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Have you seen ghost?


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I was wondering if any one had or think thay have seen a real live ghost. I would be happy to hear about any thing strange.

Once me and my friend were inside plaing. We went into my friends room. We looked at the door to the loft. It was closed. Here mum said she was going out, so we were alone. When we walked out of the room the door to the was open... impossible. in'it?

Once I got up in the night. Some thing was in my warrordobe. It was the cat. i opened the door and said "hi tiny". Two yellow eyes appeared. Then the cat tried to sctarch me. I jumped back. I then went into the bath room and spoted a pair of green eyes. Tinys eyes were green, so tiny was in the bath room. I said hi to tiny. Then as I walked back into my room i remebered the yellow eyes that were not tinys. i looked back in the warrdrobe. nothing. It was impossible! No cat can get in. Our dog would get them. It was not possible! What was in my warrdrobe???
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I'd just explain the first one as wind. I've had even weirder things happen than that, just thanks to wind blowing through.

The second one... cats/dog with those eyes sometimes appear differently under certain lighting conditions (especially in the dark). I wouldn't think anything of that heh.
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[color=#808080]I remember Billy Connolly talking about ghosts once. He said something like "do you notice that everyone who claims to have seen a ghost or been abducted by aliens is always [i]incredibly weird[/i]?"

He did a hilarious impersonation of some guy with his eyes wide open, claiming that he saw a ghost. It was really funny. And I pretty much agreed with it. lol

I think there are always things that happen that might seem weird at the time. I know there have been many times where I've "seen" something that has made me do a double take. Sometimes something in the distance can look like a totally different object, etc...

I guess I just find it funny that we're always willing to say "Oh, it must be a ghost" or something like that. It's kind of like the answer you can use when you really have no idea. But what can I say; it sits well. We humans like authoritative answers, even if they bear no relationship to the truth.

But I guess that's my "serious" response. I'm sure there is a deeper discussion behind the simple question.

In any case, I've certainly seen a lot of weird things in my time. I remember, after I saw The Ring, I had a LOT of weird moments. lol

Like um...I saw the Japanese version and turned the TV off afterwards. Then a few minutes later, it came back on by itself with loud static. Of course, it gave me a heart attack. lol But it happened because my brother sat on the controller. -_-[/color]
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[color=green]Hmm...can't say I've ever really seen a ghost, but I know people who haved claimed such. I know my dog has had some strange different eye colors in the dark, but that doesn't make her a ghost now does it?Oo Usually the things we see are because of lighting and such. Light and darkness are strange things, they manipulate our eyes and sight, but that doesn't mean there is anything that's actually there.

I've had my weird moments, such as lying in bed when I was little, and seeing people dance around my bed and my room get twisted....but I think that's because I didn't get enough air to my head.^^() Of course it could have been a repetitave(sp?Oo) but realistic dream too.Oo

You never really know what strange thing's can happen to humans. We have strange minds and bodies, and see even stranger things.Oo It's usually a cause of lighting or lack of something in your body, such as air, blood, brain chemicals like saratonin.(sp again?Oo) It really just depends.

I'm not saying I don't believe in ghosts, but I truthfully do believe that most souls actually go somewhere when the body dies out. I don't really think anyone would stay on earth.Oo

That's just my simple opinion though, you may disregard it if you like.^^()[/color]
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Ha! Try 'en explain this one!

My mate got backfrom holiay 3 days before us. He was alone in the house. The washing machine was on the right side of the door like always. He put his stuff on the side and went up stairs. When he came down the washing machine was on the left side!
He ran up stairs, he heard noise and hisss, so he ran out.

Once my other mate dan, was asleep. but something woke him up. His mum and dad were in bed. So, he tried to get back to sleep, but he saw mist foating in the air. He was so scared he hid under the covers.

This has nothing to do with ghost, but do you sometimes dream the future? I did. I dreamt that my pet kittens were on a shelf with no collors. I ask this lady "how come thay have no collors?" She reipled
"Because thay don't belong to you any more." And 2 years later, our kittens were given away...

once my and four of my friends went behid our school stage. we called out "white lady white lady we've got your black baby" Four times. Then all my friends ran. I spotted why thay ran, there was somthing there. I ran after them. Then a girl went behid stage and scared ever one. But what we saw a first was real. We were the only ones there because it was our part. I explain to ever one that it was toni (the girl). But the first time... I could see something white and gold. moving around...
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Guest Anakin Solo
That washing machine one...sounds a bit far-fetched.

The closest thing you could say that has to do with ghosts(least my friend thinks its ghosts)I was over at my friends house, and we were watching those Japanese movies that have those monsters i n them, not the Godzilla, I think the one for the big Bird itself. Anywho, I was laying forward near the screen, my friend was laying b ack ont he pillow. The screen begins to flash on and off, and change channels. He then yells at me to get off the remote. I turn around and say I am not on it. We then both look towards the desk, and the remote is on it, facing away fromt he T.V. We bolted out of there so fast. lol.
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[quote]My mate got backfrom holiay 3 days before us. He was alone in the house. The washing machine was on the right side of the door like always. He put his stuff on the side and went up stairs. When he came down the washing machine was on the left side!
He ran up stairs, he heard noise and hisss, so he ran out.

Once my other mate dan, was asleep. but something woke him up. His mum and dad were in bed. So, he tried to get back to sleep, but he saw mist foating in the air. He was so scared he hid under the covers.

[b][size=1]To number 1: The washing machine could have turned on and shook its way across the floor. Not necessarily 100% true, but it's a possibility that can't be ignored. He also could have remembered the washing machine being on the right hand side from previous experience, but someone had moved it during that time. (as in, he [i]thought[/i] he saw the washing machine there, because thats where it is in his mind).

The second one : Okay, this kid was [i]asleep[/i]. That's a major factor. He could have been thinking about a dream he had, and he was probably quite tired; his eyes would have been playing tricks on him.

A lot of explanations of how people have seen ghosts, ufos or whatever are quite explainable (most of the time) to me. I would believe if there was some kind of viable proof, because you think after all this time someone would have presented some [i]really[/i] strong evidence... but there hasn't been any.[/b][/size]
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HAHAHAHA! Stop it!!! your killing me! hahaha! The washing machine turn on and rumbled aross the floor? hahaha! Stop! I can't handle it!lol!lol! *hahaah*. Sorry! you just made my laugh so much! There is evidice. Once this guy was in a house filming himself, and little white things were floating about. He ran out and saw things being tossed around.

Once, this guy saw a flag at half mass (meaning some ones died). He put the flag up full mass. When he came back, the flag on the tower was at half mass. So he took it down. When he put it in the loft, a few days later he went in the loft and found the flag at half mass! so, he got ride of it cos it was freeking him out. Then at the top of the tower, he saw a flag, gray and old, a lot like the last. A few seconds later, it was gone!
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Guest Anakin Solo
Could you please tell me where you are getting this?

For the flag, after he put it up to full mast, someone could have so easily seen it, and went and oput it back to half mast..Come on....:/
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Oh look who's talkin? I know what I know! I see ghost in Hell ever day! oh yeh some one clambed a mastive tower, risked there lives, just to play a trick? Were the hell are you getting this from? I get this off ghost hunters (It really called true ghost).

Oh no! stay back! Noo! keep away! Help theres a ghost attacking me! NNNNNNNOOOOO! *falls to the ground* Oh wait, it was just my cat!
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Guest Anakin Solo
Aren't there usually a couple of strings to pull to raise a flag and pull them down..And not once have I seen a 'massive' flag post...they are just kind of tall, not massive. ^_^
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Did you read it? I said the flag was on a tower! So, lets go out to a tower, Come on climb it! *you climb it* Oppps! Looks like you slipped and killed yourself for no reason. Oh well, I ain't gonna cry about it! Thats what happens when you mess with evil vicky!
And hey! I don't see you puttin an effort into it!
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So you're telling me... that they have some tower that no one can climb easily without risking their lives, and it unexplainably has a flag on the top that people often raise and lower? Why would the flag even be up there in that case?

There is obviously a way up there that isn't life threatening. Edit - And we used to have a pole here that had loose pulleys, so the flag would run down the pole on its own anyway.

Also, there's no reason to get so defensive over this. I don't even know what you're going off about in some of these posts.
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Ha! I forgot, it was a casle built! When you build a castle you put up a flag! Listen, I'm just saying that something that died has put the flag at have mass 'cos it died. All I want to hear are some storys that are...scare. True or not, who cares? (You can never scare Evil vicky though...)

And explain the bit about were he put it in the loft? I don't think some kid would carry a joke that far!:flaming: :devil:
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[color=#808080]Whoa, Vicky...slow down a bit. You're not making a whole lot of sense 'ere.

It's really important to keep the posts understandable, so that people can respond and have a good discussion. :help: [/color]
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I would claim to a few weird ghost stories, but I know that those can't be justified cuz I have like 4 cats right now and they can creep you out very, very easily... as for Vicky's 1st post about seeing eyes, I get that all the time =P. And this is kinda becoming like "I saw a ghost!" "No u didnt u liar!" "DId too!" "DID NOT!" "DID TOO!" So wats the point?
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Ok, i maybe a little insane, but has any seen or think thay saw a ghost? Or does any one have a tale thay made up? I don't care! ghost beliver or not! just post any thing that is weird or maked up from the corner of your imaginion. Or shall we continue blaffing about the flag thingy? I didn't say these were true! I mean come on people! Whats happen to the years? Can't you handle the truth?
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Oradriel [/i]
[B]I would claim to a few weird ghost stories, but I know that those can't be justified cuz I have like 4 cats right now and they can creep you out very, very easily... as for Vicky's 1st post about seeing eyes, I get that all the time =P. And this is kinda becoming like "I saw a ghost!" "No u didnt u liar!" "DId too!" "DID NOT!" "DID TOO!" So wats the point? [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=#808080]Oradriel, I think I should remind you that your signature violates our rules. Only [i]one[/i] image is allowed at a time. I recommend combining multiple images to form one banner for your siggy. Anything else won't be accepted here.

As far as the thread goes, I certainly don't mind it continuing. Ghost stories make a nice break from "girl/boy troubles". ~_^[/color]
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[color=ff00cc] [size=1]Anywho... back on topic. xx;

I don't believe in ghosts, especially here in San Francisco. I've heard plenty of Ghost stories about ghosts in the old military base by Chrissy Field, but I really have a hard time believing in them. Though, it is fun believing in those things time to time. ^_^

In San Francisco, doors open and close by themselves all the time, because of seismic waves. Also, some books topple over 'by themselves' all the time as well.

If you believe in ghosts, don't come to San Francisco. o_o;[/color] [/size]
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I want to make up this one at the top of my head. I don't care if its true!!!

Once this guy had a dream about death. His dream went on and on. The guy thought he would never wake up! But he did. So, later that day he took his dog for a walk. As he walked his dog, he saw images of the dream. The images were like...real! So he started screaming and yelling. His dog ran off. He then felt himself...kinda...fall apart. As he screamed, he heard a voice say "Your..." And that was it. What had happen to him you ask? Well, this normal guy died in his sleep.
If this happen to him, who says it can't happen to us???
That was just made up. Ok?
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[color=#808080]lol...okay, Vicky...uh...where do I start here?

I guess I have to ask what the point of "making up" a story is. lol

I mean, you're asking people if they believe in ghosts or not, you know? If you make up a story, people will obviously say "it didn't happen", because it didn't. lol

Let's try and stick at least vaguely to the topic. o_O[/color]
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Okay... that kinda made no sense at all... the weirdest that happened to me probably isn't a ghost and it might have been me hearing things, but it still freaked me. One Thursday night, I was alone in my house(parents were on business trip, cats were at vet). I was watching 'Trigun' on adult swim and I had the volume on pretty loud. All of the sudden, I hear something soft, something like a growl of a purr that a cat makes. I figured it was the tv and just went on with watching Vash stuff his mouth with doughnuts. Few seconds later, I hear a 'hiss', that noise a cat makes when its provoked or when its about to attack. Now that freaked me out big time. I flicked on the lights, grabbed a stick nearby, and looked around. Nothing. Still kinda shaky, I went to check all the doors/windows to make sure they were locked, secure, and after checking them, I was sure that nothing could have gotten in or out. Just at the end of Trigun, I heard the yelping of a cat, something like the noise it makes when you step on its tail. This time, I just freaked, went around the house, turned on every single light possible, and turned on the music on the cd player and the tv really high... it was a long night...
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