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Have you seen ghost?


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I know, it just some can scare. I'm I the only one who belives in ghost? Well,have atmit, some ghost storys are just plain...rubish. Some can be explain, some can't. I know i should give this a rest, but I don't think the flag one can be explain (don't bother say yeh right blah blah). I would be happy if some one TOLD a story about ghost. A legend is like a ghost story. Like the one about morisusne, it's a greek one. It is really scary at the end...
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[color=deeppink][b]My mom has, twice, in Brazil when she was a little girl. She just told me and my dad the story last night when we were eating dinner.
She said she could remember it so vivid, and she believed that they were real.
She first saw her dead aunt, I think it was. She saw the ghost standing right before her, smiling at her, wearing a blue dress with white dots on it. She kept on telling her mom that she was there, but her mom couldn't see it. Her mom thought that my mom really did see a ghost, but you know how those latin people are with superstitious tales. :p
My mom was sure she saw her dead aunt, but now she thinks that either she was seeing things or was just too ingorant with the things that they believed in in Brazil.
After that, she saw her dead uncle gazing at her from the outside, then coming through the walls of her house staring at her. She said she was about 4 years old at the time and she never walked around inside her house ever again without someone there with her. That really scared me when she told me that one.
My mom doesn't really believe in ghosts because she is too stubbron to. I don't understand her. First she sees 2 ghosts and believes that they are real, then she thinks that there's no such thing as a ghost.
Well, I've never actually seen a real ghost before and I can't really say that they are real.
I do think that it could happen. I've had dreams of dieing and being a ghost watching my friends and family.
But I guess after watching Yu Yu Hakusho for a while you can't help but start to believe that ghosts are real.
Hey, maybe my mom has a sixth sense. There are so many real cases when she has 'seen' things. 3 times which have saved my life.
But anyway, I have a weird family-(the Brazilians)-maybe we all have a sixth sense.

So, when I go to Japan soon, I'm hoping to talk to someone there about seeing ghosts or something, since I know how strongly they believe in them.
Americans....the way we think of ghosts is strange.
I believe that way the Japanese do-like the way Yu Yu Hakusho is, with Yusuke dead and being in his body-ghost body, of course, but nonetheless, our idea of a ghost is different. The Brazilians believe in demons and ghosts and stuff just like the Japanese do.

Anyway, seeing is believing. I can't believe 100% until I see a ghost for myself.[/color][/b]
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The napkin one... hahaha! funny...not! I am so sorry for tring to see if any one likes to tell ghost stories! What do you lot have against ghost??? I don't get it? I like ghost....thanks, you just made my day! Iknow! lets talk about...fairys!!! Yes, really nice! that would be so fun! NOT! (I have nothing against you belivers)

Finaly!yu yu haksho! You are the first to speak real, scarey stuff about ghost! You...thank you!
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