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Anyone here wiccan?


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Guest Zeh
[size=1]It's pretty much a religion... i'm not too interested with religion, and such, so i don't know much...

I'm not...[/size]
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yup. its not very organized cuz of the witch trials splitting up most of the old members of the religon, but most of the essentials remain for most. Summerland u stay in until u r reincarnated, there is a god and a goddess in most, sumtimes only the goddess, and sumtimes ppl take a little of all religons and miss them together. i hope i was of sum help! :)
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Guest cloricus
LOL wiccansamurai... I guess you think you are a wicca then?

Oradriel if you want to learn about it, search google. But I suggest using this syntax, "Wiccan Way". That is the meta search most of the good sites use to try and escape the newbie type people who think it's cool to be a wiccan... :P

Thought I'm not a wicca person a few people I know are, it's coolish, but there is a lot of crap you have to get past to find the real true wiccan way... (Which is the interesting part.) :P

Eps - Mmm spells!
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I think I will try that.. I doubt I will actually be interested though... its annoying to have to call yourself a 'wiccan', 'christian', or w/e. I'll go check up on it. Thx Clori
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If you're a devout Christian I don't suggest you look into it. Unless you have an open mind you'll do nothing but shut it out. I don't care much for anything that is organized so I prefer to remain an Athiest.

A have a few friends that are Wiccan aswell. Only a few are true. Unfortunately, and I am thouroghly disgusted by this, some of them converted because they wanted to cast spells like in 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer'.

I almost hit one of them just for being so incredibly stupid.
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Heh. That's very true.

I've only personally met one person who was actually even wiccan by blood. A lot of people who claim to be wiccan seem to be in the stage in their life where they are confused and try to stuff themselves into some odd religion to be different. Not everyone, but very many.

I always find it odd how many people online claim to be wiccan. Reading some website and memorizing some rules doesn't make you anything heh.
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[size=1]No, it's a religion. Just like Christianity, and Buddism, and whatever other religions you can think of.

Yes, it is 'some kinda witch craft religion' and usually, when people talk about Witches as a religion, then they're generally talking about Wiccans. Wiccans believe they can influence the things around them, usually in small ways. They accept nature and its beauty.

It's just another religion, is all.[/size]
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[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]I will actually respond to the question - no.

But I did practice for a year or so. I have no local covens, so I studied through information in books and articals on the net. I don't like containing my beliefs in one sector, however, so I didn't stay with it. I still hold a few beliefs though, like beltain and whatnot, although it gets a bit confusing when Lughnasadh is held on July 31st, supposedly the beginning of autumn, but here it is the beginning of spring. The wiccan rede is inscribed in the window putty of my back door, and three white candles next to my bed, representing purity, peace and the Goddess.

Apart from that, I'm existentialist, agnostic and anti-evangelistical practices. I'm also quick to warn against Wiccads, our name for chicks who's into the fashion, plays with ouigi boards and do things they've seen of The Craft or other stupid movies.[/font][/color]
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[color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Yeah, and they're really easy to use. You just set it up, in a nice, quiet spot on you own, centre yourself, place your fingers on the slide and close your eyes. Move the slide around a bit. When you open your eyes, it's easy to spot the idiot - they're the one who have their fingers on the stupid thing.

Haha... how terrible.
No, seriously, those things are stupid and dangerous. They put the person in the right frame of mind for crossing the veil, but as the whole concept is wrong, and against all safe practices of magic, it can cause bad things to happen. The mind is a powerful thing.

And besides, proper ouigi boards cost a heap. Ones cut out of paper are cheaper and safer because they're less likely to stir up bad energy. [/font][/color]
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I'm not a wiccan, but I have no problem with it and have some friends who are..

But sometimes there are wiccans that get on my nerves... Wiccans who think they're going to cast spells on people and stuff and wiccans who always think christians are trying to oppress them.... Viw this little comic I made on this subject, based of of..something else...though it's not very funny...

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I used to play with the oija board, but that was when i was a kid thing... i was so immature... my friend has a scary story bout that, the forgot to say good bye and the spirit tried to stab her sister... O.o i dont like oija boards ne more. Wat do u think makes a wiccan a wiccan? (BTW, genkai, i dont mind christians at all, the ones i REALLY mind are ppl who claim to be wiccan and try casting hexes and curses on their enemies... theyre crazy)
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[COLOR=deeppink]I wasn't going to Liam....>.> Lol. Just kidding.The cokkies thing was funny. I'm not Wiccan, or don't plan to ever be. My friend is somewhat, but not over the top. Anyways, I'm not and I think this is what the thread is suppossed to be about. So I'll be leaving. ^^ *runs away*[/COLOR]
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Actually, the guy that first patented (something Kennard) the Ouija Board claimed it meant "good luck" in Egyptian, when it actually doesn't at all. Kennard claimed the board tell him that though, so they kept the name anyway.

His board was based on other's work though... something which had been around in various forms for quite some time and became known as a "planchette." The most modern version preceding the Ouija Board was made in France supposedly.

He wound up selling the name Ouija to Parker Bros. anyway, and now it's mostly considered a toy.

I've never seen anything claim anything about French and German words for the title, even if they fit. So yeah, I won't ask how you know these things... :p
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Guest cloricus
People like that are just idiots; a true Wicca would never say they are going to cast a spell. Why even bother? Cast the spell or threaten the person. Hmm I think you can see what their going to do.

Personally I believe a true Wicca person is someone who believes (preferably, quietly) in the religion and sticks to it, that is the same requirement I hold for anyone in and religion. If that is meet I consider them part of that religion. (And I don't mean some one who thinks they believe, they have to deep down believe. Yes I apply that to catholic religion as well.)

Eps - Witch craft is dangerous... Enjoy.
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No, I'm not at all wiccan. That's not a belief I want to have anything to do with. I don't fear or look down on anyone who does practice it(or anyone else for that matter), but if the calling hits, I have no problem telling them about a much stronger power.

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