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Time spent at Otakuboards.

Guest Imsirion

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I usually visit OtakuBoards every day unless I have just gotten a new video game, lots of homework, or I'm not around a computer with the internet. My life basically revolves around the Otaku community -- both the site and boards. It's just a daily thing. :-p

When I visit, I usually stay on for 2-3 hours. At the least, I'd go on for an hour when I get home, and an hour before I go to bed. There are always things to do on OtakuBoards, so I'm always on for a while.

My longest visit? That is probably some time during the summer, especially when I first found OtakuBoards. I was just getting used to the internet, and I'd just get on from when I get up to when I go to sleep. Eventually my parents put up restrictions for obvious reasons. I guess the most time I've spent on OtakuBoards in a day has been somewhere around 8 hours. If your wondering, no, I don't have a life.

I go to all sorts of forums. Obviously I check the art ones first, as I need to clear it of spam. After that I skip around to Otaku Lounge, Music Movies & TV, Anime Lounge, Dragonball, .hack, Yu Yu Hakusho, Sony, Nintendo, PC; anything that interests me. I don't always go to them all every day, though.

Why I continue to stay on OtakuBoards has already been established -- I have no life, lol. I guess I'm just really close to the whole community, being a staff member on the site and boards and all, and there are so many friends that I have made. The topics are very interesting, and the board has always been so friendly, much more than any forum I've ever been to.
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Guest Imsirion
Overall, everyone stays basically stays because its a nice friendly place. Thats really great because other boards don't have the same quality/feeling. I've tried other places (about 4 others, while still staying here)and I always left because they just don't compare.

*sniff* my love-ely OB'S.....
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How often do you visit? Now and then

Whats the longest length of your visits? 5-10 mins

Whats been your longest stay? 2 hours

Which forums do you visit? All

Why do you continue to stay at Otakuboards? Dunno, Really Dunno...
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[font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue][b]How often do you visit?[/b]

Usually once a day.

[b]What's the average length of your visits? [/b]

About 10 minutes, and several more if I find places to post in.

[b]What's been your longest stay?[/b]

The first time I registered was my longest time. I was here for well over an hour, reading the rules and seeing how the place ran.

[b]Which forums do you visit?[/b]

The Anime Lounge, mostly. I also visit the video games forums from time to time, though I already have a place to discuss those in. I'm currently visiting the Otaku Lounge more frequently, thanks to the Caption Contest thread.

[b]Why do you continue to stay at OtakuBoards?[/b]

Some of the people here are great, and I see potential in them for good conversations. Plus, I can always come here when I want to discuss something seriously, or peacefully (which is not that often, mind you... since I love controversy and TRULY heated debates.)[/color][/font]
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[FONT=arial][b]How often do you visit?[/b] almost daily

[b]What's the average length of your visits?[/b] maybe half an hour.

[b]What's been your longest stay?[/b]heh, back in the old days when I first registered I stayed on for hours at a time, like from 7pm to 7am during summer vacation. looong time ago though. these days, the longest I've stayed on is about 2 hours, if I'm writing a post that I'm really into or if there just happens to be a lot of threads to post to.

[b]Which forums do you visit?[/b] I spend most of my time in the Lounge, but I also visit the General Anime, Pictures, and Music/TV lounges.

[b]Why do you continue to stay at OtakuBoards?[/b] there's usually a thread or two that I want to reply to, and I like seeing what some of the people here write.[/FONT]
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I come here everyday, its my homepage actually. My longest OB session was all day non stop posting. I've done in numerous times. My favorite forums are......... Lounge, RPG, Nintendo, Square Enix, Zelda, Art and design.

I come to the boards because it is a fun way to interact with other people that are just like you. Introducing everyone into the OB world is fun also. I love the boards and i'll never stop coming. It keeps my friends and I sane in times of need, heh. Go OtakuBoards!
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How often do you visit?

I used to visit every day, now its once every now and then

Whats the longest length of your visits?

Used to be about 1-2 hours, now its about.....10 mins, lol

Whats been your longest stay?

Ummm, about 4 hours

Which forums do you visit?

Most of them

Why do you continue to stay at Otakuboards

James won't let me go!
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