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Best Physical and personality features.


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[color=darkblue]I forgot to mention that I'm an incredibly talented genius.

I don't know if that counts as a personality trait or innate characteristic, but yeah, I like that. Though it does get annoying always being the most intelligent person in the room. Heh.[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i]
[B][color=darkblue]I forgot to mention that I'm an incredibly talented genius.

I don't know if that counts as a personality trait or innate characteristic, but yeah, I like that. Though it does get annoying always being the most intelligent person in the room. Heh.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

Now, that sounds like something a person from "gifted and talanted" would say.

I know your a good person lady mac. but it just sounded bad in a way, in that, those are the sorts of statments my parents were afraid of my brother and I saying...

That is why neither my brother or myself were allowed to know the results of our I.Q. test until we were old enough to be mature about it, and the same reason that our parents never allowed us into the elitest training facilities called "gifted and talanted programs."

Like I said, I know your not some stuck up snob, but I just thought it was an odd statment.
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[color=darkblue]Actually, I didn't mean any of that. I was just kidding. I thought the "heh" made it clear. Oh, well.

Besides, since I'm staying with my parents, I have no chance of being the most intelligent person in the room. Maybe a tie, at best, on a good day. Plus, James is coming home from college for a few weeks, and I will surely be made to feel like an idiot on an hourly basis. :p[/color]
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I like it, not that you are gonna feel less intelligent, just that you were totally joking.

My bad, I should have looked into it more closly, I mean, duh.

I know enough about you to know you would never say something like that and honestly mean it.

Although, you sorta had me since I know you are smart.

Go figure, looks like Im the dummy now :D
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i]
[B][color=darkblue]I forgot to mention that I'm an incredibly talented genius.

I don't know if that counts as a personality trait or innate characteristic, but yeah, I like that. Though it does get annoying always being the most intelligent person in the room. Heh.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=indigo]Obviously you have never been in a room with me :shifty:

Although I guess being highly delusional (moi) and truly intelligent are two entirly different things...[/color]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i]
[B][color=darkblue]Actually, I didn't mean any of that. I was just kidding. I thought the "heh" made it clear. Oh, well.
[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=black][size=1][font=rockwell] Good, I'm glad you didn't mean that. Although I do see you are at least more intelligent than some, it's not really right to say that; it isn't anyone's place to say that.

Because everyone is intelligent at what they are intelligent at. Sure, there's book smarts, but everyone has one thing at least that they're good at and are able to feel pretty good about themselves for.

I'm not going to rant, since I've already had this discussion before, but yes, everyone is in intelligent in a way. Take my Grandpa for instance, he dropped out of high school, was going nowhere in life. Then, his Father forced him into haircutting school. He's been cutting hair every since. I know that's not the main part of the job he likes, though. He likes talking to the people. He's one of those people that, if he were to see you on the street, he would say hi to you, even though you're a stranger. He just has this very intelligent and slow-touching way of talking to people.

I could never do that. Just talk to someone on the street.[/color][/size][/font]
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[font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]A person is his own worst critic, so I'll try to go by myself, and by what people tell me.

[b]Physical:[/b] Manly facial features, and great hair. Nice eyes. That's pretty much all. My body is too normal, and I don't like it.

[b]Personality:[/b] The most predominant thing that I've been told, and that I believe, is that I'm honest and sincere. I don't play games, and I'll never backstab you. I don't lie to protect myself or hurt others, either. In fact, I'm a terrible liar. I'd like to keep it that way, since an easy activity tends to become more practiced.

The people that have gotten to know me say I'm a great guy. My girl friends say I'm sweet, emotional (sadly, this is true), a good listener and down to Earth. My family and my girlfriend say I'm *** on the outside, but a goodie shoes on the inside. My girlfriend actually likes it when I'm evil to other people, and then sweet and caring to her.

I'm egotistical to the point of no return. I actually developed an ego at the same time I developed confidence. To be honest, I'd rather be this way than unconfident. I've been on both sides of the road, and I like this one better, thankyouverymuch. Hehehe, this is actually a negative trait, isn't it? [font=verdana]^_^[/font]

Oh yeah... and people say I'm funny. I'm not the type to crack up jokes with a punch line. I'm more of the sarcastic-funny type. People tell me it's funny, but what do they know? They've got no sense of humor.[/color][/font]
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My favorite physical feature used to be my teeth before they were bashed in with a baseball bat. But soon they will be back to the way they were(I'm getting them fix when I'm 16). But I also like my hands, I don't know why I just do.

What I like about my personality is that I don't judge people by the way they look but by there personality. I know how it feels to be judged by physical appearences, so I don't do that. Also I like the way my personality is different from most others, with my wierd sense of humor and the way I think about things, and how they would be thought of in another persons eyes or anothers view point. I think of my self as opened minded, not narrow minded like my mother - always thinking in one direction.
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My best feature is my face. Lets just say I don't get scared when I look in the mirror in the morning. I'm pretty happy with the way i am. Although I've got a pretty good body, I wish I was a little taller, so that I would have to shorten my pants all the time:p

My best personality feature.....well my sacarstic sense of humour. I love to laugh and I love making people laugh. I generally can get along with anyone if I wanted to and can hold up my end of an intelligent conversation and i'm pretty loyal to those that deserve it.
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My best physical feature would have to be um..... um........ N/A
My best personality feature would have to be....um.... ok generally... I ABSOLUTELY SUCK in all aspects.... fat, ugly, freckled, big nose, short, little eyes, chubby cheeks, fat, ugly, i am a total loner, i am very unsociable.... i have no friends... when people are sad i usually say something that makes them feel worse.... i am an attention seeker and i will do anything for attention....oh, and i fell inlove with my best friend... she wasn't too happy... the only good part about me is that i am a lesbian... but to some people that makes me a freak.... oh well........................
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There's nothing wrong with being a lesbian, VinceValentine. Heck, I don't even like using the word lesbian. It sounds....bad. O__o

Well, I know that I'm impossibly happy all the time! Once, I even started laughing and joking around with my friends even after I got a forty-two on some math test in sixth grade. Well, now that I think about it I didn't care about my grades in sixth grade.... Well, it's pretty hard to get me sad or angry.
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Physical: My eyes. They are an amber color and have gold flecks in them.

Personality: I like my competative side...It's great and would be so much more usefull if it didn't conflict with my lazy side.
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Dunno... I dun really like my body or myself... But my arms are cool... lol

I like my sarcasm XD
And my ability to make sad people laugh
And my ability to make people hate me as well
And my freak mind... And gorey as well >=)
And my competitive-ness
And, of course, my honor, pride, and respect towards others
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Physically, I guess having abs is always good. And I wouldnt consider myself ugly.

Personally, I like having a good sense of humor and a good view on life. I'd say I look at life alot differently than others would.
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Physically, my hair.. or my head. :drunk: My hair is really thickly streaked blonde, my natural colour is dark brown, so it looks pretty cool.. it's also pretty damn long, like my fringe comes over my eyes, though I kinda ruined it a day ago when I got my sideburns shaved off.. still, it suits my face.

And basically I'm that quiet person that sits there and listens, and wants to say a million things but doesn't. Nothing that I like.
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[color=deeppink]It's sooo great to hear so many of you talk about what you [i]like[/i] about yourselves. Yay :D

As for me...there's actually a lot that I do like about my physical self. My eyes are big and pretty and they're my dominate facial feature. I used to really love my stomach because it never got fat [even despite how much fat I ate!], but it has grown a size or two ever since I started college. I need to get back in shape.

I also like my arms and legs, I have a natural tendency toward muscle growth so my arms always have some shape to them. My legs are still pretty strong from my peak dancing days...and I'm fairly bowlegged, it is such a fun, unique trait :D

Personality wise...I actually like my physical self better than my personality ^_^; However, I do like that I'm extremely loyal and caring to those who I am close to. In relationships I'm a very passionate person and it is hard for me to just up and disattach myself from someone that I care about.

I'm also really crazy-like when I'm around my girlfriends from high school. We're still all very close, and I love that I can still make them laugh with my antics or sarcasm. I'm undoubtedly on the wilder side of the bunch. And lastly, I'm outspoken. I dare to say things that other people don't. While it does get me in trouble more often than not, I feel better knowing that I told someone what everyone else wanted to say but didn't have the balls to do :p If it's something mean I most likely won't say it, I usually just speak up to strangers who are being stupid or anyone who is talking **** to my friends.

Yep, that's that. I type too much :)[/color]
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Well here's what I have to say....

Physical: Well I'm short and I'm a slimmer guy. I look like Akito from Nadesico- slim and very triangular even got wild brown hair too.
Alot of people underestimate me but anyone who knows me or has ever brawled with me knows-- I am seriously strong for my height and size. Not only that but my best attribute to that is my speed an agility- seriously fast and extra light on my feet, I'm like a cat. I'd guess my best physical attribute is my overall physical element of suprise.
And also my eyes, I got sharp, thin, quick eyes.

Personality: Well lets just say combine the attitudes/peronallities of Vegeta,Hiei,Yusuke Yurameshi,Picillo,Priss,Inuyasha,Tenchi Masaki,Nene, and Akito and you would have a peronality like mine. I'm not gonna go into details about it but trust me- you wouldn't like me if you met me.
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[color=#9933ff]I haven't read everyone's replys to this yet, but before i post my reply, I just wanted to say that I think this thread is great. It's so easy to find what's wrong with yourself, and criticize yourself. It's a lot harder to actually find something you like about yourself, or to not feel self-conscious about something. I think this is great thread, probably one of my faves ever! :-)

[b]Physical: [/b]My lips. Seriously, I think I have really great, full lips. I can wear any shade of lipstick, from skin toned, to fire engine red, to rasberry, and it looks fantastic. I think it's great that I think I can look spectacularly pretty with lipstick as my only make-up tool, which is wonderful, because I hate most other make-up. x_x

[b]Personality: [/b]I've been a bit depressed lately, and I feel like I've got nothing important. I thought I was good at playing the piano, but there's a million people better than me. I alway thought I was smart, but I realize my IQ's only 132, and that there are so many people smarter than me. Besides, if I was really smart, I'd be able to overcome my stupid math teacher and wouldn't have gotten a C last marking period. I'm a very caring person, and if you can show me you have a heart, I'll care about you. It seems really stupid, but I feel like that's all I have and don't even like that.[/color]
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[font=arial][size=1][quote] [b]What do you like most about a) your physical self, (like body or something) and also, your personality? [/quote][/b]

Well in response to the first part, I like my hair. Though it is long currently, it grows fast, takes most hair dyes well, and looks good either short or long. Though I personally prefer it short, and am going to cut it extremely short after graduation, and before my graduation party. Plus if I get a bad cut, it is easy to style, and well? it will grow back, so no worries!! I also like my eyes. Being Korean, my eyes are different, and I love it. They are brown, almost black. And almond shaped? I think they are nice.

In response to the second part I would like to say, I like my sarcasm. I can have a great time just being sarcastic, and some times mean, though most expect it. Most of the time it is in jest, and is noticeable, but there are times when I am just plain mean, and sometimes violent. o.O Anywho. What can I say, I love my personality. I am random and spontaneous, but I have a quiet and dark side to me as well. I think that I am just a great mix of personality. I also love how competitive I am. I love to fight. I like being able to compete [spoiler]and ya so what sometimes I am a sore loser... what can I say?![/spoiler] But yeahI love to compete.

~*~ Cora ~*~
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[color=skyblue]Physical-Nothing...well if I had to say something I would say my eyes. I always liked the colour of my eyes because most of the people I know have brown eyes while I have hazel. I like when people say "hey your eyes are blue..no wait green! No wait there's brown there too!" Hehe.

Personality: Well I would have to say my Imagination. I think I have a really good imagination so I could imagine anything to entertain myself while my teacher blabs on...lol[/color]
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