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G.D. Ryoko

Is snitching okay?  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. Is snitching okay?

    • Yes. Snitching is fine especially when you have to do it.
    • No. You shouldn`t snitch unless its something important

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The other day in math class, my math teacher was having problems with this kid in my class. Any way he mentioned something about punching someone in the punching either the teacher or the principal in the face. The math teacher said that she needed two students to go to the principal office. I volenteered to go with my friend because I wanted to talk with him about yugioh. Anyway when we got there, the principal wanted us to snitch. I didn`t say anything but let my friend do all the talking.

Later, I got into a brief argument with the kid that was in trouble. However the real argument was between my two friends and that kid.

I was wondering, do you think that snitching is okay or is it bad? Me being myself, I cannot stand snitching.
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Guest Crimson Spider
I say that snitching is O.K. A person should almost never break the rules like that on purpose. And the worst thing that can happen is that he doesn't get punished for it.
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I always hated this double standard with this, especially at home.

You get this "no one likes a tattle-tale" nonsense beaten in to you by some people. My step-father in particular would always bring this up when I told on my sister, or she told on me... But all it did was cause us to avoid telling anything to him. You'd either get in trouble if you didn't tell, or you'd still get in trouble if you did.

I guess he's just a sadist.
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I guess it all depends on what your parents taught you... some will say snitching is bad, and to borrow from Azazel, the 'no one likes a tattle tale' thing. Some will say snitching is a good thing, since it punishes the people who did the wrong thing, but personally, I don't think snitching really is a good idea unless it gets someone innocent into trouble.
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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]*spans fingers* I clicked the wrong one. xx;; (Count one of those votes to 'No').

I never, ever tell. If someone throws a eraser at the back of the teacher's head, and I see them, I just let someone else tell. I mean, if someone tells, our whole class is just going to get more homework. Either that, or we all get a bad citizenship grade. I hate it when other people tell, too. Unless it's something that'll really, really hurt someone. Though, that only happens like, once a year.

Teachers at my school actually want you telling on people, even if they take your pencil or something. But there's fights at my school, and everyone just watches. o.o;;[/color] [/size]
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Well here in school there has always been a tradition never to snitch unless is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT because if you don't something horrible might happen. That is pretty much it and I really don't see what is so great about going to snitch and tell on someone if is not needed. I just believe for fun or because you feel like it and there is no need then don't. I mean how would you like it if you did something and felt horrible and didn't want someone to find out and your friend goes on telling the whole city what you did. Yeah I doubt anyone would like that.
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Heh, you don't want to snitch on any of the people in my english class for anything they do behind my teacher's back... Their mostly druggies and... gangish in a way. They don't like people telling on them and I don't like the idea of telling on them, lol (imagine what they would do. I'd never have any peace after that). Beside's, I had that whole taddle-tale thing put into my head when I was about in grade one so I guess I wouldn't even if I could -_-
And it was one of my teacher's that said it to me... Never liked her much.

So I tend to stay out of trouble.

At our school we have a way of giving info to the teacher's or principles without accually getting the credit of saying anything. You write it on a slip of paper and drop it in a box at the office so no one ever knows it was you.

If it's scerious then I think you should tell. If it's not that big or that important then there's no need to say anything. So I'll pick "No. You shouldn`t snitch unless its something important". Emphasis on the word [i]important[/i].
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[color=crimson]Is it ever your place to snitch? No.

Is it alright to? Up to consience. I think it's stupid to snitch on someone unless its a serious crime that involves peoples very lifes. Snitching in classroom or clique situations is just annoying, and makes me avoid that person because they simply are not easy going, and I tend to do alot of things people find 'wrong'. So if you snitch, dont expect to be popular or gain anything but the title of *ss kisser from the Goths, Preps and Jocks. o.O

Do I snitch? No.[/color]
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[size=1][color=blue]I say it depends on the situation if you are place in the situation where you are accused of doing something which you did not do and you could get in serious trouble(jailtime) if you do not come forward with the true culprat then I say it is fine. If it is like a situation where you are asked if you know who did a prank in school then you shouldn't do it. It's not worth it I try to look at how I would feel if someone came forward with me doing something like that.[/size][/color]
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Snitching is acceptable depending on one's motivation for doing so and the actual [i]urgency[/i] of the situation.

If someone rats on someone else purely for the satisfaction of getting them in trouble, it's spiteful, petty, and annoying. On the other hand, snitching is fine if it's done for the purpose of protecting someone from potentially harmful behavior or situations.

Those who snitch on others for their own benefit usually get over the habit quickly anyway when they find that no one wants to associate with them because they've become a pain in the butt.
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[color=indigo]Personally, I'm not one to go and tell about every little thing. For most things, I just keep quite, unless it's something big. If someone asks me a direct question about who did something or what happened or whatnot, I'll tell them, though. I mean, I'm not going to lie.[/color]
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[color=darkblue]I don't know. I guess it's up to the snitcher. Is that even a word?

I can't think of an instance where I told on someone, though, except when I was little & trying to get my brothers in trouble.

We call it "narcing" around here. To narc somebody out is the lowest of the low. This concept especially applies to stoners.[/color]
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I really don`t like snitching unless it really is a matter of life and death. However my friend, likes to snitch on people that mess with her but the only thing it does is makes her problems twice as bad. I remember once last year I missed a day of school, I heard that a few kids from my school followed her home to try and beat her up. When I asked why they did that, they said that she talked to much and stuff.

I had told her to deal with her own problems because snitching wasn`t helping. I even got into a fight with this boy because of her. I did not want to tell my dad but when we caught up with my dad, she told. I didn`t get in trouble but it was a big thing at school.
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Yeah, but I still think some situations put u in a very, very awkward position as to whether or not to snitch. I recall my friend who threw a rock randomly, and it hit one of the teachers right in the eye. The teacher had to go get surgery or something, and he felt really, really bad(The teacher was a really, really good and fair teacher). Luckily(for me) he decided to go confess, but I wonder, would I have snitched if he didn't tell or would I not have?
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[color=black][size=1][b]I don't snitch, especially at school. All it ever gave me was lost friends. Although I do snitch on my sister, after I beat her up. But sometimes I change the story just a little bit to favor my side. :D[/b][/size][/color]
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Guest cloricus
I have a line that if some one crosses I'll "snitch".
Eg one of the hicks was doing bee stings, but with large metal staples with sharpened edges. (A bee sting is like a sling shot, about 8 meter range with a high speed. So a big staple with sharp ends that sticks into you hurts like hell.) He got me about five times, the last time it got me in the face so I just went straight to a teacher who confiscated it.
Most other cases I just let go, some one else will tell.

Eps - I've run out of things to put here...
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It all depends on the circumstance. If whatever someone is doing, they are doing it to me, sure I'll tell. Why not? THey might not like me? well surely if they're doing something to me like that, they don't anyway. Something like throwing a rubber, as someone mentioned, I'll likely just keep quiet.
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[color=#808080]Some people can be really annoying with their "snitching". *eyes some OB members*

You know; telling you about something naughty that someone has done at the drop of a hat.

Having said that -- if some kid punched an innocent person...he deserves to be punished. If I had to tell on him, I'd probably do it. It's got nothing to do with wanting to please a teacher or something...it's justice. lol

I mean if I saw a crime or something, I would report it. Why should that principle of justice be any different elsewhere?

Obviously there are different "degrees" of severity and various different circumstances. In some cases it's probably better [i]not[/i] to snitch. But generally I think that if someone's going to do something foolish, they deserve what's coming to them.[/color]
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