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Otaku Idol Applications


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Eh, what the heck. I endeavour to prove that you don't have to completely into the anime scene to win on this site.

As for who I am:

My name is Will Ryan, a.k.a. LostProphet and I'm currently 17 years old. I turn 18 on May 14th, so I'll be celebrating during this. I'm pursing a career in either the US Air Force or in Aircraft Mechanics, which yet I'm unsure of.
I got into writing my sophomore year, when I was in Oral Interpretation at Jasper High School in Plano, Texas. I got out of the class the next year, but I found out that writing was a kind of outlet for my frustrations with the world. I soon started writing, and was elected to be published at the end of my Junior year. I don't publish many of my works on OB, frankly because I don't want to. If I want someone to read my poems/stories/scribble, I'll give it to a friend, like Vegitto4, who is in ROTC with me and introduced me to OB late last year.
I'm ready to meet the challenge this will give me, and will take the harshest criticism from any Simon Cowell wannabes out there. 3 words: BRING IT ON

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My name is my writing name, I am fifteen years old. I am a Freshman and I am in AP English I.

Ever since I can remember I have writen. I write to expres my inner feelings and thoughts. I feel that writing is my brush and my spiral is my pallet, it is my one true way to express myself. I usually write about happy things, but sadly not everything in my life is as joyful as I would like.
I usually write poetry, but I also find myself skilled at other forms of writing too.
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkblue]I'll personally save all the ''Hi everyone!'' or ''Hey guys I rule'' terms, how far did a person get by sucking up to the higher peer? Well actually I don't know.

Well now that you are reading this, I am afraid that you are going to be drawn into my introductory essay that may or may not bore you, you decide. So here I journey onto the [I]Introduction[/I] frontier.

In my second life, my second life being that the world is not digitally created using HTML coding, my indentity is known as [U]Christopher Dennett[/U]. Obviously, my digital entity is ''Zidargh'', or I've been formely known as ''Zidane'' for the past 2 years here. For my age, I am only at the peak of naive youth where the hormonal turning into the beginning of adolesence begins. Basically I am of 14 years of age. Technically, my age is 14 years old and 9 months, I just say I'm 15 to act all cool and that, no, not really heh.

Skipping past the appearance idea which is completely pointless in an event that does not involve any physical point of views except how fast you can type, I will move onto my education. I am currently in Year 10 which is in UK terms as I live in England. I can't actually work out the education system in the USA, but oh well, I suppose you'll have to work it out yourselves. I boggle most people's minds anyway.

Now, onto the next part of my pondering to show you a brief detail of my life that only hits the miniscule line, yes I said it, miniscule. Ever since the day I was born-- no that's not right, ever since my parents became divorced, I had always wanted to search for something deep in life, hence, I came across writing. Basically, I began to take a fond to English from the age of 8 years old, so as I progressed, my skills began to improve. Lately, I've been building my reputation throughout England as I have experienced courses and writing competitions which many more teachings than showing off skills. As I had drifted off at one point in life, I was entered into the higher exam for English Literature, this was for S.A.T's last year.

So now that you have read my sob-story, I can explain to you my goals for the future. I mainly want to enter the world of Computer Game Design, but as the huge amount of competetion in this department is rising, I would like to enter the craft of journalism or something to do with writing. An example would be what I excel in, Creative Writing. But before I settle into this world, I plan to travel to Japan, Australia, China etc, so I better start saving. I tend to spend time on here in the Adventure Arena frequently, it is quite strange. I'll let you judge for yourself for the quality of my writing, and I apologise sincerely if I have absorbed your brains in boredom.
But as they say, [I]''If you can't beat them j...''[/I]No I'll try again, [I]''One who's crafted one piece, the piece that was crafted by one must be appreciated''[/I]. I actually made that up, anyway, judge for yourselves.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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well, though i dont stand a chance i would like to try my luck:
my name is erez, im 15 yrs old (14 but ill be 15 in the 27th of may).
i love haikus and poetry, i really like writing , and im really bored, i started watching anime and manga in the beggigning of this year, and being as bored as i am i have watched about a dozen movies by now and about 5 shows...
my life aint that interesting being only 15 i havnt done anything sugnificant in my life, i play a lot in my computer read a lot of books, my favorite stands now for hagakure, and watch some tv.
im writing a book (already wrote more than a 100 pages) based on the Feeble files its quiet good, more of a noval than an advanture.

so this is my application...
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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]I'm so not going to get in this. >>;

Hiya! My name's Juu, and I'm an eigth grade student at Presidio Middle School. Though I want to become an actress, writing scripts and stories has always been a hobby for me. I've been a member here at the OtakuBoards for nearly a year now. About a month or so after I registered, I found myself in the RPG forum, and started RP'ing with one of my best friends. I was terrible at the time, (don't even think about searching --), and slightly improved since then, with tons of help given from my friends, who I really look up to. Without their help, I wouldn't be half as interested in writing and acting as I am now.

When it comes to writing stories, I fell in love with reading and writing in the first grade. I had a great Language Arts teacher, who actually published a book or two before she started teaching. I was placed in G/T in the first grade. Every month, we had to complete a writing assignment, with a random setting and event. Usually, the main idea was already set for us, and it was up to us to choose and decide who the characters were, and what would happen to them along the way.

Even now, my favorite subject in school is Language Arts, despite a few of my Language Arts teachers in the past were a little biased. I love writing assignments, especially about Ancient Civilizations and abstract nouns. Though, I loathe math, and my current math teacher. My school is the largest in San Francisco, due to all the floors. Our school has four floors, and a separate building for Gym. Everyday, I have to run up and down the stairs, which is especially hard this semester. This semester, I had my second period class on the fourth floor, and my third period class in the basement. Our passing periods aren't very long, either. The only time I get to talk to my friends at school is during lunch, or Math class. ^_^

My family is very traditional. My father usually wants me eating Korean food, so I don't get to eat as much western food. I love western foods, especially since I've been eating rice and kimchi for fourteen years. We celebrate Asian holidays a little more than we do with holidays such as Thanksgiving and Christmas. Chinese New Year is a big event for our family. I usually get more presents on Chinese New Year than Christmas. Not to mention, money. ^^; Traditional isn't always the best, though. I get really jealous of American families who get together on Thanksgiving with all their relatives. I really wish we could do that, especially since my family is so far away.

I've lived in 4 1/2 countries, and 9 1/2 cities. The half is for London, since we never quite settled there before moving two weeks after. My father thought we were transfered to Westminster, but we were actually supposed to go to Copenhagen, Denmark, from Aahus. I was born in Seoul, South Korea, where most of my relatives are. I do have one cousin a few hours from here, though. And in fact, he's my favorite cousin. (Not including Celia). It's really difficult moving from place to place, because you have to make new friends all the time. Every time, I make one really, really close friend I don't want to let go of, but I always have to go really far away, and eventually, we lose touch.

When I came to San Francisco, I was actually hoping to leave everything behind, since I really didn't like it there. I feel a little more comfortable in San Francisco, since there's such a wide variety of people. In Galveston, people teased me about being Asian, and recieved quite a few slurs at school. But when I came here, there were so many different cultures, and no one would get teased about their race, religion, or the way they dressed. I really love it here in San Fran, since it's so interesting. It's really beautiful, too. I can see the Golden Gate Bridge out the window of my Language Arts class in school, and a gorgeous Russian church outside my window at home. The landscape is so pretty here, too. And it varies alot. Also, I love going to places like the Sony Metreon, Japantown, and the beach. My dad and I have this secret place in front of the Golden Gate Bridge, and we sit on this low tree branch, where we can see [i]everything[/i]. Traveling has really just grown onto me, and I really enjoy seeing new places, though I have to leave alot of my friends behind. And I guess that's part of the reason why I like having close friends here. And they mean just as much to me as my friends in real life. ^_^


Whoo... >>; Sorry about the length. I got carried away. >>;

*crawls under desk*

Edit: Whoa. oo; *shortens*[/color] [/size]
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[color=red][size=1][font=arial]Well, as most of you know, my name is Chris. I'm 18 years old and live in Summerville, Ga. I've been on OB for about a year and a half, and have vastly improved in terms of writing, IMO.

Though I haven't submitted much literary work to OB, my website serves as a decent example of what I can do, since all works on there are my own original works.

I've always done good at writing, and have a vivid imagination. I've taken a class in writing, so I'm capable of writing a vast array of poetic/literary works. I usually focus on subjects of an emotional nature (death, love, etc.) since they're emotions I can easily play with. As an added bonus, my experience as an actor helps me to get under the skin of charachters I write, helping to create a more fulfilling experience.

Yes, this is my application. There's a hundred better writers here, and I probably won't win, but I'll give it a shot. ^_^

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Okay, so here goes,
My name is Sakura Takanouchi. I love writing. I have been very on the creative side for as long as I can remember, Although I have only been an otaku for about a year. I have written many manga. Let's see- I'll list the works I have completed so far: Planetary Escort Volumes One and Two, Solace Volume one, The Steel Warrior (It's a one-shot),and Lin: king of Theives volume one. I am also working on a manga called Yugana Kashi. I also write fanfiction, and my stories can be seen on Fanfiction.net. I have two Yu Yu Hakusho ones and one HunterXHunter fanfic.
I'd consider myself pretty intelligent, and I am in our Luminosity (creative writing club) and anime club at school.
I sincerely hope that this entry will make everyone see how much I deserve *cough* to be in the final ten *cough* (shameless advertising). Well, I must be giong now.
Sakura Takanouchi
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Here we go.....

[color=blue][i]Hi, I'm Stefan Vallecillo, a 8th grader from Winters, California. My town is reallly small, only about 6,000 people. And is farily boring. I enjoy writing and I want ot be a novelist once I get out of college. I also enjoy competitive fencing, currently participate in the California leauge. I joined Otaku Boards about a year and a half ago, and have been wandering around them, lost, ever since. I really like computers and my favorite thing to do is use the internet. My favorite animes are Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Digimon, Excel Sage, and Slayers. I like meeting new people and I hope to win this darn contest. I have an avid interest in politics and reading, and dislike war and curoption, plus other nasty things....Thanks for taking the time to read this. Bye.[/color][/i]
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[b][size=1]*ears perk up at the word 'stab'*

[/b]My name is Abdul Jalal, and I'm a Year 10 student from England (which would be the same as the 9th Grade, for most of you all reading). For the sake of argument (and having a bit of an odd name to remember), and the amount of nicknames I've been buried under at school, I prefer to call myself simply "AJ" online.

I've been at OB for a little over 2 years now, and I can safely say my post quality really has not seen better days than these. I could easily prove it to you, with one of those archiving website pages of the OtakuBoards during its v2 days. See, one the pages archived is of the Dragonball section on the day I joined, and there're two totally spammy threads upon that page created by yours truly; both consisting of random slurs of 'hi!' and 'yoyoyo' and other typo-fied sentences written in mobile (/cellphone) 'txt'. So I [i]could[/i] prove it to you. Only I have no idea what the archive site address is, and Nerdsy appears to have disappeared off the face of the Earth at this beautifully convenient time.

My life? It tends to really revolve around fun, family, friends and.. food (So I have decided for the sake of alliteration -.-).
I usually start my daily mess of a life by serving the government-enforced mandatory school sentence; in which I try as much as possible to work while messing around with my [strike]fellow inmates[/strike] friends.
Fun? That tends to be anything and everything I do with my real-life friends, and then some. [strike]Socce-[/strike]Football, hanging out at random spots, gaming, and other things that teenagers tend to do for fun. But, no matter how much I enjoy myself, I always dive into a bored state right after. I just wait. And wait and wait. For another opportunity to enjoy myself.
Family.. lots of favours spinning around here. You know, family-type stuff. Like me having to spend 6 hours of my Saturdays herding mindless [strike]kids[/strike] cattle as part of an extension of my uncle's youth group. There's obviously a lot more, but my family probably shape up the way my time is spent, more than anything else.
Food.. easily explained. There is nothing in this world more precious to me than a nice piece of lamb; some multipack containing a large mass of milk chocolate only for me; or the money to buy some junk food I have an urge to go eat whole.

So that's my rambling done, I guess.

As for why i want to sign-up..
I can take a bullet-train of criticism. So I'm not likely to be bothered by that part of this event. And (like everyone else seems to have mentioned so far), I've always been interested in creative ways of expressing myself on a blank sheet of paper since as far back as I can remember. That's why I'm so keen on writing and art. But I will admit that my writing always seems to lack quantity, which will most likely and most seriously hamper my chances of getting into this OB Event.

So that's my whole resume/sign-up done too, I guess. (-.-')

Nothing else left to do now except to bribe those in control of this contest..

[b]*woos Heaven's Cloud, Kenji-style*[/b][/size]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i]
[B][COLOR=darkblue]Yeah, I know. What's up with that rule, anyway? I think mods should be able to participate, too.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE]

I think it's to dissuade biased votes. I know for a fact some people in previous competitions were voted for/against because of their social position on the board, as well as their obligation as a Moderator/God/etc. Not that I personally care. I [i]loathe[/i] anything related to American Idol. That includes, but not limited to, this very Event.

I just though I'd comment on that particular matter you and Mitch seemed to stress.

[size=1]Boy, can I ramble about some ******** or [i]what[/i]?[/size]

[center][size=1][spoiler]Look, Ma! New name![/spoiler][/size][/center]

[spoiler][edit]Stupidity has slapped me again.[/edit][/spoiler]
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Well, I was walking down my street one day when suddenly the clouds in the sky opened and God looked down and said, "Where's my lunch?" He obviously was talking to the lunch lady next to me, but then he turned his face towards me and said, "Gavin, dangit! Go home and go to Otakuboards and enter that contest thingy majig or whatnot!"

"I'd rather not right now," I told him and he shrugged and left with his lunch.

Years later, I returned to Otakuboards and entered the contest (don't ask about the time). So here I am entering. I guess I should say a bit about myself for that is what everyone else is doing.

My name is Tom Hanks and I star in a motion picture called "Forest Gump." Wait... that's not right.... oh yes! I am Gavin Brown and I was born May 31st, 1987. I'm a happy 15 year old sexy beast that lives in Michigan, USA and what I do all day is writing.

In fact, at this moment, I'm writing a chapter book called "Ruingarth" which is posted here on OB. I write often and always try to finish what I start. if it's a long story (like hundreds of pages), I normally don't get done, but I'm known for my short comedy stories and such. Some would be "The Kobra and Lamb Show" and "Goatman" if you are familiar.

Though I don't want to be a writer when I grow up, I find it's my main hobby over anything. I have plenty of ideas that I get every second of the day. It can be a bad thing to get story ideas all the time, though for you want to start another without finishing what you started. I know I haven't really shown any of my recent work yet, but it's all in the making.

Not only stories do I write, but also scripts. I write movie scripts and skit scripts all the time. I even wrote some for my drama class. I also write plots to video games which people use. I'm always commented on my work and people seem to like them. They come to me for story ideas and that can make a guy feel good right here *points to toe* and here *points to heart*.

I don't really have a reason for entering the contest except for the fact that I love writing and this is a good chance to express it all. I can write any form of writing (that I actually know what it is) so I wanna test myself to my limits. Plus, it wouldn't be too bad to be known as DA BOMB WRITER OF OTAKU and whatnot.

I'd just like to finish this with the word "Cheesewizzle."
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Hi, I'm new to the board but figured this was right up my alley. My name is Rory, sometimes known as the Blackroseoni. I'm into RPGs, writing, Photography, video games, anime, and really just anything creative. I tend to enjoy pen and paper or MMORPGs versus the more liner RPGs such as Final Fantasy or Hacksign Infection. I tend to rely on my emotions more then my head when it comes to decisions, so I get into trouble for that sometimes, but its how I am! I also love to act out my RPG characters to the fullest, rather then just say what my character does. My freinds really don;t have a way to describe me except for 'not quite normal'. Heh! *sweatdrop* I guess thats about it for now.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chaos [/i]

I just though I'd comment on that particular matter you and Mitch seemed to stress.

[size=1]Boy, can I ramble about some ******** or [i]what[/i]?[/size]

[center][size=1][spoiler]Look, Ma! New name![/spoiler][/size][/center]

[spoiler][edit]Stupidity has slapped me again.[/edit][/spoiler] [/B][/QUOTE]

[size=1] [font=rockwell] Obviously it's to dissuade votes like that. I already know that.

I wasn't stressing a damned thing, and it isn't your place to sit here and condone on this event. If you hate this event so much, then why are you posting in here, and why is there a link in your sig? Quite ironic, I think.

Eh. Anwyays, I'm not going to fight with you or anything. I just don't see why you had to hark on my post, and Mac's. It's an obvious fact that because of the way some people may sway to vote that mods/whatever/whenever cannot post in here.

The thing is, I know there's a way around this little crux. Ah well. Perhaps in the future there'll be a writing event I can actually join.

Good day dear Chaos.[/size][/font]
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Okay, a few issues here.

Yes, staff were excluded from this event because, after discussing it at length with James, I agreed that the staff's general history of drawing an unfair number of votes could negatively influence this competition. Particularly in the area of public votes.

With only the general public being involved in this event, everyone is guaranteed an equal chance of winning and the process of joining isn't quite as intimidating.

That being said, I'm already discussing with Heaven's Cloud, the possibility of cycling through guest judges for each round. That way, it'll be impossible for a stalemate to occur between competitors (right now, we have an even number of judges). So, direct staff participation isn't entirely out of the question with that role looming over the horizon as a possibility. Plus, you must remember that staff will be welcome to provide critiques and votes with the rest of the public.

So...there's really room for everyone to become involved on an important level.

Secondly, the sign-up process is now over. We thank everyone who took the time to fill out an "entry form." And, although only ten of you may be accommodated with an actual spot in the competition, keep in mind that the public has an important say in who wins. So, we hope that you guys follow the competition closely and play a part in helping the most deserving contestant walk away the winner.

Hopefully, the selection process will go as smoothly as possible so that no one is kept in suspense for very long. ~_^

Lastly, I hope that Chaos and Mitch can settle this little dispute. I see this as just a minor case of miscommunication. I don't think that Chaos was trying to personally attack anyone with his post.

And to be completely fair, drawing direct comparisons between American Idol and Otaku Idol and automatically writing this event off based on those comparisons is a grave mistake. I know that there are obvious cosmetic similarities, but this is a writing competition at its purest--and a demanding one at that.

Those of you who are interested in writing, whether you're a contestant or not, should be able to appreciate the creativity that will come of this and the effort that has been put into the event.
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