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Metallica, anyone like?

DarK DeatH

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Hah, does anyone here like Metallica? If so, tell me what are your favorite albums and songs... Right now I'm learning to play Jump In The fire on the guitar ^^
And also trying to download the Kill 'em All album, so if anyone knows where i can download some of that album's songs easier, tell me ,please.
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K, sorry 'bout the double posting... And the albums are almost non-existing here... You can find only two or three... Which usually are the S&M, the Reloaded, and their newest stuff... But since I have those two already, I'm trying for the older ones...
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DarK DeatH [/i]
[B]K, sorry 'bout the double posting... And the albums are almost non-existing here... You can find only two or three... Which usually are the S&M, the Reloaded, and their newest stuff... But since I have those two already, I'm trying for the older ones... [/B][/QUOTE]

Hmm that's rather surprising... Well I'd definately get a hold of the black album and Master of Puppets if you can. I'm not a big Metallica fan, but yeah.

St. Anger is actually coming out soon, and it sounds like it's a return to their roots apparently. Shouldn't be hard to find if you guys get the new stuff down there.
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[color=darkblue]I went through a time period of almost two years where I listened to nothing but Metallica, Pantera, & The Misfits. So that should answer your question.

If I absolutely had to name Metallica favorites (which is very hard), [i]Master of Puppets[/i] would be my essential album, & as for songs... that is just waaaay too hard. Off the top of my head, I'll say "Battery" or "Damage, Inc." But that's just the mood I'm in right now. I need a good shot of adrenaline.[/color]
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my two absolute favorite metallica records are, with no doubt or hesitation, "master of puppets" and "ride the lightning". they spank a llama's *ss with a belt.

for a long time, i thought that metallica was a phase that fourteen year old guys went through and then grew out of. (if a guy around that age like's rock , they become a die-hard metallica fan.) i, being 19, figured i had grown out of my metallica phase and moved on. i dont know. i think im starting to be interested in them again.
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yeah, the Black Album is cool... I have that one also... I guess the only ones I don't have are the Garage, Inc. and the Master Of Puppets, so I'm downloading the Master Of Puppets right now XD
HEh, maybe you're right about the age thing, ya know... I remember when my old brother used to like Metallica around this age also... lol... And his friends did too... XD
Now I'm left alone here as a Metallica lover... lol
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[color=royalblue][size=1]Most of this year and last I have worshipped Metallica. I haven't listened to the Black Album but I'm getting it on Monday so I'll tell you then. Favourite tune, I'd have to say it's between Whiskey in the Jar (I'm Irish go figure) and I can't think of anything else at the moment[/color][/size]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DarK DeatH [/i]
[B]Hah, does anyone here like Metallica? If so, tell me what are your favorite albums and songs... Right now I'm learning to play Jump In The fire on the guitar ^^
And also trying to download the Kill 'em All album, so if anyone knows where i can download some of that album's songs easier, tell me ,please. [/B][/QUOTE]

People say there are no stupid questions-- you proved them wrong.

Ofcourse someone likes Metallica. My favorites are I Dissappear and Wherever I May Roam, but as most I love almost everything they do.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SpyderDragon [/i]
[B]People say there are no stupid questions-- you proved them wrong.

Ofcourse someone likes Metallica. My favorites are I Dissappear and Wherever I May Roam, but as most I love almost everything they do. [/B][/QUOTE]

¬_¬ That wasn't really a stupid question... In my school, NO ONE likes Metallica... And among my friends, I'm the only one, so I should better ask if anyone liked... lol
Anyways, I've heard that their St. Anger album is gonna be something that sounds like a mix between the "...And Justice For All" and the "Kill 'em All" albums... Can't wait to see what's gonna come out...lol

BTW, there is a cool Metallica siteif anyone is interested... Go to [url]www.encycmet.com[/url] and you will know anything you want about them... lol
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A yes, does any one here like Matalica is not the ?. The ? is does any one not like Matalica, I love Enter sandman, I think that would one of my favorite songs ever made by them. Jump in Fire is also one of my favorites, I wish I had a guatier to learn how to play it on.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Blue Truth [/i]
[B]A yes, does any one here like Matalica is not the ?. The ? is does any one not like Matalica, I love Enter sandman, I think that would one of my favorite songs ever made by them. Jump in Fire is also one of my favorites, I wish I had a guatier to learn how to play it on. [/B][/QUOTE]


one would assume that such a devoted fan would at least know how to spell the name.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by treton_noir [/i]

one would assume that such a devoted fan would at least know how to spell the name. [/B][/QUOTE]

Ok, I figured this would come up sooner or later, I am dislixeic, and I have very strong issues erading and spelling, much less typeing, even things I should know how to spell, I still have trouble no matter what I try. So please, in my future posts, ignore my spelling errors, and if this is spam, then please delete the post.
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Yah, metallica rules. I have all of their albums. My favorites are..........Master of Puppets, Ride the lightning, In Justice for all, and The Black Almub is pretty good too, I play alot of songs on the guitar. My favorites are.........Orion, For Whom the Bell tools, Fade to black, and alot more!

Rock on!

By the way did anyone watch the special on MTV? It was pretty good, except for snoop dogs part. *Cringe
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OK OK, I got a CD today... That one is one of their shows... It's the Live In Concert album... It's a very good one... There is a track with almost 8 minutes of nothing more nothing less than Kirk solo-ing his guitar... That was DAMN FRICKIN AWESOME!
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In my opiniong metallica are [B]THE[/B] best band in the world. Their best album is either load or the black album. Their new album is out june 9th in europe and june 10th evrywhere else. Ha! We get it first! Dark Death i think you are referring to the binge and purge CD recorded live in mexico city. I've got the DVd box set to that concert and it's awesome.
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