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Samurai Shodown wallpaper

DarK DeatH

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Heh, this is gonna be the last wallpaper I will be posting in a while, or else people will start to say I'm posting too much walls here =p
OK, this one is Samurai Shodown: Warrior's Rage, and the character is Haito, and notice that I am not posting the wallpapers on same threads because sometimes the comentaries are confusing, so I put them on different threads...
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First of all, you should post a thread including your wallpapers, not individualy. Also your sig excedes the limit. It must be 500x100 or smaller. You should read the rules before posting. Just trying to help. ^_^

As for the wallpaper. The background is very intriging but the man doesn't really fit in with the rest of the wallpaper. :/
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Guest Zeh
[size=1]It's a really good wallpaper, but the sky looks pixelated up close, and some bits displaced.[/size]
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OK, sorry about the sig thing... I changed it already... And about the sky being pixelated, it was supposed to be like that... I did a "Cutout" on the background so that it could look more "2D-friendly" for working with a 2D pic...
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