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Do you think Pan should be able to turn Super Saiyan?


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I mean if Goku and Vegeta can produce offspring that are super saiyans, why cant Gohan. Don go telling me its another plot hole cause im not askin why the creaters made pan to not be able to turn super saiyan i just asking if theres an backround or evidence supporting why pan cant turn super sayian. I mean it is true goku and vegeta are 100% saiyan, but i cant see that being the reason why. I mean is it that only men can turn super sayian or something i mean i just dont know i really want an answer to this question. Im also drunk so whatever jus tgiv me an answer.
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Goku and Vegeta can turn SSJ because they are 100% Saiyan. Their children are able to because they are 50% Saiyan.

You must be atleast 50% to beable to transform. Pan connot because she is 25% Saiyan.

Does that answer your question?

But, I myself thinks she would look pretty cool in that form.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Krillen [/i]
[B]Goku and Vegeta can turn SSJ because they are 100% Saiyan. Their children are able to because they are 50% Saiyan.

You must be atleast 50% to beable to transform. Pan connot because she is 25% Saiyan.

Does that answer your question?

But, I myself thinks she would look pretty cool in that form. [/B][/QUOTE]

Thats not true. Gokou Jr could and did transform in Super Saiya-jin and he was 1/16 Saiya-jin blood.

The reason Pan and Bra can't is because they are women. And that simply wasn't in Toriyama's plot. I think he had enough SS-J's anyway, why add another meaningless 2. Seems rather pointless to me. He made the Super Saiya-jin's to be this all powerful race, then Cell came along and they weren't anymore, so it was rather meaningless to make two morelevel one SS-Js when they had to be level 2 or 3 or 4 or whatever to defeat the enemy.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i]
[B]so it was rather meaningless to make two morelevel one SS-Js when they had to be level 2 or 3 or 4 or whatever to defeat the enemy. [/B][/QUOTE]

I mean i know it is meaning less to have more SSJ's but to just see what Pan would look like as an SSJ would be cool, but i guess that wont happen. You are right though about Goku Jr., but i think im going to post a new question now...how is Goku Jr.'s father.
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[color=darkblue]Yeah, the one plot point that really pisses me off... the sexism of the writers...

There are so few kickass girls in the show. Yeah, Chi-Chi & Videl were strong, but they realistically had no chance of ever defeating an enemy. Android 18 was the only female (as far as I can remember) to have a significant victory (against SSJ Vegeta). I haven't seen GT yet, so I don't know how powerful Pan will become. I wish she could transform, but whatever.

Question, & this is going to sound weird because there's no way to really know the answer: What exactly is the basis of turing into a Super Saiya-jin? What I mean is, does the male Saiya-jin simply have to reach a certain power level? If so, is it the same for everyone? Or can females, since they obviously can't physically transform, reach that kind of power level without having any physical manifestations of it?

Or are the females just naturally weaker & more pathetic? This is an opinion question, not a technical one, so I highly recommend everyone lie to me that Pan could be just as powerful as Goku.[/color]
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[color=red][size=1][font=arial]*head goes POP!*

Mr. Toriyama has stated on numerous occasions that, for some odd genetic reason, female Saiya-Jins do not have the benefit of the Super Saiya-Jin transformations, or (I believe) the Oozaru transformations. By the time Pan was born, the power level standard was seriously bumped up a notch, and when you consider her parents, heritage and instructors, it's fairly obvious she would have turned Super Saiya-Jin if possible.

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That's an interesting question, actually.

Toriyama has said "None of the female saiyins can go super-saiyin", but there's a problem in what he EXACTLY meant.

Did he mean "Neither Pan nor Bra can go Super-Saiyin"? that's what I believe, which simply may mean that they haven't met the prequistes yet.

Or did he mean "No female of the Saiyin race can reach super-Saiyin"? That's what most people believe. However, this doesn't make genetic sense. At all. In a million years. Even a billion or a trillion. I mean, genetics isn't discriminatory the way humans are. It designed males and females more or less equally. I mean, yes, males were meant for war and fighting and females were not...

But a female can be stronger then a male, but it takes longer to get that strong then for a male, and even then, the male will have stronger upper-body strength, whilst most of the female's strength will be in the lower body (legs)

Think of things this way. Male Saiyins, designed for war, can become Oozarus and Super-Saiyins easier then female Saiyins, but a female could still do it. The prequiste is just harder to reach.

Imagine, for example, that to become a super-saiyin you needed a power level of at least 1 million, plus an incredable, MASSIVE need to get the power. (Which is actually pretty close to what you need)

For females, then, it might be that you need a power level of at least TWO million, plus a MEGALITHIC, END-OF-THE-WORLD-AS-WE-KNOW-IT-AND-YOU-DO-[i]NOT[/i]-FEEL-FINE need.


On the plus side, on KaZaA you can download a pic of Pan which someone re-colored so that she had aqua eyes and golden hair, like a super-saiyin, and you could always write a fic that's actually about her reaching super saiyin if ye wish.


Oh, yeah, almost forgot:

Toriyama didn't work on GT. He did character designs, but that's it (stupid git - you don't give away your story even if you hate it). So, because of this, he doesn't really Final Authority anymore, like he did with DragonBall and DBZ. What he says, goes for DragonBall and DBZ. He could contridict himself by saying that Freiza had a power level of 1 and Goku had a power level of 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 and we couldn't say "No, your wrong", because it's his, and he made it, and he has final authority.

But, like I said, he only did character designs in GT. So he doesn't have Final Authority. That goes to someone else.


Finally, as for the plit idea that "It wouldn't have made sense to have two more SSj x1s hanging around because all of the bad guys require ssj x3 or x4..."

Well, first of all, SSj x3 and x4 are so horrible to look at that having two more x1 and x2 wouldn't be a problem in mine eyes.

Secondly, the plot would have been easy to fufill: Have Pan and bra seperated from the rest somehow, and they're forced to live out by themselves for a little bit while Goku and Vegeta and crew search for them. While seperated, Pan and Bra run into something or other that's pretty powerful compared to them. A pushover compared to the others, but a real problem for Pan and Bra. And, at soe point, they become Super-Saiyajins. Hell, you could have the battle go on for long enough so that they actually need to become Ascended Saiyajins.

It's so blatently obvious a way to do it that you can TELL that they were lazy with GT, and if you're an American who hasn't seen any GT yet, you really have to wonder if it's worth watching
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