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For Juuthena. ^_^

Queen Asuka

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[color=hotpink][size=1]I was sort of bored during Chemistry today so I decided to draw this spiffy little picture of Queen Asuka and Juu. It's pretty cute, although not of the best quality. So tell me what you think! ^_^ Heh, keep in mind, I drew this pretty quickly and spur of the moment.


Oooh, by the way, Happy Birthday Early, Juuness. ^_^[/color][/size]
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The picture's really good. I still can't do anything like that...but it kinda looks like the queen's hand is backwards. Other than that it's great.

O yeah Happy Birthday QA!

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[color=hotpink][size=1]I was thinking she did look a bit like Lulu, but she's still Juu and she's still cute. I just wanted her hair to look sort of Oriental. I was thinking Fenris from Ragnarok. :D

OOOOH thanks Xra! ^_^[/color][/size]
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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]Wow! That's so pretty!! ^^
Is that what your prom dress looked like? You still haven't showed us your prom pictures yet. :p

You're such an artist, Tori. And thankies. *huggles ya*

20/10. :whoops:

(Happy Birthday, Asuki! ^^)[/color] [/size]
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I love it, Asuki! ^_^ Two of the most beautiful women on OtakuBoards. The only possible thing I see wrong is that your hand is backwards, but the rest is great.

My rating: [b]9.5/10[/b]

Now do me a favor, and get a real picture of that with the same clothing and everything. :)
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[color=indigo]Wow, that's beautiful, especially for just a quick sketch. I really like the look of the hair (it does kind of look like Lulu's, now that I think about it). I think the hand, like others have said, is the only thing wrong with it, and you don't even really notice that very much. I love it. ^_^[/color]
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:O Lulu juu >>; fun fun fun.

Looks great to me, the hand does look backwards but who cares, teh rest of it owns. pretty pretty pretty *envies the drawing skills ¬_¬*
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the hand isnt backwards, they are gesturing towards each other. open and outstretched.

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i]
[B][color=ff00cc] [size=1]Wow! That's so pretty!! ^^
Is that what your prom dress looked like?[/color] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE]

yeah thats pretty much how it was. (it was really light blue.) *sigh*... you should have seen us trying to stuff her and her dress into the car. she didnt need an airbag. she had the dress almost up to her face. when she sat down in her house, she took the whole couch. i wish i could convey a fraction of the immensity of this dress. :rolleyes:

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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by treton_noir [/i]
[B]the hand isnt backwards, they are gesturing towards each other. open and outstretched.[/B][/QUOTE]
Well, it's backwards in the sense that the thumb is on the wrong side, as if it was the left hand.
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[color=hotpink][size=1]Leave my hand alone! I've always had that problem, so I try to avoid it!

Yes, my dress DID look sort of like that. I have a picture to prove how big it was. I'm sitting on my couch and it takes up the WHOLE thing.

And Kenneth, there is only ONE Queen. Juu can be the princess. :D

Don't worry you guys. The picture forum will be GRACED with my prom picture soon. (Heh, yeah right...^_^; )[/color][/size]
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If this was done in the spur of the moment, I would really like to see what you can do if you really tried and put your mind to it.

You look as though you have the potential to become a great artist.:D

I give it an 8 out of 10.
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[color=hotpink][size=1]Well, I think I'm a great artist already. Only because it's one of the only things I do right. :D So yeah, I'm glad you all commented on my artwork. Now here's a picture of SARA! She inspired me with her picture, so I couldn't resist. Another boring day in Chemistry, I must say.

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*_* That's an amazing drawing, Tori! I absolutely love it. ^_^; You are a very talented artist indeed. Your picture of Sara is very sexeh. ;) And best of all, there are no backwards hands, heheh.

My rating: [b]10/10[/b]
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