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Harlequin, Ravenstorture and a now empty barrel (mature content)


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[color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]They stood still for a minute, the thing staring at the ball of flame as if to reconsider it's choice of victim. Sighing, it sheathed the weapon and relaxed, going to turn away and walk off. Raeven had seen that it was a male human, rather unshaven, unclean, and untidy. Incredibly malnourished, too.[/i]

Raeven: You wanted some food, didn't you?

[i]The person turned back and squinted a bit, as if the question was difficult to answer.[/i]

Person: Basically, yeah. Sorry about that whole... attacking you thing.

[i]At this point in time Vyrim retracted the flame and stood, arms crossed, slightly behind Raeven, signalling that it was time to move on. The man attempted to do so, but Raeven caught his attention yet again.[/i]

Raeven: Well, we don't have any, but I could sure use some. I'll help you hunt for something, ok?

[i]Vyrim gasped in incredit at Raeven as she walked to the person, demonstrating pointless and dangerous displays of affection and empathy. They introduced each other and walked off into the forest, leaving Vyrim, exhasperated, on the edge of the sand.

Not quite sure how to respond, he lay back down and went to sleep.[/i][/color][/font]
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[font=gothic][color=indigo][I]Vyrim didn't really sleep much, more lay there and waited. It was a convenient spot, in the middle of a completely featureless plain, that was most likely uninhabited. Great for hunting, he was sure, especially with complete strangers. Still, a meal would be nice.

It was, however, half an hour before he had any sign. On the dark horizon, he saw two slightly darker dots moving against a black background. Taking a chance, he shrugged, and flared the light up as a beacon. They were still, however, quite a way away, but he didn't feel like moving much.[/font][/color][/I]
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[color=darkgreen][font=gothic][i]The man, who had revealed his name to be Aeolin, was obviously famished. Raeven didn't say anything, but accepted the general idea that three rabbits wouldn't be enough. Adding a thick python to the catch, they made their way out of the forest and stood for a while.[/i]

Raeven: So, what's your story?

Aeolin: I killed my mother, got kicked out of my village. I'm not too good at begging, hunting, or whatever... I was a bladesmith, and bought all my food. Glad I found you...

[i]Raeven looked at the odd man, confused as to why he would be so open about his past.[/i]

Raeven: You're very trusting. Why tell me something that might get you abandoned again?

Aeolin: I don't see it as a bad thing... she was very sick, in pain. She wanted to die. Not many people like that idea.

Raeven: I've never come across it, but considering we have just killed upwards of ten thousand people, I'm not going to judge your act.

[i]The man, a little scared, stood still and quiet in hope of an explantion. He didn't get one. A light flickered on the horizon, closer than Raeven anticipated. Smiling, she set out across the sand, pausing momentarily to look back at Aeolin. He was staring at the sunset, and Raeven stopped and looked at it too. Not the most beautiful thing she had seen all day, by far...[/i][/color][/font]
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[font=gothic][color=indigo][I]Vyrim noted their sudden halt, and the man's sudden apparent refusal to move. Vyrim swore, and started towards them.

It took nearly half an hour, and he didn't like what he saw when he got there.

The man spun, and smiled at Vyrim. Vyrim was about twenty feet away, and he immediately tensed, sure that something was aboutt to happen. Raeven caught the tension immediately, and started towards Vyrim, a placating look on her face.

Vyrim expected something to happen. He just didn't expect it to happen behind him.

A burst of sand was all the warning he got, before a heavy object crashed into his back. He staggered forward, and spun, a snap kick already slicing outwards. All around him, people were leaping upwards out of the sand. Bandits. An ambush. Ah well. Such is life in the desert. Although, that did mean there was some kind of shelter nearby...If only they could deal with the score or so of people that surrounded them.[/font][/color][/I]
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