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This is great I loved this show and still do. It's been 3 or 4 moths sense i finished it. Well just to till you [spoiler]Bahem didn't learn from the mu he is a mu. and Ayato blood isn't blue he just has the mulian phase.[/spoiler] I know alot about this so i can almost answer any question about RAHXEPHON (The World Surrounded By Sound).
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[quote name='(Tsukasa)']I know alot about this so i can almost answer any question about RAHXEPHON (The World Surrounded By Sound).[/quote]lol, you mean the world [i]suffused[/i] with sound?

[spoiler]I guess it would make sense that Bahbem was a mulian, though, since he wanted the Mu to thrive.[/spoiler]

[quote name='pbfrontmanvdp]My only question is, [spoiler'] why did Ernst Babhem choose Helena Babhem as a host to change bodies with? Did Ernst B. know that he was going to get shot and this was his plan all along to use Helena as a host like he possibly did in the past to other relatives? Plus why did Helena allow Babhem to take over her body since it didn't really give a reason for why she accepted him? This really confused me a lot and is still the one question i have left unanswered in the series. [/spoiler][/quote][spoiler]He chose Helena to change bodies with because she offered to do so since she is the teacher's pet and likes to feel important. I don't think he can predict the future, he just has a knack for setting it up in such a way so that an outcome will occur. Of course, if this is the one thing that confused you, I doubt that I would know that answer, haha.[/spoiler]
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[font=Verdana][size=2]Just to tell you guys i actually got the box set today with the movie (meaning that in some places the movie is already out). Just wanted to tell everyone this in case they wanted to know. The place i got it from was Saturday Matinee.[/size][/font]
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You already got it!? Wow, mine probably won't ship for a few more days at the very least.

In any event, I'm quite excited about seeing the movie. Even if I end up disliking its alternate take on RahXephon's story, the beautiful, sturdy box and accompanying booklet will no doubt be worth the money. I'm glad I avoided buying the original volume 1 plus artbox package. ^_^;;

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Alright everyone heres what I have to say about the movie and the box set itself.

The boxset itself (the covering around the box) has probably one of the most stunning pictures i've ever seen. It shows Ayato kneeling looking down at himself with rubble and part of a Mu building crumbling down towards him in a way. Also on the other side it has Tokyo Jupiter in the backround with another picture shot of i believe to be the syncronized version of the RahXephon....its really nice with the red atmosphere being the sharpest part for that picture. And on the side it shows Ayato and Mishima holding hands.

Inside of it is a bonus feature with a 54 page booklet with extra stuff that i haven't hand the chance to read yet and will probably add that in once i have the time to look through that whole thing. I just basically glanced at it and it had some really good action shots in there as well.

And now for the movie itself.

I have to say i was pretty disappointed in the first 3/4 of the movie since it was [spoiler] basically a recap of the series itself with little tid-bits of new information everynow and then.....towards the end of the first 3/4 though it seemed to add a little more new information that wasn't previously i the series[/spoiler]. However the last 30-35 minutes or so of the whole movie confused me to death. It literally left me with some many questions that i can't even explain half of them cause im still trying to figure out where to start. It was fine how it pretty much ended the first time, but the movie just added more problems and questions. Was it worth the $42 i spent on the whole box set.....I'd have to say yes since it [spoiler] shows the true meaning of what the tuning of the world was and the outcome relied on how Ayato [b]and Haruka[/b] wanted to supposedly keep their memories and live a fake life.....sry thats the best explaination i can think of [/spoiler]. If anyone can tell me what the [spoiler] sequence where it should Haruka and Ayato with lol Haruka and Ayato in the classroom i would really appreciate it cause im at a total lose there [/spoiler]. Thats all I have for now it was an interesting way of the movie adding in extra events.
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So basically this box set is a set with the movie and a 54 page booklet? $40 dollars is a little steep, I'd say, but then again, I'm used to buying those Hong Kong anime boxsets for like $25 for a 26 episode series. *shrug* I guess the question is, is the booklet worth $20? O_o

Other than that, is there anything else you can tell us about the movie without spoiling what happens? :o
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Ok i'll put it in this perspective. The T.V. series was basically focused on Ayato the most; going into detail about him trying to find out who Mishima was and why his mother Maya had blue blood and all. It also focused on trying to figure out why Ayato was chosen as the instrumentalist and why the purpose of an instrumentalist is needed to "tune the world".

[font=Verdana][size=2]As for the movie, it focused more on Mishima Reika and Haruka Stow....yes i know (Syk3 this isnt a spoiler for you, you can read this since you've seen the series) [spoiler] both of them are the same person but its a lot more complicated then that and it explains the existence of both of them [/spoiler]. It goes more into the feelings of how Haruka has always loved Ayato and would rather suffer with him then live in the/a world without him. [/size][/font]

[font=Verdana][size=2]Not only that but it goes into a lot more about Bahbem which answered my previous question before in the post i made above. Another little thing it goes into is the relationship between Quon and Itsuki. The last thing i want to point out without having to add any spoilers is that the movie also portrays why Maya brought up Ayato in Tokyo Jupiter, i want to explain more but that would ruin the movie. I hope this helps by whoever decides to watch this movie and has seen the previous series to focus on these key points.[/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=2]LoL almost forgot to add something. You said it was a pretty expensive and if the booklet and all was worth it. Even though i have to say of course it was expensive the booklet (which i finally got to read most of it) explains everything that happens in the series. It helps out so much that the 54 page booklet was just as good as the series. It has character interviews, a chapter by chapter [font=Arial][size=3]synopsis/explaination (of what basically went on in the movie which helped out a lot), some more artwork done by the 3 main artists, interviews of even the singer who did the opening and closing themes, also has a director interview of how he thought of the turnout of RahXephon and what he intended it to mean (in a way), and also some other little tid-bits. This booklet really helped out a lot.[/size][/font][/size][/font]
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About 15 minutes ago I checked my Comcast On Demand anime line-up, and low and behold, they had RahXephon the movie. I'm taping it downstairs right now, and would be watching it, but South Park weekend starts at 9:00, which I have to tape as well since my friend wants me to go to his house and play DDR. <_>

Do you think they sell the pamphlet that comes with it, seperately? XD
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This is one of the better animes in my opinion. I have only seen the first dvd or two, but it definitely has captured my interest. The characters have personality and the art is very well done. It has a decent story line, and deserves to be seen by more people.

But, for some reason, it kinda makes me think its an Escaflowne ripoff.. Maybe because i saw it right after excaflowne, but... i dunno. its good, and i would probably rate it 8.5/10. i suggest you who havent seen it go out and rent it!
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[COLOR=Blue]Soon if it has come out all ready is a new RAHXEPHON movie it is a little different than the tv series. It is like a different side of the story. That what a read about it. I'm saving up to get it. Hopefuly it is as good as the tv series. I don't know. And thanks for the word check Syk3. I knew surround wasn't the word and i forgot want it was and didn't have time to check what it was til now. Bye for now.
(The World Suffused With Sound)[/COLOR]
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  • 2 weeks later...
An Escaflowne rip-off? *grins* I think you probably mean Evangelion, heh. Personally, I just find it odd that people who accuse RahXephon of being an Eva clone almost always cite the [i]differences[/i] between the two series when explaining why they like Eva better.

Well, I finally wrested my copy of the movie from my neighbors. :rolleyes: To be honest, I went into the film with pretty low expectations... but I ended up loving it. I actually think I prefer the alternate ending which Pluralitas Concentio presents. The movie really delivers in terms of focusing on [spoiler]Ayato and Haruka's relationship. A lot of the people involved with its creation say that she was intended to be the main character, and for the most part I agree.[/spoiler]

While I don't think this film would work as well as a stand-alone piece of cinema, it complements the series perfectly. I like the simplified relationships; in my opinion, [spoiler]Quon's character doesn't suffer much from being relegated to a background role, and Itsuki is rendered surprisingly sympathetic by virtue of the purity of his feelings.[/spoiler]

I had expected very little new footage, so it really pleased me to see how many scenes had been altered or reworked altogether. A lot of Ayato's emotional responses seem more logical, such as [spoiler]his reaction to Hiroko's death and his original reason for wanting to pilot the RahXephon.[/spoiler] The whole [spoiler]"Observer of Time" shebang made sense once I read the booklet, heh.[/spoiler]

As for the classroom sequence toward the ending, I think [spoiler]the young Ayato and Haruka were kind of like two Ixtlis--the embodiments of the two RahXephons, who had both become Observers of Time so that the real Ayato could stay with Haruka.[/spoiler] I'm not totally sure, though. >_>

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Why does everyone think Rahxephon is an EVA clone? I just don't see much similarity with the exception of the confusion last few episode when compare to EVA's movie ending, both had me rewatching again and again and to this day I am uncertain I got the whole message.

Rahxephon is 'in' genre as far as monster of the week mecha series goes, despite it's depth it follows the age old route establish in the mecha bible just like eva did, if you really want to call it a clone compare it with gekiganger... ~_~
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[COLOR=#503F86]Having [i]finally[/i] seen the last few DVDs of RahXephon I can be entirely satisfied in knowing that it's an amazing series. I loved the ending and it's quickly become one of my all-time favourites, heh.[/COLOR]
[quote name='Okta']Rahxephon is 'in' genre as far as monster of the week mecha series goes, despite it's depth it follows the age old route establish in the mecha bible just like eva did, if you really want to call it a clone compare it with gekiganger... ~_~[/quote][COLOR=#503F86]It isn't meant to be a slur of either RahXephon or Evangelion. The point that people are trying to make is that if you look at some of the story points of the series there are many similarities to Evangelion, e.g. the Dolems and the Angels, the Vermillions and Evas 6-15, [spoiler]The emrgence of a mechanical God that ultimately recreates the world[/spoiler]. Comparing it to Genkigangar isn't even viable, heh. I think it's much more than your bog-standard mech series. Far from formulaic, anyway. If it were I'd probably have been able to guess what was going to happen at the end of the series by episode 18.

There's a lot I want to discuss here but I can't think what exactly to say and people have done it already, heh. Trust me to be late >_<;

But, better late than never, I suppose. RahXephon was well worth the wait, and the movie's the next bit I want to see.[/COLOR]
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I'm glad you liked RahXephon's ending, Solo. :)

The movie sort of allows you to experience the best of both worlds, because while it's obviously related to the series and sheds a lot of light on [spoiler]fourteen-year-old Ayato and Haruka's relationship,[/spoiler] it also makes some interesting plot-related changes. The endings of Pluralitas Concentio and the TV series differ, but not quite as much as people seem to think. In fact--and I'll have to re-watch the film before I can say this conclusively--I believe that they aren't mutually exclusive.

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  • 8 months later...
Well Ive just finnished re-watching Rahzephon for the second time and now have a good understanding of the plot. It was a very interesting and origional anime. One question plaged my mind which was [spoiler]How was Bahbham (spelling error?) able to keep Quons age kept the same? [/spoiler]. well I manadged to think up a theory which works (I hope :animeswea ).

[spoiler] Quons life module wasnt Just a life module, but a machine that was used to supress her growth so that the olin's could be produced (this module is most likely of a mulian origen). When the module was taken off of her, her body would most likely grow to her real age which I believe, was shown whenever she went unconcious after being separated from the module.for a long period of time.

The fact is that in the last few episodes, she doesnt even wear the module, proving her to be in good health. Of course if she aged too quickly the world tuning would probably fail, hence the tuning is set in motion mear days after she is seen with babhem [/spoiler].

Is this a good theory or am I completely wrong?
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  • 1 month later...
I just watched the first DVD of Rah Xephon. Some notes (I seem to have made a habbit out of doing this):

-Why do so many creators of mecha anime feel the need to have a teenager that overreacts to everything as the protagonist? :faint: [size=2][b]ENOUGH WITH THE SCREAMING DAMMIT!!!!!![/b][/size]

-Mu. Moooooo! Why the hell would they name their organization after the sound that a cow makes?

-Is it wrong that I want to see very, very bad things happen to the criptic pink haired chick? Characters like her annoy me to no end.

-The guys that drew the manga were right to give the characters somewhat of a make-over, looks wise. The art isn't bad, but the way that the characters are drawn kind of gets on my nerves.

-(Now that I've got the negative stuff out of the way) Ayato >>>>> Shinji! Its nice to see a main character of a "living robot" (for lack of a better way of putting it) mecha anime with some attitude. I like this guy so far... except for when he's screaming.

-Haruka kind of reminds of Misato so far. Friend to the main character in an otherwise hostile and unfamiliar environment; and capable, yet also goofy at times.

-Blue blood is supposed to represent purity and/or aristocracy. When you call someone a "blue blood", you're saying that they have high standing in a royal court. This probably isn't related, but I thought that it might be an interesting thing to mention.

Not bad. It isn't like Elfen Lied, where I'm biting at the bit for the next episode and feel the need to go out and buy the DVD some time within the next week, but I've got a good feeling about it. It looks like its going revolve a lot around detailed character developement and the relationships between those characters, and those shows are usually the best. I've already added the next volume to my Netflix queue.
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"Mu" was snatched from a novel by James Churchward, "The Lost Continent of the Mu." I guess the blame for the name should rightfully go to him, haha.

Speaking of literary references, when you finish the series (and only after you finish it--not an instant before!), be sure to read [url=http://www.scifi.com/scifiction/classics/classics_archive/young2/young21.html][u]this[/u][/url] classic short story.

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I've watched 3-5 episodes of RahXephon on comcast on demand and through some free sample DVDs from Newtype magazine and I've rather enjoyed the show. I didn't think it was a clone of EVA as they both had their differences in approach with their series. The main character himself was more down to earth compared to Shinji, who was horribly detached and deppressed.

Evas one of my favorite shows but I know a lot of people who stopped watching it because they hated Shinji. This is where I thought some people would enjoy RahXephon more.

EVA focused a lot on peoples Psyches and their emotion attachement with the people around them. From the episodes I saw in RahXephon it didn't seem like it was focusing on those issues as much as EVA was. Which is fine and its good that they didn't try to do [i]exactly[/i] what EVA did.
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[QUOTE=Bloodseeker]I just watched the first DVD of Rah Xephon. Some notes (I seem to have made a habbit out of doing this):


Not bad. It isn't like Elfen Lied, where I'm biting at the bit for the next episode and feel the need to go out and buy the DVD some time within the next week, but I've got a good feeling about it. It looks like its going revolve a lot around detailed character developement and the relationships between those characters, and those shows are usually the best. I've already added the next volume to my Netflix queue.[/QUOTE][COLOR=#503F86]Those were almost exactly my thoughts when I watched the first DVD. The second gets better, as does the third. By the time you're at the fifth, it's possibly one of the most compelling animes I've ever watched.

I'd advise you to keep with it, hehe.[/COLOR]
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I've said it once and ill say it again...although there are some similarities between Eva and Rah they are both separate entities and both deserve to be recognized as thus.

I do agree with both [B] Solo [/B] and [b] bloodseeker [/b] that it takes time to get into this anime. Noir, Eva, Rah, GunSlinger Girl are all types of animes that, for some, start out slow. However, all these animes are amazing when all the pieces come together.

For Rah, I did find it to start out a little slow...but i enjoy animes like that. For me, Rah made me want to buy each copy as soon as they came out. I loved every "piece" instead of episode i should say since this is an anime based heavily on the tempo of the music. Even the movie I enjoyed since it brought out (like everyone said) an alternate ending to the [spoiler] Ayato/Haruka relationship (more or less seeing how they were as a couple when they were both "younger" in a sense. I was also thrilled that my favorite character Quon had more dialogue and character time in the movie. [/spoiler][b]
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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm really struggling to not take a peek at any of the spoilers in this thread. I feel like I'm surrounded by big chunks of black in here lol.

Anyway, I bought the first four RahXephon DVDs at Anime Expo. If I'd waited just a tiny bit longer I probably could've bought the boxset, but I spent my money a bit too eagerly lol. Oh well. I've been interested in watching the series for a while now, and the praise that people like Dagger and Solo bestowed upon RahXephon only made me want to see it more.

When I first watched Vol. 1 I was a bit disappointed. The plot seemed to move ahead very slowly, and I had a hard time following the dialogue on occasion. I'm pretty sure that was because I was distracted, however. I watched it a second time at night when it was very quiet, and I enjoyed it quite a bit more. I'm guessing that this is a series that becomes far more enjoyable upon repeated views lol.

I finished watching Vol. 2 about an hour ago. There was much more character development present there, which made it easier for me to get into than the first DVD. I really enjoy the relationships the characters have with each other, and how important each seems in regards to the entire scope of the series. Haruka's relationship with Ayato, in particular, is pretty interesting... I'm also interested to see whether or not Quon has anything more to do with Reika, especially after [spoiler]their interaction in Episode 9 (is that a spoiler? I don't know, I'm trying a play it safe lol)[/spoiler]. In fact, I'd be glad to have a bit more light shed on Quon in general, regardless of whether or not it has anything to do with Reika. :p

I don't really have any theories or predictions or anything like that, though. I'm not good at doing that sort of stuff. I just try to make sense of things as I go along lol. I enjoy going back into a series and piecing everything together after I'm finished watching it more, anyway. Hopefully it won't be too long before I acquire the final three RahXephon DVDs. I'd hate to go for a long time without seeing the rest of the series - the suspense would kill me. :(

EDIT: The 11th Movement is better than you. All of you. The third DVD ruled, and I'm expecting the fourth DVD to be even better. I need the final three DVDs, stat!!

Ah, RahXephon. :love2: :love2: :love2:

EDIT2: I [i]knew[/i] the fourth DVD would end on a cliffhanger. Sigh. So much stuff going on, and I'm sure I don't understand half of it right now. Haruko's relationship with Ayato is interesting. I'm 99% sure that [spoiler]she loves Ayato and she probably knew him in Tokyo Jupiter... everything so far seems to be pointing in that direction, anyway. Ayato's nostalgic feelings, Haruko's gift to Ayato, etc. The fact that Ayato would be the same age has Haruko had he been outside of Tokyo Jupiter was plainly mentioned, as well... it makes sense. If this is indeed true, then Ayato's memories with Haruko could have been erased/buried easily enough.[/spoiler] There's probably much more to that, though, knowing this series lol.

Also, I have no idea what the hell is going on with Quon, Mishima, et al. lol
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  • 1 year later...
[spoiler]I have just finished episode 19, and it was probably one of the more heart-shattering episodes, I have seen in anime thus far, with it only being exceded by a certain character's funeral in Full Metal Alchemist. They way they revealed Ayashma's feelings for Ayato throughout the battle, and the way she was slowly killed by the person she loved was just amazingly done. I could of sworn a tear fell down my eye at the end. This episode turned the anime from an NGE copier (albeit a unique one), to a anime that is in it's own league. Now, instead of forcing myself to watch each episode I will do so without a second thought.[/spoiler]
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