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Dante's Inferno (and its sequels)


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I was just wondering if anyone else out there had read Dante's Inferno, Purgatorio, or Paradiso (or Paradisio, I'm not sure :D) If so, what'd you think of it? And why? I think it'd be an interesting debate as to the book's quality.

:demon: Saiyan Out :demon:
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It's odd. Hell isn't like that. Hell has been described, in the Bible and Torah, as one of two things:

1) A lake of fire, where you burn for eternity
2) Hell isn't a place, but a state of existance, eternally seperated from God and His Almighty-ness (Or So Close To Almighty As To Have No Equals-ness. Por Favor. En Inglés)

Plus it's sick, some of the tortures. To to Brunchingshuttlecocks.com (I think that's right), go to "The Ratings", and look at Danté's Inferno Torture ratings.
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Guest cloricus
Quote | REVENGE2 -
1) A lake of fire, where you burn for eternity

How can a soul which is a spiritual entity "burn" and if it could burn why would it matter? It doesn't have nerves or a brain to de-code the information that comes from the nerves. That part of the bible I believe was added during the feudal days of England to keep the population in check as were some other parts.

Also according to Dante I'm on hell level 6, come visit me some time. :devil:
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