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Zoids:The New Era


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"Right...." Kirei said, nodding. She watched Fox's zoid walk away. She turned on her Vidcom, and smiled at DFX. "That would be nice...thank you!" she said, trying to sound sweet. She was surprised as anything when he smiled back.

"You're welcome." He said. A few seconds later, a stream of 1's and 0's were scrolling down the viewscreen that showed the virtual commands and GPS access log. "There...It should work now...try it." DFX said, popping up on the Vidcom again. So Kirei did.

"Yep...I'm picking you guys up just perfectly. I've got Fox on radar as well. Thanks again, DFX...I'll do something to repay ya sometime, okay?" Kirei said.

"Yeah, okay. Just don't embarass me." DFX muttered, the last part a bit louder that he'd intended. Kirei laughed. The two of them spent the majority of 20 minutes making fun of each other.

[I]It's strange...[/I] Kirei thought to herself. [I]DFX...he reminds me so much of my brother that it's scary.[/I] She smiled to herself. Having someone like DFX around may make the trip less stressful. She reclined in the seat of Jadefox. [I]I'm starting to think that...that maybe this is going to be my best adventure...yet...[/I] She thought. Her eyes fluttered shut, and she was fast asleep.
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Ki checked his watch and listen to DFX and Kirei giggle and make fun of each other.
"Thrity minutes,"Ki said,he turned on his Vidcom,"Sakura lets look for Fox."
"Ok,what about DFX and Kirei?"Sakura asked.
"No,DFX,Kirei we are going to look for Fox."Ki said,"Stay behind."
"Yes sir!"Kirei said,acting funny.Ki heard a deep laugh from DFX.
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Guest cesar906
As DFX tought he remembered what he was here to do go in mission get money and the normal but he felt different with Karai here he just thought why do I feel this he just felt different
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Sakura nodded and started a CAS.
"Liger CAS Mode!!"Liger's Blade Armor faded away."Liger Jager CAS!!"It was replaced by Jager armor."Liger Jager CAS Complete!!"

Sakura trotted up next to Ki.The armor was blue and built for speed.
"Alright Ki.Take to the air.I'll go up in front and leave marks now and again so you don't lose me."Sakura said as she boosted off.
"Roger that Sakura."said Ki as he and Dragoon-X took off.

Sakura ducked and weaved leaving large scratches to show where she had gone.She pulled up the tracker and saw that Fox's Zaber Fang Zero wasn't moving.It was mobile.
'Oh no!What if he's hurt?!'she thought quickly.
"Come on Liger!We have to go faster!!"Sakura shouted.
Liger roared and pushed lots of energy into the boosters.They were off like a rocket.Liger got used to putting marks so Sakura could relax.but she wouldn't relax until Fox was safe.

"Ki!Do you hear me?!"said Sakura through the vidcom.
"Hear you loud and clear Sakura!What's up!?"
"Bring your scanner up!Do you see Fox's Zaber Fang?!"
"Yeah...What about it?!"
"Look at it closely!!"
"Oh no!!It's stopped moving!!!!"
"Exactly!!Push your boosters!You got me on scan too come on!!We have to find him!!!"said Sakura slowing down so Ki could catch up.Soon Ki flew overhead.Sakura and Ki boosted hard.They were almost there.When they arrived they were shocked.There was Fox's Zaber Fang Zero.Sakura and Ki jumped out of their zoids and ran over to the fallen zoid.Zaber was on it's side.Sakura called Liger over.Liger walked over and lifted it onto it's feet.They opened the hatch.Sakura jumped in and grabbed Fox.He had a blood wound on his head.Sakura hauled him out and checked out Zaber.It was hurt pretty badly.Sakura put Fox in Liger and told Liger to carefully go back to the others.Sakura jumped into Zaber and piloted it following Liger.Liger was at the front.Ki got back into Dragoon and took off.And Sakura took the rear.

After quite a long time they reached the others and Sakura lifted Fox out of Liger and checked him and bandaged wounds.Looks like he was attacked while scouting.
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Kirei passed another bandage to Sakura. She looked at the
wounds Fox had. Though freshly cleaned, they still looked horrible. "So...you think that this happenned to Fox while he was out scouting?" Kirei asked Sakura, soaking a cloth in cool water and placing it on Fox's chest.

"No, I KNOW that it happenned while he was out scouting because that's what he was out there to do!" Sakura said, wrapping the bandage a bit tighter than she originally intended to. She inravelled it, got a new bandage, and started on the arm again. "Kirei, if you wouldn't mind, start stitching up the wound above his eye...the bleeding's getting a bit heavy." Sakura asked, only glancing her way. Kirei nodded. She grabbed a bottle of water, a fresh cloth, a needle, some heavy thread, and a bottle of rubbing alchohol out of her medical bag and moved so
that she had Fox's head in her lap. After two or three stitches, she found it difficult to support his head, stitch up his cut, and make sure the cool cloth on his chest stayed there all at once.

"Ki, do me a favor, will you?" Kirei asked. When Ki acknowledged her, she continued her request. If you wouldn't mind, just make sure that cloth I have on his chest stays in place, and put more cool water on it every little bit while I do this." She said. As Ki did this, Kirei finished up the stitches. After the seventh and final stitch, Kirei broke the thread with her hands, put away her supplies, and wiped a tear away before anyone else got the chance to see it. She didn't wantanyone...especially DFX, Ki, or Fox...to see her cry. Then they might think she was too weak to go to the temple.

That plan wasn't working too well.

As Kirei rose from her spot, Ki gave her a look. "You okay, Kirei?" Ki asked, getting up and dusting off the seat of his pants. Kirei gave hima weak smile.

"It's that rubbing alchohol...it bothers me. I'm okay, just let me get fresh air in my lungs." She lied, trying to walk to Jadefox. DFX had been leaning on a rock nearby, watching all this go on. She got that far, and DFX grabbed her hand as she went by. Kirei looked at him quizzically. Rather than say anything, he passed her a note. He let her hand slip from his as she walked away, note in hand.

Kirei climbed atop Jadefox's back, sat, placed her hands behind her head, and laid down, and started to read the note. She finished reading it and sighed. Shefolded it up ahain and put it in her back pocket. She gazed down at DFX with a dreamy sort of look in her eyes. It felt odd, getting a note from him...like a little
schoolgirl or something. Yet...it wasn't all that unpleasant either.
It kinda made her feel as if she could really trust someone. She laid back down and stared at the now starlit sky. [I]Damm!t, Kirei![/I] She thought to herself. [I]Not now...don't let yourself do this...you know what happenned last time.[/I]
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Guest cesar906
DFX:A fox don't blame this on yourself this happened to me once but I got up and fought. back next time we come against those guys will kick some butt.
He left and felt good for saying that and for the note he gave to kirei
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Sakura walked over to stand next to him.
Sakura:You were hurt in a line of duty.Zaber's doing ok.He has a lot of marks and a bit of trouble in piloting but other than that...he's ok.We have to get to the next town and get zaber fixed and get you to a doctor.
Come on guys!We're off!!

Sakura called out.The others got into their zoids.Sakura put Fox in the back of her Liger and told Zaber to follow them.They head out onto town.
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OOC: If you want to actually SEE this, PM me and tell me and I'll send you the actual email I got.
When they arrived at the hospital in Lagato, they made sure Fox's wounds were atended to. Kirei had to leave the room when syringes were being used. When it was all taken care of, they put IVs in Fox's arm and put him in a hospital bed. Fox complained the entire time that IVs weren't necesarry. They laughed and teased for about an hour.

When the nurse came in on her rounds, Kirei pulled her to the side. "Excuse me, miss...there wouldn't be a computer terminal where I can check my email, would there?" she asked.

"Of course! Just three rooms down from here to the left." The nurse replied, walking out the door.

"Ki, Sakura, DFX, Fox, I'll be back in a minute." Kirei said, headed to the door.

"Hey, Kirei...make sure there aren't any syringes in the room." Ki teased. Kirei laughed sarcastically and left the room.

Kirei got to the terminal and went through her online inbox. Letters from her brother, friends, junk...than one that caught her eye.from an unknown address. It read:

.[I]Hello, Kirei Cloud. My name is Kikia. I am a ghost. The girl that is typing this for me lives in the ewly renovated house that was built on the one where I died. See, I died when the house burned down. My parents weren't around when it happenned so nobody saved me. I was running to get out, but I fell and the ceiling fell in. It sliced my face, and I died instantly. Click the link at the blootom of the page to se my story. You may not understand well, but it's what happenned.[/I]

Kirei shivered. But her curiosity got the better of her.

She clicked the link.

As the site loaded, she heard pretty music. A picture came on screen. It was as if it was being drawn before her eyes. It seemed innocent enough, so she put her head down on the desk and kept watching and listening to the pretty melody. Then...

Kirei heard a girl scream. Sha sat bolt upright and stared at the screen. She saw horrific things there. She screamed, her voice echoing down the hall to her companions. DFX, Sakura, and Ki came bolting down the hall.

Sakura's eyes widened at what she saw. "Oh my gosh..." She whispered, looking at the shattered computer screen.

"What happenned here?" DFX asked, looking around.

"I don't know." Ki said, walking around, glass crunching beneath his feet. "But look."

Kirei lay on the floor with shattered glass all around her, blood trickling from many cuts on her arms, shoulders, neck, and face.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Sakura quickly called for some nurses and doctors and a stretcher.
Two injured members of the team...Not doing well.
Sakura looked at Ki and DFX.
They rested their hands on her shoulders and comforted her.
The doctors had hooked her up to machines and were bandaging her wounds and pulling out pieces of glass.
Sakura,DFX and Ki watched from outside with worry.
Sakura heard a mewing.She ran to the Zoid Bay and Jade Fox was mewing loudly.It knew something was wrong with Kirei.Sakura patted it soothingly and told it that everything would be okay hoping that it would.
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*Fox gets up and a nurse comes in.*
Nurse:"Fox you should rest."
Fox:"I can't rest knowing that my comrade in treasure hunting zaber was injured..."
Fox:"Zaber Fang 0 my zoid... He aided me in treasure hunting and battles."
Nurse:"Well he could be at the zoid shop being repaired so don't worry."
Fox:"I can't until I know for sure... Get me some pictures of Zaber and I might then rest..."
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The nurse walked outside and talked with Sakura.
Sakura nodded and ran to the Zoid Garage and got in Liger.

Sakura:Liger!To the Zoid Shop now!!

Liger roared and took off.

They arrived at the zoid shop and Sakura jumped out and ran into the shop.Soon after Sakura exited and got back into Liger and headed back to the hospital.Sakura ran into the room with Fox in it.


Sakura:Here Fox.These are yours.

Fox took the envelope that Sakura was holding and opened it.
Inside were photos of Zaber.He was as good as new.

Fox smiled flipping through the photos.

Sakura:See Fox!You have to get better so you can see Zaber again and do more hunting and battling.

Fox nodded and smiled:Thanks Sakura.

Sakura smiled and left the room.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Just so you guys know, I'm going on vacation in two weeks, so you may not see many posts from me for a while.

Kirei lay in a hospital bed, her eyes still shut. She was fully concious and she heard the beeping of medical systems and the faint dripping noise of IVs. She opened her eyes and looked over at her arm. She saw three needles sticking into her, and immediately jerked her head the other way. She looked around the room and smiled at what she saw.

Ki was in a chair next to her, slumped over onto the bed, asleep. DFX was standing by the door, his head down. She couldn't tell if he was asleep or not. She glanced at the clock on the wall and realized just how late it really was. "No way..." Kirei whispered, looking out the blinds. "They were really worried about me..."

She tried to sit up, but found it more difficult than she anticipated. It was all she could do to keep herself from crying out, but she forced herself to sit upright. Kirei looked down at her clothes. They were bloody and ripped. She sighed and looked at the clock again, wondering how long she'd been out for.

"You shouldn't sit up. You'll reopen all those wounds." She heard a voice say from the doorway. She looked over and noticed that DFX was, apparently, awake.

"I'll be fine. It's not like I almost died, right?" Kirei said, thinking making a joke would make things seem better. It didn't.

"No, but you gave us all a scare. We were really worried, you know." DFX replied, walking over to the bed giving her a stop-making-yourself-bleed look.

"For goodness sakes, DFX, just kiss her and be done with it!" Ki said from his seat next to the hospital bed.

"WHAT?" The two of them yelled, looking at each other. Ki laughed and refused to say anything else, just watched the two bicker.

"If you even TRY it, DFX, I'll shoot you myself!"

"You don't have to worry, I wouldn't if you gave me all the money in the world, you she-demon!"



"This is hilarious..." Ki said, thoroughly enjoying the show. Sakura walked in and gave him a look.

"Alright, that's enough! You two are hopeless! Stop arguing, it's four in the morning...other patients are sleeping. As for you two, out...Kirei, you need to change your clothes...we need to get out of here as soon as possible." Sakura said, tossing some clothes to Kirei.

"Why?" Ki asked, getting up.

"Someone knows where we are...and we need to leave now in order to avoid any more trouble around here."
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[COLOR=red]Ki got up.He was going to the bar.He walked in and heard no sounds.He sat next to a women with blond hair and blue eyes.She was dressed in a black short skirt and a white button down shrit.

Women:Why are you with those kids?
Ki:Avoiding my past....Melfina.
Melfina:You still remember me?
Ki:I wish I didn't.
Melfina:What about Harry?

Ki pulled out his gun and pointed at her head.He then saw a red spot on his.

Ki:Are you?
Melfina:Yes I am.
Ki:You and Harry were always scum.
Melfina:Then why were you partners with us?

Ki put down his gun.She also put her's down.Ki walked out the door.He stoped.

Melfina:We'll see you agine.

Ki walked out the door.

OCC:Ohkami pm me so I can tell you Harry's and Melfina's zoids.[/COLOR]
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*Fox's dream. A woman is standing by a window. Fox is right behind her.*
Woman:"Fox... You must escape I'll Distract them."
Fox:"Lily I won't leave you."
Lily:"Look Fox... If you don't leave then no one will be able to pilot the Zaber fang zero... That will be your way of remembering me..."
Fox:"O.k. I got a way of escape..."
*fox knocks on a wall and it rotates he hears gun shots he then runs to the Zaber Fang Zero and runs away.*
*Starts crying.*
*/foxes dream.*
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Kirei walked her way to the bar to find Ki. She felt rediculous. Instead of her normal selection of jeans, she had on a short Black skirt that fell to about nine inches above her knees, a royal blue long sleeve shirt with flared sleeves that stopped short of her navel, and black open toed high heels with straps that wrapped around her legs up to her knees. She looked like a hooker. She was staring at the ground, when she ran into Ki...literally. The impact sent Kirei to the ground, cursing.

"Ow!! Damm!t, Ki!" She yelled, trying to stay in an at least half-dignified position.

"Sorry...looks like you're feeling better." Ki replied, looking her over. She had cuts on her face, but other than that she looked pretty normal. THEN he noticed the outfit. "Nice skirt...didn't know you had a side job."

That got him in trouble.

Kirei smacked him in the back of the head and started yelling at him. This continued for about two minuted, until Sakura rescued him from the wrath of an enfuriated "hooker".

Sakura dragged them over to where DFX and Fox were waiting on them. Fox refused to say anything, and DFX and Kirei got into another argument as they climbed (or TRIED to, in Kirei's case) into their respective Zoids.

Fox popped up on Kirei and DFX's Vidcoms. He didn't look happy. "Will you both just shut up and start arguing like children?" He said. Kirei shut up quickly, and she didn't hear anything from DFX over the radio. She turned offf her Vidcom and sighed, looking down at the ground as they traveled through the desert once more. She shook herself slightly as her thoughts crept to what Ki had said in the hospital about her and DFX.

[I]Kirei Cloud, you're starting to get pathetic...SO SNAP OUT OF IT![/I]
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[COLOR=red]Ki sat there in Dragoon X.He was thinking about...no...they won't attack right now.What if they do...no...that can not happen.

????:So we meet agine...Ki.

Great...they came.Ki looked up the hill and sa a blood red Blade Liger and a blood red GunSniper.The Blade Liger must be Harry's,he love close combat.That must mean Melfina was in the Gun Sniper.

Ki:Yeah...I think so...Harry.
Herry:I've heard you had meet Melfina in town.
Herry:We just wanted to meet you agine.
Ki:I wish I could say the same for you.
Harry:Oh...I forgot you have new friends...

Ki looked around.Where was Melfina?

Ki:Hey!All of you.....I want you to leave.These guys are ace pilots,and by the looks of it they won't spare us.I need to take care of them.So....GO!

Ki looked at his new partners.

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*Fox sits up. A nurse comes in.*
Fox:"I'm going now... I got somewhere to go..."
Nurse:"You must stay in bed Fox."
Fox:"You don't understand I have a place to go a cemetary... I got to pay respects to the one who saved my life. If not... I would of been dead now. Lily... I have to pay my respects for her sacrifice..."
Nurse:"You cannot go..."
Fox:"I must it is almost the anniversery of the day me and her started dating which so happens to be the day she died. If you don't I'll go anyways... I have an obligation to her..."(Thinking)[i]Lily if I only had the security system working you wouldn't of died to protect me.[/i]
*Fox gets out of the hospital and goes to the shop where the Zaber fang Zero is and hops in it.*
Fox:"O.k. Zaber... You know where we're going... To Lily's grave to pay our respects."
*Fox and Zaber start to head to where the Cemetary where Lily's grave is.*
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