it was better this way.


Water: Mei... Max's beast is the phoenix, correct? (she nods) And you are the water dragon.

Mei: No... My beast is a water panther.

Water: Umiikuran may look like a panther, but he is really a dragon. Mei... you and Max are natural enemies, destined to fight one day! The Dragon... and the Phoenix.

Mei: No... NO!! That's not right! It can't be! We're- we're too good of friends!!

Water: Come now Mei... even I can see it.

Mei: Just- just LEAVE ME ALONE!!! How can you understand what it's like to feel this way?!!

[i]Mei ran out of the infirmary, tripping on her pajama pants, which were still stained with blood. It hurt too much to be an Element X. Mei sat down near a window. A small bird landed on the window sill. Mei began crying again.[/i]
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Hikage looked over at Nate, Fire, Kokuun, Water, Light, and the Nurse. She walked over to Kokuun and led him over to Nate. Both of them stood before Nate.

[B][COLOR=silver]Hikage:[/B] Umm, Would you please excuse the three of us? I think it would be better for us if we were alone.[/COLOR] The older Element X's nodded and left except for Light. The nurse walked over to Light and was watching over her. Fire and Water walked out and talked about what to do with the "Max" problem. Inside Kokuun, Hikage, and Nate started talking.
[B][COLOR=silver]Hikage:[/B] Nate, this is Kokuun. Kokuun, Nate. I think the two of you might have several things in common.[/COLOR] With that Hikage left. She walked around the halls and found Mei. In the infirmary, Kokuun and Nate were talking.

[B][COLOR=sandybrown]Kokuun:[/B] So, what Element are you? I'm the opposite of Light, so I would be Sun.[/COLOR]
[B][COLOR=blue]Nate:[/B] I'm Shadow. My older Element would be Shadow, but they say that Shadow went off on his/her journey. They wouldn't tell me if Shadow was a girl or not. But... I lost my whole family and all my friends in a fire. I used to live in a village.[/COLOR] Kokuun grabbed a chair and sat right beside Nate.
[B][COLOR=sandybrown]Kokuun:[/B] Yeah. I can relate. I lost my dad when I was real little. He was trying to save me in a fire. I was trapped and my dad came in. I made it out, but he didn't. I used to think that it was my fault that he didn't make it, but now... I just think that it was meant to be this way. That I was supposed to learn that those close to me do leave. My mom died of cancer. There was nothing I could do, except make her happy her last few weeks. That was when I found the Black X's. Man, did I choose the wrong crowd. Everywhere we went, we always caused trouble. The older Black X's were expelled from here because of their misbehavior. Sun was the only reasonable one. He told me that he met this girl, the opposite element of him and he fell in love with her. I couldn't believe it, but when I saw Light... I knew it was true.[/COLOR] Nate looked on in surprise. He looked at Kokuun then at Light. He always thought that Light fell in love with either Fire, Shadow, or Shadow/Light. Never Sun. Then they stopped talking about the bad stuff and they started talking about exciting moments, humiliating moments, whose moments were better, or who could form voids faster than others. Back where Hikage was. She just stood there and watched Mei. She was talking to a bird. She walked over and Mei looked up. She wiped her eyes.

[B][COLOR=royalblue]Mei:[/B] *sniff* What do you want?[/COLOR]
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[i]Max was transported to somewhere all white. He couldn't see anything. All of the sudden an elderly man appeared.[/i]

Man: You are Max, yes?

Max: Umm...yeah...where am...

Man: YOU are in EH! Elemental Heaven. It's where all dead elements go. You...are dead, yes?

Max: I guess...

Man: But... you are not supposed to be. This can't be happening! Hmm... by the way. I. Am Kalis. God of Elements.

Max: I see....

Kalis: You may go back down there. When ever you wish. Someone else down there is a traitor. They gave you the power to become Hybrid. You were'nt ready for it and you died. Your mission. Find this person and kill him/her/it. Also! Before you go. You will need a new name. So everyone knows you are working for the God of Elements. You are now....KALIK! You may leave by entering that door. [i]A door appears.[/i] Leave when you feel is right.[/color][/size]
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Mei: What do you want?

Hikage: I just wanted to make sure you were okay.

Mei: Heh, how can I be okay? Max is dead because I failed to get through to Nate. At least you were able to stop him.

[i]Hikage nodded. Mei kept staring out the window at the rising sun.[/i]

Mei: Max is dead, the Black X has his key to the school, and they're going to invade who knows when. At least Tobias... (sob) can't kill Max now...

[i]Mei took a second to rub at her eyes.[/i]

Mei: It seems like a lot of things are my fault. I brought the Black X Max's key, Max is dead because I didn't stop Nate.

Hikage: What's passed has passed Mei. There is nothing we can do but prepare for the future.

[i]Mei nodded numbly. Hikage sat down next to her.[/i]

Hikage: And who knows? Maybe Max... maybe he's been reborn somewhere else. Or, he's in paradise, waiting for us to join him.

Mei: Which will be in a very long time. Unless Tobias does kill me.

Hikage: Tobias isn't going to kill you Mei! You have to think positively! For all we know, Max might not even be dead! Maybe he's somewhere training or something.

Mei: ...he'd leave me behind...?

Hikage: I'm sure he wouldn't, but we don't know what it's like to reach a hybrid stage, so we can't be sure.

Mei: Then, I'll train as hard as I can and reach that stage! Then... I'll go where Max is.

Hikage: (laughs) It'll be a long time before you reach that stage.

Mei: Yeah, I know. (smiles) But maybe... just maybe... I'll grow powerful enough to bring him back.
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Hikage reached over and held Mei like she was a little sister or a friend needing a shoulder to cry on. She saw how much Mei wanted Max to come back. Water even said that Max and Mei were destined to fight, but Mei and Max are to great of friends to jeopardize anything. She knew. Hikage and Mei both stood up and walked down the hallway. They found Fire and talked to him about switching Hikage to Mei's dorm. They wanted Amber too.

[B][COLOR=darkred]Fire:[/B] Are you sure you girls will be alright?[/COLOR]
[B][COLOR=royalblue]Mei:[/B] If I risked my life for Nate's, then sure as heck we can handle ourselves. Besides, we have Hikage, the Element of Light. The one who will shine her light for all to see and follow.[/COLOR] Hikage nodded, choking back a laugh. Fire nodded and told them it was ok. After he left, Hiakge bursted out laughing, rolling on the floor. Mei couldn't help but laugh too. Soon, laughter was heard all over the place. Mei and Hikage got up.

[B][COLOR=royalblue]Mei:[/B] You see? When people are with you, they can't help but remember the good. Your element suits you best....but your partner...shouldn't be sun. He is destined to have someone else.[/COLOR]
[B][COLOR=silver]Hikage:[/B] Oh, I know. He told me, or I read him. He has someone in the Black X who understands what he feels. She too doesn't want to hurt us...*coughs* Uhm, Mei, I'll tell you later. Let's go get Amber.[/COLOR]
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[i]Mei and Hikage ran off to find Amber. They found her in the main hall, cleaning up after the battle. Mei looked uneasily at the mark on the floor where she had fallen.[/i]

Amber: Hey guys! What's going on?

Hikage: Fire says that Mei can move into our dorm!!

Amber: Really?! That's great! Just let me- Mei?!! What happened to your pajamas?!

Mei: Oh...

[i]She looked down at the back of her pajamas. They were encrusted with her dried blood. Mei looked nervously at Amber.[/i]

Mei: Guess it's kinda my fault you have to clean up the hall. Heh heh...

Amber: YOU made this giant stain?!!

[i]Mei nodded numbly. Everything came rushing back.[/i]

Hikage: But, it doesn't matter right now! Let's go move your stuff into our room Mei.

[i]The two climbed the stairs and entered Mei's dorm. They started throwing things into Mei's trunk.[/i]

Mei: What did you want to tell me Hikage?
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[SIZE=1][color=green][i]Max entered through the door. Everything he ever thought of passed him. From his Baby Bottle to his Newest Magazine. Speeding by him. Then it was done. He wsa in a forest. He entered the school. He had to tell everyone that happened. He ran to Mei's room. All her stuff was gone! She must've packed up![/i]

[b]Amber:[/b] Max!? Your... your alive!

[b]Max:[/b] Yeah! Long story. Where's Mei?

[b]Amber:[/b] Oh she's just finish packing up.

[b]Max:[/b] WHAT!?

[i]Instantly Max zoomed around the School. She came to Hikage and Ambers room. He knocked. Hikage opened the door and inside was Mei.[/i]

[b]Max:[/b] I'm back.[/color][/size]
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[i]Mei stared blankly at Max, who stood in the door frame. She walked up to him, eyes wide. Max stared back, a bit nervous as to what Mei would say. She grabbed the sides of his mouth and stretched.[/i]

Max: OW!! Cwut it owut!!

Mei: Oh my God, you're... you're alive!!

[i]She grabbed Max in a bone-breaking hug.[/i]

Mei: I saw you die though! You went... like poof! In a million sparks!!

Max: It's a really long story.

[i]Mei looked at Max, remembering something.[/i]

Mei: Hikage? Amber? Could you leave us alone for a few minutes?

[i]They left. Max entered the room and Mei shut the door.[/i]

Mei: Turns out that Umiikuran is a dragon after all, and not a panther.

Max: (a bit confused) Okay... why bring this up now?

Mei: Er... no reason. Max. Now that you're back, I need you to do me a huge favor.

Max: Sure.

Mei: It's going to require a lot of will power on both our parts, but... it's mandatory. It has to be done for your sake.

Max: O... kay. I'll do whatever you want me to.

Mei: Max, until the Black X have finished their attack on the school, I don't want to see you around me, ever. I don't want you in the same room with me. Whatever you do, don't come near me.
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[i]As soon as Mei left Max took a tantrum. He was so pissed. This sucked! He wou;d kill the Black X's as quick as possible. Yeah. Then he can see Mei again. Perfect. It's full proof. Just the killing them part... That's when a meeting was called. Everyone gathered around a campfire and the older Elements were there.[/i]

Fire: Well... :( I can't do it. Someone else.

Shadow: Fine. Look kids. We've lost our elemental powers. Ya see. Our time is up. It's your turn to kill the evil guy. Death. There can only be 1 set of elements and that's you. We had our time. Also, you only have 9 months. As you know your Forest and Wind sensei's are married. Well they will be having a child in 9 months. It will have Elemental powers. He/She will be the First of the new set of Elements. That's when you lose your powers. 9 months. You will never see us again. The school is shutdown. You'll have to camp in the forest for the rest of your Elemental life. We're gone.[/color][/size]

[i]Everyone said their good byes and the Older Ones were gone.[/i]
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[i]Mei stared in utter horror first at Fire then at Water, as if this was some kind of sick joke. They both turned away.[/i]

Mei: No... no, this can't be right. You'll just... disappear?!!

Fire: That's right.

Mei: But-!! I can't even form a void yet!! Not without getting seriously emotional! You can't leave!! What about the attack on the school by the Black X?!!

Water: We'll hold them off as best we can. Then, that's it.

[i]Mei looked at Water, trying to find some kind of smile or untruth in his face. There was none. Mei's eyes began to water.[/i]

Mei: You- c-can't leave us....!

Water: Mei, there's something I have to talk to you about, alone.

[i]Mei nodded numbly and walked into another room. She sat down across from him. He folded his hands and sighed, wondering where to begin.[/i]

Water: Have... have you ever wondered why you don't have any parents?

Mei: Well... not really. You told me they died fighting someone.

Water: Well... that's true. But... ugh... I don't know where to start.

Mei: ...Water...? Just tell me. Our time is too short.

[i]Water smiled. Mei was rather wise when she wanted to be.[/i]

Water: Mei, when your parents died, I knew what you would become. You killed what killed them using a tremendous tidal wave. In order to ensure this world's future, I sealed you in a cryogenic state, set to awake whenever I willed you to.

Mei: How... how did you know that I had the power of water? The only people in the village when my parents were killed were my family... did you lie to me Water?

[i]He hesitated, then figured that the blunt truth would be better.[/i]

Water: Mei, your family WAS the only family in the village. But... you never bet on you having an older brother, did you?

[i]He smiled at her, rather sadly. Mei stared at him in shock. Water was her brother, and she would never see him again.[/i]

Water: I... I wanted to tell you before this time came, but... it's too late now. I became the first water element when my powers awakened a day before our family was attacked. We defeated the thing that destroyed our parents... together... I knew that one of us would lose our powers if two water elements existed at the same time, so I hid you from the eyes of the world.

[i]Silent tears slid down Mei's face. She had nobody now. Her brother was going to disappear off the face of the Earth, and she wouldn't allow Max to come near her until the raid on the school by the Black X was over. She had never felt so alone in her life. Water's voice wavered, the man in tears.[/i]

Water: Onee-chan....

Mei: Onee-san....!!!

[i]They both gripped each other tightly in an embrace, both of them crying their hearts out.[/i]

Mei: You can't leave...!! I'll hold on to you so you don't go away!!

Water: If only I could stay! Oh gods!! Mei...!

[i]Mei cried even harder. She had never realized that Water had been her entire family, even before she knew he was her brother. She felt a special bond with him, and she didn't want to let go of it.[/i]

Water: Mei... Listen. I promise you, one day, we'll be together again. And we'll be brother and sister again, I promise. No matter what I have to do, I'll be with you!

[i]Mei nodded hysterically, still crying.[/i]

Water: I'm your brother, so I'm going to look out for you. (He smiles through tears) Max will protect you, no matter how much you tell him to stay away, I'll make sure of that.

[i]The two stood up to leave.[/i]

Water: One more thing.

[i]He unclasped a necklace and clasped it behind Mei's neck. It was a sapphire on a silver chain.[/i]

Water: It's a Soul Sapphire. It contains the strength of the past Water elements. May they protect you in my place.

[i]Mei looked at her brother through misty eyes and nodded resolvedly.[/i]

Water: Now, you are the new Water. And I... I am once again, plain old Toya.

[i]He gave her one last embrace. Mei turned her head and kissed him on the cheek.[/i]

Mei: I promise I'll defeat Death, then, I'll find a way back to you.
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