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Role-Playing Writing - Round 5


My favourite story from Round 5 is by  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. My favourite story from Round 5 is by

    • Shyguy
    • Lady Asphyxia
    • The Harlequin
    • Sara
    • Mitch
    • Juutheena
    • Red XIII
    • DarkOrderKnight

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[b][color=red]STOP! Please read the following before you do ANYTHING in this thread!![/color][/b]


There are just a few very simple rules to ensure everything runs smoothly. Please abide by them. Good luck everyone! :)

[i]For non-players:[/i]

1. If you are not one of the registered players, DO NOT post here. Period. If you wish to make a comment, laud praise or offer some criticism, please do so at the [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=19444][color=blue][/color]RPW General Thread[/url].

2. In an ideal world, I would ask that you read each story by each player BEFORE voting in the poll. But I understand this is not an ideal world so I would strongly you read at least a few stories before making you decision and to NEVER vote for someone before you have read their story! Please extend the players, who have spent time and effort in crafting their submissions, this small courtesy. ;)

3. Vote for the person whose story you like the most. You have until [b][i]midnight, Monday, 26th May, AEST time, ie GMT +10:00 hrs[/b][/i].

Thanks for dropping by. Everyone at RPW appreciates your support. :D

[i]For the players:[/i]

Round 5 is now open for submissions. Its a very creative round. LOts of possibilities. [b][i]The deadline is midnight, Monday, 19th May, AEST time, ie GMT +10:00 hrs. This will be STRICTLY enforced.[/i][/b]

The Objectives for Round 5, if you did not check the RPW website and know already, is [url=http://users.tpg.com.au/jackly/rpw/Stories/objectives.html][color=blue]here[/color][/url]. Read it carefully. If you have questions or queries, post them in the [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=19444][color=blue]RPW General Thread[/color][/url]. It may be other players are also unsure. If you're a little shy, or if its personal, email or PM me.

I have taken the time to write up some tips for playing RPW. Read the [url=http://users.tpg.com.au/jackly/rpw/faq.html][color=blue]FAQ[/color][/url].

Please, PLEASE, ask questions. Even if its just to confirm some things. Don't write 1000 words of brilliant prose only to have it scraped cos it didn't fit with the Objectives or were outside the rules. I really hate having to send submission back to have players edit them. Chances are players will often be too disappointed to make the necessary changes or do not have enough time. In any case, that just robs us of a submission and we need every single one.

Can I once again request that ALL players, but especially the newer ones, please read the Chronicles page on the [url=http://www.roleplayingwriting.tk]RPW website[/url] to ENSURE CONTINUITY in the submissions. Your submissions MUST make sense and are in line with ALL previous submissions. Thanks.
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