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I'd have to disagree with your theory, pbIcan'tspellyourname. First of all, Reika is the same age as Ayato. Obviously this could be some weird ... time ... thing, but I don't think it is.

Secondly, [spoiler]Reika probably isn't of this world. In one of the episodes before Ayato leaves Tokyo Jupiter, he talks about Reika to his two classmates, the ones he was with when he was in the subway when it crashed. They're both like, "Who are you talking about?" and then seconds later she appears and they both act as if they know her. She apparently modified their memory. Later in the same episode her reflection also doesn't appear when she's talking to Ayato by the pool.[/spoiler]

... Come to think of it, neither of those things really rule out the option of what you suggested, since Ayato seems [spoiler]a little unearthly himself, what with the RahXephon piloting and all[/spoiler]. So, I take it back. Interesting theory! :)
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by terra [/i]
[B]I'd have to disagree with your theory, pbIcan'tspellyourname. First of all, Reika is the same age as Ayato. Obviously this could be some weird ... time ... thing, but I don't think it is.

Secondly, [spoiler]Reika probably isn't of this world. In one of the episodes before Ayato leaves Tokyo Jupiter, he talks about Reika to his two classmates, the ones he was with when he was in the subway when it crashed. They're both like, "Who are you talking about?" and then seconds later she appears and they both act as if they know her. She apparently modified their memory. Later in the same episode her reflection also doesn't appear when she's talking to Ayato by the pool.[/spoiler]

... Come to think of it, neither of those things really rule out the option of what you suggested, since Ayato seems [spoiler]a little unearthly himself, what with the RahXephon piloting and all[/spoiler]. So, I take it back. Interesting theory! :) [/B][/QUOTE]

LoL dont even worry about my name lol.......so many people ask me what it means and im beginning to forgot myself what it means now.

Anyway like theres so many possibilities. [spoiler] Like Tokyo and the "real earth" are off by around 12 years so like its possible she could be Ayato's real mother. Another is that like you said its only an image as of right now, so any type of possibility can happen. Its really confusing when she steps in i just want to know who she is by now lol. Im gonna just have to go with the time thing...something about it just seems to fit in with her identity. [/spoiler] One thing i just want to know is what the relationship between Ayato and Quon are. [spoiler] Is it possible they could be siblings??? [/spoiler]
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The Ayato-Quon relationship is definitely the biggest question on my mind, even bigger than that of Reika. Reika has got to just have some sort of [spoiler]more-than-human significance ... I mean, she died, and she can appear whenever the heck she wants, and she can help Ayato out of the ... thing he was falling into one time when he was piloting RahXephon. Hyper space, or something. Certain death, basically, she can help him out of certain death :p.[/spoiler]

Oh, back to Quon. She is so odd. You find out in episode 10 (I think?) that she [spoiler]also is an Orin, like Ayato, another term I'd like to know the meaning of. If she's an Orin, how come she doesn't have a mech of her own?[/spoiler]

Keep in mind she's also the creepy doctor's daughter, so that probably has some significance at some opint. [spoiler]I don't think she and Ayato are siblings myself ... but definitely connected in some way.[/spoiler]

Haha, I'm just waiting for someone who's seen the complete series to come along and blast our poor theories apart. ;)
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by terra [/i]
[B]The Ayato-Quon relationship is definitely the biggest question on my mind, even bigger than that of Reika. Reika has got to just have some sort of [spoiler]more-than-human significance ... I mean, she died, and she can appear whenever the heck she wants, and she can help Ayato out of the ... thing he was falling into one time when he was piloting RahXephon. Hyper space, or something. Certain death, basically, she can help him out of certain death :p.[/spoiler]

Oh, back to Quon. She is so odd. You find out in episode 10 (I think?) that she [spoiler]also is an Orin, like Ayato, another term I'd like to know the meaning of. If she's an Orin, how come she doesn't have a mech of her own?[/spoiler]

Keep in mind she's also the creepy doctor's daughter, so that probably has some significance at some opint. [spoiler]I don't think she and Ayato are siblings myself ... but definitely connected in some way.[/spoiler]

Haha, I'm just waiting for someone who's seen the complete series to come along and blast our poor theories apart. ;) [/B][/QUOTE]

Ahh but you gotta keep watching the series. The second and third question will be answered....but still for the 1st one i still have no clue what the answer could be. One more quick thing though, for the second one ull be a little p.o. when you find out more about Quon. I sure was
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Wait, terra, did you say that Quon was Itsuki Kisaragi's daughter? I thought she was his sister.....

Then again, it's very late at night. Maybe my brain has just decided to start making things up.

About Kisaragi--sure, he's creepy, but he's also very good-looking. ^_~ I really like RahXephon's character designs. Nearly all of the characters, both male and female, are nicely attractive without being overly... er, flashy.

On a side note, Ayato is one of the most likeable characters I've ever come across. He has his angsty moments, but for the most part, he's just a nice, polite, ordinary guy. The reason I mention this is because so many people compare RahXephon to Evangelion--but isn't Shinji a lot more whiny?

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Oh. Yeah, she might be his sister. My bad. .... Yeah, now that I think about it I'm pretty sure she is his sister :p.

Really, you find Kisaragi cute? I don't see it. He looks too ... creepy to me. Something about anime guys who have glasses that have glare ... it always seems to symbolize how eeeevil they are :p.

I think Ayato is very likeable too. But while I'm on the topic of their cuteness, I don't think Ayato's that cute either. Actually, I don't think [i]any[/i] of the guys in the anime are cute ... and I'm not usually particularly hard to please in that department. ... Weird ... All the characters seem pretty normal-looking (except Quon I think), which I agree is a good thing.

I've never seen Evangelion, but hope to watch it after RahXephon.
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  • 2 weeks later...
[COLOR=#503F86]Aha, I found the thread ^_^

This is the first series I don't want to read the spoilers of, so I can't give much comment on everything being discussed, sorry about that ^_^

I really like the Major guy, though (the one in the green uniform who Megumi likes). The second DVD just came out in the UK a week or so ago, I hope the next five will appear soon.

But Shinji is generally a lot more troubled character, yeah. I wouldn't say whiny so much... but he shows more of his insecurites. I was glad Ayato had slightly more integrity- it just makes it a bit more pleasant to watch. Not that Evangelion isn't good, mind you- it's still great and I'd recommend watching it. Even after watching through an episode a few times I still get frightened by some of the scenes.

I was surprised by the similarites the two series hold- the big mech and the pilot chosen to... pilot it, heh. Then there's the strange symbols and things... although most of the characters are fairly different- RahXephon's more clean and probably for a slightly younger audience. Not that I mind, though ^_^

[spoiler]I just hope the ending's slightly more clear-cut and less depressing than Eva's.[/spoiler][/COLOR]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solo Tremaine [/i]
[B] I was surprised by the similarites the two series hold- the big mech and the pilot chosen to... pilot it, heh. Then there's the strange symbols and things... although most of the characters are fairly different- RahXephon's more clean and probably for a slightly younger audience. Not that I mind, though ^_^ [/B][/QUOTE]

I dont want to ruin the series for yea but i just thought i would add this in....it gets a lot more violent way later on in the series. The 6 one has already come out in America and i think the 7th one comes out within the next two weeks so im eager to pick them both up eventually. And yes there are a lot of similarities of RahXephon compared to Eva. I just like RahXephon a lot more since it doesnt get into the whole [spoiler] religious spectrum like Evangelion did which kinda freaked me out in the whole End of Evangelion movie....i thought the whole thing was great but a little freaky compared to the other movie and the actually series itself. [/spoiler]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by pbfrontmanvdp [/i]
[B]I dont want to ruin the series for yea but i just thought i would add this in....it gets a lot more violent way later on in the series.[/B][/QUOTE]
[COLOR=#503F86]I don't mind it being violent, just so long as it stays relatively optimistic. I'm a sucker for a happy ending, heh. Or at least one that's not [i]too[/i] depressing.[/COLOR]

[QUOTE][B]And yes there are a lot of similarities of RahXephon compared to Eva. I just like RahXephon a lot more since it doesnt get into the whole [spoiler] religious spectrum like Evangelion did which kinda freaked me out in the whole End of Evangelion movie....i thought the whole thing was great but a little freaky compared to the other movie and the actually series itself. [/spoiler] [/B][/QUOTE]
[COLOR=#503F86]I don't mind the religious imagery so much as long as it's explained. [spoiler]I did leave EoE thinking 'What just happened?' somewhat, but I can take a while to understand things anyway. I don't exactly want everything spoon-fed to me- I think too much explanation can ruin something -but too little explanation can be just as bad.[/spoiler]

What I have to do now is work out what all the musical terms used in RahXephon mean ^_^;[/COLOR]
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  • 4 weeks later...
Finally picked up the 6th DVD (about 2 weeks ago), and this series just keeps gettin better and better. Major plot developement in this one and it helps answer a lot of the questions about the relationships in which all the characters are in. Not only that, but several new questions arise that keeps everyone in suspense. I will admitt that it gets a little confusing here (sorta like Eva), but i guess once i see the 7th one which i will be buying for Christmas (along with finally buying the Death and Rebirth DVD from Eva) i'll watch the whole thing again and maybe help answer some questions other have been asking (mor or less). Anyway this DVD has been the best one ive seen so far in the series. Even though i loved Eva i have to say this one is a little bit better since the story takes a completely different path...in a good way.
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I just got the fourth DVD, and I can't wait to see the rest of the show. RahXephon's animation, plot, and characterization continue to excel--it outshines nearly every other series I've ever watched. Although I don't quite understand [spoiler]how Haruka knew Ayato before Tokyo Jupiter was created and his memories were erased[/spoiler], I assume that more hints will eventually be dropped. I'm going to have a lot of fun figuring everything out.

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All right, I'm glad you guys have still posted in this and are finishing up the series soon, because I finished the series the other day and ... well ... I was actually really disappointed.

Please watch your DVDs soon, because I'd love to discuss it with someone besides my boyfriend (not that he's not great to discuss anime with, just we've talked it over already). :)

I found the ending way too ambiguous, something that is so typical of that type of anime and something I'd been hoping RahXephon would choose not to do. But no, tons of unexplained phenomena still remained and it really wasn't clear at all what had happened. I mean, certain plotlines, like the one Dagger mentioned in the spoiler above ([spoiler]how Haruka and Ayato met before Tokyo Jupiter[/spoiler]) were explained. (Actually even that was only kind of explained.)

But, as always, everything was way too complicated to have an explanation that would fit into 26 episodes. By the last episode my boyfriend and I were both just like, "How in the world are they going to wrap this up?" Well, they didn't, really.

Anyway ... I will stop now, since this is probably kind of depressing to read if you're in the middle of watching it :p.
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No matter how the series turns out (although I certainly hope that I'll like its ending), I think I'll believe it to have been worth my money. I just finished watching the fifth DVD, which contains episodes 17-19. Episode 19 was quite simply the most beautifully scripted and directed segment of any anime I've ever seen, except perhaps for the half-hour OAV [i]Voices of a Distant Star[/i].

[spoiler]I had [i]not[/i] been expecting Hiroko or Mamoru to make a comeback, and it really threw me off to see that their blood had turned blue. Even when I think I have it all figured it out, RahXephon manages to remain thoroughly unpredictable.

Hiroko's final words were so painful, and so incredibly powerful; I can't even imagine where Ayato got the strength to stand up and walk away from her fallen body. That episode begins calmly and slowly and then builds to a very tense, dramatic climax. I was extremely impressed by the skill with which it had been crafted.

I also can't imagine that RahXephon will have a happy ending. It seems virtually impossible, especially since there are only six episodes left.[/spoiler]

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  • 2 weeks later...
I just saw the 7th one finally and i thought it was perfect. It almost all of my questions and left only one major question in my head. Ill get to that later though.

This series was probably one of the best ive seen so far. The one thing i was right about was that [spoiler] Quon and Ayato were somewhat related in a way. Both were parts of each other...one of the same kind that i got from it. What was kinda weird is that the aftermath pictured a different style of what Ayoto looked like compared to his previous image. Whether that is because of him being older or whatever is beyond me. [/spoiler]

And i too cant wait for the movie. This has been so much like Eva so far and i cant wait to see if the movies help answer some of the remaining questions i still have. Im pretty sure it will and this has been quite and enjoyable series.
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Well I bought the final volume yesterday, and watched it.

Like I suspected it did reach an enigmatic ending, but a pretty good one.
[spoiler] Although it did kinda suck seein' some of the main characters be accidently killed. [/spoiler]
But I was happy to see [spoiler]Elsie/Babam get a cap busted in her.[/spoiler]

All in all the series was a really great, full of deep/confusing storylines with plenty of twists and turns.
Oh and the mecha battles were very well done also. The Rahxephon itself has become one of my favorite mechs, even thought it is actually [spoiler]a god.[/spoiler]:D

I can't wait for them to bring the Rahxephon movie over here.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by WW2 [/i]
[B]I can't wait for them to bring the Rahxephon movie over here. [/B][/QUOTE]

Me either. Apparently the movie sheds some light upon RahXephon's slightly confusing ending.

Well, I just came home and whipped through the final volume. I was completely floored by all the symbolism that the director packed into the last episode. I think those details alone ([spoiler]for example, the blue and red trains in the subway, and the painting of the dove[/spoiler]) would make for a fantastic discussion. However, I was especially impressed with RahXephon's symmetry--by which I mean that the show's beginning and ending reflect each other nicely.

Up until the very last episode, I'd supported Ayato/Megumi more than Ayato/Haruka. I [i]had[/i] guessed that [spoiler]Mishima Reika was a younger version of Haruka, but I hadn't been sure that my theory would pan out. Does anyone know why Mishima's hair was lighter than Haruka's--could the director have done that simply so people wouldn't make the connection immediately?[/spoiler]

There were some very powerful scenes in the last three episodes. I particularly liked the image of [spoiler]Itsuki and Sayoko holding hands. Itsuki has been my favorite character ever since I first started watching the show, and I was really happy to discover that--by merging with Ayato--he did get to be with Haruka after all.[/spoiler]

My main complaint with RahXephon's ending is the fact that [spoiler]Quon became Haruka and Ayato/Itsuki's child. There's nothing wrong with that, since it allowed her to stay close to both Ayato and Itsuki. All the same, it detracted from the show's sense of balance. Since Ayato became one with Itsuki, his younger brother, I expected Quon to somehow join Maya, her younger sister.[/spoiler]

One last note: the music in the final volume was thoroughly fantastic.

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Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it Dagger, but I still heartily disagree about the amount of satisfaction given by the ending. (I have to admit when I read that you called it "slightly confusing" I was just thinking ... whaaat?)

I personally really dislike when a lot of symbolism is used in an ending, because to me that feels like the writer or producer is simply shying away from having to write out a more practical, logical ending. So while you felt that that explained things adequately, I would've liked a more concrete explanation of everything.

Also, on the parallelism of the beginning and end of the series that you brought up -- it did give it a nice conclusive feeling, but I didn't really feel like it made a whole lot of sense. Was it ever explained how Ayato [spoiler]got older and became the same age as Haruka[/spoiler]? Also, I was on the Ayato/Megumi boat the whole time, including the last episode, and I don't feel they played up the benefits of Ayato and Haruka's relationship enough for me to really switch sides. It always made more sense for Ayato and Megumi ... they were the same age, she was cuter, etc. [spoiler]I think it might've been better if they left out Megumi altogether, since it seems they were planning to get Ayato and Haruka together from the beginning ...[/spoiler]

What else was there that really bothered me ... Oh yeah, I didn't think the significance of those [spoiler]three people -- the blond with short hair, the crazy guy, and Quon's brother (I'm sorry, I am so bad with names)[/spoiler] was ever explained adequately, either. In fact, I'm still not sure who they and their boss were. Any explanations?
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Heh, I'm going to have to watch the entire series at least two more times before I can definitively answer all of your questions.... but here's what I've gathered so far.

[spoiler]I don't think that Itsuki Kisaragi is technically Quon's brother by blood. He's actually Ayato's [i]younger[/i] brother--which means that they may be fraternal twins, since they were born in the same year. Then again, Ayato, Itsuki, the blonde (Helena Bahbem), the crazy guy (Makoto Isshiki), Maya Kamina (Ayato's mother) and Quon are all creations of the Bahbem Foundation, which is led by Ernest Bahbem (Helena's boss). So Ayato and Itsuki could very well have been "produced" separately, but by using the same genes. Similarly, Maya Kamina is Quon's younger sister, because once she reached a certain age, Quon was programmed to stop changing and growing. This is why Maya tells Ayato that she didn't techically give birth to him. Watari Shirow (the head of TERRA) is Ayato's father: he used to work for the Foundation as a scientist, and probably helped develop and/or contributed genes to Ayato, which explains why he calls Ayato his son.

Helena Bahbem is significant because Ernest Bahbem eventually takes over her body. The way I see it, three different groups are trying to affect how Ayato "tunes" the world--the Bahbem Foundation, TERRA, and the Mulians (led by Maya). The Bahbem Foundation basically plays both sides; it provides TERRA with money and equipment, but also utilizes Mulian technology and clones/creates new potential Mulians (such as Ayato).

Ernest Bahbem is tens of thousands of years old. He see himself as a god, orchestrating the events that lead up to the world's tuning, but he has no control over Ayato's free will. I assume that "tuning" the world means setting everything right--at least what Ayato [i]thinks[/i] is right--possibly by making all of the Mulians human, changing past events so as to save some people from death, and altering everyone's memories (including Ayato's). The two RahXephons (Ayato's and Quon's) together have the powers of a god--it's no coincidence that Ayato originally found his RahXephon in the Shrine of Xephon.[/spoiler]

Whew, that was tiring. There's a lot more I could say, but I think I'll save it for other posts. ^_^;;

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  • 2 months later...
Guest aznwired86
[color=deepskyblue][font=Comic Sans MS]Has any one seen RahXephon, the series is good. But just one thing i dont get is that what happens in the end. [spoiler]What did Kamina Ayato really do? In the last episode, after the scene where he "recreated" the world, who is in his painting?[/spoiler][/font][/color]

[SIZE=1][b][COLOR=#503F86]Having not actually seen past episode 10 of RahXephon, that wasn't really what I wanted to see just yet ^_^; I added spoiler tags, heh. You can do this yourself by using the [*spoiler] and [/spoiler] tags, without the asterisk.

Nextly, I've merged this thread with the original RahXephon thread. Please check the Thread Directory at the top of the page in case there's an anime topic already open for discussion before starting a new one -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
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[quote name='aznwired86][color=deepskyblue][font=Comic Sans MS]Has any one seen RahXephon, the series is good. But just one thing i dont get is that what happens in the end. [spoiler]What did Kamina Ayato really do? In the last episode, after the scene where he "recreated" the world, who is in his painting?[/spoiler][/font'][/color][/quote]
Alright ill answer the questions since i finally figured it out after watching it a second time.

Ayato of course [spoiler] was supposed to be sorta like Adam and Quon is supposed to be Eve. Baba was a.k.a. god at that point towards then end and was waiting to see what would happen with his creations. Ayato finally accepted Quon and created a new world...what you saw basically at the end of the last episode. During this though Ayato also had to realize that Haruka was his true love before and after Tokyo Jupitar appeared. During the paino sequence in the middle of the last episode he finally realizes that he has loved her for a long time and just had to remember.[/spoiler]

Dagger IXI i wanted to know if you knew about this as well (the whole deal behind Mishima) cause it took me a while to realize it the first time and the second time i finally realized there was that little extra something at the end of the credits which proved this to be true.

As for Mishima...."The girl in the painting", she is [spoiler] Haruka. At the very end past the credits it proves that Mishima is Haruka, just a younger version of her. Just watch that episode again all the way through and it should be able to help you understand.[/spoiler]
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  • 3 months later...
I just finished watching RahXephon once through, and I must say, I am.. confused out of my mind. Like Lain, this is definitely one of those series that you are not going to understand by just watching it once. I already have plans on watching it through again while taking notes on all the characters (God DAMN, I cannot remember all of those names!), and writing down questions throughout the series and seeing it I can answer them by the end.

[spoiler]I just don't understand a lot of it. Like how, if Mishima was the past version of Haruka, how could she be in Tokyo and outside at the same time? What significance did the past version have? Was it just that Mishima was the form that Ixtli chose to appear in? I cannot seem to remember who Itsuki Kisaragi was, but when did they mention that he was Ayato's younger brother, and how do you know that Ayato's mom came from the foundation? o_o And what, exactly, was the purpose of the foundation? Why are the kids special, and what can they do? Did the foundation create these Mu beings from the start? How did TERRA have the ability to create "Tokyo Jupiter-like" fields? How did Ayato and Haruko grow up to have Quon when first of all, Ayato had merged with the RahXephon, but also Quon had already been born years ago, and how does a baby with those parents have red hair?! And how does Bahbem live for so long by switching bodies? How are Mulians able to act as the robots without even knowing it (referring specifically to the case of Hiroko)? Why didn't we ever get to see any other Xephons if so many other Ollins had the insignia on their stomachs? What did Isshiki mean when he said that he wasn't a D? D as in the D1s that the RahXephon's fought?[/spoiler]

Phew. That's it for now, but I'll probably think of other questions later.

Seeing that so many on the forum are bringing Evangelion into the discussion, I will say this, considering that I've seen the entirety of both series: RahXephon and Eva both have very different appeal.

Evangelion is an anime that focuses on a very realistic aspect of what the future may hold. The expressions on the characters faces will show you that the artists did their best to mirror reality. They show you how the pilots enter their Evas, how the Evas have enough power to operate be it by electrical cord or limited battery power, and how the pilots are connected to their Eva to feel the pain that the robots are.

RahXephon, on the other hand, felt much more.. cartoony and unrealistic. I know, I know, anime doesn't have to be realistic, and sometimes it's better when it isn't, I'll agree, but for some of the things that they were trying to do with this series, a little more of a clear-cut, oh-that-makes-sense explanation really would have helped. How did Ayato enter the RahXephon? Oh, obviously he floated through some magical light into the center. o.O Where did the power for the "mech" come from? [spoiler]Oh, it's a God.[/spoiler] And are the pilots really connected to it? [spoiler]Well, other when Ayato merged with it at the end[/spoiler], they never really explain whether they can feel the pain or not, because the RahXephon barely got injured, if at all. o_o As for the goofy, cartoony expressions and animation, I loved it and couldn't get enough of it because it just felt so.. fresh.

Other than the animation, though, I must say that overall I liked Evangelion a lot better because it made much more sense. The more my head throbbed at trying to understand what was going on in RahXephon, the more Eva seemed so appealing.

[quote name='pbfrontmanvdp']Anyway though i just bought the first DVD of this even though it was my third choice of a new series to buy, and i was quite impressed. I dont usually like mobile suit type anime series, since i dont like the fighting that much. Nonetheless i loved the plot in this anime, it really is like the Matrix which someone stated early along with a little bit of the Noir/Cowboy Bebop type anime in the sense the main character Ayato needs to find out about his past. Even though i have only seen the first DVD and only the dubbed version of it, i think after watching the whole series ill go back and watch it subbed as well.[/quote]Congratulations! Through that entire paragraph of describing RahXephon, you never once mentioned Eva. :D

[quote name='Dagger IX1']On a side note, Ayato is one of the most likeable characters I've ever come across. He has his angsty moments, but for the most part, he's just a nice, polite, ordinary guy. The reason I mention this is because so many people compare RahXephon to Evangelion--but isn't Shinji a lot more whiny?[/quote]Yeah, that's one good thing about RahXephon. Ayato is a lot more bad-*** than Shinji, that's for sure.

[quote name='Solo Tremaine][color=#503f86][spoiler]I just hope the ending's slightly more clear-cut and less depressing than Eva's.[/spoiler'][/color][/quote]Poor, poor Solo. :(

[quote name='Dagger IX1][spoiler']Does anyone know why Mishima's hair was lighter than Haruka's--could the director have done that simply so people wouldn't make the connection immediately?[/spoiler][/quote][spoiler]I had the impression that Haruka's hair was a lot bluer, compared to Mishima's brown hair. But I guess that's besides the point. :o[/spoiler]
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[spoiler]1.Like how, if Mishima was the past version of Haruka, how could she be in Tokyo and outside at the same time?

2. What significance did the past version have? Was it just that Mishima was the form that Ixtli chose to appear in?

3. I cannot seem to remember who Itsuki Kisaragi was, but when did they mention that he was Ayato's younger brother, and how do you know that Ayato's mom came from the foundation? o_o And what, exactly, was the purpose of the foundation? Why are the kids special, and what can they do? Did the foundation create these Mu beings from the start?

4. How did TERRA have the ability to create "Tokyo Jupiter-like" fields?

5. How did Ayato and Haruko grow up to have Quon when first of all, Ayato had merged with the RahXephon, but also Quon had already been born years ago, and how does a baby with those parents have red hair?!

6. And how does Bahbem live for so long by switching bodies? How are Mulians able to act as the robots without even knowing it (referring specifically to the case of Hiroko)?

7. Why didn't we ever get to see any other Xephons if so many other Ollins had the insignia on their stomachs?

8. What did Isshiki mean when he said that he wasn't a D? D as in the D1s that the RahXephon's fought?[/spoiler][/QUOTE]

I numbered your questions to make my life easier. ;)

[spoiler]1. If I recall correctly, Ayato and Haruka first met on Nirai-Kanai (or somewhere very close by) when they were both fourteen. The two started dating when they returned to Tokyo. At some point shortly after this, Maya (Ayato's mother) realized that Haruka was beginning to have a greater influence over Ayato than she. Maya then triggered the sequence of events which would lead to the creation of Tokyo Jupiter; Haruka ended up being trapped outside the barrier. The sole purpose of Tokyo Jupiter was to create an environment where Ayato, the only remaining Ollin, could safely reach the age of 17 while remaining under his Mulian mother's power. All of his memories regarding growing up inside the dome are fake--Tokyo Jupiter has only existed for three years of Ayato's life. So Haruka did live in Tokyo when she was younger, and was stuck outside when it turned into Tokyo Jupiter.

2. Ixtli appears as the person whom Ayato loves most, which throughout the series is a distorted memory of the fourteen-year-old Haruka. Consciously, he has no recollection of ever meeting or loving Haruka; subconsciously, she's still very much on his mind.

3. Itsuki Kisaragi is the glasses-wearing doctor. He and Ayato are actually twins (I can't remember when this is revealed, though). While Maya kept Ayato, Itsuki was sent to be raised by the Foundation. The Foundation's goal was to prepare the world for the coming of an Ollin; through RahXephon, the Ollin has the power of a god and is capable of re-creating the universe as he sees fit. Bahbem and Maya wanted Ayato to make a world that would be dominated by the Mu. Meeting Haruka at the age of fourteen started a chain of events which eventually led Ayato to choose a human world instead. The Foundation did not create the Mu; Bahbem discovered them tens of thousands of years ago. RahXephon is partially based upon an old science-fiction novel called [i]The Lost Colony of the Mu[/i], which says that Atlantis actually existed and was populated by human-like beings known as the Mu.

4. I'll try to answer this once I finish re-watching RahXephon. As of now, my best answer is that a great deal of their technology came from the Foundation.

5. In episode 26, Ayato and Quon totally remade the world. It's almost like the ultimate happy ending--just about everyone ends up being close to the people they longed for in the other 25 episodes of the show. As for Quon's hair.... well, anime isn't known for its genetic accuracy.

6. Bahbem learned a lot of tricks from the Mu. ^_^;; Many years before Tokyo Jupiter was even created, the Foundation began inserting dormant Mulians into the population, carefully arranging things so that by the time Ayato grew up, there would be plenty of people capable of controlling Dolems. I'm not sure whether Hiroko's red blood in episode 1 was an illusion, or if her blood (and, by extension, her species) changed after Ayato left Tokyo Jupiter.

7. Only someone at the age of 17 can pilot a Xephon. Itsuki and Maya were capable of becoming Ollins, but they both ended up being far too old. Quon did use her abilities to act as Ayato's counterpart and help him tune the world; no one else other than those four have the requisite birth marks.

8. Children at the Foundation were classified as being either As, Bs, Cs or Ds (with Ds obviously being the least talented and promising). Itsuki and Helena were both Bs, while Makoto, their childhood companion, was a D. This affected him psychologically throughout his life.[/spoiler]

Whew, that was exhausting!

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[quote name='Dagger IX1][spoiler']1. If I recall correctly, Ayato and Haruka first met on Nirai-Kanai (or somewhere very close by) when they were both fourteen. The two started dating when they returned to Tokyo. At some point shortly after this, Maya (Ayato's mother) realized that Haruka was beginning to have a greater influence over Ayato than she. Maya then triggered the sequence of events which would lead to the creation of Tokyo Jupiter; Haruka ended up being trapped outside the barrier. The sole purpose of Tokyo Jupiter was to create an environment where Ayato, the only remaining Ollin, could safely reach the age of 17 while remaining under his Mulian mother's power. All of his memories regarding growing up inside the dome are fake--Tokyo Jupiter has only existed for three years of Ayato's life. So Haruka did live in Tokyo when she was younger, and was stuck outside when it turned into Tokyo Jupiter.[/spoiler][/quote][spoiler]So Tokyo Jupiter was only around for thee years? o_o Woah.. I guess that makes sense, because I would have expected that if Ayato was in there his entire life, everyone outside would be a lot older than they were. I was wondering about that a little, lol. How were the Mulians able to alter everyone memories like that? :/ Ah well, I guess that's not really a question that can be answered.[/spoiler]

[quote][spoiler]2. Ixtli appears as the person whom Ayato loves most, which throughout the series is a distorted memory of the fourteen-year-old Haruka. Consciously, he has no recollection of ever meeting or loving Haruka; subconsciously, she's still very much on his mind.[/spoiler][/quote][spoiler]Hmm. I guess that makes sense, except how Haruka looks older than 14, lol.[/spoiler]

[quote][spoiler]3. Itsuki Kisaragi is the glasses-wearing doctor. He and Ayato are actually twins (I can't remember when this is revealed, though). While Maya kept Ayato, Itsuki was sent to be raised by the Foundation. The Foundation's goal was to prepare the world for the coming of an Ollin; through RahXephon, the Ollin has the power of a god and is capable of re-creating the universe as he sees fit. Bahbem and Maya wanted Ayato to make a world that would be dominated by the Mu. Meeting Haruka at the age of fourteen started a chain of events which eventually led Ayato to choose a human world instead. The Foundation did not create the Mu; Bahbem discovered them tens of thousands of years ago. RahXephon is partially based upon an old science-fiction novel called [i]The Lost Colony of the Mu[/i], which says that Atlantis actually existed and was populated by human-like beings known as the Mu.[/spoiler][/quote][spoiler]*mixes this around in his head a bit* Why did Bahbem and the foundation want the Mu to rule the universe?[/spoiler]

[quote][spoiler]4. I'll try to answer this once I finish re-watching RahXephon. As of now, my best answer is that a great deal of their technology came from the Foundation.[/spoiler][/quote][spoiler]I guess that makes sense. If the foundation provides money to TERRA like you said, it wouldn't be hard to believe to that provided technology as well. But if they gave them that kind of technology, then TERRA would know that they're in league with the Mulians, which they probably did anyway because the crazy guy had asked if they were going to do anything [i]because[/i] he was from the foundation. But then why would they accept the technology and funding?[/spoiler]

[quote][spoiler]5. In episode 26, Ayato and Quon totally remade the world. It's almost like the ultimate happy ending--just about everyone ends up being close to the people they longed for in the other 25 episodes of the show. As for Quon's hair.... well, anime isn't known for its genetic accuracy.[/spoiler][/quote][spoiler]Ah. Well the way you put it, remaking the world as they see fit, that kind of reminds me of Evangelion in End of Eva, and kind of like the Matrix, lol.[/spoiler]

[quote][spoiler]6. Bahbem learned a lot of tricks from the Mu. ^_^;; Many years before Tokyo Jupiter was even created, the Foundation began inserting dormant Mulians into the population, carefully arranging things so that by the time Ayato grew up, there would be plenty of people capable of controlling Dolems. I'm not sure whether Hiroko's red blood in episode 1 was an illusion, or if her blood (and, by extension, her species) changed after Ayato left Tokyo Jupiter.[/spoiler][/quote][spoiler]So Ayato had to be this certain age for these events to take place? Ayato's blood was also red, but later in the series everyone was accusing him of being a Mulian and having blue blood. o_o[/spoiler]

[quote][spoiler]7. Only someone at the age of 17 can pilot a Xephon. Itsuki and Maya were capable of becoming Ollins, but they both ended up being far too old. Quon did use her abilities to act as Ayato's counterpart and help him tune the world; no one else other than those four have the requisite birth marks.[/spoiler][/quote][spoiler]*looks up at his last response* Oookaayy.. *brushes that under the carpet* That's also like Eva in the sense that you have to be a particular age.[/spoiler]

[quote][spoiler]8. Children at the Foundation were classified as being either As, Bs, Cs or Ds (with Ds obviously being the least talented and promising). Itsuki and Helena were both Bs, while Makoto, their childhood companion, was a D. This affected him psychologically throughout his life.[/spoiler][/QUOTE][spoiler]I [i]see. [/i]I think I understand now. He was the lowest talented and most like a normal person.[/spoiler]

Wow, thanks for answering all of my questions. ^_^ You've cleared a lot of my confusion and that allows me to enjoy the series a lot more. You aren't off the hook yet, though, as I'm going to watch it again and come back with more! :p
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Wow....thats alot of spoiler tags.

Oh well, I just wanted to add that the Rahxephon movie is supposed to be released July 20th.
I really don't know much about it, storywise, but maybe it'll answer a few questions that were left unanswered.

Then again...it may just add to the confusion. :D
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Wow everything Dagger said was all correct...i didn't even know about the last question.

Anyway though i just wanted to add in some info about the 4th question.

[spoiler] The reason why TERRA was able to make tokyo-jupiter-like-fields was exactly what Dagger said, because of the information and technology that was given to them by the foundation. The reason of this is because the head of the Babhem foundation was of course Ernst Babhem who, like Dagger said, is thousands of years old and has records of the prexisting race called the Mu. Why Terra wasn't given the information prior to when they decided to use the tokyo fields later on....well the only reason i have is because Babhem needed Terra to first rely on the RahXephon to gather information on his creation. I'm not saying that this is the correct answer to your question but just a pretty safe guess. [/spoiler]

My only question is, [spoiler] why did Ernst Babhem choose Helena Babhem as a host to change bodies with? Did Ernst B. know that he was going to get shot and this was his plan all along to use Helena as a host like he possibly did in the past to other relatives? Plus why did Helena allow Babhem to take over her body since it didn't really give a reason for why she accepted him? This really confused me a lot and is still the one question i have left unanswered in the series. [/spoiler]
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